Round 1: The Joker vs. Buffy Summers

Who wins?

  • The Joker

  • Buffy Summers

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The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Round One


The Joker is one of the most twisted and cunning villains in the DC Universe. Buffy Summers, however, has experience in handling these matters. Will the mad clown's mind games be too much? Or will the Vampire Slayer come out on top?

After what he did to Barbara Gordon in the Killing Joke, I shudder to think what the Joker would have in store for Buffy...
After what he did to Barbara Gordon in the Killing Joke, I shudder to think what the Joker would have in store for Buffy...

Uh... nothing?

No matter how you cut it, Buffy kicks Joker's ass six ways to Sunday 10 times out of 10. She has supernatural strength and toughness to go along with Ivy League level intelligence on top of that. What can Joker possibly do to her that she wouldn't be able to match? He's a regular man when it all comes down to it. Evil? Sure, but in a one-on-one fight he doesn't stand a chance against most in this tourney, let alone against the greatest, toughest, most resilient Vampire Slayer of all time.

Also, make no mistake about it... Buffy wouldn't be sympathetic towards someone like Joker just because he's human. She'd take an evil fuck like him out just as she would a vampire or demon, and believe me... it would be fairly easy for her.

Edit: LOL... I just checked the poll, holy shit, are you guys on crack? How many of you actually ever watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer? If you have then you should know that Joker would get his ass absolutely handed to him here. Buffy has beaten up a God, people... a GOD, yet you don't think she could beat up a guy in clown make-up? Are you fucking kidding me?

Fucking some sexist motherfuckers around here, I swear....
Ok, let's do it this way, what abilities does The Joker have that you could use as an argument for him to be in the supers bracket?

Same question but for Buffy...

Yeah, Buffy wins.

EDIT: not that it matters because logic is circumvented by HURR HURR I like this guy more.
Ok, let's do it this way, what abilities does The Joker have that you could use as an argument for him to be in the supers bracket?

Same question but for Buffy...

Yeah, Buffy wins.

EDIT: not that it matters because logic is circumvented by HURR HURR I like this guy more.

Oh you're right, buffy beats the fuck out of the joker for a long period of time. I have little to no doubt. The problem is the amazing amount of punishment that the Joker can take. Not only that but with all the power buffy has I believe that with the insane amounts of damage that the joker can take he'd eventually hit her with some kind of knock out gas that would eventually take her down. Which is all he'd need to do to win.
Oh you're right, buffy beats the fuck out of the joker for a long period of time. I have little to no doubt. The problem is the amazing amount of punishment that the Joker can take. Not only that but with all the power buffy has I believe that with the insane amounts of damage that the joker can take he'd eventually hit her with some kind of knock out gas that would eventually take her down. Which is all he'd need to do to win.

Buffy would beat the shitnout of him for a while and then when she realizes sphe wasn't dying shed figure him for a vampire, what with the pallid skin and the refusal to be knocked unconscious and straight up kill him. She'd stake him and not even worry about it. Until afterwards, but then she'd find out who he was and be ok with it.
This vote shouldn't be like this. Buffy routinely fights and kills vampires...not the sparkly brooding Twilight vampires, the suck your blood and rape your shit vampires.

The Joker is a guy who enjoys fucking with a guy who dresses as a bat.

This isn't a popularity contest, its a fight, and Buffy takes it.
Guys, this is not a competition of who is cooler, or more iconic in comic book lore. I don't care how good Heath Ledger was in the Dark Knight, we need to be just a little bit realistic here. a Vampire Slayer. The the clown prince of Gotham. Vampire slayer. Clown Prince.


clown. prince.

Why is the Joker so great? What makes him perhaps the baddest baddie to ever exist? Because he's pre-meditative. He's a schemer, even though he wouldn't admit to it in his classic monologue with Harvey Dent. Joker puts crazy, elaborate plans into action; plans with hundreds of twists and turns. The heists and murders that Joker pulls off, he does so with the precision and complexity of a clock; that all takes forethought. Planning. Hired thugs, burning buildings, gimmicky traps. Things that Joker can't set up around the battle field for a fight. Joker wouldn't even be in this kind of a tournament; spontaneous violence - usually on the part of the Batman - is the only thing that ever ruins his best laid plans. And that is where the Vampire Slayer thrives.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer isn't a Superstar. She's an ass-kicker.
Oh how the Buffy fans underestimate Joker. Joker is perhaps on of the most unpredictable villeins in history, he's got an insanely high tolerance for pain, in fact Joker actually enjoys pain. He's also incredibly smart, & has been known to hold his own with Batman in hand to hand combat, also he's coming into this fight with a boat load of custom made weapons, poisons, & acids, what's Buffy got, some pointy chunk of wood? Joker has beaten the living shit out of two Robins, killing one of them, & he's paralyzed Batgirl, I have little doubt Joker wins this. Buffy attempts to stick a stake in Jokers heart & he blast her with a healthy dose Joker Venom, Buffy dies with that giant creepy grin on her face while laughing uncontrollably.
Joker in cartoons, comics and movies is a hero to millions of people around the world and is easily more popular. He is loved by all kids, teens and adults. Thousands of people around the world have imitated him in some way.

