Roman Reigns First Feud After Wrestlemania


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So we all know Roman Reigns to going to defeat Brock Lesnar and Dean Ambrose at Fastlane, defeat Triple H at WrestleMania 32, and become WWE Champion.

Where does he go from there? Triple H rematch? Dean Ambrose heel turn? Another feud with Bray Wyatt? Any other ideas?
So we all know Roman Reigns to going to defeat Brock Lesnar and Dean Ambrose at Fastlane
I'm going to stop you right there.

I don't know this. Deliberately putting Reigns in the path of two guys the fans like more than anyone else on the roster (sans Taker) risks undoing all the good done getting Reigns over post-TLC. I think it's entirely possible the Powers That Be decide they don't have the stones to go there. Ambrose vs Triple H is something I haven't ruled out. Probably false hope, but even false hope makes for a more enjoyable viewing experience.

But if Reigns takes the belt from Triple H at Mania? Gimmick rematch at Extreme Rules. Lesnar at SummerSlam. What happens between doesn't matter. Owens will take the belt from him eventually. Roman's dethroning will probably be a MITB cash-in (yawn).

The big question is how long it takes AJ to step into Roman's world. I suspect it'll be sooner rather than later.
Maybe we'll all be fooled and they actually turn sour on Roman. With that being said, he'll be feuding with Ryback after WM in a nothing feud since Vince loves his "big guys" fighting each other. Yeah that's what I see and hope for to keep him far away from the title.
They should move Wrestlemania to October because fans don't seem so hell bent to derail the show during that time of year. With that said, Roman's first feud after Mania is likely to be with Brock Lesnar because Extreme Rules is usually a rehash of Wrestlemania with dumb gimmick matches.
As I mentioned in the Reigns vs. Ambrose vs. Lesnar thread, and as Coco brought up already, WWE runs a big risk in putting Roman Reigns over two guys at Fastlane who're much more popular than he is. Putting Roman Reigns in the main event at WrestleMania against Triple H may well have the exact opposite effect Vince hopes for in that they'll cheer Trips instead just to spite WWE management. As a result, I think simply declaring Roman Reigns the winner is premature and there's always the possibility of plans having been changed.

While there's been no word whatsoever, the match itself raises the possibility of Reigns' mega push being put off much later if not scrapped altogether because it hasn't been working quite the way Vince has hoped thus far. Since Reigns' big push was really started back in the fall, Raw's numbers weren't exactly through the roof and fans haven't wholeheartedly accepted Reigns. I'm not saying he hasn't improved and that he hasn't won over fans, but I don't see how it's possible Reigns has been embraced to the level Vince was hoping. During the Royal Rumble ppv, look at all the various wrestlers who ultimately eupstaged Roman Reigns to some degree: the hugely positive reception of Ambrose & Owens during their Last Man Standing match, Sasha Banks making her presence known & generating probably the 2nd biggest pop of the entire night, Chris Jericho lasting roughly 52 minutes in the RR match itself, the debut of AJ Styles & the buzz it created, Triple H getting a pretty generous reception when it was revealed he was #30, even though nearly everyone expected it, the big pop of the fans when Reigns was ultimately eliminated, the excitement when it looked like, for a few moments, when Dean Ambrose looked like he was about to eliminate Triple H. I mean, if Vince was hoping for Reigns to come off as this mega hero for fans to get behind, then his dreams were dashed.

Coco also, in my opinion, touched on the most one of the more likely scenarios if Reigns does go over at Fastlane. He wins at WrestleMania, beats Trips in some no DQ gimmick match at Extreme Rules, maybe has some sort of feud with Sheamus or Del Rio, has a match with Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam in which he scores a win only for the MITB winner, whomever that may be, to cash in and take the strap from Reigns with Reigns staying in the title picture, one way or another, until Survivor Series where he regains the strap.

