Ryback appears to be injured again!


With the safety off!!
The dirt sheets are all reporting that two injuries occurred at Payback. Dolph Ziggler required stitches after his match with Sheamus. The other injury that's being banded about is that Ryback suffered a broken rib during his match with Bray Wyatt. It happened when Wyatt did his Senton Splash from the top rope.

Doesn't say how long he'll be out, but didn't he just come back from another injury not long ago? No one is saying if it's a swerve, but unlucky for Ryback if he is legitimately out.
Dirt sheets SCOOP SCOOP. Probably straight from the Meltz lol cause he is right about everything.........

But unless it was just really good selling on Ryback, he legit looked like he either broke something or just got the wind knocked out of him. That was a bad spot from Wyatt. But maybe Ryback just sold it that well. I guess we will have to wait on the dirt sheets lmao
If Barrett is considered too much of a risk then Ryback really is screwed...

I don't think you can even blame Bray for it, the guy seems to have a lot of bone related problems, they seem to break very easily.

I can see this being "it" for him in terms of serious use, considering the time invested in developmental (7 years in total) and that he just hasn't paid off on the main roster, this particular injury may see him "endeavored" later in the year.
Dirt sheets SCOOP SCOOP. Probably straight from the Meltz lol cause he is right about everything.........

But unless it was just really good selling on Ryback, he legit looked like he either broke something or just got the wind knocked out of him. That was a bad spot from Wyatt. But maybe Ryback just sold it that well. I guess we will have to wait on the dirt sheets lmao

I didn't see the match, was working and got in after it was over. But apparently the announce team said he might have suffered an injury, according to people that were watching. We get most of our information on what's happening from the dirt sheets anyway, so it's nothing new. They aren't always right, but sometimes they are. I guess we'll have to wait and see tonight if anything is said.

Shame if he is because he seemed to be getting a push and this is a sure fire way for the WWE to hold him back now. Like Barrett he appears to be injury prone, and for a guy as well built as he is, I'm surprised.
I'd be surprised to see Ryback miss any time, even if he does have a broken rib. Broken ribs are tender, but they can be wrapped and are easily worked around... especially if it's only one. Shouldn't take him but a month to be back to 100% so it's not long term injury we're talking here.
I'd be surprised to see Ryback miss any time, even if he does have a broken rib. Broken ribs are tender, but they can be wrapped and are easily worked around... especially if it's only one. Shouldn't take him but a month to be back to 100% so it's not long term injury we're talking here.

Not necessarily true. It depends on which rib and where the break occurs. A broken rib can be fatal if not handled just right.

I don't think it really matters much. Ryback peaked in 2012, he's probably never going to be anything special. He can miss a year and no one will notice.
I felt bad for the guy when I heard he lost to Wyatt of all people (Can we start saying Wyatt is careless and dangerous in the ring?). Getting hurt and not being able to get any retribution tonight makes things worse. Who knows? Some rib injuries can be worked around. It may be an opportunity to get Ryback some sympathy or maybe change his character. We will see.
Sometimes they're right because they report the most obvious things and release reports to fit their story. Like anyone who saw the Ziggler match or read results can draw a conclusion that he was injured. Anyone who saw the Ryback / wyatt spot could of drawn a conclusion that he might be hurt. Now in like less than a few days the Meltz will probably either put out a report that it either is in fact an injury or he will write that it was a work. Whatever makes them look they actually know what's going on lol
Its obvious that Ryback was injured, just as it was obvious that Wyatt was to blame. He didn't jump far enough. For a senton backsplash he should be landing past Ryback with most of the impact coming on Wyatt's butt/legs before his shoulders even touch.

What happened was he landed butt first right ontop of Ryback. Meaning that all of Wyatt's weight smashed right into Rybacks midsection. That's gotta break something!

Well there's that and the fact that Ryback has never sold that good before.
I'm going to go ahead and say he's fine. He wouldn't be booked in an Elimination Chamber match if he had a broken rib. He certainly wouldn't have been booked in a match on Raw. It's kayfabe.

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