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Samoa Joe: Worthy of a Title Run or Just a Contender?

Samoa Joe: Worthy of a Title Run or Always Just a Contender

  • Worthy: He's paid his dues

  • Neutral: Not sure.. yet

  • Just a Contender: Always a Challenger Nothing More

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UHH dude? Cena's mic work is some of the best in the biz! My dream match would be Rock-Cena for the promo's alone.

As far as Joe is concerned, im not completely sold on if he should get the strap. I wouldnt be completely against it but the fact of the matter is that I dont know if hes a complete package. Sure.. his ring work is amazing but you have to look at if hes going to be able to draw new fans and all the intangibles and im just not sure.

I would much rather see Kurt hang onto it untill BFG and just build a massive program between Joe and Kurt and have it all boil over in an main event match

I would hardly call Cena's promo's some of the best in the business. I respect Cena's workrate, but his promos are often forced and hardly come natural as opposed to one of the all time promo greats in The Rock. Sure in his feuds with Orton, Cena is superior on the mic, but god forbid they pair him up in some feud with Chris Jericho, because Jericho would crush him on the mic.

In regards toward Joe getting the title at Bound for Glory, I sort of agree with, but I think it's played out. Last year we had sting "overcome" all the odds and go over on Angle, but I feel Joe is due for the title at Lockdown. He can carry programs like Bound for Glory without that Angle tag on him, which in any program Joe has done that's been publicized has been with Angle. He's due for his time, and if given the chance he can draw, and I feel once Joe wins the title he should starts programs with others (past Angle) who is due for some time off from the title (much like Cena was).

They could potentially look at working Sting back into the picture against Samoa Joe (face vs. face generally draws pretty well), and also add in that Sting can draw and can elevate Samoa Joe at say, Bound for Glory. If they don't do sting, how about Booker T? Another solid candidate, and Christian Cage and Joe also have great in-ring chemistry as well. Going even further, they could go old school and have AJ Styles and Samoa Joe battle it out (although the drawing power for the PPV wouldn't be great).

Either way, TNA will be have to book Joe's title run very carefully, as Joe doesn't have that NAME POWER that the past champions have had:

Kurt Angle
Christian Cage
Jeff Jarrett
Ken Shamrock
Ron Killings

Past that, we've had AJ Styles and Abyss, who have achieved success primarily in TNA/ROH (AJ briefly in WCW). Abyss didn't draw and his title run wasn't that great, AJ Styles could draw, but he's in Joe's status of being careful in how they present him as champion. I consider AJ's reigns as champions successful, but TNA is pulling higher ratings now than it did when they were doing weekly PPV's, so how you can present him now is much different. The same with Joe, and the best way for Joe to be successful is making sure Kurt Angle can elevate Joe for the marks, otherwise his reign will end up much like Abyss reigns.

We shall see, I've been rooting for Joe awhile (since his ***** match with Kenta Kobashi, I've marked out for him).
I would hardly call Cena's promo's some of the best in the business. I respect Cena's workrate, but his promos are often forced and hardly come natural as opposed to one of the all time promo greats in The Rock. Sure in his feuds with Orton, Cena is superior on the mic, but god forbid they pair him up in some feud with Chris Jericho, because Jericho would crush him on the mic.

In regards toward Joe getting the title at Bound for Glory, I sort of agree with, but I think it's played out. Last year we had sting "overcome" all the odds and go over on Angle, but I feel Joe is due for the title at Lockdown. He can carry programs like Bound for Glory without that Angle tag on him, which in any program Joe has done that's been publicized has been with Angle. He's due for his time, and if given the chance he can draw, and I feel once Joe wins the title he should starts programs with others (past Angle) who is due for some time off from the title (much like Cena was).

They could potentially look at working Sting back into the picture against Samoa Joe (face vs. face generally draws pretty well), and also add in that Sting can draw and can elevate Samoa Joe at say, Bound for Glory. If they don't do sting, how about Booker T? Another solid candidate, and Christian Cage and Joe also have great in-ring chemistry as well. Going even further, they could go old school and have AJ Styles and Samoa Joe battle it out (although the drawing power for the PPV wouldn't be great).