Of course, then again, maybe we'll all be pleasantly surprised with some positivity if Reigns ultimately wins the day when it's all said & done. For instance, people are excited about Styles being on the roster, Nakamura may show up, depending upon how well he does at the Performance Center & whether or not he's in NXT for a bit; however, I think that excitement will be fairly nil if they just offer these guys up as sacrifices for Reigns.
I think it's pretty obvious....Papa Shango. Roman will catch Papa backstage trying to conjure up some more -injury - curses on all the wrestlers. Roman saves the day but gets injured. Boogeyman saves a post injury attack on Roman by Papa Shango all leading up to the main event at Summerslam ... Bo Dallas vs Diamond Dallas Page.
If everything goes as it seems to be going, I would make Reigns first feud against Samoa Joe. Not just as a want and desire for myself...but for the post RAW wrestlemania, I think the best way to debut someone big from NXT is to put them into a title feud. If not... my hopes and dreams are all set on a Kevin Owens feud. However....

Think about this. Why would WWE knowingly put Reigns against the internet darling Dean Ambrose...and the pop culture and all wrestling fans favorite Brock Lesnar? And then let him win? Good god almighty!
Fastlane is going to go in with two possibilities...and mid way through the match, they're going to have to make a decision on what they are going to do.
If Reigns wins at fastlane, the crowd will go nuts! And not in a good way. Lesnar is going to get screwed by the Wyatt's you can bet your house on that. But would WWE trust Ambrose to be the guy to face Triple H at mania for the title? Who knows?
As I mentioned in the Reigns vs. Ambrose vs. Lesnar thread, and as Coco brought up already, WWE runs a big risk in putting Roman Reigns over two guys at Fastlane who're much more popular than he is. Putting Roman Reigns in the main event at WrestleMania against Triple H may well have the exact opposite effect Vince hopes for in that they'll cheer Trips instead just to spite WWE management. As a result, I think simply declaring Roman Reigns the winner is premature and there's always the possibility of plans having been changed.

While there's been no word whatsoever, the match itself raises the possibility of Reigns' mega push being put off much later if not scrapped altogether because it hasn't been working quite the way Vince has hoped thus far. Since Reigns' big push was really started back in the fall, Raw's numbers weren't exactly through the roof and fans haven't wholeheartedly accepted Reigns. I'm not saying he hasn't improved and that he hasn't won over fans, but I don't see how it's possible Reigns has been embraced to the level Vince was hoping. During the Royal Rumble ppv, look at all the various wrestlers who ultimately eupstaged Roman Reigns to some degree: the hugely positive reception of Ambrose & Owens during their Last Man Standing match, Sasha Banks making her presence known & generating probably the 2nd biggest pop of the entire night, Chris Jericho lasting roughly 52 minutes in the RR match itself, the debut of AJ Styles & the buzz it created, Triple H getting a pretty generous reception when it was revealed he was #30, even though nearly everyone expected it, the big pop of the fans when Reigns was ultimately eliminated, the excitement when it looked like, for a few moments, when Dean Ambrose looked like he was about to eliminate Triple H. I mean, if Vince was hoping for Reigns to come off as this mega hero for fans to get behind, then his dreams were dashed.

I have to agree with everything that JH has said there, and it saddens me. Roman Reigns given the time and the not so much attention, proper booking could have gone a long way and been very special. As it is, they have ruined anything he has tried to achieve, and by they I mean the WWE.

They were so intent on pushing him so far and fast, that the fans rejected him in great numbers, and everytime he gets some of them back, the WWE does something stupid and pushes them away again. Reigns is not the problem, his booking is. There is no way he should be in a match for a shot at the title with the two most over guys on the roster right now. That is just a recipe for disaster. The crowd is not going to cheer him over Ambrose or Lesnar, not in a million years. He will be booed out of the arena yet again.

How does that help his cause in a match against HHH at Jerry World in front of 100k. It doesn't and I'm afraid that HHH will be seen as the conquering hero and will be made a face, just like Lesnar was. If you think about it, Lesnar broke Taker's streak, a feat which took Taker 21 years to create. It turned him into a major heel. Reigns turned him into a face with one match at the following year.

