Roman Reigns vs Triple H at Wrestlemania

It makes sense really, when you consider that WWE has been testing the waters a bit with both Bryan & Reigns. They've both had minor face offs inside the ring the past few weeks, hinting at a possible match.

As I've said in other threads, the only way that WWE is going to keep fans from hijacking WWE WHC match at this point in time is for Daniel Bryan to be in that match. Fans just aren't invested in Orton vs. Batista and they're not going to pretend that they even remotely are. The simplest way to do this, in my opinion, is to have Bryan win the title at Elimination Chamber. As former champion, Orton is entitled to a rematch and Batista is the Royal Rumble winner. Since both are entitled to have a WWE WHC match, it's made into a triple threat match with Bryan as the defending champion. If they book Bryan strong from then up to WrestleMania, anticipation for this match could be extremely high.
Agreed. So much of it depends on how Triple H sees his own role and image at this late date in his career. Obviously, he can win every match he's in from here to doomsday if he wants; he's the guy who calls the shots, so you figure he can sacrifice himself for any wrestler he wants pushed (talk about hands-on managing). However, if he shows up at every major PPV and gets the hell beat out of him, how long would he be considered a major conquest for a guy on his way up? It's a unique problem, given his dual role as an administrator/performer.

So, here's Roman Reigns. It seems he's been ready for his push for quite some time, yet if the company has apparently been waiting for the biggest stage of the year to give it to him, where's the logic of him jobbing to Triple H?

The more I see of Reigns, the more I like him. Last night on Smackdown, his willingly stepping aside so Ambrose could make the pin was slickly done ("Hey, Dean! If it's so important for you to get the victory, let me be gallant and let you have it.") The gesture itself burned with sarcasm and I loved the snarky half-smile on Roman's face as he delivered it.

The guy is ready for his big move, but if he has to pay homage to Trips by losing or over-selling, his big push will be delayed past WM30. On the other hand, if Triple H can sell convincingly for Reigns, it would be another story altogether.

See, the thing is;
Roman Reigns doesn't at all, Have to Win the match vs Triple H for his stock to rise even further.

He can lose by being screwed and furthering this story(whatever they write up to make it happen) beyond Wrestlemania, and even drag it until SummerSlam.

By and large, if this match was to happen, even Triple H going over is not a problem in the least. All that needs to be done is, Roman Reigns has to put on a showing such that the fans get behind him and cheer for him even more.

Him being screwed by his former teammates(who would remain under the Authority) when he is on the verge of winning at Wrestlemania against the Main Authority figure would make him even more popular post-Mania.

Also, Roman Reigns vs Triple H is a fresh programme. Something that everyone clamours for nowadays.

As long as Reigns' obvious inexperience in Singles matches doesn't show and he is able to have a good match with Triple H with a Strong showing. It will be an ultimate Win-Win for Roman Reigns going forward,lMO.
I'm afraid I have some bad news... This is a really terrible idea. In general I love the thought of Roman vs Hunter in a well planned feud. The stare down was nice. Hot shotting the split of Shield for a terribly short sighted WM30 match is a garbage idea and a garbage debate. #StingerDeathDrop #CleanPin
I'm afraid I have some bad news... This is a really terrible idea. In general I love the thought of Roman vs Hunter in a well planned feud. The stare down was nice. Hot shotting the split of Shield for a terribly short sighted WM30 match is a garbage idea and a garbage debate. #StingerDeathDrop #CleanPin

Actually, this could be done as a long-term feud which could last well beyond Wrestlemania 30, and it might be the perfect way to kickstart Roman Reigns as a Babyface, whilst leaving room for the other 2 members to have their own pushes/moments in the spotlight at a later time.

If this goes ahead, I do have a perfect booking scenario in my head, which can help Roman Reigns get over, whilst also leaving room for Seth Rollins to become a babyface sometime later where there could be a face-off between Ambrose and Rollins with Reigns involved in some other feud somewhere else on the card.

In essence, if this match goes ahead, regardless of the result, it will hotshot Roman Reigns as a babyface character with the fans getting behind him much easier than they would in a Shield break-up programme.
That is all lMO.
I'm afraid I have some bad news... This is a really terrible idea. In general I love the thought of Roman vs Hunter in a well planned feud. The stare down was nice. Hot shotting the split of Shield for a terribly short sighted WM30 match is a garbage idea and a garbage debate. #StingerDeathDrop #CleanPin

I agree with this. The Shield have been booked as a pretty big deal throughout their run as a faction, so their breakup deserves its own match at WrestleMania. Reigns barely has any experience as a singles wrestler, and while Triple H may be a good worker, they don't have to do this match right now.

