Round 3: Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood -versus- Team: IrishCanadian

Team IrishCanadian
4 IrishCanadian25
5 D-Man
3 Gelgarin
2 SavageTaker
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
2 Brian
4 Just Dave
0 Coco The Monkey

-Coco (eliminated)
Team IrishCanadian
5 IrishCanadian25
5 D-Man
3 Gelgarin
2 SavageTaker
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
1 Brian
4 Just Dave
0 Coco The Monkey

Team IrishCanadian
5 IrishCanadian25
5 D-Man
3 Gelgarin
3 SavageTaker
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
0 Brian
4 Just Dave

Team IrishCanadian
5 IrishCanadian25
5 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
3 SavageTaker
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
3 Just Dave

- Dave
+ Gelgarin
Team IrishCanadian
5 IrishCanadian25
5 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
2 SavageTaker
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
4 Just Dave

My Protege+
That kid from Florida-
Team IrishCanadian
6 IrishCanadian25
5 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
2 SavageTaker
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
3 Just Dave

+ IC
- Dave
Team IrishCanadian
6 IrishCanadian25
5 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
1 SavageTaker
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
4 Just Dave

+ Just Dave
- SavageTaker...(sorry)
Team IrishCanadian
6 IrishCanadian25
5 D-Man
3 Gelgarin
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
6 Just Dave

+ Just Dave
- Gelgarin
Team IrishCanadian
6 IrishCanadian25
5 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
5 Just Dave

- Just Dave
+ Gelgarin
Team IrishCanadian
6 IrishCanadian25
4 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
6 Just Dave

+ Just Dave
Team IrishCanadian
6 IrishCanadian25
4 D-Man
3 Gelgarin
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
7 Just Dave

+ JD
- Gelgarin
Come on everyone! Just seven more votes!! Let's take out Dave in the name of Team IrishCanadian!
Team IrishCanadian
6 IrishCanadian25
3 D-Man
3 Gelgarin
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
8 Just Dave

+ JD
- You know who.
You know, the hypocracy amazes me, TM. You intentionally DQ D-Man for no reason, and then send me a PM stating you are trying to "generate interest" in the tournament because you felt it'd gone stale and the matches go on for too long. NOW you are leading this match pro-longing charge for one man to take out 5 of the best posters on the boards. I'll just assume you were on the rag last week and now you're back to normal.
Team IrishCanadian
6 IrishCanadian25
4 D-Man
3 Gelgarin
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
7 Just Dave

+ D-Man
- Just Dave

I wish it would've came down to someone else other than Dave. Hate to vote against him. Outside of D-Man, I'd say he's currently Rookie of the Year. But like I said... outside of D-Man.
Recently I have selected one man from this forum who I believe has a great future. I have decided to give him a slight push to generate some interest in him. I assume he will not win this round, let alone have his team win this game. He is the great up and comer Scotsman Dave, and I could never put out his burning flame.

Long Live Scotsman Dave.
Team IrishCanadian
5 IrishCanadian25
4 D-Man
3 Gelgarin
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
8 Just Dave

+ Dave
- IC
Recently I have selected one man from this forum who I believe has a great future. I have decided to give him a slight push to generate some interest in him. I assume he will not win this round, let alone have his team win this game. He is the great up and comer Scotsman Dave, and I could never put out his burning flame.

Long Live Scotsman Dave.

Oh, agreed. That's all well and good, Dave is a hell of a guy. But a little shady on your part that your tune would change so quickly, no?
Team IrishCanadian
6 IrishCanadian25
4 D-Man
3 Gelgarin
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
7 Just Dave

- Dave
+ IC

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