Who will Reigns feud with later, I have no idea, he's pretty much feuded with everyone he can as they have used almost the entire roster to get him over. I can't see him against Wyatt again, that was boring, not Sheamus, maybe a heel Ambrose, but then the crowd will be cheering Ambrose.

It's quite a situation the WWE has found themselves in, and this year they don't have a Seth Rollins up their sleeve to help them out. If Reigns wins at Fastlane, which I expect he will, then it has the possibility to get ugly in Dallas. I don't want to see that, but I think he's on a collision course, and Vince will not steer him off it.
Someone that can afford to lose to him so not Bray or Owens. Too soon for an Ambrose turn, if that's going to happen it needs to be done slowly.

I say someone like Chris Jericho. Have him go heel. Maybe he does the unthinkable and aligns with his longtime enemies HHH and Stephanie, and he takes the IC title off Ambrose for his record 10th reign. He can the. try to take the title off Reigns. Jericho can make him look good, he can play a great heel and would get a ton of heat on himself if he aligned with The Authority. Hell, half the IWC has already turned on him and call him a WWE company man ass kisser.......let him bring that into his character and really be condescending about it to piss off the smarks that would otherwise cheer a heel Jericho. It's about the best "filler feud" option that I see, and they need a "filler feud" for him IMO. Maybe this buys time for an Ambrose turn and feud in the summer. Owens or Bray need to be the guy to take the title off him, but he needs a proper reign first to give it a chance to work.
When will this reign of terror end? Roman is completely ruining wrestling. I suspect this will be his last chance though. Its way to obvious he is going to win at fastlane. Via wyatts screwing lesnar and my thinking of Y2J screwing ambrose. But if he cant get over after defeating a heel triple h at mania that would b the end. He would soon drop the belt back too h or somebody else.
Depends on what happens at Mania. If Reigns wins the title than I can possibly see him moving on to Dean Ambrose after or even for Extreme Rules. Of course, it's hard to really envision this until I see who Ambrose is facing at Mania. As I rack my brain, I can't really think of who Ambrose could logically go up against. My gut says Sheamus and I guess a win over him could put Ambrose in line for a shot...

This could work as a face vs face thing for a while and if it clicks, maybe one of them can eventually turn. Either way, if he ends up winning it, I see Reigns holding on to his belt until at least Summerslam this time around.
Depends on what happens at Mania. If Reigns wins the title than I can possibly see him moving on to Dean Ambrose after or even for Extreme Rules. Of course, it's hard to really envision this until I see who Ambrose is facing at Mania. As I rack my brain, I can't really think of who Ambrose could logically go up against. My gut says Sheamus and I guess a win over him could put Ambrose in line for a shot...

This could work as a face vs face thing for a while and if it clicks, maybe one of them can eventually turn. Either way, if he ends up winning it, I see Reigns holding on to his belt until at least Summerslam this time around.

You know it's really scary to think that as a fan you can almost see upcoming feuds in your head, and usually we know who will be doing what after a huge PPV. In this case, it's kind of surreal because it's pretty much assured that Reigns will win at Fastlane, go on to beat HHH at Mania, but then afterwards is where it gets foggy. He has one to face really, he's faced all the top heels except for Owens, and if the WWE is smart they will keep it that way. For Owens to maintain his heel status he can't be getting cheered.

They could always call up someone from NXT, but then Reigns would be accused of burying that person. The same would be said from a wrestler coming back from an injury. This sustained push over almost the last year, has not only resulted in Reigns not having a solid feud behind him, no one else really has one either. Again they have put all of their eggs in one basket, and not really thought about anything or anyone else.
They should move Wrestlemania to October because fans don't seem so hell bent to derail the show during that time of year. With that said, Roman's first feud after Mania is likely to be with Brock Lesnar because Extreme Rules is usually a rehash of Wrestlemania with dumb gimmick matches.

