Samoa Joe and the MEM: Good or Bad?

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The Greenius

Triforce Troll
So... what happened? Why put Joe on the MEM? Wasn't the Mafia about the Legends trying to gain respect from younger guys like Joe. Also he just came off a feud with Nash and had a feud with Steiner a few months ago. It was unpredictable though, and I'm not going to judge it unto it goes into further detail. It also is probably going to bring in a little boost in ratings. So do you think this is going to be good or bad?
Personally, I think it was a great move on part of TNA. No one saw it coming. They can take this in so many directions now.

We can now see a Styles/Joe, Jarrett/Joe, and/or a Daniels/Joe feud.

If Taz does indeed show up in TNA, Taz would fit in well with the Mafia.

Also like I stated on a different thread, Joe being in the MEM gives him more credibility being in a main event status feud and also would make a great addition to the Mafia.
good, this could lead to a lot of other angles. Especially with sting , did he know this was going on as the leader of the mafia or did Joe and Angle make a secret deal ? Joe can come out on impact on thurday and say that now he has learned respect and thats why he joined the mafia and that guys like A.J and the frontline have no respect and the nation of violence will teach them respect !! I think this gives joe's character a little edge that its been missing
I think Joe will only remain with the Mafia until Taz arrives in TNA. Then, the Nation of Violence will feud the Main Event Mafia, with Jarrett, AJ, Foley and Daniels also getting involved.
This could go either way, to be completely honest. It could hurt Joe, just as much as it helps him. As others have eluded to, the Mafia is all about legends, looking for respect. Now, I like Joe just as much as the next guy, but I'd hardly consider him a legend. This move may cause irreparable damages to his fanbase. People may start considering him the kind of worker he's railed against in the past, the backstage politicians.

On the flip side, if they take the right approach, it could solidify him as a stand up kind of guy. The best way to pull that off is, if Taz should show up in a few weeks, then have it revealed as some kind of swerve, where they pulled this stunt to gain the trust, only to destroy the Mafia. Whether that happens or not remains to be seen. I can only assume TNA has something planned for this angle. I hope it works out, and they don't hot shot this thing.
Initially this looks bad...very bad. But like Dewey said we need to wait a few weeks to see where they go with it. It was a great swerve, better than any swerve the WWE has done in years. I just don't see how it fits together. We will just have to see where this is going.
I have a feeling this is going to be good. My innitial thought was that it made no sense, but in a way, it does. Let's think about it this way. Joe said he had orders to "Kill" Kurt. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If it is Taz that is the behind the scenes guy, he could be the guy behind this storyline wise and without Kurt or any of the other MEM members knowing. What is the motivation? The long running feud between Taz and Kurt. Think about it. Taz could either destroy the MEM from the inside out, or he could have Angle take Kurt out and prove he is better suited for the Mafia than Kurt is. That's just two different scenerios I have thought up. As for the swerve effect? This is the best one I have seen in quite some time. Bravo to TNA. If they keep this kind of thing up, it could be a great move in the right direction of the company.
Personally, I am excited about this. This will definitely set up some Joe vs. Daniels, Styles, and maybe even Matt Morgan. I find Joe way more entertaining as a "bad guy" so whether it even makes sense or not, him being a heel is a good thing in my book. Plus this elevates him to the level of the other legends in the casual fans eyes. I only see positives coming from this. Maybe Taz won't even have anything to do with Joe and just be announcing.

Bottom line, the swerve has got us all talking, and all wondering what's going to happen next. Well done TNA. It's about time to start shaking things up.
I dont think he's even in the MEM...i mean it's not like he has cut a promo yet...just tenay's word so far..he hasnt turned on anyone frontline(if there still is a frontline) They could easily go with the double swerve with he wanted Kurt to be the champion because the Nation isnt about championships and now he can take the 1 thing that means everything to Kurt....who knows with TNA where this can go
I didn't order the PPV because, well, I'm broke. I wish I did, the first KOTM match sounded awesome, and the swerve. Awesome. It might be a hot shot, but it holds ground and potential. I like the odds of this one working more than the Donald Trump angle. Good shit TNA.
I dont think he's even in the MEM...i mean it's not like he has cut a promo yet...just tenay's word so far..he hasnt turned on anyone frontline(if there still is a frontline) They could easily go with the double swerve with he wanted Kurt to be the champion because the Nation isnt about championships and now he can take the 1 thing that means everything to Kurt....who knows with TNA where this can go
Pretty sure he actually joined them, I mean didn't he pose with all of them? I think there's a chance of a double cross in the end, but I'm pretty sure he joined them.
he posed with angle...the rest of the mem never got past the entrance ramp...i just hope this isnt a way to split the mem with sting taking nash and big poppa pump...we dont need a rehash of the wolfpac angle
There had better be a good explanation on impact cos this has literally come from nowhere, this is more than just a swerve, its a full on 180 from Joe.

