Round 2: Darth Vader vs. Wolverine

Who wins?

  • Darth Vader

  • Wolverine

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Round 2


Darth Vader toughed the elements and survived Storm's prowess over weather, while Wolverine survived the hero from Planet Bob in Quailman. Which power will win out, adamantium or the lightsaber?

I believe we've actually covered this fight before in the ever so short series Jiggles did in the potluck section. My post there was behind Vader and once more my post is behind the Dark Lord of the Sith. You see, the force is strong with this one. That's Vader's key here, the force powers. He'll have to avoid the claws and push Wolverine a far enough distance away, perhaps a number of times. Doing that's going to get Logan pissed off. He'll launch into a feral attack and his defence will be down and as such, Vader can lock in a force choke, snap the neck and proceed to start assaulting Wolverine with his lightsaber.

At this point I expect someone to come in with a statement about the healing factor of Wolverine. However, in the end, it's not going to work. The healing factor can be beaten. It's been proven before and it can happen again. It would take a fair while, but Vader should be able to get it done, after all, it's not like fatigue is going to end him is it? He's essentially 66.6% machine after all. Vader via Lightsaber.
Vader takes this one. As Vader has the force and he has Electricy too. He can just throw stuff at Wolverine or choke him, pick him up an put him infront of him and slice his head off. Wolverine does not stand a single chance with this fight. He wont even get one chance to attack against Vader, unless Vader wanted some entertainment.

Winner via, Force, lightsaber Vader.
I believe we've actually covered this fight before in the ever so short series Jiggles did in the potluck section.

Sorta, that was Wolverine vs. a random Jedi, not Vader. I think in that thread I argued that it was possible for Wolverine to defeat a jedi, however I think he stands little chance against a master of the dark side, Vader has far to much power at his disposal, hell I'm pretty sure if he really wanted he could take a page out of Magnetos book and just use the Force to tear the admantium out of Wolverine. He could force choke him, he could fry him with elctricty, drop a star destroyer on Logan, take your pick, there are literally hundreds of fun ways for Vader to defeat Wolverine.
As much as I would love to go with Wolverine, I gotta give the edge to the Lord Vader. I may not know a lot about the Comic Book Universe, but from what I do know, Wolverine is too much of a hot head and a guns blazing type guy, but here's where The Force comes in handy.

I see Wolverine getting pissed just at the sight of Vader. He charges in and Vader stops him in mid air. From then on, Vader can pretty much do whatever he wants. Vader can't lose if he doesn't get touched.
Барбоса;3126974 said:
Most of the main issues have been addressed - what kind of Jedi is this we are talking about - a Jedi Master like Yoda or Mace Windu or a Dark Jedi like Exar Kun who would use the Dark Side powers to kill Wolverine where he stood through Force Choke, Force Lightning or something even more insidious like ripping him to pieces or blocking off an artery in his brain - or whether Wolverine's adamantium skeleton would prove resistant to a lightsabre?

If we assume that this is the run of the mill Jedi who will be more likely to use their powers to bolster their own abilities and not someone like a Skywalker, Horn, Windu or Yoda or a Dark Jedi then the most important issue is the effectiveness of the lightsabre. As mentioned, the Expanded Universe does bring in sabre-proof materials meaning that it is possible that adamantium could resist too as it seems to be a very similar material to Mandalorian iron.

However, personally, as most Jedi that would stand and fight Wolverine would be adept with a sabre and has the defensive skills to withstand the furious attacks Logan will no doubt use then I think it comes down to Wolverine's heavy reliance on his emotions, specifically his fury, which without proper mental defences makes him suspectible to even the most rudimentary Jedi mind tricks.

I have quoted my post from JGlass' Pot Luck thread "Wolverine vs a Jedi" as it raises most of the points I think are relevant to this contest - as does my last post in "Vader vs Storm."

