Roman Reigns should be Superstar of the Year


Championship Contender
Sounds a bit crazy but hear me out. This is a list of guys he along with Rollins and Ambrose have beaten.

Big Show, TOF, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Bryan, Ziggler, Khali, Goldust, Usos, Cena, Gabriel, Kingston, Jericho, Kane, Henry, Big E, Orton, Mysterio, RVD, Ryback, Sheamus, PTP, Ryder and Undertaker. That's 27 guys they hold wins over and I still might have missed some, Not all by have been pinned but all guys here have been on the losing end of a match to the Shield.

Who else has a list of names that long for people they have beat in 1 year. Also they didn't just beat all of these guys, they put on consistently high quality matches against any combination of guys and have had match of the night countless times. Now if they could give superstar of the year to all 3 as a group then I don't see who can compete with them and their results for the entire year because someone like Bryan only had a good second half to the year after spending the first half on the losing end of a feud to the Shield. But as it is only 1 man who can get it, I had to pick the 1 member who stood out the most it would be the guy whose finisher has done the damage to all the guys and that is Roman Reigns. If the Shield have pinned a guy chances are it was the Spear that lead to the pin. Add to that his Survivor Series performance to help him stand out and you have the man who should be Superstar of the Year Roman Reigns.
I suppose that is an impressive list of names that Reigns, and The Shield, have defeated. Reigns has been very good and I, like most, now place him above the other two in the stable. There are not many who have had such a high standard of match in a year. Every single time these three wrestle, they deliver which is an outstanding achievement. The quality of match and the names defeated is spectacular but I don't think he deserves the award.

Cena has been the superstar of the year and there is no doubt about it. Royal Rumble, defeating CM Punk, beating The Rock; both Ryback and Mark Henry; recovering from an injury and winning the World Heavyweight Championship as well as successfully defending his title after a MITB contract is cashed in. Cena has been at his best this year and some of the matches since his return have been of a very high quality. Yes, it's predictable but John Cena has been the superstar of the year in 2013 no matter which way you look at it.
Reigns only has a spear..His one singles match he had, which was against Bryan was so slow paced, it was boring. Poor Bryan couldn't even have his fast paced offense. He has a spear! Edge, Rhyno and Goldberg had spears..So did Batista.

As you have already mentioned, they beat those names, not him. Superstar of The Year Award goes to an individual and their accomplishments, not to a team. I see Roman Reigns earning that award one day, but he hasn't done anything by himself but set a record on eliminations from the last pay per view.

This award should go to the person with the most accomplishments within a year. Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton are more deserving of this Slammy for now.
Nope. The Shield has defeated all those names. If the Shield could be counted as one entity, I would say they deserve to be Superstar of the Year without a doubt. But they're a group, a stable. Can't count a stable as Superstar of the Year. Reigns wouldn't have gotten the push he did if he hadn't been part of the brilliant idea that was the Shield.

The only noteworthy thing Reigns has done on his own was the Survivor Series match. And even then, he got a little help from Seth Rollins.
Reigns only has a spear..His one singles match he had, which was against Bryan was so slow paced, it was boring. Poor Bryan couldn't even have his fast paced offense. He has a spear! Edge, Rhyno and Goldberg had spears..So did Batista.

I don't think Roman Reigns should be superstar of the year, but this post is ridiculous. There was literally no need to bring Daniel Bryan into this.

Reigns is a large, powerful guy who wrestles a powerful style. It's not that hard to understand why he has limited movement and his pace is slower. He's not going to run around the ring like an idiot and do flips and kicks and shit.

Wrestling is made up of all types of styles. Because your man-crush Daniel Bryan runs around like and idiot and kicks and flips and shit doesn't mean everybody should.
Reigns has been phenomenal as of late. But I don't see it reasonable for him to be Superstar of the Year. The Shield as a whole has more of a shot. I could potentially see it for next year, if his push throws him into the main event scene, which is definitely a possibility. I would just expect him to grow much, much more before he is given that honour. He's a big guy, with a potentially large array of moves that he can use. He has everything he needs to expand his role in the ME scene in the WWE. It's just gonna be a little while longer before we see the full potential of Roman Reigns.
We'll it seems for one thing the miniature push is working. Look at us all, fawning after a good showing at survivor series. It wouldn't make sense to give a guy who's only achievements come as part of a team, especially considering he also lost the tag belts in the period (won them too, sure, throw a parade). Dean Ambrose won a title, a singles title! And he has the same list of names you mentioned. And he still shouldn't get it.

It generally goes to top guys right? I smell Cena or Orton so they can make it a double work. Maybe someone will get clocked over the noggin with it.
We'll it seems for one thing the miniature push is working. Look at us all, fawning after a good showing at survivor series. It wouldn't make sense to give a guy who's only achievements come as part of a team, especially considering he also lost the tag belts in the period (won them too, sure, throw a parade). Dean Ambrose won a title, a singles title! And he has the same list of names you mentioned. And he still shouldn't get it.

It generally goes to top guys right? I smell Cena or Orton so they can make it a double work. Maybe someone will get clocked over the noggin with it.

As I said in the initial post I said the Shield should get it as a group but as they don't do that I decided to pick the one who has made the most impact this year and that is Reigns, he has been the one who gets the majority of the pins throughout the year and Survivor Series was that extra bit to make him the standout guy from the group.
As I said in the initial post I said the Shield should get it as a group but as they don't do that I decided to pick the one who has made the most impact this year and that is Reigns, he has been the one who gets the majority of the pins throughout the year and Survivor Series was that extra bit to make him the standout guy from the group.

What would be great is if the awards made any sense and we could get a slammy for best tag/group. Most of it is gibberish at this stage, not that it hasn't always been. There are higher on the food chain than Reigns either way.
I very much like Reigns and he's shined in his role as the power player of The Shield. However, Reigns just isn't elevated enough in my eyes to be Superstar of the Year. While it's true that The Shield has racked up an impressive number of wins over the biggest names in the company, those wins have almost all come about as a result of tag team and six man tag team matches. Reigns is someone that's almost entirely unproven as a singles wrestler and that's what Superstar of the Year is for. Reigns was very impressive at Survivor Series, but it was still a tag match. He might well be there by this time next year, but he's not now.

If you're going by sheer star power, then Cena would win the thing every year. However, given his immense rise in popularity over the last 6 months especially, couple that with his struggles to become WWE Champion, the fact that this Monday's Raw will be only about 100 miles or so from his hometown and his former mentor HBK is presenting the award, I think Daniel Bryan will probably win it.
I could see why The Shield could be classed as "Superstar of the Year" if WWE were to include a faction as a single option, but Reigns isn't going to win it on his own, he hasnt done nearly enough in singles action to win! Reigns has a hell of a lot of potential though, and if pushed right could definitely be a contender for next year if The Shield break up.

The answer surely has to be Daniel Bryan. Although he hasn't ended up as THE guy like most fans were hoping for, the quality of his matches and the connection he has made with the fans over the last 12 months definitely make him the right choice for me.

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