
Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
The camera is obviously one of the greatest innovations of the last 200 years. It has enabled us to capture images that will last until the Zombie Apocalypse. Certain images incite certain feelings in us all. So what are some of pictures that have been taken that will last a lifetime.

Nagasaki Bombing

The image that represents the ultimate in might used by one nation against another. The use of the atomic bomb symbolized America's growth into a superpower, started the Cold War with the USSR, and remains a very controversial occasion.

Tienanmen Square

The shifts of Communist China throughout the 20th Century inspire millions in protest against their government. The photo shows how one man, representing the Chinese People stood up against the Chinese Government.

I Have A Dream

Martin Luther King Jr. may have been one of the biggest reasons that Civil Rights was passed in the United States. His passionate speech is still used in reels today. The photo represents changing times in the United States, and the world at large.


The day the world change. The date most of us will remember until we die. When we saw a plane hit the Twin Towers, life changed from on of security in the west, to one that had to work with a fear.

Stevie Y wins

Because photos do not always have to be about horrible things, and they can be used to capture our culture. I choose this one specially for myself, because as a big fan of Detroit Red Wings' Stevie Yzerman, this photo has always meant a lot to me.​

I'm being completely serious when I say this, but this picture here embodies the biggest travesty in the history of professional sports: Game 6 of the 2002 Western Conference Finals between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Sacramento Kings.

That's when this picture was taken; right after Kobe Bryant blatantly, right in front of a referee, elbowed Mike Bibby in the nose, causing blood, and no foul was called. This shot is Kobe apologizing while one of his teammates was at the free throw line.

There were terrible calls all throughout that game. The Lakers had 27 foul shots alone in the 4th Quarter, and every single Kings big men were in foul trouble after ridiculous call after ridiculous call was made. Shaq made 17 foul shots that night as well, none of which, by the way, should have counted because his foot was clearly across the line on every single one of them.

Nevertheless, even with that all against them, the Kings only loss that game by 4. If they win that game, like they would have if it wasn't fixed, then they go on to win the 2002 NBA Finals, for sure. But they didn't, and the picture above is just the perfect representation of a team, hell an entire town, getting robbed of what they earned.

Commonly known as "Afghan Girl", this photo was taken of a Kurdish girl in a refugee camp. Her piercing eyes that seem to follow you wherever you go make up one of the most iconic photos of all time.


This is a picture of the earth from space. Oh big deal right? Well think about this, for the 4000 years olf our past civilisation, we didnt know what the earth looked like from space. There were drawings and artists impressions, but no photos. We didn't know at all, and yet now it is so commonplace, it doesnt seem like a big deal.
Everything we have ever done in our lives happened on that blue ball. All the photos, all the insignificant events. Cool huh?

This 1968 Pulitzer Prize willing photograph was taken in Saigon during the Tet Offensive of the Vietnam War. The victim, Nguyễn Văn Lém, was captured and accused of being Viet Cong assassin who had targetted South Vietnamese National Police officers and their families and summarily executed.

No ruling was ever made as to whether or not this summary execution violated the Geneva Convention for treatment of prisoners of war. The graphic nature of the image, however, galvanized the anti-war movement.


This is a painting rather than a photo, but it's every bit as powerful. The painting, entitled "Marines Call It That 2,000 Yard Stare", was done by Tom Lea, a World War II artist and correspondent. Of the subject of the painting, Lea said:

Tom Lea said:
He left the States 31 months ago. He was wounded in his first campaign. He has had tropical diseases. He half-sleeps at night and gouges Japs out of holes all day. Two-thirds of his company has been killed or wounded. He will return to attack this morning. How much can a human being endure?

As a diehard New York Giants fan since I was 6 years old, this moment at Super Bowl XLII where David Tyree caught a amazing pass from Eli Manning overtop of Rodney Harrison was so great for me, and i'm sure for a lot of fellow Giants fans, even non-Giants fans. This catch turned around the whole Super Bowl and helped the underdog Giants beat the seemingly untouchable New England Patriots to win Superbowl XLII !

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