He is funny, intelligent and charismatic at the same time. Has more experience and history as well.
Joker in cartoons, comics and movies is a hero to millions of people around the world and is easily more popular. He is loved by all kids, teens and adults. Thousands of people around the world have imitated him in some way.

He is funny, intelligent and charismatic at the same time. Has more experience and history as well.

The point is who would win in a fight, not who you like more.

Buffy will kill Joker, make no mistake about it, even if he gets her with the gas or a needle or whatever, unless he KOs her straight away he's a deadman.
Buffy. All day long. Joker is sadistic, manipulative, and a dangerous fighter. He can take most people. Buffy isn't most people; she's a Slayer. Slayer means super strength, reflexes, speed, stamina, enhanced senses and accelerated healing factor. Buffy has beaten people with credentials similar to Jokers before, AND they've been super strong and fast. Damage-wise, he can't do much to her that she hasn't overcome before. Not only that, but even without her powers she's shown herself to be incredibly resourceful.

Joker's no slouch, but he spends most of his time fighting Batman. Batman, as awesome as he is, doesn't have super strength. He may be as strong and as fast as is humanly possible, and Joker may be able to hold his own against that, but Buffy has abilities beyond a regular person. And lets not forget how fucking accurate she is with stabbing people in the heart. That's her job. She gets in close; Joker is done. It doesn't matter how much punishment you take if you have a wooden spike or an arrow sticking through your heart. And if she's at a distance, she'll use a crossbow. Or a rocket launcher.

Buffy wins.
Oh you're right, buffy beats the fuck out of the joker for a long period of time. I have little to no doubt. The problem is the amazing amount of punishment that the Joker can take. Not only that but with all the power buffy has I believe that with the insane amounts of damage that the joker can take he'd eventually hit her with some kind of knock out gas that would eventually take her down. Which is all he'd need to do to win.

Joker takes that punishment form normal humans though. They may be a strong as is physically possible, but Buffy is super strong. As in beyond what should be possible.

And as I've said, it doesn't matter how much punishment you take; Buffy will stake him through the heart. She'll get in close and end it quickly.
Oh how the Buffy fans underestimate Joker. Joker is perhaps on of the most unpredictable villeins in history, he's got an insanely high tolerance for pain, in fact Joker actually enjoys pain.

Good for Joker, because if he fights Buffy, he's in for a lot of it.

He's also incredibly smart, & has been known to hold his own with Batman in hand to hand combat,

Batman is someone else that Buffy would absolutely rape in a fight. She's faster, she's stronger, she's better in hand to hand combat than Joker. Unpredictability only goes so far when you're fighting someone who can outrun a motorcycle and lift objects weghing in excess of 1,200 lbs.

also he's coming into this fight with a boat load of custom made weapons, poisons, & acids, what's Buffy got, some pointy chunk of wood?

A chunk of wood that she plans to use to stab Joker in the heart? Don't be a fucktard Justin. Joker's gimmicks are cooler than Buffy's stakes. But they're not going to stop him from getting killed.

Joker has beaten the living shit out of two Robins, killing one of them,

In an explosion

& he's paralyzed Batgirl,

With a gun, which isn't listed on the equipment list you provided.

I have little doubt Joker wins this.

Then you're a dumb motherfucker.

Buffy attempts to stick a stake in Jokers heart & he blast her with a healthy dose Joker Venom, Buffy dies with that giant creepy grin on her face while laughing uncontrollably.

Or more likely Joker talks too much, complains she's not Batman and then gets stabbed and bleeds out a few seconds later, but not before Buffy tells him he talks too much.
Now if all the people from the Buffy Fan Club will sit down for a minute, Im going to explain some things.

