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Samoa Joe: Worthy of a Title Run or Just a Contender?

Samoa Joe: Worthy of a Title Run or Always Just a Contender

  • Worthy: He's paid his dues

  • Neutral: Not sure.. yet

  • Just a Contender: Always a Challenger Nothing More

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I have always been indifferent towards Samoa Joe. When he was going through his undefeated streak and TNA crowds were going bonkers (yes bonkers) for him I was actually upset at how he was dominating Daniels, Styles, Strong, and Aries at times. I understand they wanted to build him up, but he was killing everyone.

I wouldn't mind seeing him hold the World Title soon. The matches he's had were pretty good (Ultimate X was one of my favorites) so he could carry the main event well. The only problem, TNA has put Joe winning the title off because they want to build it up and make it a huge moment. If he faces Angle, who is the current champ, it will be just another title match. As Justin eluded to, these two have faced each other a lot already and it would take away from the hype.
hell yeah joe deserves a title shot..when he first came into TNA...he was UNDEFEATED for a year and a half!! Angle, who is the current champ, ended that streak. well its time for Jow to end Angle's title run and get his title reign!
I think Joe deserves a run not cause of his unbeaten streak, but because he is a good wrestler.

The way i would book it is Joe wins the Title at Lockdown, Retain it at the King of the Mountain Match in June and make history by being the first Champion in TNA history to walk in and out of the King of the Mountain Match with The TNA World Heabyweight Title, he loses it at No Surrender and then wins it back at TNA's Bound For Glory PPV in October.
I don't think Samoa Joe is worthy of a title shot at all. He is gimmic less, he has a very very stale character (samoan guy who can wrestle) and his promo skill is very sub par. He does not deserve to be a title holder.

Now I don't understand why internet fans are in such a big hurry to put the belt on Samoa Joe I really don't. Most of the legends in wrestling never got their big run until ATLEAST their 30s and that's what created them. Yes there were small exceptions but how many of those exceptions ever became some of the biggest stars?

You know once you're on top, there is only one way to go really, check out Randy Orton, he was a champ really early, and after that where could he go? Only down, true they managed to make him a new champ recently but will he ever be one of the greatest title holders? I doubt it.

If you really care about Samoa Joe, let him get years of experience, let him chase the belt, let him really develop a character and don't rush the title onto him before he is ready because if he gets it before he is ready, you can bet that TNA won't put it on him again for a LONG LONG time. A title win means so much more if you really chase it.
You can't compare Randy Orton to Samoa Joe, Orton to me isn't that good in the ring and Joe is better than Orton easily there. Randy has no personality and comes across as a robot, and Joe's personality is he is nice, but if u mess with him he will kill you.

Joe is over with the crowd everywhere he goes. Orton is never really over, and the reason people don't like him isn't his character but the way he acts in the lockerroom, and destory hotel rooms.

Samoa Joe is worthy of a TNA World Title Run and i think he could be a good champion and easily better than Randy Orton.
I think Joe is definetley worthy of the title, I mean y not?? I think it would be a great move for tna because if u look at most of the top guys there now they are champions that have already been labeled by another company.When u thin Angle u think WWE same with Christian, Booker T u think WCW or KING BOOKER, so TNA has not established a TNA guy and I think Joe is the one..I would like them to start pushing talent that they had long before The era of the BIG stars from another company hit. guys like AJ, HOMICIDE(most under used person on the roster),Sabin n Shelly, Lethal, Daniels(curry man), petey, and hell even Shrakboy!!! I just think that they need to get away from they dumb ass storylines and get to WRESTLING, ROH Style thats what is going to put them over the top and eventually over the wwe, People want to see guys that have a different style and a wrestling show that has there own way of doing things no the sam old shit we always see.I think Joe leading the way in TNA is a great idea, lwt him beat those "TOP" guys that are there now that came from other companies so that TNA can show they can produce there OWN guy and not ride off of the sucess those guys had in the wwe...
I'm sorry but when you say they should wrestle ROH style and at the same time say that's what's gonna get them over the top any argument you do is disqualified. ROH's PPV sold so little it was embarassing.

TNA should definetly make their own stars but atm I don't think anyone could carry the title as good as Angle/scott steiner/christian or booker T and if TNA just forces the title on a guy only the IWC likes they are committing suicide.
I don't think Samoa Joe is worthy of a title shot at all. He is gimmic less, he has a very very stale character (samoan guy who can wrestle) and his promo skill is very sub par. He does not deserve to be a title holder.

