Roman Reigns

I have never been a fan of Cena and his character but he does have all the tools. If you want to be the next face of the company you have to be able to be a good talker above being good in the ring.
I've never hated Roman Reigns. It's his forced pushes that I hated. When looking only at him as a wrestler, I do like the guy. He can deliver in big matches and for a while there I did want to see him as a champion at some point. What changed it is when WWE forced it. Make the fans care. Some of us such as myself need more than "Oh look how huge and awesome this guy is" to care about a wrestler. When he was in The Shield I was a huge fan of all three. Ever since they split I have remained a huge fan of Rollins and Ambrose, Reigns not entirely as much. Rollins and Ambrose made me care about their characters. Reigns was forced into a position of them wanting him to be the next Cena when he instead is better in a role like what Batista or Lashley were in. Let him have do his talking through his actions in the ring and don't force him as a top face, then things should turn around. So, yes I still like him just not as the undisputed top guy.
No you want everyone to cheer him because you like him and think everyone should also. Why is it so offensive to some fans that other's just might not like the guy they do? I've never understood this line of reasoning.

Fans have a ton of reason's why they're not fond of a particular wrestler. It could be that they don't like the look of his face, don't think he's great in the ring, don't like his promo's, no connection, or maybe they've met the wrestler in person and the guy or gal is a douche. There are numerous reasons to not want to support someone, lot's of others I didn't list there. Reigns puts on a good match, so what, so do a lot of other wrestler's, that's not a reason to like him. He's good looking, again so what, so are other's who are good looking. He's the Rock's cousin, so what, so are Tamina and the Uso's and Nia, it's a big family. Again not a reason to like him. Support who you want and allow others to support who they want. Is it so hard.

Why, so offensive about my comment, yes I like him, he my type of wrestlers that actually entertain me, but in no way, I would ever want anybody to like the same guy I do. That really wasn't my point at all and you would know that if you would have actually read my comment instead of jumping to conclusion because I didn't like the fact that somebody actually tried to give a reason why reigns isn't liked bt everybody.

The true of the matter is simple and you can see it on tv and at live events, reigns is a characters that's going to be more popular with the kids then with the adults fans and that o.k. the fact is were not the ones buying merchandise at tv tapings and live events, the kids are and that's we're the big money comes from for wwe.

Reading your comment, you replied thinking like a wrestling fan that wasn't happy with the response given and started to bitch about it because of it. If you take a step back and actually look at the bigger picture and remember when wrestling actually was big during the hogan era, you would get my point instead and understand that this comment that I made was never attended to make anybody think like me. But I guess your smarter then me and know what I was thinking when I wrote this comment. But that the story between us 2, That's what I like to called tje clash of opinion, my opinions are more of an old school opinion based on my 30 years of following the wwe product, yours is more of a current opinion and this is o.k, we need to respect each others opinion and stop interpreting the meaning of each oher opinion to serve are own opinion.

I'm mad at what you wrote about my last comment and will always reply when somebody wrote something wrong about what I've written because I feel like I need to explain stuff when somebody doesn't understand the meaning of my comments which seem to be the point with you alot so again I'm sorry if for the long reply but I needed to get all that stuff off my chest.
Why, so offensive about my comment, yes I like him, he my type of wrestlers that actually entertain me, but in no way, I would ever want anybody to like the same guy I do. That really wasn't my point at all and you would know that if you would have actually read my comment instead of jumping to conclusion because I didn't like the fact that somebody actually tried to give a reason why reigns isn't liked bt everybody.

The true of the matter is simple and you can see it on tv and at live events, reigns is a characters that's going to be more popular with the kids then with the adults fans and that o.k. the fact is were not the ones buying merchandise at tv tapings and live events, the kids are and that's we're the big money comes from for wwe.

Reading your comment, you replied thinking like a wrestling fan that wasn't happy with the response given and started to bitch about it because of it. If you take a step back and actually look at the bigger picture and remember when wrestling actually was big during the hogan era, you would get my point instead and understand that this comment that I made was never attended to make anybody think like me. But I guess your smarter then me and know what I was thinking when I wrote this comment. But that the story between us 2, That's what I like to called tje clash of opinion, my opinions are more of an old school opinion based on my 30 years of following the wwe product, yours is more of a current opinion and this is o.k, we need to respect each others opinion and stop interpreting the meaning of each oher opinion to serve are own opinion.

I'm mad at what you wrote about my last comment and will always reply when somebody wrote something wrong about what I've written because I feel like I need to explain stuff when somebody doesn't understand the meaning of my comments which seem to be the point with you alot so again I'm sorry if for the long reply but I needed to get all that stuff off my chest.

Okay no disrespect was intended and I apologize if you think it was. Not only that, I have been a fan of wrestling for about the same length of time you have, perhaps even longer. My father used to take me to wrestling events when I was about 6 years old, and that was a long time ago.

You cannot judge the product or the fans from 30 years ago to the what you see now. We didn't have access to the internet back then, wrestling for a lot of people was a real sport and treated as such. Heels were boo'd and faces where cheered, even though we didn't call them that. They were just good guys and bad guys to us.