Moving Wrestlemania wouldn't change fan behaviour, certain fan's behave the way they do specifically because it is Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania typically attracts the most hardcore WWE fans from all over the world who like to make their voice heard. Move the show, you move the problem. Fans behave as they do in October as its traditionally part of WWE's quiet period leading to Survivor Series (which when I first started watching the WWF, this is where 'Mania storylines began).
I don't understand why people bellieve that at Fast Lane we will see anything else besides Roman going over Dean and Lesnar. Roman vs HHH is the title match that makes sense the most at Wrestlemania. If Dean was going there he wouldn't be IC Champ and there's no way WWE will re-do Lesnar vs Triple H.

The only reason WWE decided to make Brock vs Roman vs Ambrose was because they wanted to build some insecurrence among fans as to who is going to Wrestlemania, since all three all the participants are the company's top faces. And it seems like they have succeeded.

Let's be honest here, Roman is going to win. But the match will be fun to watch. Yeah I agree that WWE is risking destorying Roman with that match, but the company cannot cover Roman forever. There will be a time where he will face to come face to face with other faces. Plus I prefer that triple threat match than another boring Roman vs random heel match at Fast Lane.

Worst case scenario, it will be a fatal-4-way at Wrestlemania with Roman vs Dean vs HHH vs Owens/Jericho.

On the thread I believe it's too early to make that thread yet. We're like two months prior Wrestlemania. Although it's guran damn teed that Roman WILL be at the main event of Wrestlemania, I'm not so sure that he has many chances of winning, if fans start booing him again. I won't rule out the possiblity of Roman vs Dean vs HHH vs Y2J/Kevin Owens yet.
You have the whole league of Nations, HHH, KO, Jericho, Styles, and possible names like Joe, Balor and Cesaro as well. Won't be too long before John returns. Ambrose heel turn on the post WM Raw seems most likely since it'd be a big angle and Ambrose is made for the whole Extreme Rules match.
I still see a scenario where it will be a heel Reigns with the Authority eventually battling a face Rollins for the WWE title at next years Wrestlemania.

You have Fastlane in which Reigns wins after the Wyatt's interfere and cost Brock the match..The to Wrestlemania where Reigns beats HHH.

You need a filler for three months, seeds are already planted Reigns vs Lesnar for Summerslam along with Rollins vs HHH.

Reigns beats Lesnar, HHH over Rollins with help of the League of Nations.

Next three months Lesnar vs Owens, The Shield reunites to fight the Authority with the League of Nations.

This feud culminates at Survivor series where oops Reigns turns heel this time setting up Rollins to win the Royal Rumble...

And here we are Rollins vs Reigns at Wrestlemania .....

Now you have options from there Rollins vs AJ or KO for Summerslam, or Reigns vs Super Cena or Orton.

Sounds like a plan to me.
Eh, he's still the most over active guy right now on the roster. He gets the largest pops BY FAR in non-smark towns, so, I'm not worried about him beating Mr. Mid Card Dean Ambrose.

I'm not 100% certain that HHH is giving the title up at WrestleMania. HHH knows how to milk storylines, and this is no exception. If anything, if they do a gimmick match at Extreme Rules, it's going to be for Roman chasing the belt down again.

I do agree that it goes HHH -> Filler Feud -> Brock at Summerslam -> Who knows? as far as Roman's next feuds are concerned. I'm figuring that by this time next year, AJ Styles is a heel, together with Balor Club, and Finn and AJ are top heels fighting for titles, against super babyface Roman.
Eh, he's still the most over active guy right now on the roster. He gets the largest pops BY FAR in non-smark towns, so, I'm not worried about him beating Mr. Mid Card Dean Ambrose.

I'm not 100% certain that HHH is giving the title up at WrestleMania. HHH knows how to milk storylines, and this is no exception. If anything, if they do a gimmick match at Extreme Rules, it's going to be for Roman chasing the belt down again.

