Ryback Claims WWE Doesn't Want To Create Any Marquee Stars

Former employee criticizes the company who fired him. Shocking.

WWE just tried to create a marquee star in Roman Reigns. Look at AJ Styles. That claim is just ridiculous. WWE might not have the best booking, but they're certainly trying to create stars. Besides there's so many factors in getting over - look, merchandise sales, in-ring ability, crowd connection, mic skills.

And like I've said before, WWE needs multiple top guys. No one wants another Cena.
Fans stop caring about him when he enters the ring? Really? I mean, really? You think that Bray Wyatt has no contribution in getting his entrance over? Infact, he is himself over. Give the same entrance to anyone you want and see what happens.

You're comparing him to Roode and Nakamura? That's comparing apples to oranges. Do Nakamura or Roode have a cult leader gimmick like Bray Wyatt? Do Roode or Nakamura ever cut creepy promos?

I seriously doubt if you're a fan of him. Because if you were, you would've known that he's over. He hasn't been pushed in the main event scene. I can give you multiple examples to showcase that he's over.

1. When Triple H was the champion this year, just watch the crowd reaction when he teases his title.
2. Just go back to after Wrestlemania and witness his 2 week long face run. He received big pops while teaming with Roman Reigns of all people against League of Nations.
3. See the pop he received when he finally won his first title.

But no, he isn't over but his entrance is over. More over than Roman Reigns whom WWE had and continues to push in main event scene.

I really don'T want to argue with you on this about wyatt but i based my opinion on him on what i heard from most of 2015 and 2016 until his program with orton. Listen to the crowds during that period of time. The fans are react when he does his whole entrance stuff, more and more peoples light up their cell phones during his entrance because it'S a really cool thing to do, then listen to the crowds when he starts talking or you have a matchs. 9 times out of 10 you either had complete silence during his matches, same things goes for his promos. Sometimes you might get a reaction negative or positive but for the most part, the act hasn't been over for a long time and the only reason he'S getting a reaction right now is because of orton.

I feel bad for him because i'm a fan of those old school type of gimmick like what bray wyatt as, but he's not connecting with the fans outside of his cool entrance and if you don'T believe me, just go back on the network and watch pretty much any matches he had for the last 2 years and you will see what i mean.
I really don'T want to argue with you on this about wyatt but i based my opinion on him on what i heard from most of 2015 and 2016 until his program with orton. Listen to the crowds during that period of time. The fans are react when he does his whole entrance stuff, more and more peoples light up their cell phones during his entrance because it'S a really cool thing to do, then listen to the crowds when he starts talking or you have a matchs. 9 times out of 10 you either had complete silence during his matches, same things goes for his promos. Sometimes you might get a reaction negative or positive but for the most part, the act hasn't been over for a long time and the only reason he'S getting a reaction right now is because of orton.

I feel bad for him because i'm a fan of those old school type of gimmick like what bray wyatt as, but he's not connecting with the fans outside of his cool entrance and if you don'T believe me, just go back on the network and watch pretty much any matches he had for the last 2 years and you will see what i mean.
Even I ain't arguing. I'm just discussing about Bray Wyatt with you.

It's funny how you just ignore whatever example I gave you about Bray Wyatt getting a good crowd reaction. I would've liked if you had an answer to the facts I presented. I'm going to post a video as a proof. This video is of a Raw in March last year. Just listen the reaction when Bray Wyatt teases for the WWE title when Triple H was the champion. Skip to 2 minute mark if you have less time.
WWE just tried to create a marquee star in Roman Reigns. Look at AJ Styles. That claim is just ridiculous.

Ryback has said a lot of absurd things lately, but IF this is true, the key words from the claim are "like John Cena" meaning it isn't that they supposedly don't want to create marquee stars in general, (of course they do, including ones that can help bring them mainstream attention) but they don't allegedly want them to get big enough to the point that things happen like people contacting them about a job, instead of going through WWE to do it. Things like that.

WWE/Vince are known to like to have "control." If someone gets too big, WWE probably feels the need to say yes to their outside projects no matter what, in order to appease them and assure that they will still want to stick around even when their contract is up. They possibly want to feel like they can say no if need be. Cena has transcended beyond that because he's not only a huge star, but one who is in demand in ways that go beyond WWE setting things up. Someone like Reigns, who they clearly want to be the top guy, does not currently have that distinction.
Even I ain't arguing. I'm just discussing about Bray Wyatt with you.

It's funny how you just ignore whatever example I gave you about Bray Wyatt getting a good crowd reaction. I would've liked if you had an answer to the facts I presented. I'm going to post a video as a proof. This video is of a Raw in March last year. Just listen the reaction when Bray Wyatt teases for the WWE title when Triple H was the champion. Skip to 2 minute mark if you have less time.

I'm not saying that it never was over during that period but these exemple and videos that you gave are the exceptions to the rules. I could post at less 50 videos that could prove my points as their is so many exemple of him getting a huge pop for is entrance and then getting no reactions at all or even boring chant when the matches start. He even got somes borings chant during some of his promos last year.

Again I love bray as a character and I clad that I took randy orton to help him step is game up and finally becoming a over character with a cool entrance and not just a guy with a cool entrance that you don't care about what he has too say or what he's doing but likd I said before, just go watch pretty much anything he did in 2015 and early 2016 on the network and it's always the same story most of the time, his music plays, the fans pop huge, they do the fireflies stuff, then he gets in the ring and he either cut a promo or wrestles and win or lose, their no reaction at all.

Again, I'm not arguing your exemple because I agree with you that in certains moment the guy was over throuout but like I wrote before, these we're few and far between.
You didn't get what I meant. That particular video proved that if Bray Wyatt is pushed into the main event scene, the crowd is going to support him greatly.

His simple tease for the World Title was enough to get a huge pop for himself. During his 2 week face run after Wrestlemania 32, he was getting cheered with Roman Reigns of all people. He got a huge pop when he along with Randy Orton were the lone survivors at Survivor Series.

All he needs is a face turn plus some strong booking. He's a potential main eventer.

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