Round 2: Bugs Bunny vs. Iron Man

Who wins?

  • Bugs Bunny

  • Iron Man

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DirtyJosé;4123651 said:
You do know when Iron Man was created, right? What does the time frame have to do with anything anyway? A scientist is intelligent no matter if he's from 1969 or 1996. You've tried making this point before, and it made no sense then either. And Bugs' tricks worked no matter how much smarter his opponents were. That was his thing, his powers, his skills, his abilities.

Read man, I said Modern Day Tony Stark, that means 2012 . Bugs Bunny originated in I believe 1960's right? I've made this point before but you've unfortunately still haven't said anything worthwhile. And read the bold part again and tell me it doesn't like you're bending the rules just for Bugs. I'm glad we've finally gotten this civilized again at least.
Read man, I said Modern Day Tony Stark, that means 2012 . Bugs Bunny originated in I believe 1960's right? I've made this point before but you've unfortunately still haven't said anything worthwhile. And read the bold part again and tell me it doesn't like you're bending the rules just for Bugs. I'm glad we've finally gotten this civilized again at least.

Why does time frame matter? You are avoiding answering this because you can't or you don't want to. You think they stopped making Bugs cartoons? He's still on Cartoon Network, still doing the same things, you knew that right? Tony Stark originated in the 60's too. I'm not bending any rules here; Tony's powers are based on him having a suit and doing things that aren't real. Why is it "bending rules" to lay out the skill and abilities Bugs has demonstrated his entire existence?
Read man, I said Modern Day Tony Stark, that means 2012 . Bugs Bunny originated in I believe 1960's right? I've made this point before but you've unfortunately still haven't said anything worthwhile. And read the bold part again and tell me it doesn't like you're bending the rules just for Bugs. I'm glad we've finally gotten this civilized again at least.

Bugs was created in 1938 and Iron Man was created in 1963, does that really matter, though? What's stopping us from using a modern day Bugs Bunny? I'm not really understanding your point. A modern day Bugs Bunny could still outwit a modern day Tony Stark, the way I see it. You're not exactly giving Iron Man a leg up by changing which year you want to take him out of.
DirtyJosé;4123667 said:
Why does time frame matter? You are avoiding answering this because you can't or you don't want to. You think they stopped making Bugs cartoons? He's still on Cartoon Network, still doing the same things, you knew that right? Tony Stark originated in the 60's too. I'm not bending any rules here; Tony's powers are based on him having a suit and doing things that aren't real. Why is it "bending rules" to lay out the skill and abilities Bugs has demonstrated his entire existence?

Time frame matters because plenty of things in technology have changed since say the 60's till now. Yes he's still doing the same things on CN now, to the same characters who haven't changed since the 60's. Saying Bugs tricks work no matter what to anybody, doesn't matter how smart they is a bit bias even you have to admit. Yes they have worked his entire existence, but only the same people who have never evolved and most likely never will.
Dynamite, this whole argument is really counterintuitive. Elmer Fudd's a human, too -- he isn't exempt from Bugs' tricks, either. Your whole debate is contingent on Stark realizing that Bugs is a cartoon, but... there's a bit of a problem with that, that would require breaking the fourth wall. They're both factionalized characters on an equal playing field. Nowhere does it say that one guy is a cartoon and one guy's not; actually, that should have nothing to do with this debate. We could find a cartoon version of Iron Man, couldn't we? It's just plain ridiculous.

Bugs is cunning and witty -- not taking away from a genius like Iron Man -- so, he'll figure out a way to play to his strengths. He won't engage in a legitimate battle with Iron Man, that would be suicide. Bugs will trick Stark when he least expects it and win. Don't underestimate Bugs' power, especially when you consider that he's going to be a unique battle for anybody in this tournament. Bugs will use some very non-traditional methods, but he'll get the job done and pick up the win.

Winner: Bugs Bunny

Exactly, you can't tell me that Bugs wouldn't try the old transvestitie switcheroo. Stark is such a filthy cock minded ****e bag that the moment Bugs appeared in his tight little pink number looking way more womanly than Pepper Potts that Stark would have to unzip the Ironfly and pull out his blood engorged billionaire prick.

Bugs could take this moment to rip out Stark's shiny glowy chest thingy. Match Bugs!
Time frame matter because plenty of things in technology have changed since say the 60's till now. Yes he's still doing the same things on CN now, to the same characters who haven't changed since the 60's. Saying Bugs tricks work no matter what to anybody, doesn't matter how smart they is a bit bias even you have to admit. Yes they have worked his entire existence, but only the same people who have never evolved and most likely never will.

"how smart they is..."? LULZ. Wow.

Because there is TONS of evolution over at Marvel.

And again, what does technology have to do with this at all? You see, this is why the thread has gone on for so long. You take forever to make any kind of point, and even longer to explain it. And then you repeat yourself. In case you've forgotten, the point here is about how Stark's intelligence means he's immune to being tricked by Bugs. Right?

Ok, so then no matter the time frame, we are in agreement that scientists and engineers are pretty intelligent people, right?

Alright. So, even if Stark's knowledge is more advanced as a result of being down the time line, and thus privy to the result of the hard work of all those before him, how does that make him any more intelligent? Super science is super science, and a smart guy is "smart" no matter what point in time he is. This is what you just fail to grasp or have failed to back up with any evidence. I can show you decades of Bugs tricking and trapping people much smarter than he is, some on the "super scientist" level. Do you have any evidence or information to back that ass up?
DirtyJosé;4123689 said:
"how smart they is..."? LULZ. Wow.

Because there is TONS of evolution over at Marvel.

And again, what does technology have to do with this at all? You see, this is why the thread has gone on for so long. You take forever to make any kind of point, and even longer to explain it. And then you repeat yourself. In case you've forgotten, the point here is about how Stark's intelligence means he's immune to being tricked by Bugs. Right?