Someone proposed that they do Reigns & Langston vs. Rollins and Ambrose in a Tag-Team match for IC Title and US Title, and I think this is a good idea. The Shield lose to the Wyatts at Elimination Chamber, after the match Reigns decks Ambrose. Rollins gets in his face and Reigns decks him too. The next night Reigns is the victim of a 2-on-1 attack by Rollins and Ambrose. It's announced that at WrestleMania it will be Ambrose & Rollins vs. Reigns and a partner of his choosing. During a match with Reigns on RAW, Ambrose and Rollins come in through the crowd to attack Reigns again, Langston then hits the ring, and he and Reigns clean house. The stipulation later gets added that the IC Title and US Title will both be on the line in the match. At WrestleMania, you put over Langston and Reigns and have a breif staredown between the two of them as Langston holds up the IC Title and Reigns holds up the US Title. Over the course of the summer, build Reigns as a dominant US Champion and build Langston as a dminant IC Champion, eventually leading to a Champion vs. Champion match at Night of Champions. Done.

As for Triple H, it makes sense to do him against Bryan, but Bryan also needs to be in that main event spot challenging for the World Title. In the World Title Elimination Chamber Match have it go down to Bryan and Orton. Batista comes down, tears open the Chamber door and spears the shit out of Bryan, allowing Orton to capitalize. The next night Batista says that he holds Bryan responsible for the fans ruining his big return at the Royal Rumble, and that when Batista is in the ring the fans should be chanting for Batista, not for Daniel Bryan. He says that Daniel Bryan doesn't deserve a spot in the main event at WrestleMania and hypes up how this year's main event is all about Evolution. Bryan is pissed and gets in Triple H's face, he calls him out for keeping all the top spots for his buddies. This sets up Bryan vs. Triple H at WrestleMania, with the stipulation that if Bryan wins, he gets added to the main event later that night. In the build-up to this match I'd have Ric Flair come out and criticize Triple H for how he's running the company. Flair puts over the talent of Orton and Batista but also says that Bryan is one of the best wrestlers to come along in years that the way he has been treated is bullshit. Flair is going to be in Bryan's corner for his match against Triple H. I'd have a cool segment on the go-home episode of RAW with Daniel Bryan and Ric Flair saying YES! and WOOOOO! back and forth.

So at WrestleMania it's Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan w/Ric Flair. The ref gets knocked down and Bryan is setting up for his running knee, when Flair hits him with a low blow out of nowhere. Triple H hits the pedigree and gets the cover as the ref wakes up and slowly counts 1...2...KICKOUT. Flair is livid at ringside. Bryan makes a huge comeback on Triple H, Flair tries to get up on the apron, but Bryan takes him out with a knee. Bryan catches Triple H in the YES Lock and makes him tap out in the middle of the ring.

Later in the night you have your main event for the World Title. Orton and Batista come out, but when Bryan's music hits, he's no where to be found. The match starts without Bryan and the crowd is booing the shit out of it. The fans would be irate and chanting for Daniel Bryan as Orton and Batista are fighting. Then when Bryan's music hits and he comes out for real, you would have one of the biggest pops ever. Bryan goes on to win the Triple Threat and become Champion. He essentially went through all the members of Evolution in one night. The show closes with Bryan holding the belts and leading the biggest YES chant we have ever seen.

That's how you fucking book this year's WrestleMania.
Put me on the creative team coach, I'm ready.
It could work and would be a great way to begin a Roman Reigns face turn. However, I'm really looking forward to a Shield triple threat and indeed, HHH being used in a big match.

This could really work at Summerslam. Triple H getting on a PPV and putting on Reigns would be something I would look forward to. I don't think it is crazy to say Reigns will either be World Champ or favourite heading into the 2015 Royal Rumble. Therefore, a win against Triple H at Summerslam would be perfect in terms of timing as well as building him as a star.
I'd love to see Roman Reigns vs. Triple H but it should take place at Wrestlemania 31.

The storyline with The Shield is one of the best of the modern era & it deserves to culminate at Wrestlemania XXX with a Triple Threat match between all three members. Roman Reigns will have plenty of time for high profile singles matches down the road. Let The Shield have their big break-up at Mania, afterwards Roman could have some solo time for awhile maybe winning the IC title & then when Mania 31 roles around it should be the perfect time for a big main event singles match with Triple H on the grandest stage of them all for Roman Reigns where he can cement his name as a huge singles star.

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