Royal Rumble 2007



The 2007 Royal Rumble Is Going To Be In San Antonio Texas
Does That Mean That Shawn Michaels Might Win The Royal Rumble
Will He Headline Mania One More Time?
by then he'll b like 40ish wont he?! he could retire b4 then and just make a special apperance tho?!
No He Signed A Five Year Deal Contract And He Will Only Be 42
I think kane should win. god he's come so close to winning it and every time he gets screwed. Kane holds the record for most eliminations ever in the history of the royal rumble, 11 people.
well it being in San Antonio does give good ole HBK a very good chance at winning the Rumble i have a feeling John Cena will win it if the loser isn't champ by then or if he is champ then i'll go with The Legend Killer himself Randy Orton
why is it that u always say what im thinkin...weird!
Jesus, John cena winning the rumble? and going on to face edge at mania? how repetitive is that, wwe might as well have trish stratus win the rumble then give her the title seeing how all of wwe's current storylines are so fucking repetitive and stupid.
^ha ha so they should, but she will be gone by then, maybe mickie or candice could win it......-or torrie wilsons dog chloe?!! lol
I really hope HBK wins... But he might be in the Main Event for the WWE Title who knows.... But I really dont think he's gonna win the Rumble or the WWE Title ever again as much as I hate to say it.... But I think the Rumble winner is going to be.... Triple H

Edit : And HBK isnt going to retire anytime soon... I think hes gettin his knee surgery after the next ppv... And might return at the Rumble... Being its in his hometown...
Give it to Jilllian, why?this bitch used to do a 450 splash as a finisher, i've seen it, fuck london, to bad wwe won't let anybody do high risk manuvers like that anymore. plus as an indies competitor (Maceala Mercedes), she won more titles than most of the women on the indy curcuit and wwe, that includes Trish Stratus. she was considered the HHH of the women of her promotion. it sucks that wwe isn't using her to her potential at all and if she rots on smackdown it will be a huge waste.
michaels wont win it cause its usually to push stars but i wouldnt be suprised if he was in the title match that night.
I do hope it is kane, even though it probably will be cena. i like cena, but why do he and edge have to win everything, everytime? jeez wwe, give someone else a chance.
^ur in the minority or whatever the fuck that word is...most ppl here h8 cena and batista! (like me!)
I Really Hope He Is In The Royal Rumble And Wins It But Get This
If Cena Is Still Champ By Wrestlemania 23 Which I Hope Freaking Not It Would Be Hbk Vs. Cena Now Imagine That Crowd
HBK > Cena will ever be... That much will happen soon I hope.... The logical choice to win the Rumble is Triple H... He never won it before... And being he can do whatever he wants... Don't you think that would be the best case scenario for him to become Champ again...
HBK has won the rumble a couple of times so I wouldnt wanan see him win it again... Like to see Kane win it but I doubt that will happen.... Shelton Benjamin would be good... elevate him up the Card
There are only a few wrestlers that I "hate", most of them being useless lowcarders like simon dean or eugene. I just hate when one or two superstars (edge and cena) get constant opprotunities over and over, thats why people hate them, because they want to see others go for the title. You never see this in boxing or UFC, if two people constantly went at it for the title then people would get bored. as far as people like batista, its just a matter of opinion, i like batista but then he's not my favorite to watch.
kfowlkes said:
I think kane should win. god he's come so close to winning it and every time he gets screwed. Kane holds the record for most eliminations ever in the history of the royal rumble, 11 people.

I agree with you but Kane did hold the title once and that was for a DAY!!!
Yup But Still They Always Cheat Kane Out Of It And If Kane Is Leaving Why Not Give Him The Title One More Time Yeah But Then They Are Gonna Say Oh He Is Leaving Soon So Whats The Point Stupid Wwe
i agree, i want to see kane win the rumble too. Personally for me, kane was the superstar that got me watching wwe 5 years ago. now i'm 19 and in college, if kane retires then i'll have no reason to watch, and if wwe keeps disrepecting him and making him job, that just gives me more of a reason to stop watching.
the Royal Rumble usually is pretty predictable the WWE needs a number of people as genuine competitors this one could have a few

HHH: he's never one it despite the legacy he has

HBK: The Hometown winning return?

Kane: always a contender and due

Ortan: WWE's pick for the future

it does seem likely to be a RAW winner IMO because it has all the people who the WWE seem to currently have enough faith in to make a rumble winner. i like the discussion but this is more of a ppv forum thing.
Faith...? They made Vince Mcmahon win the Rumble... Thats simply unfaithful...
triple h has one the rumble 2002 so i dont know bout him winning this one
kane or orton or hbk could be three contenders for it
I'll be in the houuse at the 07 Rumble. I'll tell you what, if HBK won, the place would go nuts. Personally I would love to see him either in the Rumble or wrestle for the WWE Championship. As long as he's there I'll be happy.


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