If you remember about 4 years ago when Daniel Bryan wasn't in the Rumble and the fans turned on Batista, that's when all this started to happen. They ended up putting Bryan in the main event at Mania in New Orleans and we had a wonderful Cinderella story. But Daniel Bryan fans, I'm not a real fan of his, were blamed for most of it. They hijacked the Rumble, they hijacked Mania. His fans were labelled a bunch of crybabies who didn't get their own way. I saw it as a group of people who were just really supportive of their guy.

Since Bryan has had to retire and even before then the WWE turned it's lazer beam onto Roman Reigns. Sure he was over at that Rumble, but this has turned into a 4 year experiment with no end in sight. He has main evented 2 Wrestlemania's, 3 Royal Rumbles have had him as the main focus, and yet fans of his can't understand why some of us are just sick and tired of him now.

I am of the opinion that you like who you want and that is to be respected. Just as I am allowed to like who I want and that should be respected as well. But to be honest there are Roman Reigns fans out there who get very upset if anything negative is said against him. I hear a lot of he should get this feud, and he should be given that. The guy has been handed the keys to the kingdom and he is to get more. If the WWE had focused even half of the energy on the entire roster that they've put into Reigns, can you imagine how good it could be.

A heel turn for me would and should be the final straw. If he can't get over then, it's time to fold up the tents and move onto someone else. I mean this just can't go on forever can it.
Okay no disrespect was intended and I apologize if you think it was. Not only that, I have been a fan of wrestling for about the same length of time you have, perhaps even longer. My father used to take me to wrestling events when I was about 6 years old, and that was a long time ago.

You cannot judge the product or the fans from 30 years ago to the what you see now. We didn't have access to the internet back then, wrestling for a lot of people was a real sport and treated as such. Heels were boo'd and faces where cheered, even though we didn't call them that. They were just good guys and bad guys to us.

If you remember about 4 years ago when Daniel Bryan wasn't in the Rumble and the fans turned on Batista, that's when all this started to happen. They ended up putting Bryan in the main event at Mania in New Orleans and we had a wonderful Cinderella story. But Daniel Bryan fans, I'm not a real fan of his, were blamed for most of it. They hijacked the Rumble, they hijacked Mania. His fans were labelled a bunch of crybabies who didn't get their own way. I saw it as a group of people who were just really supportive of their guy.

Since Bryan has had to retire and even before then the WWE turned it's lazer beam onto Roman Reigns. Sure he was over at that Rumble, but this has turned into a 4 year experiment with no end in sight. He has main evented 2 Wrestlemania's, 3 Royal Rumbles have had him as the main focus, and yet fans of his can't understand why some of us are just sick and tired of him now.

I am of the opinion that you like who you want and that is to be respected. Just as I am allowed to like who I want and that should be respected as well. But to be honest there are Roman Reigns fans out there who get very upset if anything negative is said against him. I hear a lot of he should get this feud, and he should be given that. The guy has been handed the keys to the kingdom and he is to get more. If the WWE had focused even half of the energy on the entire roster that they've put into Reigns, can you imagine how good it could be.

A heel turn for me would and should be the final straw. If he can't get over then, it's time to fold up the tents and move onto someone else. I mean this just can't go on forever can it.

First of all, thanks for the apology,

Second of all, I agree with you on one point, you can't really judge the crowd with what worked when we we're kid in the 80's that's true. Because back then, everybody was believing what happens in the ring and in the characters. Plus like you said, the internet didn't exist.

But for me the difference between back then and today's is that wwe fans back then was unify in believing in the heroes and hated the bad guys. Today, you got different type of fans and with the internet, it's even more easy to express your opinion.

I'm thinking that roman reigns is for kids what hulk hogan or ultimate warrior was for us back in the days and that's why reigns is still in the babyface main event picture even if we don't like it. The industry as change but in the end, it's still the same, who is pushed is control by how much merchandiise you sale and to a certain demographic, roman reigns moves alot of merchandise so you have to keep him were he is.

If you have read the daniel bryan book, he explains why back when he started his big push against the autority, he was peg as a main event wrestlers even if the fans we're super into him. The thing was that while everybody in the arena was going nuts for him, it didn't translate in ppv buyrate and merchanndise sale so the6 stop his push because he wasn't making money for wwe even if he was the most popular guy in the roster.

The point as making is that since vince bought the company from his dad and the expension sarted, the way you would get a push as a babyface was with how much money you could make for the company. The difference between back then and today is that back then the most popular guy was also the biggest money maker in the company, now it's not necessarily the case. You can be hated by the fans and stll make a lot of money. Roman reigns like him or not is making them more money then some of the fans favorite wrestlers like owens, rollins and ambrose, so why stop pushing him as a babyface if it's seem to work as far a the bottom line is concerned.

The only thing that a heel turn would do is get the fans that hate him but at the same time don't buy merchandise to like him while those who do buy merchandise might hated him and stop buying merchandise.

Yes your right, fans have changed alot since the 80's, but the one thing that didn't change is that kids will always be kids and will always believe in the good guy and the bad guys. Like we as kids believe in hogan, savage and later on warrior when we we're going to the live event at maple leaf garden for you and at the montreal forum for me, kids today believe in roman reigns and john cena and that won't change even if everything else has.

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