Young Vader could run rings around even the fiery and agile Logan and dole out a "death of a thousand cuts" type beating, while twisted, cyborg Vader (which I am more inclined to believe we are dealing with) would channel his rage in a way that Wolverine cannot and either pulverise him with Force Pushes, cook him with Force Lightning (Wolverine's adamantium would work against him in this case) or overcome any psychic barriers that Professor X might have set up to put suggestions in his head (although this might not be the best more as it could reduce Logan to his more dangerous ferral state)

I would like to add one more point to it though. I assumed that a Dark Jedi pinching off an artery in Wolverine's brain would be enough to win but with Logan's remarkable healing abilities, I am not so sure that it would necessarily kill him. However, killing him is not the only way to win. No matter what his healing factor, a blocked artery is going to slow down Wolverine.
It's definitely Vader here. For starters, a lightsaber goes through anything, so there's no way to block it unless you have a lightsaber of your own. Also, Vader can use the force which means that he can just force choke Wolverine to death. This is an easy win for Vader.

Surely, he could get in on those Claws of Wolverines and slice them clean off? Yeah, so he may be able to heal & regain them, HOWEVER, whilst he's almost defenseless, Vader has the advantage for say, 20 seconds? It's a good time for him to grab a Saber, slice him up a bit. It might take a while to repeat the process, but eventually, Vader would win it yet again.
I can't see past Vader for this one. Wolverine needs to get close to use his claws but using the force Vader could move his arms behind his back an then slice his head off with his lightsaber.

Vader wins by incapitation(unless the Y2k comes along and ruins big van vader's robot body).
Vader via Light Saber. I'm not sure Adamantium can stop a Light Saber. Even if Wolvie is able to suprise vader with his speed and gets ome claws into the him, his cyborg body will be able to take the hits and finish Wolvie off by cutting him down. Wolverine has relied on his invulnerability for too long and Vader will freeze him in place and cut him in half.
A lightsaber will not cut through adamantium, it's indestructible. Lightning? You realise Logan has faced Storm? Mental control? Not happening, Prof X has trained him in this regard. Telekinesis? The Phoenix / Dark Phoenix hasn't been able to put mutton chops down. There is nothing Vader can throw at Wolverine that he has not faced many many times in the X-Men's danger room and in actual combat.

I love the original trilogy but I've never been awed by the Force in comparison to the realms of the Supers. Using the choke on some random guy and using it on a guy who has survived a nuclear explosion are vastly different. The oxygen deprivation he would suffer from this would be countered by his healing factor. Make no mistake about it, Wolverine is an unstoppable force (you may delay him but he will get you) and whilst Vader could possibly be the most iconic bad guy in cinematic history, he is not an immovable object.
A lightsaber will not cut through adamantium, it's indestructible. Lightning? You realise Logan has faced Storm? Mental control? Not happening, Prof X has trained him in this regard. Telekinesis? The Phoenix / Dark Phoenix hasn't been able to put mutton chops down. There is nothing Vader can throw at Wolverine that he has not faced many many times in the X-Men's danger room and in actual combat.
You've got this right on all accounts. Wolverine has shown at various points in time that he has the tools to beat someone of Vader's caliber. Unfortunately, most people will just use the VADER HAZ SUPAR POWAHZ argument and not think.
I think Wolverine could actually win but understand why people are going for Vader. I do not know how this tournament is set up and am too lazy to read but more than anything I think people are underestimating the chance of Wolverine to sneak up on Vader somehow. Sneak up on a Jedi??!?!? That's unpossible! Well, not really seeing as how the most Wolverine like character in Star Wars did precisely that to "defeat" Vader at the end of the first movie. Throw in that Wolverine is basically indestructible while Vader is clearly destructible and that makes this a lot more interesting than people are thinking.

However, since this is basically over let's make this more interesting and argue who's boss would have won. Professor X vs the Emperor.
I could think of a bunch of ways Wolverine could win, but the key word there is could. He is the underdog in this fight, something Wolverine is not used to. Vader is a tough one, and while he has plenty of weaknesses, none of them are things that Wolverine is able to exploit.

