ROH Sold

Dr. Stinger A. Zoidberg

Stay in school and don't litter.

BRISTOL, PA. (MAY 21, 2011)--Ring of Honor Wrestling owner, Cary Silkin, announced today the sale of the promotion to Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc., one of the largest television broadcasters in the country and which owns and operates, programs, or provides sales services to 58 television stations in 35 markets across the United States.

ROH, currently the third largest wrestling promotion in the country, just celebrated its ninth anniversary, and Mr. Silkin is excited about taking the next step towards increasing the company's visibility and expanding its operations.

"We have been waiting for and working for this opportunity for quite some time", he said, "and of our 9 years in business, there has been no better roster of wrestlers than this one to expose the ROH product to the masses. With Sinclair's resources and many avenues of distribution, we believe many new fans around the world will be as captivated as those who have followed Ring of Honor over the years."

I'm very excited about this. I look forward to actually getting to see ROH. I hear it's a great product.
Sly posted a map in the non-spam thread of the outlets of the company so you can make sure you'll get it. My area where I'm at for school doesn't have one, but my house does.

The product is awesome, you'll love it

Even if you don't get the channel it's on, there's something in the article about the internet. I'm sure most of you have that.
And here... we... go.

That's the best roster they've ever had? I used to actually recognise the names they had on their cards though.
I have watched individual matches, but seeing it's not right in front of me, on a real channel, I haven't had the opportunity to invest any real time in it. Hopefully that changes.
I knew it would take about 20 minutes for Sly to try and rain on everyone's parade.

Great news, this should reach more markets than HDNet did.

And really Sam, the current ROH roster IS incredibly talented and has great depth. The golden years of ROH...not so much. You had guys like Punk and Joe, sure, but then you had fucking Special K and the Carnage Crew shitting up the undercards. The tag division in particular has never been better and absolutely destroys WWE and TNA's tag divisions.
I knew it would take about 20 minutes for Sly to try and rain on everyone's parade.
Only 20 minutes? Damn, I'm getting slow at my old age...

Not trying to rain on anyone's parade, just trying to get people to understand this isn't as big of a deal as some want it to be.
We've always had it, and people still didn't watch. :shrug:

What do you mean? I don't remember ROH being free on the internet. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding you.

The sale is a big deal, yes. But I'll say what I said in the non-spam thread. I'm cautiously optmistic about this. It could potentially be huge.
I looked at the list of markets that will be seeing the show. The biggest city is San Antonio.
I have Sinclair stations. I'll make sure to tell everyone how good I think it is. ;)

What do you mean? I don't remember ROH being free on the internet. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding you.
Ask Xfear if ROH has been "free" or not. I'm quite certain many fans "acquire" ROH shows the same way X acquires most of his shows.
Ask Xfear if ROH has been "free" or not. I'm quite certain many fans "acquire" ROH shows the same way X acquires most of his shows.

Ah, I see. I don't do that stuff so that thought didn't cross my mind. But I don't think ROH shows have been aired for free in a legal manner on the internet.
Yeah I saw your town in there also. There are some big cities but nothing major for the most part.
I won't lie, if I think about it and have nothing to do, I'll watch it and give it a chance. But I'm not going to hold out much hope for any kind of quality. My guess is that it will be under-produced, a couple of "tv" matches, and a bunch of advertisements for it's bigger shows.
Not New York so I don't get it while I'm staying with my parents. Not in Philly, so I don't get it at school. Meh.
Not New York so I don't get it while I'm staying with my parents. Not in Philly, so I don't get it at school. Meh.

But you do have the there you go. Shit you already spend as much time posting on a wrestling forum as you would watching a television show anyways.
I like the fact that if you Wikipedia the Sinclair Broadcast Group the very first paragraph references RoH.

Anyhow, I'm currently trying to research SBG. Slim pickings, especially for someone who doesn't understand the US TV scene. Definitely doesn't look like they'll be in a financial position to push RoH in any way. The company is in debt and appears to have been so for quite some time. In 2009 it looked like they were going to have to file for bankruptcy, and according to their latest shareholders news release the networks short and long term debt still exceed their short and long term assets. Of course everything is buried under a huge pile a jargon so it's almost impossible for a laymen to form a realistic impression of how the SBG is doing, but I've generally found that a good rule of thumb is that the more difficult the release is the understand the worse things are.

I doubt this changed much. RoH will be on TV again, but it will still be in a situation where nobody is watching their show. If they can make money from that then good, if not then it's needless expense for no real benefit.
Last ROH show I watched was a few years ago. And it was only because someone else brought it for me. It was just like watching a ton of X-Division matches over and over and over and over and over again. Is there really a measurable amount of people really entertained by a bunch of characterless flying monkeys who do nothing but try to kill each other?
Last ROH show I watched was a few years ago. And it was only because someone else brought it for me. It was just like watching a ton of X-Division matches over and over and over and over and over again. Is there really a measurable amount of people really entertained by a bunch of characterless flying monkeys who do nothing but try to kill each other?

Because watching one show from a company is all you need to judge their entire canon and company, right?

Get the fuck out of this thread and never return until you actually watch their product and aren't talking directly out of your ass.

Seriously, it boggles my mind how people say shit like that. This is the same company that employs the fucking NECRO BUTCHER. Yeah, he wrestles nothing but X-Division style that Necro Butcher, such a spot monkey. ROH, since day one, has made it their goal to mix as many styles of wrestling on their shows as possible, and it's something they do quite well. You can watch a spotfest one minute, a wild and bloody brawl the next, and a technical wrestling showcase right afterwards. No company in the US mixes their styles as much as ROH does.

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