Round 2: Storm vs. Darth Vader

Who wins?

  • Storm

  • Darth Vader

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Round Two


Storm and Darth Vader are no strangers in this competition, having met last year in the first round. Each of these fighters use a force, but will it be the force of nature or The Force that prevails?

How do you kill Darth Vader? You hit him with lightning and his life support gives out... erm, yup - that pretty much covers it... Storm wins!
One key thing a lot of people convieniantly forget about Force powers: they're not as effective on the strong-minded. Storm is one of the most powerful mutants on Earth, and is known to come from a tribe of people with strong psychic and magical potential. Vader is not going to be able to mind-trick her into laying down and dying.

Can he stop her from moving? I'm sure he force-choke her, even from a distance. Proximity doesn't seem to be an issue for Vader's exceptionally gifted powers, as he kills a guy through a video feed at one point. But here's the trick: Vader's got to get to Storm and slash her down with his lightsaber, BEFORE she conjures up a storm and strikes him with lightning. And he's going to have to do that against rain, wind, ice, name it. If that happens, it's over for the dark lord of the Sith. He only took a few seconds of Palpatine's lightning in Return of the Jedi, and I guarantee you a full-on bolt of lightning is going to have more effect on his systems.

In the past as Anakin, he may have been able to absorb that energy and bounce it back much like Yoda; although there's no actual proof to support that hypothesis. He's strong, but was never as skilled at actually manipulating the force as Yoda was. He lacked the conviction and discipline for the training.
Just an observation from an old school Star Wars fan of the original series. I always thought that the lightning the Palaptine shot Vader with at the end of Jedi was more than just electricty. I'm 34 now and I always thought that it was this Dark side electricty that contained evil type poison as well. I don't know what others' take on the actual event was and coem to think of it sounds pretty logical that the electricty shorted out Vader's life support system and that's why he died...

Just for years I always thought there was much more than just electricty flowing out of the Emporer's hands. It seemd as if the elctricty sort of grabbed hold of it's victim and infected them some how... but then again, Luke was hit with the same power and he was fine... or maybe the cured it with the Force... Any way just food for thought when I sort of read the last two reasonings behind Storm easily defeating Vader.
The US Department of Energy states that lightning travels at 93,000 miles per second. Vader doesn't have any super senses or the ability of foresight so he has no way of blocking it. All he can hope to do is take the attack in hopes it doesn't kill him.

I think we can all agree on how this match starts off: Storm leads with a lightning strike, Vader leads with the force choke. Vader's will connect first because the force choke is generally seen as instantaneous, but Storm's lightning will strike nearly immediately afterwards.

Who do you think is more staggered after the opening gambit? Someone who was being choked for less than half a second, or a dude that was just struck by lightning?

I'm not going to suggest that Vader goes down after one lightning strike. In the movies he survived through multiple force lightning attacks, but I think it's safe to assume that force lightning isn't all that powerful compared to real lightning considering Luke absorbed some force lightning attacks and walked away just fine. However, that lightning attack did short out his respirator, and he didn't last long after that.

After Storm destroys Vader's life support systems, she can either keep pounding him with lightning strikes until he's unconscious, or she could summon a storm of sorts and play the evasion game until Vader dies.

Either way, Storm's lightning attacks are too devastating to a guy like Vader. Storm should win this one.
Vader is strong, but he's not massively quick (in the context of this tournament at least) I doubt he could out-run lightening and I'm not sure how he'd fare in the rain either, it's not like it ever rained in the Star Wars movies...

Either way, Storm should be able to hit Vader before he can force choke her or throw a lightsabre at her.
As I have mentioned before, this is not about whether Vader can outrun or survive a lightning bolt (he cannot and Palpatine's Force Lightning is not as powerful as an actual bolt of lightning). This is all about whose powers work the fastest. Can Storm conjure up a *ahem* storm before Vader can do something sinister to her with his sabre or the Force?

Is Vader's connection to the Force faster than Storm's connection to Nature? I have no idea.

However, because I do not think that Storm just conjures weather out of nowhere - she manipulates the atmosphere, I think Vader's powers as the "Chosen One" born of the Force can have an affect on her more quickly. The Force is instantaneous; conjuring up lightning is not.

In a way, this works in a similar way to Vader's defeat of Professor X last year - Storm's tapping into her powers leaves her open to attack and while that lightning cloud is forming, Vader has a hold of her by Force Choke, Pushes or Pulls her, breaking her concentration.

Of course, Storm has other weather at her finger tips and a wind based attack could easily relieve Vader of his lightsabre and she does not need to go for the big lightning stroike straight away.

However, should Vader launch an all out "First Strike," something which he is most capable of doing, I do not see what Storm can do about it quickly enough.

But if he doesn't end her early, he may never.
Барбоса;4121181 said:
As I have mentioned before, this is not about whether Vader can outrun or survive a lightning bolt (he cannot and Palpatine's Force Lightning is not as powerful as an actual bolt of lightning). This is all about whose powers work the fastest. Can Storm conjure up a *ahem* storm before Vader can do something sinister to her with his sabre or the Force?

