Samoa Joe bad Wrestlemania weekend


Staff member
i don't know if this was true or not, so if your we're in orlando last weekend i would love to heard you confirm if this was true or not but i've read that at axxess, joe was doing a autograph sessions with roman reigns and nikki bella and they had to close his line early because nobody was going to see him and they use his line to reconfigure the lines for Reigns and nikki bella because their we're too many peoples that wanted to meet them.

If this is true, i think it's a shame for Joe because he's probably one of the best wrestler they have and normally stuff like autograph signing at a big event like axxess is kinda a indicator for the company to see how popular you are as a character and if what their doing work and i really hope that the lack of interest from the mania fans toward joe doesn't kill his push on the main roster since we all know that they tend to give up really easily on guys that aren't super over.
What should Joe have done instead? Lost the Andre battle to Mojo? Fail to help Triple H beat Rollins? Wrestle Sami Zayn again?

Leaving Joe off Mania isn't going to kill his push. I agree, they should have found him something, but isn't nothing better than losing?

Personally, I wouldn't have debuted Joe until after Mania, but here we are. Putting Joe in a low spot would kill his push more than leaving him off the show.

Joe is going to have a great year. Likely he resumes his feud with Rollins tonight. Roman needs a new opponent. Balor probably returns tonight too.

The casual fans at Axxess don't know who Joe is yet. They will, he'll be a big part of the upper midcard for the foreseeable future. Having something significant for Joe at Mania > leaving Joe off Mania > having Joe lose or be a useless stooge at Mania.
I completely agree. There was just nothing meaningful for Joe to do at Mania. I would rather he did nothing, then do something stupid. His push remains and he's still on people's minds for the right reasons. In a world full of less than stellar decisions, this one was spot on.
I agree with you guys about why they didn't use him at mania. What I talking abut is more the lack of interest from the fans to meet him at axxess and if this could in the long run affect his push if this happens more often.
He's new. No one cares. Yet.

But the man can hang in the main event at house shows.

He's just not next level yet.
Samoa Joe didn't really have anything going on before WrestleMania except that he was Triple H's hired goon as part of the final push towards his match with Seth Rollins. I suppose Joe could've been used to interfere in that match but it would've been lazy and WrestleMania is definitely an event where definitive wins and losses should happen. Besides, nothing Joe would've done or had done to him out there would've equaled the pop of the crowd when Stephanie went through the table.

Now that WrestleMania season is over, Joe looks to have found himself smack in the middle of feuding with Seth Rollins and/or Finn Balor. My guess is that it'll be a feud with Rollins seeing how Rollins was reinjured as a result of Joe's attack on him several weeks back.

As far as any alleged lack of interest among fans, what could WWE do? If nobody wanted to see him, then nobody wanted to see him and it's not as though Joe wasn't visible on TV. Joe's been front & center as part of the Rollins/Triple H program, he was a major player in NXT and fans know who he is otherwise he'd have gotten no reaction on Raw when he debuted or in any Raw since. As a result, I don't put any validity in it because WrestleMania is a show that definitely brings out smarks and smarks know all about Samoa Joe and who he is.
Like JH said Joe has only been on the main roster for a little while now and hasn't been involved in his own feud with anyone yet. He's been used as a tag on to the HHH/Rollns story and had a go at Sami Zayn but that's it. He's been seen more as the replacement to Kane as the new Authority muscle.

I'm sure there were lot's of fans who wanted to meet him, I would be one but it looks like bad booking extends past the actual show. If the WWE sees this as an indicator that he isn't wanted then they are more anal than I originally thought they were.

Joe will be fine once he has a chance to get involved with something. Doesn't mean he has to go straight to the top, but by next Mania I'm sure he will have a match.

More worrying to me is how a wrestler like Luke Harper can be left of the Mania card. The guy is over with the fans, saw that during his match on SD with Wyatt, but he wasn't even included in the Battle Royal. Here is another guy who is being wasted while they concentrate all their efforts on others.
Yeah i heard that too, Reigns's line was big and it spilled into Joe's line. All the people in his line were waiting for Reigns so he left early. :lmao:

I don't think it is a big deal he didn't have a match at WM. Outside of the battle royal their really wasn't a spot for him to be honest. His debut was just a way to enhance the hhh/rollins feud. Joe will be fine long-term.
Very poor story telling by WWE. Triple H made the match, all the rules and advantages for his bout vs Rollins. No DQ etc, yet no sign of his hired gun Samoa Joe. In the context of the storyline, it was ridiculous he wasnt there to assist Helmsley. I agree he was best left off the card instead of being in a meaningless match or not winning the ATGMBR. But they made their bed, so they made a rod for their own back. Hopefully he didnt miss out on a decent Mania payday. Guessing those whinging about AJ Styles opponent now see why it was a great idea to have him up against Shane.....guaranteed to be on the main card, not in a rubbish match like alot of them became

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