The camera is obviously one of the greatest innovations of the last 200 years. It has enabled us to capture images that will last until the Zombie Apocalypse. Certain images incite certain feelings in us all. So what are some of pictures that have been taken that will last a lifetime.
Nagasaki Bombing
The image that represents the ultimate in might used by one nation against another. The use of the atomic bomb symbolized America's growth into a superpower, started the Cold War with the USSR, and remains a very controversial occasion.
Tienanmen Square
The shifts of Communist China throughout the 20th Century inspire millions in protest against their government. The photo shows how one man, representing the Chinese People stood up against the Chinese Government.
I Have A Dream
Martin Luther King Jr. may have been one of the biggest reasons that Civil Rights was passed in the United States. His passionate speech is still used in reels today. The photo represents changing times in the United States, and the world at large.
The day the world change. The date most of us will remember until we die. When we saw a plane hit the Twin Towers, life changed from on of security in the west, to one that had to work with a fear.
Stevie Y wins
Because photos do not always have to be about horrible things, and they can be used to capture our culture. I choose this one specially for myself, because as a big fan of Detroit Red Wings' Stevie Yzerman, this photo has always meant a lot to me.
Nagasaki Bombing

The image that represents the ultimate in might used by one nation against another. The use of the atomic bomb symbolized America's growth into a superpower, started the Cold War with the USSR, and remains a very controversial occasion.
Tienanmen Square

The shifts of Communist China throughout the 20th Century inspire millions in protest against their government. The photo shows how one man, representing the Chinese People stood up against the Chinese Government.
I Have A Dream

Martin Luther King Jr. may have been one of the biggest reasons that Civil Rights was passed in the United States. His passionate speech is still used in reels today. The photo represents changing times in the United States, and the world at large.

The day the world change. The date most of us will remember until we die. When we saw a plane hit the Twin Towers, life changed from on of security in the west, to one that had to work with a fear.
Stevie Y wins

Because photos do not always have to be about horrible things, and they can be used to capture our culture. I choose this one specially for myself, because as a big fan of Detroit Red Wings' Stevie Yzerman, this photo has always meant a lot to me.