Is Vader's connection to the Force faster than Storm's connection to Nature? I have no idea.

However, because I do not think that Storm just conjures weather out of nowhere - she manipulates the atmosphere, I think Vader's powers as the "Chosen One" born of the Force can have an affect on her more quickly. The Force is instantaneous; conjuring up lightning is not.

In a way, this works in a similar way to Vader's defeat of Professor X last year - Storm's tapping into her powers leaves her open to attack and while that lightning cloud is forming, Vader has a hold of her by Force Choke, Pushes or Pulls her, breaking her concentration.

Of course, Storm has other weather at her finger tips and a wind based attack could easily relieve Vader of his lightsabre and she does not need to go for the big lightning stroike straight away.

However, should Vader launch an all out "First Strike," something which he is most capable of doing, I do not see what Storm can do about it quickly enough.

But if he doesn't end her early, he may never.

Problem is... you're wrong. Storm can do two things to quickly counter Vader.

First she's going to tap into the Earth's magnetic energy to hit Vader with an electro magnetic pulse. This should stagger Vader in multiple ways: it will be a shock to the organic parts of him, it will stunt, if not permanently damage his respirator, and it will disarm his lightsaber for at least the time being (assuming lightsabers run on electricity in one way or another).

From there the storm she will have whipped up should be ready to roll. At this point it would actually be a hinderance to Vader as Storm can channel the lightning bolt right to her and into him. The closer he is to Storm, the closer he is to the direct impact of the lightning bolt.

The powers that Storm can use instantly will be enough to hold her over until her most destructive powers are ready to go. Vader has no answer for the Queen of the Elements.
and it will disarm his lightsaber for at least the time being (assuming lightsabers run on electricity in one way or another).

I'm not making my vote yet, though I'm leaning toward Storm. Lightsabers do not run on electricity though, they run off a power crystal. The only way Storm could disable his lightsaber is with another lightsaber or heavily damaging the housing unit that holds the crystal, which is super difficult.
I'm not making my vote yet, though I'm leaning toward Storm. Lightsabers do not run on electricity though, they run off a power crystal. The only way Storm could disable his lightsaber is with another lightsaber or heavily damaging the housing unit that holds the crystal, which is super difficult.

Does the crystal magically power it, or does it provide some sort of charge that allows it to operate? If the crystal operates as some sort of battery than that means there's an electrical charge, which means it would be disrupted by an EMP.
Does the crystal magically power it, or does it provide some sort of charge that allows it to operate? If the crystal operates as some sort of battery than that means there's an electrical charge, which means it would be disrupted by an EMP.

To my knowledge The Force is what powers the crystal, its a reason only those who are force sensitive can use them to any marginal degree of effect. I may be wrong so I found this cutaway. Its kinda big.

There are several scenarios that haven't really been brought up here. What about the Force... everyone seems to be concentrating on the Force choke, but as we have seen, Yoda can pick up an X Wing and move it around. I'm sure Vader can do this also, as Yoda expected a noob Luke to do so during his training.

So if you can pick up heavy objects why can't you just hold someone down? Witha thought Vader could hold Storm down using the mysterious force that the whole universe is made up of. Drop rocks or debris or anything that is lying around on top of her. Then when she is a battered and bloody mess, slice her up with his lightsaber.

She has to realy concentrate to create storms, and it really takes it out of her. If Vader is holding her down with the force she can't really respond with a lightning strike.

In this particlaur scenario the win goes to Vader.

Like I said everyone can come up with a different scenario given the chance.
My issue with Vader is that every depiction of his post-transformation, his mastery of the force does not come easily. If I were to make a comparison, it would be to Cable (of Storm's universe) in that there is still the raw potential for power there but that for one reason or another it is not what it could be. Vader has to focus to choke out one measly Imperial Officer in A New Hope, where Anakin in the past could choke-grab multiple enemies at once with ease.
He's strong, but was never as skilled at actually manipulating the force as Yoda was. He lacked the conviction and discipline for the training.

Darth Vader surpassed Yoda's ability in wielding the force but was severely limited in his fighting abilities because of his mechanical implants. He never used force lightning because it would backfire and short circuit his implants.

Storm should take this, but if it were a different force user it would be a different outcome.
Storm can lift opponents in a whirlwind and bombard them with wind and rain into the process. How does Vader enforce a Force Choke on her when he is spinning around at great speed and getting his circuits fried?

I really can't comprehend how Vader is winning this at the moment, asides from Thor - who else is better suited to exploit his Achilles heel?
Storm can lift opponents in a whirlwind and bombard them with wind and rain into the process. How does Vader enforce a Force Choke on her when he is spinning around at great speed and getting his circuits fried?

I really can't comprehend how Vader is winning this at the moment, asides from Thor - who else is better suited to exploit his Achilles heel?