Saying that it'll be interesting to see where the angle goes from here, lots of new feuds, freshen up the existing feuds, i just hope TNA dont fuck it up
Samoa Joe in MEM? Good? Exciting? is that what TNA and it's fans are reduced too? Calling this a major swerve?

This is 24 hour bookings. Nobody saw it coming, cause it doesn't make a LICK OF FUCKING SENSE.

So Joe, bad ass fucking Joe, KING of the Nation of Violence HANDS another man the title he could have won? LOL. Oh I know, Nash and Steiner will forgive him for the lashings he did to them. Sharmell too, for kidnapping her. It was a plot right? For what? So Joe can be Angle's lackey? This is horrible. Everything the past few months, the vignettes, the stories, the PPV matches are officially worth nothing now. Joe isn't even a damn legend.

I mean calling this a great swerve is fucking idiotic. Vince could swerve us all and put Cena in Orton. Or Taker. Nobody would expect that would they? Taker in Legacy..... So why doesn't it happen? CAUSE IT WOULDN'T MAKE A BIT OF SENSE

A great swerve has to make SOME sense. Maybe not even 50% at first, but SOME. Joe had no reason to join MEM. Joe had no reason to hand Angle the Belt.

And don't hand me the shit about him coming out and respect this respect that. If the fat fuck had any respect for himself he would have kept the title himself right? Not be Angle's bitch boy.

Hogan joining nWo, THAT was a great swerve. Cause it made sense. People understood WHY He did what he did, but they still hated him for it.

Survivor Series 97. THAT was a great swerve, cause it made people talk, it made Vince a heel, and the rest is history.

If it wasn't for internet, Shawn kicking Hogan would have been a nice swerve. Again, it made sense.

Instead of TNA saying hey, we fucked up. Nobody cares about a painted up fat guy, so we will go back to what made him a beast. He will fight everyone and beat everyone. No. No. Lets make him look even MORE weak.

Damn it, i want to like TNA. I want a reason to switch from WWE, just like in 96. But TNA has to bring better shit than this. Than Foley, than Raven and Douglas and Morgan vs Sting. Bring something, anything. You had something special years ago. Now that you got the TV exposure, bring it back.
I see this as being a blessing and a curse.

The blessing:
Let's face it, TNA's product has been absolute dogshit for the past year. Last night's PPV had some good title changes, good matches, and a great ending-swerve. I can actually say bravo to TNA for some good writing.

The curse:
Well, since Joe is in the MEM, I guess we're going to see his flabby ass on television more often. I guess the only good news about seeing him on television more is probably the fact that he'll be dressing up in suits to cover his ugly, chubby ass. But, this also puts the final nail in the coffin for the Frontline angle. I guess the TNA originals aren't going to be fighting for TNA supremacy anymore.

Middle of the road:
So, TNA is taking another step towards becoming WCW by using their veterans as the focal point of the show. But, with Joe in the MEM, maybe TNA is finally waking up and using their veterans to actually PUSH other talent like they're supposed to. I guess only time will tell.
Samoa Joe in MEM? Good? Exciting? is that what TNA and it's fans are reduced too? Calling this a major swerve?

This is 24 hour bookings. Nobody saw it coming, cause it doesn't make a LICK OF FUCKING SENSE.

So Joe, bad ass fucking Joe, KING of the Nation of Violence HANDS another man the title he could have won? LOL. Oh I know, Nash and Steiner will forgive him for the lashings he did to them. Sharmell too, for kidnapping her. It was a plot right? For what? So Joe can be Angle's lackey? This is horrible. Everything the past few months, the vignettes, the stories, the PPV matches are officially worth nothing now. Joe isn't even a damn legend.

I mean calling this a great swerve is fucking idiotic. Vince could swerve us all and put Cena in Orton. Or Taker. Nobody would expect that would they? Taker in Legacy..... So why doesn't it happen? CAUSE IT WOULDN'T MAKE A BIT OF SENSE

A great swerve has to make SOME sense. Maybe not even 50% at first, but SOME. Joe had no reason to join MEM. Joe had no reason to hand Angle the Belt.

And don't hand me the shit about him coming out and respect this respect that. If the fat fuck had any respect for himself he would have kept the title himself right? Not be Angle's bitch boy.

Hogan joining nWo, THAT was a great swerve. Cause it made sense. People understood WHY He did what he did, but they still hated him for it.

Survivor Series 97. THAT was a great swerve, cause it made people talk, it made Vince a heel, and the rest is history.

If it wasn't for internet, Shawn kicking Hogan would have been a nice swerve. Again, it made sense.

