Ross: Would Be Strategic for Impact to "Jump on" Swagger

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
On Jack Swagger being released from WWE: “WWE announced that it has released fellow Oklahoman Jack Swagger from his WWE contract. The former Oklahoma Sooner All American Wrestler won’t have any issues getting booked. Seems like it would be strategic for Impact Wrestling would jump on the former WWE Champion when he’s legally able to appear on their TV. Swagger would also be a great addition to the NJPW roster or perhaps even ROH. I wish the former Sooner nothing but the best.”


He didn't go into great depth, but I'm not surprised he likes Swagger to Impact for two reasons. First off, he was largely responsible for getting him signed to WWE years ago given the Oklahoma connection. I believe Swagger's roommate, or friend, introduced them prior to him graduating. The other reason, and possibly more important one, is Dutch Mantell is working creative for Impact again. If Jarrett and Anthem value his input, I have little doubt he'll pine for bringing him in once he's contractually able to appear.

Swagger can go between the ropes, but like ADR and others from that era with WWE, I wasn't impressed in the slightest with his personality or lack thereof. Folks often likened him to Angle, for good reason, but those reasons ran out with a hard stop the moment he picked up a microphone. Perhaps that's changed and he's improved over the years. I honestly don't know. I'll have to let others speak to that.

Either way, I'm expecting him to work the first set of tapings he's contractually able to. Even if it's a shorter run, similar to Cody Rhodes, there's no way Impact passes on the opportunity to bring in another former WWE Champion. Just like they won't pass on the opportunity to remind us all over numerous episodes as Borash (or whoever is calling commentary) will fawn over his accomplishments made for their main competition.
I think a lot of the problems came from WWE with Thwagger... his lisp IS an issue too, tho giving him a name that needth... you get the point. It's like giving a guy who does R's as W's the name Roman Reigns... setting them up to fail needlessly.

In all seriousness, Jake Hagar isn't a bust, even now... TNA can jump on the "angry, finally himself" part and repackage him somewhat.. instead of "We The People..." "It's all about ME!" would be a good hook for him.

If Dutch can manage onscreen, pair them back up if you must... but Dutch will have a good idea of what makes him tick and what WWE should have done/he would have done if he was allowed to... TNA will probably allow it.

At this stage he's actually a better prospect than ADR, Mark Morgan or any of the other guys they seem to be resigning. People saw that he was misused in WWE and most blame them for his failings...even with the Mania/Drug screw up... ADR has the "banging Paige" hate from fan boys as well as the lazy tag...

Not saying Jack Hagar (Guessing that's what they'll use, pronounced HAY-GER) is the next World Champ for them... but he's someone who can come in - upset the applecart and be in that mix for a while, possibly take Lashley to an interesting feud based on their amateur backgrounds... In a year, when TNA is busted anyway,it won't be cos of him and he can roll on to Japan...
I personally think they should have gone with Smack Jagger.

I don't think Swagger is going to impact IMPACT in any way, good or bad. He'll be another mid-card ex-WWE guy that may get a push above his ability. It will be great for Jack, meaningless for Impact.
With all do respect for jim ross and as much as i love swagger as a performer, i don't really think it's a great idea to bring him into impact wrestling. This was the problem with Jarrett the first time around when he was in charge of creative, he relied too much on former WWE stars to carried the company, Just watch the joke that was the relaunch of TNA last week as an exemple of what not to do. You had recycled angles, you had both bruce prichard and dutch mantell tell you that the company sucked and especially Mantell, cutting a promo on all the guys that left and got more success in wwe then they ever had in TNA. So bringing in a guy that was so low on the totem poll in WWE would really make them look even more like a joke which they really don'T need right now.
To clarify, the issue isn't the number of former WWE stars in the company, but how they are booked. RVD, ADR, Angle, etc. were all strapped to rockets and fired to the top of the TNA stratosphere, well past hard-working talents who'd been busting their backs for years just for the chance to prove they could offer something significant. Namely Styles, Daniels, Joe, and others, all of whom have moved on to prove exactly that.

Swagger can wrestle. I'm sure he'll be fine as a talent. But the concern I have is that he'd come in and step right over Impact's roster in the process. That is the issue. It sends a horrible message to the roster that they aren't good enough, which only breeds discontent, and fans have been screaming for years for them to stop. If Dutch's promo meant anything, I really hope they learn this time around.