Now I don't understand why internet fans are in such a big hurry to put the belt on Samoa Joe I really don't. Most of the legends in wrestling never got their big run until ATLEAST their 30s and that's what created them. Yes there were small exceptions but how many of those exceptions ever became some of the biggest stars?

You know once you're on top, there is only one way to go really, check out Randy Orton, he was a champ really early, and after that where could he go? Only down, true they managed to make him a new champ recently but will he ever be one of the greatest title holders? I doubt it.

If you really care about Samoa Joe, let him get years of experience, let him chase the belt, let him really develop a character and don't rush the title onto him before he is ready because if he gets it before he is ready, you can bet that TNA won't put it on him again for a LONG LONG time. A title win means so much more if you really chase it.

Wake up! Wrestling isn't about crazy cartoon gimmicks anymore. What is Triple H, a white guy who can wrestle. No one really has a character anymore. Everyone either acts like a hardass or fun loving babyface or somewhere in between. And I really don't understand how anyone can say his promo's are subpar. Joe doesn't say cheezy one lines and he adds emotion and reallism to his promos. I'd say his promos are above average. Check out some of his ROH work because I don't watch TNA and with the writers they have anyone can be sub par.

People want Joe to be champion because he represents TNA and isn't a hasbeen WWE reject. Joe's been wrestling for nearly 10 years now so the guy is very experienced and he's been around the world to develop his skill. You really have no arguement against Joe. He's been built up to be the next champion every month since his debut. People have been waiting for 3 years now for him to be Champion. They don't need him to chase the title any longer or build him up anymore, he just needs to be Champion.
I'm sorry but when you say they should wrestle ROH style and at the same time say that's what's gonna get them over the top any argument you do is disqualified. ROH's PPV sold so little it was embarassing.

TNA should definetly make their own stars but atm I don't think anyone could carry the title as good as Angle/scott steiner/christian or booker T and if TNA just forces the title on a guy only the IWC likes they are committing suicide.

ROH's PPVs didn't do well in Canada. This is due to the lack of knowledge the Canadian wrestling fans have of ROH and the lack of advertsing if any done in Canada.

TNA has lost PPV buyrates and there ratings stay around a 1.0 what they need to do is try something that the WWE hasn't done. Put the title on Joe.

Angle, Christian, Booker, Steiner, Nash, Dudleys, etc. have not drawn in any new fans. If TNA is content with losing lots of money and not gaining any new fans then they should continue to do things the way they have been.

Why not put the title on Joe or Styles? It's not like things can get any worse for TNA.
Tripple H isn't "a white guy who wrestles" he's tripple H the character, and he's definetly more that just a white guy if you don't see that I dunno what to say but HHH is a very well defined character unlike samoa joe.

And it's wrong to say they didn't bring in new fans, I know that I didn't watch TNA before Christian joined and the only reason I even watch is because of Scott Steiner
Tripple H isn't "a white guy who wrestles" he's tripple H the character, and he's definetly more that just a white guy if you don't see that I dunno what to say but HHH is a very well defined character unlike samoa joe.

And it's wrong to say they didn't bring in new fans, I know that I didn't watch TNA before Christian joined and the only reason I even watch is because of Scott Steiner

Please explain Triple H's gimmick? He's a white dude who acts like a hardass. When he was a gay Englishman he had more of a character, but since becoming Triple H, he's just a roid poppin white guy who acts like a hardass who randomly has a comedic side to him.

Christian, Angle, Booker, Dudleys, Steiners, Nash, etc. brought in a handful of new fans. That's it. Impact consistantly has about a 1.0 rating. All the "big" names they brought in, didn't make an impact (no pun). So it is not wrong to say they didn't bring in any new fans because they didn't.
i think that samoa joe is worthy of a title run because he is one the greatest wrestlers in the businness and their are few people if any that can beat him and he has been wating for this to finally challange kurt angle for the tna championship and when they do finally do fight i thik that joe will win the title
i agree with u twan23 but here's my problem as long as he stays in tna i dont
see him ever getting the title....i think he is a very sound worker and i think
if he was in japan wrestling i could see him getting a strap and also in japan
they dont screw around they wrestle no of this sissy bullshit storylines...im not too thrilled with his promos but he can wrestle
It was reported that TNA was gonna give Joe a title run, and that he was gonna be the focus of IMPACT, so i can't imagine him not gettin a title run especially if he is gonna be the main focus on IMPACT.
HHH doesn't really have a gimmic but he has an incredibly strong character as HHH and if you don't see how much more of a character HHH is compared to Samoa Joe I really can't help you.

