Sam Shoots, Throws Rocks From Glass House


If the devil's greatest trick is to make you believe he doesn't exist, Coco the Monkey's greatest trick is to make you think he isn't a troll. I neither believe in the devil, nor believe Coco is a troll. I'll have to borrow a line from CM Punk - and I hate to do that, simply because it shows how inferior I and everybody else else is. Coco the Monkey simply has the balls to say what nobody else has the balls to say, myself included.

People think that moderators are special. I'll let you in on a secret - moderators, and administrators, are idiots. In the hope that it will grant them status or something, they've taken up enforcing rules on an internet forum, sometimes for years at a time. If you are given the opportunity to be a moderator, turn it down. Find something better to do with your time - take up pottery, write a novel or simply *********e more often. Shit, paint a wall, pull up a chair and watch it dry. Entering the Board Room is to enter a world of obnoxious in-fighting.

There are three types of moderators, as I see it. They are the idiotic, the lazy and those that are such sticklers for the rules that I'm just glad they weren't born in Nazi Germany because you'd have a few dozen more ********s that were just following orders. I'm proud to say that I was one of the lazy. A little known fact is that Luther wanted me to take over him as admin. However, I wasn't considered admin material because I didn't give out enough infractions or merge enough threads - i.e. I'd grown tired of alienating posters, good or bad, on a daily basis and wasn't going to be cajoled into doing it. There's an infraction quota, unspoken as it may be. I'm not bitter. I'm glad to be out of it, in fact. When I see another section added, or another mod or admin condescending to people like they're the President of the US, I do die a little more inside though.

So, next time you see some moderator saying that Coco wouldn't start up so much trouble if he weren't such a troll, maybe avoid starting that "STATUS QUO *clapclap clapclapclap*" chant and instead jump on the bandwagon of one of the last genuinely interesting posters on these forums. I'll get working on the t-shirts.

*None of this is about Lee or Tasty, by the way.
I have to say Sam you were a bit late to the party on getting lazy with being mod. how do you think I got dumped as mod the first time.
Well done. Though I try not to play up the similarities between myself and the Punker because, really, do we need more of those people?
He said I was his reason or something for joining Wrestlezone. My reason was Will. What does that say about Doc?

Nah, you were just one of the first posters I paid attention to when I was a lurker, mostly because of your awesome name, Softcore Holly.
If you are given the opportunity to be a moderator, turn it down. Find something better to do with your time - take up pottery, write a novel or simply *********e more often. Shit, paint a wall, pull up a chair and watch it dry. Entering the Board Room is to enter a world of obnoxious in-fighting.
Done and done.
And I didn't even have turn down a mod spot!

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