Rooting for more than 1 team

I can't do it myself. I can understand those that do, and that's well within their right. I can see where theyre coming from on some extents.

But I live and die by The Steelers, Penguins, Pirates, and Pitt football and basketball. When their seasons are done, Im generally done as well with that sport's season. It would be too hard for me to be emotionally invested in more then one team, when Im so invested in my first. Its hard for me to bring myself to casual interest.
I love both teams, and follow both teams with a close eye during the season. Now I don't get so crazy about it I know the third string walk-on kicker, but I follow the teams very closely, at least when I'm not working.

The fact is that it's very possible to love more than 1 team in the same "league" so to speak.

The only possible way you can like/love two teams in the same league is if neither team resides in your city. For instance, if you live in a city with no NCAA football team, you could easily love Notre Dame and Alabama just as much. However, (and I'm using an example that comes easiest for me) you CAN NOT love both PITT and Penn State. Period. I've been in soo many arguments about this I can't even stand it any more. I'm die hard PITT, absolutely hate penn st. Especially given their history, I refuse to see how you could rout for both.
I think its fine, as long as you are consistent. When it comes to baseball, I have two teams...the Detroit Tigers and the New York Yankees. However, I will only root for the Yankees if they aren't playing Detroit. They aren't quite at equal level. I root for Detroit 100% of the time, even against the Yankees. But if they aren't playing each other, I will root for the Yankees against everyone else without hesitation.

Same with the NFL. Detroit Lions fan first, Raiders fan second. I started to watch football right when Tecmo Bowl came out. How could I not root for the team with Bo Jackson AND Marcus Allen? They were video game gods! But, the Lions had drafted Barry all-time favorite athlete not named Steve Yzerman. Same rules apply. Always cheer the Lions, and cheer for Raiders as long as they aren't playing Detroit.

People who say its just to have better odds at picking a winner are morons. It has nothing to do with that. People root for multiple teams for a wide range of reasons, whether you grew up watching one team, then moved elsewhere, became a fan because of a family member or spouse, because they drafted a favorite college player, doesn't matter. To lump everyone who follows more than one team in a certain league as simply hedging their bets is not only stupid, but it's insulting. You don't know the reasons we root for each team, so shut the hell up. I root for the fucking Lions and Raiders...not exactly annual Super Bowl contenders.

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