I do agree that it goes HHH -> Filler Feud -> Brock at Summerslam -> Who knows? as far as Roman's next feuds are concerned. I'm figuring that by this time next year, AJ Styles is a heel, together with Balor Club, and Finn and AJ are top heels fighting for titles, against super babyface Roman.

He is not the most over guy on the roster. What product have you been watching? He got booed at the Rumble when he came out, he got booed when he came back from the LON beatdown, and HHH got one of the biggest pops of the night when he threw Reigns over the top rope and eliminated him.

Yes in certain towns he is booed less than others, but he will always due to no fault of his own get a mixed reaction. Fans are fine with him when he's not holding the title, but they cannot keep this title chase up forever. It's happening at the expense of the entire roster, and if Vince is hoping for 100% fan approval he will never get it. No wrestler other than maybe Daniel Bryan had that, and even he has his detractors.

If Reigns was the most over guy on the roster he wouldn't have already had two title runs, one lasting only a couple of minutes. I've said this before, by the end of the year he will have surpassed Flair's record if it keeps up. Either put the title on him and leave it there, let the fans come to him by themselves, or take him out of the title picture altogether. Even I'm getting sick and tired of this title chase that seems never ending, and I'm a Reigns fan. If it's not working then go back to the drawing board, maybe he can be salvaged but not at the rate their going.
He is not the most over guy on the roster. What product have you been watching? He got booed at the Rumble when he came out, he got booed when he came back from the LON beatdown, and HHH got one of the biggest pops of the night when he threw Reigns over the top rope and eliminated him.

Yes in certain towns he is booed less than others, but he will always due to no fault of his own get a mixed reaction. Fans are fine with him when he's not holding the title, but they cannot keep this title chase up forever. It's happening at the expense of the entire roster, and if Vince is hoping for 100% fan approval he will never get it. No wrestler other than maybe Daniel Bryan had that, and even he has his detractors.

If Reigns was the most over guy on the roster he wouldn't have already had two title runs, one lasting only a couple of minutes. I've said this before, by the end of the year he will have surpassed Flair's record if it keeps up. Either put the title on him and leave it there, let the fans come to him by themselves, or take him out of the title picture altogether. Even I'm getting sick and tired of this title chase that seems never ending, and I'm a Reigns fan. If it's not working then go back to the drawing board, maybe he can be salvaged but not at the rate their going.

I watch Raw, Smackdown, and PPVs. For MONTHS, Roman has gotten the biggest pops of the night. He gets booed in smark towns like Chicago, Philly, and Orlando (close enough for TNA/Indy fed/NXT smarks). Again, as is usual here, you and others just ignore reality for fantasy and fantasy booking.

Roman is the megastar full timer right now. When Cena and Rollins get back, things can change, but Roman is carrying a company on his shoulders, and all he gets from smarks is hostility like this.

He doesn't get a pass on shitty in ring work like Ambrose does. He doesn't get a pass on making mistakes on the mic like Cesaro does. He doesn't get any sort of leeway to do anything besides be perfect, for no reason other than shit fans have thrust that requirement on him.
Of course, then again, maybe we'll all be pleasantly surprised with some positivity if Reigns ultimately wins the day when it's all said & done.

I'll be coming off again as a broken record, but I think the solution to all of the problems laid out in the previous posts is.......bring back John Cena as fact, so evil that after Roman wins the belt at WM32.....and Cena takes it away from him after a short feud........and the fans are calling for Cena's will be Roman who takes the belt back.

In this scenario, the fans will be screaming for Roman to defeat evil Cena. After all, the two men have the same problem with fans 'hating' them despite their good guy status'. Let Roman try..... and fail to beat Cena on a bunch of occasions, so that by the time Roman finally turns the trick, he will be received in the manner WWE has wanted him to be received from the beginning. Get it?

