Rock Lesnar

Obviously pretty fucking high. You're working off of technicalities. I mean in the sense of the way ecstasy is a drug or heroin is.

Weed is nowhere near on those levels.
Its not a technicality. Its a scientific definition. Caffeine? Its a drug too. Its much less effective than weed, still a drug.

Shut up you idiot. I'd explain myself to you but you can go back and read everything I said last night about my supposed 'woman beating'.

Believe me I can handle my weed don't worry about that.

When do I backpedal?

The explanation is simple. You're being dumb and pretending to have an attitude.
ヒュー G. レックション;5551687 said:
What a thread! Great work Rock Lesnar.... Also is that you in your profile photo HBKaHolic? If so, how come you can have your own picture?

Marry an admin.
Caffeine? Its a drug too. Its much less effective than weed, still a drug.

Actually Caffeine is a very bad comparison for Marijuana.

If you want to compare Marijuana to a commonly used stimulant, Ginseng is the correct comparison. Both are herbs most commonly used in an undoctored state.

Also as someone who uses arguably far too much of both substances, I'd argue caffeine has far stronger and more noticeable effects than Marijuana and also creates physical dependency, which Marijuana does not.

Marijuana as an herb used in its natural form(as opposed to oils, etc.) is very hard to be considered a drug. That attitude toward it is only created by decades of propaganda and false psuedo-science about its effects that causes people to vilify it to serve the government's agenda to keep it scheduled.

Marijuana as a scheduled substance is a joke. Marijuana is only scheduled to protect the pharma and alcohol industries, as well as to create red tape toward mass hemp farming, another agenda, to protect the cotton and lumber industries.

Some people on this site live way too far on the surface level, it scares me how little people actually look at or question why things are how they are.

If Marijuana is considered a drug, so should be ginger, ginseng, aloe, etc. It is no more dangerous and has WAY more medicinal/health value than any of those other herbs. The vilification and misrepresentation of Marijuana that still exists in 2016 is stupefying.
Marry an admin.
ヒュー G. レックション;5551687 said:
What a thread! Great work Rock Lesnar.... Also is that you in your profile photo HBKaHolic? If so, how come you can have your own picture?

Yes it's the day I met my Shawn baby and he was perfect and he took a selfie and I'm in it and I told him I loved him and he gave me a hug and I cried and we got a photo together and I cried again and then I needed assistance to walk and then he was at Mania and I almost died again and it was perfect and Shawn is perfect and it was the best day ever.

And if you're staff or ex-staff and you ask the admins really, really nicely, they'll let you have your own photo. And despite KB's 'marry an admin' thing, it was actually the other admin Mr. Slyfox who did this. So be staff, then be nice to Sly.
Yes it's the day I met my Shawn baby and he was perfect and he took a selfie and I'm in it and I told him I loved him and he gave me a hug and I cried and we got a photo together and I cried again and then I needed assistance to walk and then he was at Mania and I almost died again and it was perfect and Shawn is perfect and it was the best day ever.

And if you're staff or ex-staff and you ask the admins really, really nicely, they'll let you have your own photo. And despite KB's 'marry an admin' thing, it was actually the other admin Mr. Slyfox who did this. So be staff, then be nice to Sly.

Actually Caffeine is a very bad comparison for Marijuana.

If you want to compare Marijuana to a commonly used stimulant, Ginseng is the correct comparison. Both are herbs most commonly used in an undoctored state.

Also as someone who uses arguably far too much of both substances, I'd argue caffeine has far stronger and more noticeable effects than Marijuana and also creates physical dependency, which Marijuana does not.

Marijuana as an herb used in its natural form(as opposed to oils, etc.) is very hard to be considered a drug. That attitude toward it is only created by decades of propaganda and false psuedo-science about its effects that causes people to vilify it to serve the government's agenda to keep it scheduled.

Marijuana as a scheduled substance is a joke. Marijuana is only scheduled to protect the pharma and alcohol industries, as well as to create red tape toward mass hemp farming, another agenda, to protect the cotton and lumber industries.

Some people on this site live way too far on the surface level, it scares me how little people actually look at or question why things are how they are.

If Marijuana is considered a drug, so should be ginger, ginseng, aloe, etc. It is no more dangerous and has WAY more medicinal/health value than any of those other herbs. The vilification and misrepresentation of Marijuana that still exists in 2016 is stupefying.
They are considered drugs. They're all considered drugs. There's negative side effect to overdosing on all of these, even if they're mild side effects. It's a term and they fall on it. That's all there is to it. I don't really give a damn about whether people consume weed or not. It's Rock Lesnar's idiotic attitude I had a problem with.

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