In this thread, I go to the pictures and then tell you about it. I'm an old-fashioned type of guy, what can I say? First up, we have Moon.
Sam's snack of choice: A regular Pepsi, a medium salt popcorn - £5.50 w/ a free Kit Kat - Kit Kat stayed in pocket for duration, melted, will be consumed at a later date
Going in, I actually had fairly high expectations from the film. Partly because I was pretentious enough to go into central London and pay £10.50 for a ticket to see it. Some clever chap behind me asked for "a ticket to the moon please"; how we laughed!
Despite the lies I've been perpetuating, it's not actually high expectations that ruin a movie for me. No, it's actually people lying about how good it is. In addition, it doesn't actually ruin it for me - I just feel the need to call them out on their lies and then people accuse me of being negative about the movie. Fortunately, I'd heard very little raving about Moon - it'd seemed to have slipped under the radar after I first heard of it some months ago.
I won't beat around the bush. I enjoyed it. Thoroughly. I mean, it could have been the fact that the last time I'd been to the cinema I'd been tricked into seeing the absolute piece of shit that was Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, but I somehow doubt it.
Sam Rockwell did well in it. Considering that he [sort of spoilers but not really if you've seen the trailers or read anything about it] has to play the same character but with slight differences, it could have got into some really dodgy, awkward stuff. It didn't. I suppose the script can be thanked for that as well. You could always tell which Sam was which not only in the way they looked but in the slight differences in their behaviour and even voices.
It even had a kind of retro feel to it. I guess that's to be expected when the budget of the film is a mere $5 million. Here's the thing though; it didn't look bad. At all. If I had to compare it to anything, it'd be 2001. Well, I thought it was positively charming. The film did have quite a few nods to 2001 in it, but managed to avoid (figuritively) leg-humping it ike a horny dog, refusing to dismount.
Even the length of the film felt more or less bang on. At just over an hour and a half, the ending felt neither abrupt nor dragged out - one of the rare instances that a film actually gets it right.
Verdict: Unconventional, original, psychological and - perhaps most importantly - a little bit retro, Sam Rockwell steals the show... but you'd expect him to if there were two of him, wouldn't you?

Sam's snack of choice: A regular Pepsi, a medium salt popcorn - £5.50 w/ a free Kit Kat - Kit Kat stayed in pocket for duration, melted, will be consumed at a later date
Going in, I actually had fairly high expectations from the film. Partly because I was pretentious enough to go into central London and pay £10.50 for a ticket to see it. Some clever chap behind me asked for "a ticket to the moon please"; how we laughed!
Despite the lies I've been perpetuating, it's not actually high expectations that ruin a movie for me. No, it's actually people lying about how good it is. In addition, it doesn't actually ruin it for me - I just feel the need to call them out on their lies and then people accuse me of being negative about the movie. Fortunately, I'd heard very little raving about Moon - it'd seemed to have slipped under the radar after I first heard of it some months ago.
I won't beat around the bush. I enjoyed it. Thoroughly. I mean, it could have been the fact that the last time I'd been to the cinema I'd been tricked into seeing the absolute piece of shit that was Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, but I somehow doubt it.
Sam Rockwell did well in it. Considering that he [sort of spoilers but not really if you've seen the trailers or read anything about it] has to play the same character but with slight differences, it could have got into some really dodgy, awkward stuff. It didn't. I suppose the script can be thanked for that as well. You could always tell which Sam was which not only in the way they looked but in the slight differences in their behaviour and even voices.
It even had a kind of retro feel to it. I guess that's to be expected when the budget of the film is a mere $5 million. Here's the thing though; it didn't look bad. At all. If I had to compare it to anything, it'd be 2001. Well, I thought it was positively charming. The film did have quite a few nods to 2001 in it, but managed to avoid (figuritively) leg-humping it ike a horny dog, refusing to dismount.
Even the length of the film felt more or less bang on. At just over an hour and a half, the ending felt neither abrupt nor dragged out - one of the rare instances that a film actually gets it right.
Verdict: Unconventional, original, psychological and - perhaps most importantly - a little bit retro, Sam Rockwell steals the show... but you'd expect him to if there were two of him, wouldn't you?