Buffy Summers


Reaper of Miracles


In every generation there is a Slayer, a human girl chosen by the Powers that Be who is mystically infused with the powers of a demon in order to fight evil; when one falls, another rises. Throughout history there have been many great and powerful Slayers, but none perhaps as powerful as Buffy Summers.

This battle tested blond haired beauty has bested vampires, demons of all types, nuclear powered demon cyborgs, and city busting goddesses. She closed a portal leading directly into Hell itself, and has even beaten death itself… twice.

Throughout the continuity of the series Buffy rises from a small time girl dealing with small time evil to saving not just the citizens of Sunnydale, but the rest of the United States, and the entire planet on many different occasions. She is loved by humanity, feared by evil, and distrusted by the military.


Super Strength: As a slayer her physical strength is several times greater than an average human. She is seen lifting heavy steel beams and concrete crypts, ripping steel doors from their hinges, and flinging vampires effortlessly through buildings.

Super Speed: Her speed is also much greater than that of a normal human, and her reflexes are so quick that she has been seen dodging gun fire.
Enhanced Agility: She has the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound, and can survive great falls.

Enhanced Durability: Accidents that would be fatal to a normal human, such as being run over by a truck or getting stabbed, would only be an inconvenience to her.


Martial Arts: Buffy is a master hand to hand combatant having defeated both Angel and Spike; two vampires both with several centuries worth of fighting experience and training.

Keen Intellect: She has the power to quickly analyze an opponent’s strengths and weaknesses using her high deductive reasoning skills.


Mystical Protection: Late in the series she develops a type of additional durability that is believed to be fueled by the Powers that Be. This further protects her from unconventional and conventional weapons, even while she’s unconscious.

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