If Swagger comes in, fine. If he comes in and steps over the likes of Bram, Eddie and/or Davey, or even Moose, it's going to make TNA look foolish.
How many times does Jim Ross have to remind us in one "message" that Swagger is a product of Oklahoma? Jesus Christ! In all his years in WWE, Swagger never improved (if anything, his in-ring work became very sloppy, with lots of botches), he's horrible on the mic, and what the hell is that face he would make when he came down the aisle/ramp, and pounded his chest? He looked absolutely ridiculous! To compare Jack Swagger to Kurt Angle is an absolute insult.
The comparison is based on the amateur wrestling connection. I thought that was inferred well enough for someone not to get offended and accuse me of drawing a comparison between them as legendary personalities, but I guess not.
Jim Ross has always been a fan of Jack Swagger and Swagger is a good hand to have, but he's not some game changer and I thought this was a strategy that Impact Wrestling was going to finally move away from.

Like IDR pointed out, if Swagger comes to Impact, that's fine, but I do think it sends the wrong sort of message if he pops up and is hot shot to the main event spot primarily because he's a former WWE guy. It's something the company has a long and detailed history of doing and it's not something they should go back to.
Swagger is a guy who in the middle of a World title program toward Wrestlemania got caught smoking weed while driving. He announced he asked for his release and booked himself in events INSIDE his 90 day no-compete clause before he was even released. He can be as great an amateur wrestler as he wants. But it's pretty clear the man isn't exactly "clever".

Many guys strive greatly in the indies because of their smarts like Cody Rhodes, Drew Galloway and others. Personally, I see Swagger being another Ryback case where most mayor promotions would hardly care. Although, if I were wrong, that'd be nice for Swagger. I just doubt it'll happen.
TNA needs to create stars. If you can land a big WWE star, fine. Swagger, however, is not that. If he comes in as a mid-card guy, with Dutch as his manager, I'll be entertained, with 95% of that credit going to Dutch. I would focus more on creating your own talent.
I know TNA is currently going through a reshuffle but they have guys on the roster like Aron Rex who has lost his way a bit and was a signing from WWE and I think the same would happen to Jack Swagger.

Dutch Mantell holds the cards in this one, I assume he was happy with his time with Swagger and if he can think of a gimmick for Swagger then it makes a move to TNA more likely.
The whole time Dutch said "Make Impact Great" it sounded like he was gonna bring Swagger right then and there, its no coincidence that Swagger was vying for his release when his former manager and former partner are at the top of Impact wrestling!

Just waiting on Paige's movie to bomb, WWE to release her and her to pull a Cody/CM Punk and dominate!
TNA/IW/Jarrett/Athem, whoever, need to be careful with signing too many guys that worked for a lengthy period of time in wwe.

They have quite a few stars with the "former wwe" label as is. Lashley, Cody, Del Rio, Tyrus, Helms, Aaron Rex, and now Chris Masters and Matt Morgan(i've already seen people calling him a former wwe star, even though he's more of a returning TNA star.), and even the Pope.

That is enough, imo. Focus on signing guys above the 30 year old age range. As well as look to see who has been with the company for a while and push them for their loyalty. Guys like DJZ and Jesse come to mind. Both are constantly trying to improve, and their hard work should be appreciated.

Swagger won't add anything to the show. I would much rather see Eli Drake or Bram get the push that Swagger would.
Put him an mask and push him like Mantanza from Lucha. I know this sounds stupid, but, Swagger cannot speak with out the lisp. Unlike Rhodes, Swagger has not worked on hiding the lisp when talking. If they give him some sort of dark character who's one mission is to mess people up, it could work. Start him of slow, then build his way to the top if he is worth pushing that far. This would be a case of more action less talking which would work since Swagger can wrestle.
Or, at the very least, treat him like you did Lashley if and until he finds the comfort level required to make right by participating in talking segments often.
That is also a very good move too. Lashley has made a great improvement over the last few years. He is my favorite iMPACT star and Swagger could do this as well.

I don't have a problem with iMPACT signing WWE guys. It is sky rocketing them to the top right off rip that is the issue. Swagger is a good wrestler and he could make a good tag partner for someone like Godderz who can wrestle really good as well.
Starkist's idea is damn good. Don't do what WWE did with him. Make him a badass heel/face who is more of a silent character like Matanza. Give him a good manager or even a valet like Catrina is to Mil Muertos. Make him a dark character.

It's not like IMPACT Wrestling is full of dark characters. Let him be a dark character. He does have good skills in the ring. So, give him a proper gimmick and I'm on.

But if you bring him as Jack Swagger's copy, then I ain't interested. Better get someone like Kyle O'Reilly or Adam Cole. BAYBAY! ;)
During today’s Global Force Wrestling conference call with Dutch Mantell and Bruce Prichard, it was revealed that by Mantell that former WWE Superstar Jack Swagger may appear on GFW sometime in the near future.


Typos and poor formatting aside, as I said in the OP, the writing has been on the wall about this since Swagger's granted release given Mantell's position of influence with the company and how closely the two worked together in WWE.

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