Yes we have been going in circles, explain to me exactly how Bugs tricking lesser cartoon characters on a show for all these years somehow means no human can outsmart him, is it just because he's Bugs Bunny? Because if so then yes that's ridiculous.

Ok, so then no matter the time frame, we are in agreement that scientists and engineers are pretty intelligent people, right?


Alright. So, even if Stark's knowledge is more advanced as a result of being down the time line, and thus privy to the result of the hard work of all those before him, how does that make him any more intelligent? Super science is super science, and a smart guy is "smart" no matter what point in time he is. This is what you just fail to grasp or have failed to back up with any evidence. I can show you decades of Bugs tricking and trapping people much smarter than he is, some on the "super scientist" level. Do you have any evidence or information to back that ass up?

Okay, let's get done with this time period difference. Let's say that 2012 Bugs Bunny meets 2012 Tony Stark. Show me videos of the 2012 CN version of Looney Toons where Bugs traps super scientists, at least more than one and I'll admit defeat. Until then there is nothing changing my belief that Bugs can only trick people in his universe.

I rest my case. Tony Stark doesn't have some sort of future super smart intelligent brain gene. You've agreed to this despite your pages of blathering otherwise. You still have yet to provide any evidence for your cause, and yet you think you can tell me to come up with more? You just agreed that time frame doesn't matter, so why are you still pushing at it? You have some serious comprehension issues.
DirtyJosé;4123715 said:
I rest my case. Tony Stark doesn't have some sort of future super smart intelligent brain gene. You've agreed to this despite your pages of blathering otherwise. You still have yet to provide any evidence for your cause, and yet you think you can tell me to come up with more? You just agreed that time frame doesn't matter, so why are you still pushing at it? You have some serious comprehension issues.

All I asked was for you to find me a video of Bugs Bunny 2012 capturing human scientists and you can't even do that. We're just going to keep going in circles here because you can't give any proof that Bugs Bunny can outsmart a human from 2012. If he can't do that there's nothing stopping anyone from saying he can't beat Iron Man. Nobody has comprehension issues you're just too lazy to find it. Saying Bugs Bunny will win doesn't make you smarter than anyone, if Bugs wins this doesn't change anything. There's no Bugs Bunny bio which means you can make whatever you want about Bugs intelligence and I'm just suppose to believe it. Unless you find the video I'm done because you're not saying anything meaningful what so ever. I only said time difference doesn't matter because that's the only way Bugs can make things equal against Stark.
DirtyJosé;4123273 said:
I mentioned earlier that Bugs has almost no offense here. If he can get a moment, he can attack (in my pretend example, getting a free shot off with a giant hammer) but he's not running out into the field taking the initiative or anything. Everything he does is likely to be reactive and/or defensive in nature.

The rabbit can get out of harm's way pretty quickly. And regarding his disguises, it's not a matter of smarts. Again, he has gone up against evil super scientists and such. Whether you want to call it a power or a skill, it's something he's mastered and is practically a defining trait to the character. And in the recent past, Stark along with MANY MANY others were duped by replacement heroes as part of a covert large scale invasion (a secret invasion, if you will) of Earth. I don't see any reason why Stark couldn't be fooled, especially when he's been fooled before.

Okay, but even if BB hits Iron man with a giant hammer, like in your example, I don't think that is going to be enough to put him down. It's easy for a human without an iron armor to be KO'd, but in the case of Tony Stark in the Iron man suit, he has endured more powerful attacks.
Okay, but even if BB hits Iron man with a giant hammer, like in your example, I don't think that is going to be enough to put him down. It's easy for a human without an iron armor to be KO'd, but in the case of Tony Stark in the Iron man suit, he has endured more powerful attacks.

Hence why Bugs' goal in my example was to get the sneak attack on Stark while he was exposed. I believe Bugs is capable of getting Stark to a position of vulnerability.
All I asked was for you to find me a video of Bugs Bunny 2012 capturing human scientists and you can't even do that. We're just going to keep going in circles here because you can't give any proof that Bugs Bunny can outsmart a human from 2012. If he can't do that there's nothing stopping anyone from saying he can't beat Iron Man. Nobody has comprehension issues you're just too lazy to find it. Saying Bugs Bunny will win doesn't make you smarter than anyone, if Bugs wins this doesn't change anything. There's no Bugs Bunny bio which means you can make whatever you want about Bugs intelligence and I'm just suppose to believe it. Unless you find the video I'm done because you're not saying anything meaningful what so ever. I only said time difference doesn't matter because that's the only way Bugs can make things equal against Stark.

Can we agree that Bugs Bunny (in all history) > Perry the Platypus in every way shape and form?

Therefore we can conclude that Bugs Bunny can easily outsmart Professor Doofenschyzer (sp?), who is clearly a human (albeit cartoon) super scientist in 2012. Concede Dynamite, I have indirectly met your requirement for concession.

If it helps further, Bugs is tight with Michael Jordan and Bill Murray. If you're from Chicago you cannot deny the power of those connections.

Winner Bugs!
I love Bugs. I rallied to his defense against the underwhelming, over rated Boba Fett. I just can't see him beating Iron Man.

Also, where's Captain Carrot in this tourney, eh? Come on, come on, I want to know. He is his universe's equivalent of Superman (or, at least, Shazam, since he does have to eat his cosmic carrots...)
Iron Man here, easily. Bugs had no business getting past Boba Fett, and this round he's basically facing a guy in an even more powerful suit. Bugs Bunny can definitely avoid a severe beat down... for a while, but eventually Iron Man is going to punch him in the face, and one hard punch is going to be more than enough to shatter Bugs's skull.

Iron Man wins here.
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