Buffy is great. Shes cute, and witty and can kick some vampire butt. The perfect girl to take on a date late at night in the city. But she is facing The Joker. Let that sink in for a second.

A completely deranged madman. A sick and twisted individual who could care less how her ass looks in spandex, or what over-sized toothpick she carries. Buffy isnt facing Harley, or some goon from the Joker Gang- she is facing the clown prince himself.

This is a guy who has gone toe-to-toe with Batman, a highly skilled fighter. Bruce fn Wayne is more skilled\trained than Buffy. Granted, she has the strength advantage, but Joker can take a huge beating and still laugh in your face. He could have killed Batman many times over, but whats the fun in that? He likes tormenting him, taunting him. Why kill your arch enemy? Life wouldnt be as fun if he cant torment Bats anymore.

He would dance around a bit, taunting Buffy until she got mad and tired of his jokes. Buffy goes to work and kicks the crap out of him. No dice. He flings a few cards her way and slices her up, but it doesnt stop the slayer. She starts to get frustrated and more vicious, Joker is still laughing and cracking jokes. Buffy grabs him for a witty one-liner of her own before she tries to end the game.

But wait, a cloud of gas spews from the flower on Joker's lapel. Buffy lets go and backs away having fits of laughter as the gas takes effect. She falls to the ground twitching and giggling while Joker gets up and dusts himself off.

"Its a shame. I wanted you to meet Harley, she needs a new friend. She just keeps breaking all of hers."

He kneels down, lays a gift wrapped box on her chest and picks up her cell phone from her pocket. As he walks away, he dials a number...

"Hello, Mrs. Summers? It seems your daughter has had an accident..."

He drops the phone and the package explodes in the background as we see Joker walking away, with that evil grin across his face.
I've been exposed to the Joker in several outlets. Films, the animated series, even a recent video game. The impression I've been given in each of these is that Joker isn't really fit for hand-to-hand combat with Batman. Go on, give me whatever comic facts you'd like to. They won't phase me whatsoever. If Joker was so great at hand-to-hand combat, you wouldn't see a take on the character who gets taken off his game by Terry fuckin' McGuinness. Sure, Joker held his own in the fight. Until McGuinness started talking. Then Joker raged out, pinned McGuinness down and got got at close range with an electric ring. That's the Joker I know. Like I said, if Joker was the master you fanboys are all bending over backwards to paint him as, there wouldn't be such a docile interpretation of the Joker out there.

Buffy? You don't see Buffy like that. Ever. A woman with her supernatural strength and instincts isn't going down to the Joker I've known since I was four. Simple as that.

Buffy Summers in a fucking walk.
Now if all the people from the Buffy Fan Club will sit down for a minute, Im going to explain some things.

Buffy is great. Shes cute, and witty and can kick some vampire butt. The perfect girl to take on a date late at night in the city. But she is facing The Joker. Let that sink in for a second.

A completely deranged madman. A sick and twisted individual who could care less how her ass looks in spandex, or what over-sized toothpick she carries. Buffy isnt facing Harley, or some goon from the Joker Gang- she is facing the clown prince himself.

This is a guy who has gone toe-to-toe with Batman, a highly skilled fighter. Bruce fn Wayne is more skilled\trained than Buffy. Granted, she has the strength advantage, but Joker can take a huge beating and still laugh in your face. He could have killed Batman many times over, but whats the fun in that? He likes tormenting him, taunting him. Why kill your arch enemy? Life wouldnt be as fun if he cant torment Bats anymore.

He would dance around a bit, taunting Buffy until she got mad and tired of his jokes. Buffy goes to work and kicks the crap out of him. No dice. He flings a few cards her way and slices her up, but it doesnt stop the slayer. She starts to get frustrated and more vicious, Joker is still laughing and cracking jokes. Buffy grabs him for a witty one-liner of her own before she tries to end the game.

But wait, a cloud of gas spews from the flower on Joker's lapel. Buffy lets go and backs away having fits of laughter as the gas takes effect. She falls to the ground twitching and giggling while Joker gets up and dusts himself off.

"Its a shame. I wanted you to meet Harley, she needs a new friend. She just keeps breaking all of hers."

He kneels down, lays a gift wrapped box on her chest and picks up her cell phone from her pocket. As he walks away, he dials a number...

"Hello, Mrs. Summers? It seems your daughter has had an accident..."

He drops the phone and the package explodes in the background as we see Joker walking away, with that evil grin across his face.