The first thing Samoa Joe should do is to change his name, noone will take him seriously, it's like having "black bart" or "white man john"
The first thing Samoa Joe should do is to change his name, noone will take him seriously, it's like having "black bart" or "white man john"

Or "Triple H" or "Ultimate Warrior" or, dare I say it, "Hulk Hogan." Silly names are wrestling's bread and butter, and it's wrong to criticize Joe as a championship contender for his name. I mean, come on, that's ridiculous.

The criteria Joe doesn't fulfill, however, are those of name value and physique. OK, it'd be nice to have a champion who you couldn't possibly accuse of taking steroids, but having one whose flab ripples hypnotically as he wrestles? You might call it a poor argument but I think it would genuinely give TNA the wrong image. And, as for name value, you tell people the champion is Sting or Kurt Angle or Jeff Jarrett or maybe even Christian Cage, they might laugh or ridicule it, but they'll at least pay attention to it. Tell them the champion is Samoa Joe, they'll forget about TNA roughly half an hour later.
I agree with you except on the part that Samoa Joe is on par with names like Hulk Hogan. Hulk Hogan is simply a name, many wrestlers have simple names, Samoa Joe on the other hand is a ethnic name which for some reason would make a wrestler named "joe" (horrible wrestler name at that) more interesting just because he's samoan.

Imagine if Gail Kim had been Asian Girl Gail, it would have been laughed at.

I'm not saying Samoa Joe can't be champion because of his name, I'm saying that he simply is not over enough or ready as a wrestler and him carrying the company would totally fail because he is only over with the IWC. And changing his name would be a good FIRST step to getting over
HHH doesn't really have a gimmic but he has an incredibly strong character as HHH and if you don't see how much more of a character HHH is compared to Samoa Joe I really can't help you.

The first thing Samoa Joe should do is to change his name, noone will take him seriously, it's like having "black bart" or "white man john"

I see Triple H's character, it's the same as Samoa Joe's, but with Triple H he has a stronger character because he's been on top of the WWE for nearly a decade. You know who Triple H is, hell everyone does, but not everyone knows Joe. TNA took all their talent from the independent scene, so all the IWC should be aware of each wrestlers character, but it's the casual WWE mark that TNA needs to build these characters to and they aren't doing that. Samoa Joe hasn't been given the opportunity to build a character like Triple H's because Joe's been pushed and depushed, but never given an opportunity to make anything from any of it...

And this goes back to TNA hiring the WWE rejects. TNA doesn't build their own characters, but instead they are relying on rejects, and those rejects don't bring in new fans which hurts the younger newer talent because they can't get over. That's why TNA needs to push their own talent to give them stories and a character, so people can actually care about them.

I agree with you except on the part that Samoa Joe is on par with names like Hulk Hogan. Hulk Hogan is simply a name, many wrestlers have simple names, Samoa Joe on the other hand is a ethnic name which for some reason would make a wrestler named "joe" (horrible wrestler name at that) more interesting just because he's samoan.

Samoa Joe is more of a nickname. He's Samoan and his name is Joe. We don't know Samoa Joe's whole name, but it's just like Triple H is a nickname for Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Besides how can you forget a name like Samoa Joe? It's a simple pretty basic name that people won't forget and they'll recognize right away. That's a good thing in this industry...A recognizable name. Which, Samoa Joe already is with the IWC and I'm 110% positive Joe can make a honest living wrestling for Japan and ROH, and he'll be remembered as one of the greats.

Samoa Joe doesn't need TNA...TNA needs Samoa Joe.
Christian let his WWE Contract run out so how is that being a reject? Booker T and Kurt requested their release so how does that make them rejects?

Kurt was released because he was a liability.

Most wrestling fans don't read reports on the internet, so when guys stop showing up on TV or the WWE posts that they have parted ways with a certain wrestler, then a couple months later they show up on a much lower wrestling program then they are going to look like rejects that the WWE let go.