Either way, TNA will be have to book Joe's title run very carefully, as Joe doesn't have that NAME POWER that the past champions have had:

Kurt Angle
Christian Cage
Jeff Jarrett
Ken Shamrock
Ron Killings

Past that, we've had AJ Styles and Abyss, who have achieved success primarily in TNA/ROH (AJ briefly in WCW). Abyss didn't draw and his title run wasn't that great, AJ Styles could draw, but he's in Joe's status of being careful in how they present him as champion. I consider AJ's reigns as champions successful, but TNA is pulling higher ratings now than it did when they were doing weekly PPV's, so how you can present him now is much different. The same with Joe, and the best way for Joe to be successful is making sure Kurt Angle can elevate Joe for the marks, otherwise his reign will end up much like Abyss reigns.

We shall see, I've been rooting for Joe awhile (since his ***** match with Kenta Kobashi, I've marked out for him).

I respect the veiw on Cena. Thats your opinion but im not alone in the fact that Cena is one of the best promo workers.

Im glad you agree with the joe run but im just trying to think of quality opposition to put him over and make him legit.

The whole problem is what to do with Booker T? What to do without Killing his whole incoming BUZZ. Would you book a JOE VS. BOOKER T?
I believe TNA has held off putting the title on Joe long enough. He is young, over and very good in the ring..

He should pin Angle right in the middle of the ring and have a length run..

TNA audience would explode, and perhaps ratings would go up, but who knows.
TNA should have put the title on Joe when he was feuding with Angle for the title. It would have been more special if they had put the belt on him them. However, no could be time to put the belt on Joe but they need to have a strong build up to make people care.
TNA should have put the title on Joe when he was feuding with Angle for the title. It would have been more special if they had put the belt on him them. However, no could be time to put the belt on Joe but they need to have a strong build up to make people care.

If TNA put the belt on Joe when he first started fueding with Angle it would have been a waste. TNA has waited long because they want the moment to be huge. Before Angle's run, the TNA Title had meant very little so Joe's win would have been bland.

Now that the TNA Title actually has some solid prestige to it, Joe can win a title that matters, and the moment will be huge.
You got to remember Samoa Joe was getting injured alot and if TNA put the belt on him they would have had to take it off like a month later, and that would have been a real waste. Joe is healthy, he is over with the crowd, and most importantly he is patient and not going around making threats like "If i don't get the belt then i am going to WWE."

I think NOW is Samoa's Joe time, he has been the main focus of IMPACT since the whole Hall no showing Turning Point, he been involved as a major part of storylines for a while and their can't be a better time than now to have Samoa Joe win the TNA World Heavyweight Title.

I respect the veiw on Cena. Thats your opinion but im not alone in the fact that Cena is one of the best promo workers.

Im glad you agree with the joe run but im just trying to think of quality opposition to put him over and make him legit.

The whole problem is what to do with Booker T? What to do without Killing his whole incoming BUZZ. Would you book a JOE VS. BOOKER T?

To make Joe a more creible champion you have Angle vs Joe in the mandatory rematch, Joe wins King of the Mountain, Joe beat Christian, and then you could go to Joe vs AJ or Kaz.
First off TNA sucks, except for Joe. They need a serious champ and Joe is the only choice. Angle is a joke I mean how many times have you seen Edge, Orton, Cena, and Batista strip of their clothes umm thinking....NEVER! All those guys were champion during Angles rain and they never looked that stupid! TNA take a lesson from WWE, get a serious champ. Joe is the only choice!
Oh yea, Batista was a great world champion, that guy has a ton of talent.... Batista and Cena both are shit as in ring workers, and the only pop they get are from 9 year old kids, and 15 year old girls, both demographics that really no nothing about wrestling.
I think joe really deserves a title shot for two reasons

1) He had almost a 2 year undefeated streak

2) He has a hell of lot of talent. i mean remember his matches with AJ and Daniels. Amazing.

Joe is very serious in everything he does. He is athletic and is just plain awesome.
I think Joe being healthy this year is the reason TNA is finally putting the belt on him. He was injured in 2005,2006,2007 and now he is doing well, and not to mention his merchandise is top's in the company. TNA see's how much of a crowd reaction he gets when he is at House Show's and on PPV's outside Orlando.

Hope Joe has a great title Reign.
TNA needs better talent than Samoa Joe to compete with the big league, Samoa Joe cannot save TNA from itself so it doesn't really matter if they give him a title run or not. How long can TNA really last with the caliber of story lines they have now? It's only slightly better than ECW and that's not saying much.
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