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Roode or Punk? Champion vs Champion.

mr.wrestling iv

Occasional Pre-Show
Bobby Roode has been TNA Heavyweight Champion since November 3rd, 2011.

CM Punk has been WWE Champion since Suvivor Series 2011.

So they have been their respect companies top champions since November last year. The question is simple; Who has done a better job as their companies Heavyweight Champion... Roode or Punk? And why?

Bobby Roode, his reign as champion has been my favourite ever in TNA and has coincided in my view anyway with a leap in quality of the program and the main-event scene in particular. He has had a series of great matches, an amazing fued with Storm, combined with a very good one with Sting and is excellent on the mic, capable of drawing heat like crazy. Roode is in my view the total package and his reign reflects this.

Punk's reign by contrast has been pretty bland, his thing with Y2J is ok but could have been so much better, I expected more from both promo-wise. Before that there wasn't really a lot going on more should have been made of him vs Ziggler and before that him and Miz. His fued leading into Survivor Series against Del-Rio was also lacklustre even if it culminated in a very good match.
This one is not even close ... Bobby Roode's title run has changed the face of the company, CM Punk's has not.

I am perfectly content with both title runs. I love Punk as the WWE champion and think he has done a fine job. But without Randy Orton or John Cena coming after him, it has not looked as good as it could.

Roode on the other hand has been fantastic. Probably the best TNA Championship reign (though I also loved AJ's) and truly has elevated a number of other people as well. He has shown that he is NOT just a current champion that will fall off ... but he is one of THE GUYS to carry TNA far into the future. His feud with Storm has been electric and his work with Sting was fantastic as well.

I cannot think of a single thing about Roode's reign that I have a problem with.
Roode for sure.

Roode is a heel champion, so what keeps people tuning in is to see him get the ass-kicking he deserves. Punk as a face champion has been... alright, his timing just hasn't been the best as he won the belt at Survivor Series, the same PPV Rock competed at (and Miz selfishly ruined by... y'know... cos... yeh) and started the final stretch towards WrestleMania.

Royal Rumble was the next big PPV on the horizon where the focus was on who would win the Rumble; either a returning star or current up-and-comer. After the fallout from the Rumble was discussed, it seemed agreed upon that neither champion was going to lose at the Elimination Chamber, and neither did.
As Elimination Chamber closed, the people were smelling something. The next PPV was the big one, which could only mean more sightings of a certain kind of bull that would electrify, tweet, trend and boot its way into the biggest main event in Mania history with the face of the company.

Meanwhile, Punk danced with a star.

Timing is everything and in their parallel runs, Roode's story has been at the forefront of his company, while Punk's simply hasn't.
Also have to go with Roode here. Roode and Bully Ray are what makes me turn into impact each week. Not that I don't enjoy the rest of the show, but Roode as champ has elevated Impact wrestling as a whole. Punk's run had potential, and I am very happy he is the champ, but I think his run could have been much more. All in all Roode has been the best thing TNA has had going in a long time.
I like Roode, I've been a fan of the guy for several years. He works hard and he does his best with what he's been given. However, to me, the idea that he's been a better champ than CM Punk is ludicrous for several reasons.

Reason 1: Roode is CONSTANTLY booked to look weak - I'm all for heels having to cheat to win, that's what heels do after all. However, I can't remember the last time Bobby Roode wrestled in a title match in which he didn't look weak as dishwater. Whether it's been on IW or ppv, Roode's matches have fallen victim to classic TNA overbooking in which there's tons of outside interference and/or referee incompotence that continuously lead to fluke victories. I might be wrong but, off the top of my head, the last really solid win I remember Roode having was way back early this year in which he made AJ Styles tap out after their title match from Genesis was "continued". His matches against Jeff Hardy, James Storm, & Sting have all resulted in Storms winning as a result of interference or flukes. After all, Roode "fell" out of the cage at Lockdown to retain against Storm. I can understand wanting to keep faces looking strong but, every once in a while, heel champs need a solidified victory and Roode hasn't had that in a very long time.

Reason 2: Little to no heat between Roode and his challengers - For most of this year, Roode's top opponent since being TNA WHC has been Sting. As GM, Sting was constantly in Roode's business and. As a result, all the heat was between him & Sting instead of against Jeff Hardy or Bully Ray. His feud with Sting, overall, has far overshadowed what could've been a classic, heated feud with James Storm. It's been ok but, all in all, not even a tenth of what it could have been. Now, it looks like Roode is moving onto feud with RVD, which is another feud that I don't have high hopes for, especially now that Hulk Hogan is back and has assumed Sting's role.

Reason 3: Overall inferior match quality - While Roode's matches as champ has been good overall, for the most part, as I aluded to earlier, TNA's overbooking of his matches have lessened the quality of a lot of them, often leading to very disappointing endings all in all. Ocassional overbooking can be a positive thing, as can the use of outside interference or ref stupidity or "flukey wins" but TNA has gone this route FAR, FAR too often with Roode.

I'm not saying that Punk's feuds have all been the stuff that dreams are made of or that they've all been some sort of epic happenings. However, at least Punk & whomever he's feuded with & wrestled against as champ have been the focal point of those feuds. Any sort of cheap endings have been kept to a minimum and, when they have been used, it's typically done to help tell a good story. His matches against Dolph Ziggler earlier in the year, his series of matches with Daniel Bryan, the Elimination Chamber match, his match against Jericho, his two recent matches with Mark Henry have all been great, ppv worthy matches that haven't been bogged down with the same sort of overbooking & lack of focus as Roode's matches have gotten.