The term rejects does not mean they were literally rejected from the WWE, but rather they are hasbeens who were in the #1 wrestling promotion in the World and now they are on a smaller copy cat promotion that's even less enjoyable to watch. It's a downgrade.
It's not as easy as putting a guy as champ and he will get over. HHH looks good and used to look great, Samoa Joe is fat and looks unhealthy. HHH can put on good promos Samoa Joe's promos are embarassing to watch, I remember when Scott Steiner verbally ***** Samoa Joe during their feud, I almost pitied Sloppy Joe, Scott Steiner would kill him verbally and then when it was Samoa Joe's turn all he could do was to try and look angry and talk controlled but angry at the camera while letting everyone hear him breath.

No Samoa Joe isn't even near to be ready to carry a real company and they would set Samoa Joe's career back several years if they'd let him go with the belt as green as he is. Once again check out most of the epic champs they didn't become champs until atleast in their 30s after years and years of experience and when they were ready, and not just because the IWC/Smarks happened to like them
I honestly cant understand why people think Joe is bad on the stick, he has to be one of the best today!

I mean you have some wrestlers struggling to make their speeches sound convincing and even though Joe's style is very aggressive and angry he makes it seem real, like if you didnt know it was fake you would think "damn that man is pissed! Joe is gonna kill him!" Joes promos always entertain.

And as for wrestling ability he is one of, if not the best wrestlers out there and i think given the chance as champ to really get over he could run with it. And as for the certain 'fans' that just insult Joe because of his body shape, who the f**k cares, he can go a lot more than most wrestlers and once in the ring shows why he is loved so much.

People just need to get over the WWE's programming of thinking wrestlers have to be ripped to the hilt in order to be a good athlete, i mean what are we children?! Well im sure that the answer for most of the people solely focusing on appearance would be yes! As i said, once he gets into the ring it doesnt matter what the hell you look like as long as you bring it where it counts!
It's not as easy as putting a guy as champ and he will get over. HHH looks good and used to look great, Samoa Joe is fat and looks unhealthy. HHH can put on good promos Samoa Joe's promos are embarassing to watch, I remember when Scott Steiner verbally ***** Samoa Joe during their feud, I almost pitied Samoa Joe, Scott Steiner would kill him verbally and then when it was Samoa Joe's turn all he could do was to try and look angry and talk controlled but angry at the camera while letting everyone hear him breath.

No Samoa Joe isn't even near to be ready to carry a real company and they would set Samoa Joe's career back several years if they'd let him go with the belt as green as he is. Once again check out most of the epic champs they didn't become champs until atleast in their 30s after years and years of experience, and not just because the IWC happened to like them

First off the IWC has only really only been around for 10 years.

Second, what do you mean by a real company? Joe built his career in ROH and he brought in a lot of new fans to ROH. Look at ROH now. They are making money and still growing. TNA is losing money and isn't going anywhere.

How would Joe's career be set back several years for carrying a World Title? That just doesn't make sense. He'd be on top of the "#2" promotion in the US and if TNA feels it doesnt' work out you take the title off of him and then what he's stuck in between the main event and upper midcard like Christian. No big deal. His career would not be set back.

And your over 30 arguement is lame. Wrestling was protected back in the 50s through most of the 80s. People believed it was real. It was an actual sport, so you literally had to earn your Title reign. Now a days everyone knows it's fake and it's just a form of entertainment. Brock Lesnar, The Rock, Randy Orton, and John Cena (turned 30 in 07') all say Hello. They were World Champions under 30.

If TNA just properly booked their own talent, Samoa Joe can be a good champion.
First off the IWC has only really only been around for 10 years.

Second, what do you mean by a real company? Joe built his career in ROH and he brought in a lot of new fans to ROH. Look at ROH now. They are making money and still growing. TNA is losing money and isn't going anywhere.

Ok, that right there automaticly makes you look like you have no idea what you're talking about or you're just such a big fan of ROH you're just blind.

Firts off a real company is a company that isn't a indy fed. I'm sorry but no matter how much you twist and turn it, ROH is a indy fed with mainly a smark audience. It's a big indy fed but it's still a indy fed.

Just in what way is ROH growing? You mean their non existant tv deal? Or maybe their cancelled PPV's in Canada? Or how about them cutting costs and not flying wrestlers in anymore.

