Sam Worthington - Why Does That Dude Keep Getting Work?

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

The man has come from absolutely nowhere to bag roles in some of the biggest and most anticipated movies in recent memory. Why did Jim Cameron pick him for his role in Avatar over all the other no-name actors who must've went for it? Who the fuck is Sam Worthington and why does he have the lead role in the new Terminator film? I'm sure the Clash Of The Titans guys could've got Robert Pattinson.

Anybody else think it's because he's got some sort of rugged charm that nobody actually sees apart from people inside some Hollywood bubble? Have these ***** never heard of Tom Hardy? He's handsome yet hard looking, more so that Sam Worthington. Cash him instead. I assume they cast Worthington because he looks like a builder.

People, why does Sam Worthington keep getting work?
Could, I dunno, be an Aryan conspiracy. White, blue eyes, blonde... enough hair. I saw a thread on another forum asking why Will Smith wasn't cast in Avatar. Would've made even more money, wouldn't it? And suddenly, all the pieces start to slot together. Huh? Huh?

I personally prefer my other namesake. Rockwell, that's the one. Good in Moon, he was. I think he might have been in Avatar as one of the scientists. Difficult remembering. Apparently good in Iron Man 2, but even Empire didn't reckon that. Won't be seeing it any time soon.

So, to answer your question, it's a mystery. Like "Why is the sky blue?" or "Where is that smell coming from?" That said, the only film I've ever seen him in was Avatar and he was a ten foot tall blue cat for most of that.
I don't really see the problem. He's the latest action guy to pop up. With the Exception of Bruce Willis, action guys aren't good actors. Arnie, Stallone, Statham... Actually just look at the cast of The Expendables. They're all pretty dreadful but the films they made were great. Avatar, Clash, Terminator... all pretty decent films. Give the kid time.
I don't see how Stallone, Schwarzenegger & Statham are bad actors. But even if they are, they've got a personality and charisma.

Zoe Saldana showed him up in Avatar and he was utterly forgettable in Terminator and Clash Of The Titans. His accent is also all over the place. Apart from in Rogue, where he does his native accent with some conviction.
Obviously he must've impressed someone. He's a decent actor nonetheless. Must've had an exceptional performance in some movie. I only watched two of his though. Decent movies nonetheless. He kinda reminds me of Richard Ruccolo from Two Guys, a Girl & a Pizza Place.

But yes. He's decent, young(ish) and obviously I could imagine the girls find him good looking, obviously looks draw. Look at twilight.

Other than that I honestly don't see why he would get any other roles. I mean sure his performances were decent. But he sure as hell will never be in place for an AFI Lifetime Achievement Award.
I liked the guy in Terminator 4, personally. Though, even then... I didn't really see anything special out of him. I thought he was just good for that role.

However, I haven't seen any of his other work as of yet. I'm sure I'll see Avatar eventually, once it premieres on HBO or whatever channel it does, while I have no intention of ever watching that piece of shit Clash of the Titans.

So, yeah... I don't know much about the guy at this point. Looking at his Wiki... he's got a lot of stuff coming out. He plays Dracula in one film (that should be interesting), has a romance movie with Keira Knightley and Eva Mendes, and has a movie coming out called The Fields, which has a modern-day There Will Be Blood plot line, basically. All look like huge roles, so it looks like for at least the next two years this guy will undoubtedly be in quite a few box office hits. Whether he's deserving of it, I don't know, but it won't be much longer until we find out.

Personally, the more I think about it... the more it seems to me they're trying to make this guy into the next Heath Ledger. You know, handsome Australian actor playing these tough guy/sensitive roles. It'll be interesting to see just how popular this dude becomes. I don't think he'll ever come close though to pulling off the same performances Ledger gave.
He has the look of a movie star. That's pretty much why he gets work. Personally, I thought he was bad in Terminator Salvation and Clash of the Titans (I still haven't seen Avatar). He's not managed to get through a movie with a single accent. There were points in Terminator Salvation where he was Australian, some where he was American and I'm pretty sure it took another turn at one point too. He also seems to land incredibly similar roles.

He's a Misunderstood Person Trapped Between Two Worlds:
Terminator Salvation: Trapped Between Humans & Terminators
Avatar: Trapped Between Humans & the Avatar Creatures
Clash of the Titans: Trapped Between Humans & Gods

Can You See the pattern?
The same could be said of most of the recent action stars. Studios find a guy with muscles, looks that make girls drool and, if possible, an accent that's at least somewhat exotic, and they milk him for all he's worth, whether we like it or not.

Plus he was a cheap option, at least until Avatar.
Hes not bad but not fantastic. To be fair to him, i dont think anyone would have made more with avatar because that was HUGE! Although it wasnt because of a burning desire to see him but he wasnt terrible in it.
Just like the wrestling business though, Hollywood needs stars and Robert Pattinson is shit and cant act, plus will be forever typecast as that wanker from twilight. So go for someone different. He has an impressive CV and i havent seen a film of his i have hated, but i havent seen 1 that has stood out.
I don't really have much to say about the guy except that he really, really needs to work on keeping his accent consistent. It was almost hard to watch Avatar the second time around.
He's a great actor and he fit the role, simple as that. Why does it matter that he wasn't that big of a name a while ago, he is now. He probably works his ass off and deserves it... so why does it bother you? He's young he'll get better at his accent, that's one of his only drawbacks.
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