Like I said, Roode has done a good job with what he's been given and he's done his best. He's been a good champion, certainly the best TNA has had in quite a while. However, Punk has looked stronger, his matches have been better & his feuds have been better because he's actually had heat with his opponents.
I like Roode, I've been a fan of the guy for several years. He works hard and he does his best with what he's been given. However, to me, the idea that he's been a better champ than CM Punk is ludicrous for several reasons.

Reason 1: Roode is CONSTANTLY booked to look weak - I'm all for heels having to cheat to win, that's what heels do after all. However, I can't remember the last time Bobby Roode wrestled in a title match in which he didn't look weak as dishwater. Whether it's been on IW or ppv, Roode's matches have fallen victim to classic TNA overbooking in which there's tons of outside interference and/or referee incompotence that continuously lead to fluke victories. I might be wrong but, off the top of my head, the last really solid win I remember Roode having was way back early this year in which he made AJ Styles tap out after their title match from Genesis was "continued". His matches against Jeff Hardy, James Storm, & Sting have all resulted in Storms winning as a result of interference or flukes. After all, Roode "fell" out of the cage at Lockdown to retain against Storm. I can understand wanting to keep faces looking strong but, every once in a while, heel champs need a solidified victory and Roode hasn't had that in a very long time.

Reason 2: Little to no heat between Roode and his challengers - For most of this year, Roode's top opponent since being TNA WHC has been Sting. As GM, Sting was constantly in Roode's business and. As a result, all the heat was between him & Sting instead of against Jeff Hardy or Bully Ray. His feud with Sting, overall, has far overshadowed what could've been a classic, heated feud with James Storm. It's been ok but, all in all, not even a tenth of what it could have been. Now, it looks like Roode is moving onto feud with RVD, which is another feud that I don't have high hopes for, especially now that Hulk Hogan is back and has assumed Sting's role.

Reason 3: Overall inferior match quality - While Roode's matches as champ has been good overall, for the most part, as I aluded to earlier, TNA's overbooking of his matches have lessened the quality of a lot of them, often leading to very disappointing endings all in all. Ocassional overbooking can be a positive thing, as can the use of outside interference or ref stupidity or "flukey wins" but TNA has gone this route FAR, FAR too often with Roode.

I'm not saying that Punk's feuds have all been the stuff that dreams are made of or that they've all been some sort of epic happenings. However, at least Punk & whomever he's feuded with & wrestled against as champ have been the focal point of those feuds. Any sort of cheap endings have been kept to a minimum and, when they have been used, it's typically done to help tell a good story. His matches against Dolph Ziggler earlier in the year, his series of matches with Daniel Bryan, the Elimination Chamber match, his match against Jericho, his two recent matches with Mark Henry have all been great, ppv worthy matches that haven't been bogged down with the same sort of overbooking & lack of focus as Roode's matches have gotten.

Like I said, Roode has done a good job with what he's been given and he's done his best. He's been a good champion, certainly the best TNA has had in quite a while. However, Punk has looked stronger, his matches have been better & his feuds have been better because he's actually had heat with his opponents.

I think you make some good points paticularly regarding how weak Roode has been booked of late. Having said that I think Punk's fueds have all been fairly mediocre, yes they were mostly centred around his opponent but really the only fued he has had which has gathered significant momentum to be memorable is the latest with Y2J.

The Del-Rio storyline culminated in a trmendous match but was pretty dull-going and was probably part of the reason why the SS buyrates weren't as high as expected. The fued with Ziggler was actually more about Punk vs Laurinitis, as seen throughout the match where Ziggler was pretty much an afterthought and booked to look fairly weak in my view being unable to snatch the win even with heavy interference from JL.

In comparison to this Roode's fued with Sting culmnating in the match at Victory Road was excellent and one of the more interesting angles I've seen i wrestling in a while, the heel vs face-authority figure. His most recent fued vs Storm was intriguing too with Sting out of the picture plenty of focus was attached to their relationship in Beer Money. With Roode's subsequent betrayal of his best-friend essentially giving it a more intimate and personal feel than anything Punk's been involved with as champ.

That's just my perspective I suppose, Punk has never been one of my favourites so I'm probably a little biased.
Definitely Roode.

This is a credit to TNA right now. They are making the title look important. Everyone is chasing the title. It's how wrestling should be and, imo, it's what has been wrong with wrestling the past several years. The titles have become props and has become more of a side-show. CM Punk's title run is 2nd fiddle in the company. Hell, at WM the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP took 3rd priority on the card.
Roode's reign has been way better. I would like to see a clean win or two though, like what he did when he made AJ submit.

Also at first I wasn't too fond of him doing the common heel thing and coming out in suits, I'm pretty sure he said before he didn't like wearing them when he was on commentary once. But I'll let that slide since he's that aweomse.

Punk's reign hasn't been bad, but I think Roode's has been way better. So he's the better champion for me.
C.M.Punk for me. Since rising to the top at Money in the bank, he has been impressive every single night. he has become more of an entertainer than ever before. bobby roode is impressive, but he is not the next john cena. cm punk is.

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