Whilst Joker could have killed Batman many times over, the reverse is true. If Batman killed willingly, Joker would have been six feet under a long time ago. He's far from unbeatable. Not only that, but Joker not killing Batman is a huge weakness; he likes to toy and play around with his opponents far too much.

Anyway, let's flip this around and look at what Joker; a deranged, psychotic and incredibly dangerous man, is facing:

He is facing a Slayer.

By definition, a Slayer is a chosen woman with super strength, speed, reflexes, agility, enhanced senses, enhanced healing abilities and natural proficiency in combat, who (in Buffy's case) has been fighting Vampires, many different types of Demons and other supernatural beings since she was fifteen years old.

She's been thrown off of buildings, through windows, she's fallen five stories onto her face, been stabbed, shot, even had her blood drained by a vampire, and none of that's kept her down.

She's averted the opening the hell numerous times, she's kicked her boyfriend there (moments after she had witnessed him become good again), and she's even gone there herself and rescued a group of humans and returned, unaided. She knows how to use multiple weapons, and can stab you in the heart on instinct alone. She is the being that all of the stuff that mortals are afraid of fear.

Now, let that sink in. I'm not suggesting for a second that this is a cakewalk for her. Joker is bad, he's dangerous in many ways. But Joker has been shown to be susceptible to losing his cool. Coco (as much as it pans me to admit it) brings a good point up with Terry McGuinness; he talks trash to Joker and it throws him off, leading to his defeat. Buffy loves talking trash. If she talks enough to piss Joker off, and he gets in close and gloats as he's about to kill her (as with the Terry McGuinness example) then stake to the heart while he's monologuing.

It isn't impossible for Joker to win this, far from in fact, but I really can't see it.
Whilst Joker could have killed Batman many times over, the reverse is true. If Batman killed willingly, Joker would have been six feet under a long time ago. He's far from unbeatable. Not only that, but Joker not killing Batman is a huge weakness; he likes to toy and play around with his opponents far too much.

Anyway, let's flip this around and look at what Joker; a deranged, psychotic and incredibly dangerous man, is facing:

He is facing a Slayer.

By definition, a Slayer is a chosen woman with super strength, speed, reflexes, agility, enhanced senses, enhanced healing abilities and natural proficiency in combat, who (in Buffy's case) has been fighting Vampires, many different types of Demons and other supernatural beings since she was fifteen years old.

She's been thrown off of buildings, through windows, she's fallen five stories onto her face, been stabbed, shot, even had her blood drained by a vampire, and none of that's kept her down.

She's averted the opening the hell numerous times, she's kicked her boyfriend there (moments after she had witnessed him become good again), and she's even gone there herself and rescued a group of humans and returned, unaided. She knows how to use multiple weapons, and can stab you in the heart on instinct alone. She is the being that all of the stuff that mortals are afraid of fear.

Now, let that sink in. I'm not suggesting for a second that this is a cakewalk for her. Joker is bad, he's dangerous in many ways. But Joker has been shown to be susceptible to losing his cool. Coco (as much as it pans me to admit it) brings a good point up with Terry McGuinness; he talks trash to Joker and it throws him off, leading to his defeat. Buffy loves talking trash. If she talks enough to piss Joker off, and he gets in close and gloats as he's about to kill her (as with the Terry McGuinness example) then stake to the heart while he's monologuing.

It isn't impossible for Joker to win this, far from in fact, but I really can't see it.

Well said, now all we need to do is convince thirteen people plus one more for each vote for The Joker, as much as I agree Buffy would win the fight, I don't think she'll be moving on in the tournament.
I really like Joker, I want him to win, but thinking that, is just completely naive. Big differences with Batman, Buffy will not doubt for one second to KILL Joker. In fact that is what she does to every single of her opponents.

Joker doens't have the abiltys, the strenght necessary to beat Buffy. Plus, unlike with Batman, he can't have the psychological effect on her.
Oh how the Buffy fans underestimate Joker. Joker is perhaps on of the most unpredictable villeins in history, he's got an insanely high tolerance for pain, in fact Joker actually enjoys pain. He's also incredibly smart, & has been known to hold his own with Batman in hand to hand combat, also he's coming into this fight with a boat load of custom made weapons, poisons, & acids, what's Buffy got, some pointy chunk of wood? Joker has beaten the living shit out of two Robins, killing one of them, & he's paralyzed Batgirl, I have little doubt Joker wins this. Buffy attempts to stick a stake in Jokers heart & he blast her with a healthy dose Joker Venom, Buffy dies with that giant creepy grin on her face while laughing uncontrollably.

