Round 3: Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood -versus- Team: IrishCanadian

Team IrishCanadian
6 IrishCanadian25
5 D-Man
2 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
8 Just Dave

- Gelgarin
+ Dave
As IC has red repped me, I will have to be forced to remove two points from his total.

And as you've red repped D-Man TWICE in this round alone, should you decide to pull off such hypocricy, I will be forced to go back to the Board of Directors.
As IC has red repped me, I will have to be forced to remove two points from his total.

And as you've red repped D-Man TWICE in this round alone, should you decide to pull off such hypocricy, I will be forced to go back to the Board of Directors.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one seeing this garbage (Thanks IC). And I publicly tried to extend an olive branch to TM, but it was obviously refused.

Hopefully, everyone seeing this can understand the battle that Team Irishcanadian is up against.
Yeah and I red repped Thriller last round for voting against me even though I red repped another post... Bad Becker Becker...
Doesn't look like I care.

Obviously. Hence the reason why you're being a total horse's ass.

My offer still stands. Let's agree to disagree and refrain from any other red-repping, flaming, and other immature garbage.

Do we have a deal? This is my final offer...
Because some people are so upset that they are getting voted against, I have planned to change the format here.

This round is over.

A final will be made.

What Is This Thing You Humans Call "Love"

will take on

Team: IrishCanadian


The New World Order: Hollywood.

In a triple threat match for the Survivor Series Poster Elimination Game Championship!

Coming at the top of the hour.
I see. So our 4 people vs the other team's 1 person is, of course, a tie.

Clearly TM is moving ahead with his original plan to generate interest in his game by playing the Vickie Guerrero role.

Because some people are so upset that they are getting voted against, I have planned to change the format here.

This round is over.

A final will be made.

What Is This Thing You Humans Call "Love"

will take on

Team: IrishCanadian


The New World Order: Hollywood.

In a triple threat match for the Survivor Series Poster Elimination Game Championship!

Coming at the top of the hour.

Okay, this makes NO sense. Team IrishCanadian are clearly winning. It's really not even close.
Because some people are so upset that they are getting voted against, I have planned to change the format here.

This round is over.

A final will be made.

What Is This Thing You Humans Call "Love"

will take on

Team: IrishCanadian


The New World Order: Hollywood.

In a triple threat match for the Survivor Series Poster Elimination Game Championship!

Coming at the top of the hour.

This makes as little sense as your personal vendetta against me. We are clearly DESTROYING the other team, yet you choose to revitalize them in a completely undeserving triple threat match?? Who are you, Mike Adamle?

TM, personal feelings aside, you are a sensible guy. Why would you choose to take the low-road here? For your own personal entertainment? Well, if that is so then congratulations, you've achieved the status of "Dickbag." But, if you choose to come back down to planet Earth, you'll realize that there are people involved in this garbage besides you and me. You and I can have our debate another time, but don't make the other innocent players suffer because of your bad judgment.
This round is currupted. If you beat them here, you can beat them in the next round too.

Wow... incredible reasoning and logic. I take back my comment from before in regards to your sensibility. Congratulations... everyone now hates you.

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