Vader's strong force abilities will keep Wolverine at claw's length at all times, and he can use his force abilities to cause damage to Wolvie, whether it's with lightening or by throwing him off of a tall building. Neither of these will kill Wolverine, but they would probably keep him down long enough to qualify as incapacitated.

If that doesn't work, Vader's lightsaber will. I'll even give Wolverine the benefit of the doubt and say adamantium is one the few materials that can stop a lightsaber, but there are still weak spots on Wolverine. Between his ribs, his stomach, his nose, ears, eyes, cheeks, and other parts of his body that are susceptible to lightsaber damage. Attacking these areas won't kill Logan, but they will take him down for at least a few minutes, resulting in an incapacitation win for Vader.

He might be upset that he isn't able to kill Logan, but Darth Vader advances here and faces a much toughet competitor in Professor X.
Going into full nerd mode here, perhaps too much even for a tournament that pits fictional characters against each other, so bear with me.

I think it should be noted that cyborg Vader will not be able to use perhaps the most potent weapon a Jedi/Sith would have against the adamantium infused Wolverine - Force Lightning. It is not that Vader does not have the skill or proficiency to use it; (indeed he is shown to use it during his little known first face-off with Luke Skywalker in Splinter of the Mind's Eye. However, that is only time he has used it in battle and on that occasion his powers were bolstered by the presence of a Force crystal) he cannot use it for the inevitable damage to himself. Another book goes into detail as to why - due to his amputated arms, any time he tried to use it, it would short out the mechanisms of his armour and more importantly the in-built life-support machine. Therefore, while Force Lightning might be useful in incapacitating Wolverine, it would in all likelihood do the same to Vader, if not worse.

If it is assumed that adamantium is sabre-proof (which I think is possible) and Wolverine is able to resist mind control (which I do not believe as he has proven to be unable to control his rage and has been brainwashed in the past) then the fight comes down to technique and throughout his training as a Jedi and decent into the darkness, Vader was counted amongst the greatest dualists in the galaxy as well as perhaps the best user of the aggressive Djem So variant.

After his fall to the dark side and transformation into "more machine now than man," Vader greatly altered his style and as a result he refined his style to incorporate many of the other forms and in doing so, despite not having the same skill level as in his "human" days, he perhaps became an even more dangerous opponent. He became more calculating, controlling his dark side powers rather than being controlled by them and used his technical skills and the added weight of his armour to dole out brutally effective beatings

Perhaps the most important inclusion in his dueling repertoire for the purposes of a battle with Wolverine is the ultra defensive Soresu that Obi Wan Kenobi had used to defeat him on Mustafar. Such a style would be perfect to fend off the less cultured attacks from Logan, sending his opponent into a berserker rage that would allow Vader to pick him apart to the point of incapacitating him with well-placed strikes and calculated uses of Force Pushes, Force Grip (which Wolverine has no defence against) telekinesis and mind tricks that his blind rage will make Wolverine more vulnerable too.

However, cyborg Vader was proven to be susceptible to attacks based on rage from agile opponents. This has been demonstrated on three separate occasions in the Star Wars canon - once in Episode VI where Luke Skywalker bludgeoned him into defeat aboard the Second Death Star during the Battle of Endor and perhaps more spectacularly in the EU of Force Unleashed and its sequel where first Galen Marek aboard the First Death Star and then his clone known as Starkiller in the cloning facility during the Battle of Kamino brutalised him.

Therefore, perhaps the overriding reason why I think Vader would defeat Wolverine (if adamantium is sabre-proof and Professor X's mental blocks work) is that Wolverine's greatest chance of victory is at the same time perhaps the surest way to ensure his defeat. I would actually give Berserker Wolverine a rather good chance of defeat pre-cyborg Vader as that young and arrogant fighter would have tried to go head-to-head with him and could easily leave himself open in the same way he did against Dooku during the Battle of Geonosis.

However, without the Force to help him as Marek, Starkiller and Skywalker had, I do not think that Wolverine has the raw power to get through the defences of the experienced, prepared and calculating Dark Lord.
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