Any of the Marvels in DC, they just grab on and yell SHAZAM and Vader is toast.
Vader is a cripple who relies on electrical systems to survive. Storm is an intelligent, quick mutant with powers to control the weather, including lightning. Seeing as Anakin has never been known to control lightning, I don't see him getting past storm. He can't control her mind, and that's all she needs to use her powers.
Ok, seriously? Vader is a boss, admittedly, but no way in hell he could beat Ororo Munroe. Literally, the only chance he has of beating her would be with the Force Choke.

Quick question: have you ever seen someone actually MOVE while using the force? Exactly. It's a relatively stagnant move that, I imagine, would be hard to do with 100 mph winds and lightning bolts flying at your face. Storm wins.
Ok, seriously? Vader is a boss, admittedly, but no way in hell he could beat Ororo Munroe. Literally, the only chance he has of beating her would be with the Force Choke.

Quick question: have you ever seen someone actually MOVE while using the force? Exactly. It's a relatively stagnant move that, I imagine, would be hard to do with 100 mph winds and lightning bolts flying at your face. Storm wins.

People move while using Force powers all the time. Simple moves like Force push can be used while walking or in a battle. Its just that the more serious stuff, like moving spaceships, requires immense concentration and moving around makes that hard.
People move while using Force powers all the time. Simple moves like Force push can be used while walking or in a battle. Its just that the more serious stuff, like moving spaceships, requires immense concentration and moving around makes that hard.

By A New Hope, Vader NEVER displays this ability. Any time he chokes someone, it's the only thing he's doing, and he's never moving. Look at the jedi before him, including pre-mauling Anakin, and then look at Vader. He just can't move like he used to.

Storm has this.
DirtyJosé;4123255 said:
By A New Hope, Vader NEVER displays this ability. Any time he chokes someone, it's the only thing he's doing, and he's never moving. Look at the jedi before him, including pre-mauling Anakin, and then look at Vader. He just can't move like he used to.

Storm has this.

I voted for Storm. It pains me because I am a huge Star Wars nerd and I like Vader, but I was just answering a question. Its true that in terms of his mobility Anakin was much much faster and agile than before he defeat on Mustafar, but once he channeled the full power of the dark side, his ability with the force was almost unmatched.

Storm takes it though because she is just too fast and Vader relies on too much equipment to keep him breathing, and The Emperor shorted out his respirator with his force lighting. I'm not sure if it was completely destroyed or just shorted out for an extended period of time, but it lead to his death. All Storm needs to do is repeat that feat and she wins.
I voted for Storm. It pains me because I am a huge Star Wars nerd and I like Vader, but I was just answering a question. Its true that in terms of his mobility Anakin was much much faster and agile than before he defeat on Mustafar, but once he channeled the full power of the dark side, his ability with the force was almost unmatched.

Storm takes it though because she is just too fast and Vader relies on too much equipment to keep him breathing, and The Emperor shorted out his respirator with his force lighting. I'm not sure if it was completely destroyed or just shorted out for an extended period of time, but it lead to his death. All Storm needs to do is repeat that feat and she wins.

Agreed. Were this Anakin at his prime, or even Obi-Wan, it'd be a different story. I know many of us grew up looking at Vader as one of the biggest and baddest baddies ever, but he has very obvious limitations.
Vader is an icon. A symbol of bad ass.

Problem? He isnt even the strongest or most focused jedi in the land. He is much more about fear and intimidation. Thats a problem. His weakness is just the thing that Storm is best at. Using his shown powers with the Force and not using examples of the Force as a whole will show he is not the best at using it. He cannot control Storm's mind and she is quicker on the draw with her powers. Vader tries to fling something at her or choke her? She has already sent a wind blast his way. Vader tries to get at her with the lightsaber- she fires a lightning strike at him and zaps his circuits. Her powers are not instant, but quick enough to get it done.

His weakness is her strength. Plain and simple.

Storm wins this.
I am still not convinced that Storm's powers work quicker that the Force.

The effects of the Force are virtually instantaneous and in the few seconds it will take Storm to conjure up any weather phenomenon, Vader has used any number of Force techniques to break her concentration - as a student of Xavier, Storm will have mental defences but Vader, or any other Sith/Jedi does not need to attack the mind; a simple but strong Force Push or Pull would be greatly effective. This will cause lead to the dissipation of whatever phenomenon she was cooking up, or at least it missing its target while leaving her open to another attack.

Even if she has managed to use air currents to raise herself off the ground, the power of weather/Nature does not trump that of the Force. A Force Pull with one hand would crash through any defences she has, slamming her to the floor. With her concentration broken and mere metres away from Vader, his free hand throws his lightsabre, maiming/killing her.
Barbosa, find me any clip of VADER choking anyone that wasn't 5ft in front of him. A well-trained Jedi? Sure. Anakin in his prime? Sure. Vader? Absolutely not.
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