Meanwhile, Cena would be the biggest thing as a heel you could ever want to see. ("You people want to boo me after all I've done for you? Fine, I'll give you something to boo about, you skeevy motherfuckers!")

By the time Cena is ready to go back to face, Roman's high standing will be well in place.
What I would do....

1) Reigns defeats HHH at Mania (Becomes Champion)
2) Reigns retains at Extreme Rules vs. HHH (Cage Match)
3) Reigns defeats vs. Wyatt at Payback
4) Wyatt wins the Title at Elimination Chamber
5) Wyatt retains at MIB vs. Reigns (Ambrose wins MIB)
6) Ambrose cashes in for title match and wins at Battleground vs. Wyatt - Reigns turns on him post match
7) Ambrose (Champion) vs. Reigns (Heel) at Summerslam
He doesn't get a pass on shitty in ring work like Ambrose does. He doesn't get a pass on making mistakes on the mic like Cesaro does. He doesn't get any sort of leeway to do anything besides be perfect, for no reason other than shit fans have thrust that requirement on him.

Well, when Ambrose or Cesaro finally get the skyrocket type push Roman has (if that happens), they would have to pass the same tests Roman has to pass now. They are not on the same level on the card so would be unfair to Ambrose or Cesaro being criticised as much as Roman is.

The bigger the push, the bigger the expectations, you know.
this is my thought; or rather how i will book WWEWHC match at wrestlemania:
At fastlane i think wwe would have ambrose turn/back stab reigns so he would get more over with the fans because so far both ambrose and lesnar are way more over than reigns.
however, i would actually have ambrose pin reigns in that mach thereby picking up the win at fastlane and go onto wrestlemania to challenge HHH.
At wrestlemania reigns would screw ambrose and allow HHH to retain, setting up a feud between ambrose and reigns for summerslam and aligning reigns with the authority.
the next night on RAW during HHH celebration, seth Rollins interrupt and attacks HHH, setting up a match between those two at summerslam for the championship with rollins walking out the champion.
however the flaw is that reigns and lesnar would be left without a 'date' at we know taker will make a return for wrestlemania, i will have taker return at fastlane after the match and take reigns with him saying that reigns will be his next victim.
for lesnar well i will have ????? (didnt think of him as yet)
So we all know Roman Reigns to going to defeat Brock Lesnar and Dean Ambrose at Fastlane, defeat Triple H at WrestleMania 32, and become WWE Champion.

Where does he go from there? Triple H rematch? Dean Ambrose heel turn? Another feud with Bray Wyatt? Any other ideas?

I'd say Big Show or Kane. They can afford a loss. Ambrose and Bray can't. I could see Reigns' inevitable reign possibly extending past Punk's record.
Presuming he is champ, which I think he almost definitely will be, it is probably best if the line up the League of Nations. True, they have been feuding, already, for 3 months but they are a decent heel faction that can get better.

If HHH was able, a rematch at Extreme Rules makes sense. It would give Reigns another emphatic victory - perhaps with The Authority's power at stake- as well giving a little extra for Network subscribers from Mania.

Thereafter, they need to keep the momentum up until a big feud at Summerslam. That would be Payback, MITB and Battleground. Sheamus, Del Rio and Rusev seem logical opponents. Predictable, perhaps, but the story can easily be told. For the casual/younger fan it will be interesting to see how Reigns can overcome this continued threat. For the "smart" fans, you book Reigns against traditional heels to keep his momentum going. Plus, the matches themselves, given time, would be of decent quality.

The other option is Jericho. I presume he will turn heel and, depending on his schedule, may have a few dates post-Mania. That would be a solid opponent for Reigns even if there is the danger of him splitting the crowd. Jericho is a top performer and would be able to get good promos out of Reigns. Moreover, the match (es) would be of a very high quality.

I'd go rematch with HHH. Then maybe Jericho followed by the League of Nations. Or indeed, the LON with Jericho providing a break.

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