

Staff member
In a very topical way, this is how I rate you:

Tiger Driver - Darren Young
The People's Peep - Heath Slater
Via Armbar- Bryan Danielson
Ferbian - Wade Barrett
nickb03 - David Otunga
CAPS - Skip Sheffield
IDR - Michael Tarver
Blue Cardinal - Justin Gabriel

Call me, Doc and Barbosa ***** here.

EDIT: List subject to change.

We had reasoning for it. Sound reasoning, no less.

Check out the Thunder-Blog for those reasons.
Yeah, I will change nickb03 for someone better. He is better than Tarver-level anyway...
That guy just needs a better name and some "it" factor. He should probably trash the NorCal thread and choke D-Man with a tie.
nickb03 is VERY solid.

So is Ferbian.

Blue Cardinal grew on me, fast. Dude's got thick skin, no doubt.

Plenty of other potentials. And the year isn't half -over yet.
I never get to see enough of nickb03. He hasn't made enough noise for himself. He is very LigerBomb-like, in the way that he keeps to himself mostly and just gets on with it.
DirtyJose should be there. Danielson-level even. Both he and nickb03 are better than Ferbian, who is likeable and solid but nowhere near BArrett or Danielson. He's got Gabriel written all over him.
Ahem.. the winds of change is blowing on WZ :rolleyes:

And.. Doc.. what!? sure Gabriel was number 3, but I do not have Gabriel written all over me :suspic:
Also, Ferb isn't a rookie and Gabriel's been wrestling longer than Danielson.

Blue can be Alex Riley.
I only did that because of the Sports connection. You'd really be someone who got to skip NXT and already be on the main roster. Lke Sheamus or McIntyre.

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