There's nothing the Joker could do to hurt Buffy without prep time. Buffy shouldn't even be in the human's section. I've seen her rip a fucking steel door off its hinges and beat an opponent with it, and send demons and vampires flying across rooms with a single kick.

The Joker is a normal human being with normal human powers and abilities. As a slayer Buffy is much faster, much stronger, is much more agile, is resistant to toxins and disease, and would knock him out cold with a punch to the face.

With her mystical protection from the Powers That Be, even a stab wound wouldn't slow her down. The Joker gets LOLstomped.
He doesnt need prep time to withstand punishment or hit her with the joy buzzer or Joker Gas. Those are abilities and things he has readily on him at all times. No need to plan for weeks just to take her down using those. Im sure he would love to mentally torment her for a bit, but in this situation you go with what you got.

Sure the man likes his elaborate schemes and tricks, but in a pinch- he can get the job done. Buffy has to get in close to attack and Joker can take it, with a smile. As powerful as she may be, all the training and strength in the world wont help you from getting electrocuted, sprayed with acid or inhaling Joker's gas.

Mister J lives to fight another day.
The Joker is a pycho, clean-shaven CM Punk with less tattoos & more face paint.

Buffy is a less muscular Beth Phoenix with a smaller chip on her shoulder.

While Buffy has practice dealing with the strange & supernatural, the pychotic mind of the Joker may be just enough to twist Buffy's mind inot insanity. Buffy would most likely put up a good fight before getting tricked into one of the Joker's famous mental traps where she would need to decide, her own life or that of her friends & family. Luckily, the Joker doesn't have anyone besides himself to worry about. The Joker would would go to all new lows if needed to save his own skin.
The Joker is a pycho, clean-shaven CM Punk with less tattoos & more face paint.

Buffy is a less muscular Beth Phoenix with a smaller chip on her shoulder.

While Buffy has practice dealing with the strange & supernatural, the pychotic mind of the Joker may be just enough to twist Buffy's mind inot insanity. Buffy would most likely put up a good fight before getting tricked into one of the Joker's famous mental traps where she would need to decide, her own life or that of her friends & family. Luckily, the Joker doesn't have anyone besides himself to worry about. The Joker would would go to all new lows if needed to save his own skin.
Well this is an easy one.

You analogy is shit. Joker is a mere mortal. Buffy isn't. She's stronger than Beth. She's stronger than Punk. She's stronger than Andre. She has supernatural strength. Get a better argument.

Also, your projected result is impossible. Outside help isn't allowed. Joker would never get Giles or Zander or Angel or Willow into a death trap.

Try again when you've got something real for us, dullard.

Buffy wins because Joker went down to Terry fuckin' McGuinness.
I'm not a huge Batman fan, but the theme I tend to see with Joker is he has a big evil scheme that Batman usually catches about halfway through and stops it before Joker can pull it off in the end. In other words, Joker always has a head start and usually an army of goons to do his handiwork. The difference in this case is that Joker is on his own and starts on a level playing field. The ONLY chance Joker has is if Buffy charges in and Joker can get some Joker venom at her or a shot with a gadget. If Buffy can get in a good shot to his head, he's done. Buffy may not be as brilliant as Joker, but she can pull this off despite being down a few times. In her own words, she's died twice so it's obvious the chick can take a punch. She's strong enough to break out of her own grave, so taking down Joker in a one on one fight should be possible.
He doesnt need prep time to withstand punishment or hit her with the joy buzzer or Joker Gas. Those are abilities and things he has readily on him at all times. No need to plan for weeks just to take her down using those. Im sure he would love to mentally torment her for a bit, but in this situation you go with what you got.

Sure the man likes his elaborate schemes and tricks, but in a pinch- he can get the job done. Buffy has to get in close to attack and Joker can take it, with a smile. As powerful as she may be, all the training and strength in the world wont help you from getting electrocuted, sprayed with acid or inhaling Joker's gas.

Mister J lives to fight another day.

Buffy has mystical protection from the gods. Unless the Joker pulls out a shotgun and blows her face away there's nothing on his person that could put her down before she kills him. A knife? It would break on her skin. Electricity? Hasn't been shown to slow her down before. Poison gas? As a slayer she's naturally resistant; even more with the mystical protection.

With no prep time I see no scenario where the Joker comes out on top.
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