I'm sorry, there is no growth in ROH or if there is it's so slow nobody even notices it. Hey I can appreciate ROH but don't say stuff like how ROH is growing and TNA isn't. I'm the first one to agree that TNA has problems but wow don't even compare them ok? TNA has a national TV deal, they are expanding constantly, they have their first shows in NY as we speak, last months have been their highest rated shows ever. Yeah I think I'll take TNA's level of growth before ROH's any day. Good lord ROH doesn't even have a syndicated show. Just accept that wrestlers in ROH are NOBODIES compared to WWE or even TNA wrestlers. Ask anyone who isn't a ROHbot and they won't have a clue who the heck anyone in ROH is. The only reason people even remotely know of Samoa Joe is because of iMPACT.

How would Joe's career be set back several years for carrying a World Title? That just doesn't make sense. He'd be on top of the "#2" promotion in the US and if TNA feels it doesnt' work out you take the title off of him and then what he's stuck in between the main event and upper midcard like Christian. No big deal. His career would not be set back.

Because he's not ready for it, he would bomb like never before. TNA wouldn't sell tickets for house shows with Samoa Joe as a champ, non rohbots/smarks who are TNA's main audience on their houseshows and PPv's won't have any incentive to buy a ticket, and TNA will see this and think Samoa Joe is a big failure, that's how his career would be set back several years.

Better let him get experience and promos skills to actually be able to run with the ball once he get it.

And your over 30 arguement is lame. Wrestling was protected back in the 50s through most of the 80s. People believed it was real. It was an actual sport, so you literally had to earn your Title reign. Now a days everyone knows it's fake and it's just a form of entertainment. Brock Lesnar, The Rock, Randy Orton, and John Cena (turned 30 in 07') all say Hello. They were World Champions under 30.

No my over 30 argument isn't lame at all, just look at those names, only Rock of those guys will ever be considered one of the best, Brock isn't even in the business, nobody even takes Randy as a serious Champ, heck he only won because of Cena's injury. Cena..hmm he's ok, but he's hardly considered on par of Austin, Hogan, Rock, Flair etc. There is a very fitting saying "once you go up, there is only one way to go and that is down"

Imagine if you go up when you're 25 and not ready..

If TNA just properly booked their own talent, Samoa Joe can be a good champion.

No, it isn't only in TNA's hands, Samoa Joe has to be ready aswell and he isn't
Joe is definitely ready for a title run. Right now he is the most over guy in TNA. If u listen wheneva he comes out, he gets the biggest pop. Honestly Samoa Joe should of been champ a few years ago. Remember when they had the Jarrett stable and Samoa Joe ended up with a few matches with Jarrett/Joe and the crowd was thinking they would have a Title match but never happened. Joe has the crowd behind him, his promos are decent. It's proven u dont have to cut money promos 2 be a world champion in the wrestling business (see Cena or Batista). Plus Joe is an incredible wrestler, for a guy his size can be a brawler then also compete with the x-division guys. Looks like they are pushing him towards a title match at Lockdown vs Angle. Lets hope he wins it there. It should be about time TNA pushed an actually TNA wrestler then a former WWE guy.
Joe is definitely ready for a title run. Right now he is the most over guy in TNA. If u listen wheneva he comes out, he gets the biggest pop. Honestly Samoa Joe should of been champ a few years ago. Remember when they had the Jarrett stable and Samoa Joe ended up with a few matches with Jarrett/Joe and the crowd was thinking they would have a Title match but never happened. Joe has the crowd behind him, his promos are decent. It's proven u dont have to cut money promos 2 be a world champion in the wrestling business (see Cena or Batista). Plus Joe is an incredible wrestler, for a guy his size can be a brawler then also compete with the x-division guys. Looks like they are pushing him towards a title match at Lockdown vs Angle. Lets hope he wins it there. It should be about time TNA pushed an actually TNA wrestler then a former WWE guy.

UHH dude? Cena's mic work is some of the best in the biz! My dream match would be Rock-Cena for the promo's alone.

As far as Joe is concerned, im not completely sold on if he should get the strap. I wouldnt be completely against it but the fact of the matter is that I dont know if hes a complete package. Sure.. his ring work is amazing but you have to look at if hes going to be able to draw new fans and all the intangibles and im just not sure.

I would much rather see Kurt hang onto it untill BFG and just build a massive program between Joe and Kurt and have it all boil over in an main event match
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