Instead of TNA saying hey, we fucked up. Nobody cares about a painted up fat guy, so we will go back to what made him a beast. He will fight everyone and beat everyone. No. No. Lets make him look even MORE weak.

Damn it, i want to like TNA. I want a reason to switch from WWE, just like in 96. But TNA has to bring better shit than this. Than Foley, than Raven and Douglas and Morgan vs Sting. Bring something, anything. You had something special years ago. Now that you got the TV exposure, bring it back.

You know, I'm not one to ever defend TNA for their writing, but your statement is a little premature, don't you think? Granted, I know exactly what you mean and you have a point, but why don't you wait until Joe cuts a promo on Thursday before you assume that his heel turn made no sense? I mean, you know he's going to cut one to explain himself. Maybe once he explains his reasoning things may make total sense.

You mention the 97 Survivor Series. I didn't know WHAT the hell was going on that night until Vince got on camera the next night on Raw.

Just like with the Donald Trump angle on Raw, how about we wait a little while before we all start knocking the product and talking shit about it like we know the product better than their own writers? Give it a chance...
look outside the box people.....

everyone is looking at this as Joe is in the MEM....

what if.....Kurt is the mentor/advisor that Joe has been talking about....
Kurt being upset with Sting as the new leader of the MEM
Kurt and Joe begin their own faction as the Nation of Violence....

I think they can easily pull this card....the MEM is already weak as shit....
now kurt has the belt....and an enforcer that has whooped on the entire MEM for weeks now...perfect time for Kurt to pull away and say he doesn't need the MEM....
he has the belt and Sting doesn't....

thats what I think is going to happen and hope it does....

I agreed with powerade, to a degree.

True that no one saw this swerve coming. Joe siding with Angle, the guy who he's been chasing for months now? The guy who is in a stable with three guys Joe just decimiated on a "hit list" so he could get to Angle? Supposedly, Joe's been told by the "mentor" that he needs to eliminate the MEM and Angle specifically. But, could Angle be the mentor Joe's been taking orders from all along? Possibly. While signs point to Taz (the towel on the head, etc.), maybe TNA's getting smart to the Internet rumors and trying to quash them (Maybe Vince should take note) and not spoil their angles. In a way, it's sort of cheesy. But, it's also a way to get over on the Internet smarts at least in the short-term.

IMO, Joe's not "Mafia material." First, he's not a "legend." Second, he just doesn't fit in with that group. Even if he would turn heel, he's not a mafia kind of guy. That's not his character.

Think about this, though. Could this be a swerve within a swerve? Joe handing Angle the belt in the KOTM match and having Angle think Joe's siding with him against the Mafia, since Angle was ousted as leader? Then, as they battle the Mafia for a month or two, Joe swerves on Angle and beats him for the belt, with Taz then appearing as the mentor all along? That way, he could take out Angle AND the Mafia, as he was "told" to do? Like earlier posts, the whole "Keep your friends close and enemies closer" deal could be applied here.

Either way, this angle's giving fans something to think about which, IMO, is good. WWE's angles are becoming way too predictable lately. I'm usually not a fan of Vince Russo's projects (I'm sure he had a hand in the MEM creation), but if he was involved in this swerve, I have to give him credit.

Kudos, TNA.
That is always good. I just don't understand why Joe would join the mem. I thought AJ, Joe and Daniels would be the nation of violence.
I'm not sure what to think of joe in the mafia.. i really think it has something to do with his injury. it gives joe a reason to still be on tv with an injury without actually having to wrestle. imo it helps tna because now they can let aj style be the guy to take down the mafia not joee. since he should be the one leading tna since he is the best. joe when he all healed up we'll see the rest of this nation of violence angle played out.
I think this will cause the final split...its the NWO/Wolfpack angle ALL over again. Sting will have his little group (and add Matt Morgan IMO). And Angle/Joe will have their half.
look outside the box people.....

everyone is looking at this as Joe is in the MEM....

what if.....Kurt is the mentor/advisor that Joe has been talking about....
Kurt being upset with Sting as the new leader of the MEM
Kurt and Joe begin their own faction as the Nation of Violence....

I think they can easily pull this card....the MEM is already weak as shit....
now kurt has the belt....and an enforcer that has whooped on the entire MEM for weeks now...perfect time for Kurt to pull away and say he doesn't need the MEM....
he has the belt and Sting doesn't....

thats what I think is going to happen and hope it does....


I like that idea. It would be crazy to see Joe/Angle as nation of violence, and we all know Angle could play that character. Maybe this will happen, and they will take out the MEM, with them becoming faces/tweeners since Sting is the leader. Hey, maybe they can have Matt Morgan join them too. This can set up tons of feuds, and lead to plenty of xcitement....
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