RVD---WWE or TNA?!


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http://fans.wwe.com/robvandam/blog/2009/10/06/rvd_radio_this_wednesday__911_pm_est said:


Then he advertises his website/radio show.

That I think is kind of amazing that on RVDs official WWE universe blog he asks whether he should go to WWE or TNA.

This is a weird conundrum, firstly I think TNA is more suited to RVDs style of wrestling and would go down massively there. However I feel WWE is in need of an RVD like character, something that's been lacking for a while in my opinion.

So what do you think of this? Should he go to WWE or TNA?
Difficult question. One the one hand RVD's WWE run was poor, in TNA he'd probably be allowed to do all the dangerous shit he did in ECW. The problem with TNA is that it's like a post-apocalyptic wasteland where careers go to die.
If the WWE was to take RVD back it would be a fresh wrestling style, I bet he could put on great matches with Punk. Punk could do the whole drug angle again which he worked perfectly on Hardy.

Title picture concerning RVD I can't see him going further than a IC champ and maybe coming up short for the WWE/Heavyweight. It would be great though if he re-created the hardcore belt, I always loved seeing the champion running for his life always watching his back. That said though his mic skills wouldn't be to helpful so I doubt he could work well with Orton. So I'd say he's best suited for SD! and ECW. RVD as ECW champ, now that is prestige and ratings.

TNA....RVD don't make that mistake.
I think I would much rather see him return to WWE than go to TNA.

The problem for RVD is that he is seen as being unreliable recently and no one would really take him on in my opinion. I mean, Vince took him on after the collapse of ECW and gave him chance after chance and he left him without really thanking him properly. I like to call it the Jeff Hardy syndrome. The point being that WWE really tried to give RVD all the chances in the world to reach the top of the company and he just left, never to return, except for a shitty Royal Rumble entrance.

TNA is unstable and really would love to get someone like RVD in but then again, would RVD love to go there? I doubt it. RVD thinks that he can still demand high wages and all the perks he used to have and that is so far from the truth. TNA is more unstable than a Owen Hart safety harness. Seriously, RVD can tease a move to TNA all he wants but I doubt it will ever amount to anything and it shouldn't. He is better than TNA but WWE may not want him back.

Although I do agree that WWE is badly lacking in people who are like RVD. You could argue that only Jeff Hardy and Evan Bourne are cut from the same cloth and I think that WWE definitely needs more people like RVD.
WWE definitely needs him. But does he really need either one of them? I'm sure he's got a decent amount of money stored away. So if he does make a return it'd most likely be that Brett Favre Syndrome of not wanting to go away yet. I'd love to see him in either company, but in TNA he'd either be shoved in the mid-card or shoved down our throats as a MEM member or some bullshit.. WWE would be right for him. Def.
I think he should go to the WWE. I would put him in a mid card feud first though. Just to see if the people still remember him. Once the head honchos....a.k.a. Vince see that he gets the pops still I would push him to the main event.

Anyways....his WWE run was poor....but as Y2Jake said careers die in TNA. I mean look at Booker T. He went to the opposition and no longer likes it there and wants back in the 'E.

I believe that RVD...if he makes a comeback...that he should really look into which one would suit him better and work better for him in the long run.
Sadly, this brings to light the fact that both companies have too many people hogging the spotlight, and aren't pushing the young guns right. I would love to see him go to TNA, because I actually watch that, and because he'd be able to use that ring better than almost anyone, but there's already enough old ECW guys getting TV time. He can have some excellent feuds with the MCMG or pretty much anyone in the WE, but do we need that? No.

If he goes to WWE, where does he fit in the main event? There's too much going on around the RAW title scene to just insert him there, and who is there on the mid-card for him to work with? Miz and Swagger just don't seem like they could keep up, no matter how good they are. On Smackdown, he'd have to face either Undertaker or Edge, and both of those seem like they'd work in short term only. His best bet would be to feud with CM Punk, and do you really think they'd let Punk/RVD work a title feud without Edge, Taker, or Jericho being involved?
This is a no brainer for me, it has to be TNA. We've all seen RVD in WWE and we all know how it went down when he held the belts. We've pretty much seen RVD vs all the top WWE players already.

TNA would be fresh, original and NOT PG!! RVD would be free to speak his mind and use his actual catchphrases (RVD 4:20 means I just smoked your ass!, THE WHOLE FN SHOW!) and RVD vs AJ Styles would be a dream match. Not too mention Sting, Angle, Abyss, Morgan, Joe - all would be original and highly entertaining. Its not like he would need to be in the main event or even hold the world title. RVD taking over the X divison would be very entertaining. Besides, any match with RVD is usually the best on the card anyway. He is exactly what TNA needs in my opinion.

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