Royal Rumble Prediction Game - 2011

Sounds fun. I'll bite I suppose... I'm working on a Royal Rumble article for my column as we speak actually...

Who will enter Number 1 & Number 2 in the Royal Rumble? 50pts (For each answer and no particular order needed)
Answer: Daniel Bryan + Darren Young

Who will enter Number 3 in the Royal Rumble? 50pts
Answer: Kane

Who will enter Number 40 in the Royal Rumble? 50pts
Answer: CM Punk

Who will be eliminated 1st in the Royal Rumble? 50pts
Answer: Darren Young

Who will eliminate the most in the Royal Rumble? 50pts
Answer: Drew McIntyre

Who will last the longest in the Royal Rumble? 50pts
Answer: Daniel Bryan

Who will eliminate John Cena (answer nobody if your pick to win)? 50pts
Answer: CM Punk

Which of the following Superstars do you see as a suprise entrant (One pick only)?
Brock Lesnar: 100pts
Goldberg: 90pts
Batista: 80pts
Shawn Michaels: 70pts [x]
Chris Jericho: 60pts
Bret Hart: 50pts
Undertaker: 40pts
Triple H: 30pts
Christian: 20pts
The Great Khali: 10pts

Who will be the Final Four in the 2011 Royal Rumble? 50pts (for each)
Answer: John Cena, CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, Wade Barrett

Who will be runner up in the 2011 Royal Rumble? 50pts
Answer: Wade Barrett

Who will win the 2011 Royal Rumble? 100pts
Answer: Kofi Kingston

Tie Breaker Question - How long will this years Royal Rumble last?
Answer: 1:46:21
I believe that puts me at a whopping 50 points, only picking Del Rio in the final four. I think Santino messed up a lot of people's picks. Which is good. The Rumble was and should be unpredictable.
Who will enter Number 1 & Number 2 in the Royal Rumble? 50pts (For each answer and no particular order needed)
Answer: Daniel Bryan and Drew Mcintyre *50 Points - Bryan #2

Who will enter Number 3 in the Royal Rumble? 50pts
Answer: Trent Baretta *Wrong

Who will enter Number 40 in the Royal Rumble? 50pts
Answer: Dolph Ziggler (Loses to Edge, Vickie puts him in) *Wrong

Who will be eliminated 1st in the Royal Rumble? 50pts
Answer: Baretta *Wrong

Who will eliminate the most in the Royal Rumble? 50pts
Answer: Zeke Jackson *Wrong

Who will last the longest in the Royal Rumble? 50pts
Answer: Del Rio *Wrong

Who will eliminate John Cena (answer nobody if your pick to win)? 50pts
Answer: Husky Harris *Wrong

Which of the following Superstars do you see as a suprise entrant (One pick only)?
Brock Lesnar: 100pts
Goldberg: 90pts
Batista: 80pts
Shawn Michaels: 70pts
Chris Jericho: 60pts
Bret Hart: 50pts
Undertaker: 40pts
Triple H: 30pts
Christian: 20pts
The Great Khali: 10pts
Answer: I think/hope we could see Booker T, but since he isn't on the list, HHH. *Was right about Booker T... but not HHH. Wrong.

Who will be the Final Four in the 2011 Royal Rumble? 50pts (for each)
Answer: John Cena, CM Punk, Barrett, Ziggler. *100 Points - Cena, Barrett.

Who will be runner up in the 2011 Royal Rumble? 50pts
Answer: Ziggler *Wrong

Who will win the 2011 Royal Rumble? 100pts
Answer: CM Punk *Wrong

Tie Breaker Question - How long will this years Royal Rumble last?
Answer: 1h:17m:06s

Whopping 150 points. :lol:
I'd like to point out that Cena was not in the final four. Only the final five. The true final four were Barrett, Orton, Del Rio, and Santino.

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