So since splitting with Robbie E, Rob Terry seems to be getting pushed these past couple of weeks by squashing people. I have no idea where they're going to go with this, it seems pretty pointless. He's not that good on the mic or in the ring, at one time I thought0 he was TNA's worst inring guy. So clearly isn't main event level. What's next for him? Devon for the TV title?

I think splitting the Robbies up was a bad move, because at least when they were together you had another tag team lying around to job. The whole was greater than the sum of its parts in that case.

But I'd like to hear what others think of Rob Terry and if you approve of this push or not.
Most guys his size arent great in the ring so I dont think you can blame him for that. All I know is that he is a massive dude. I know godderz isnt that big but standing next to terry he looked little. I think with a solid push he could become kind of like TNA's Batista maybe not to his level of overness. Of course he has to develop decent mic skills first.

I definitely think he is better off after the split with robbie e though. They had been together for almost two years and it had run its course. Its true about the tag teams as TNA really has only three, but that could change with the Aces and Eights maybe getting in the picture and maybe a tag of Robbie E and Jesse Godderz.
I think Robbie E may be wondering what he has to do to get a push - Terry was more like a bodyguard to him than a bona fide partner. Unfortunately, size matters and that's where Bigger Rob has the edge over Big Rob. That's the only advantage, however.
Rob Terry could be a good face powerhouse, but I think he needs to work longer and more serious matches to build his character up. He needs to show that he can face adversity and still come out on top. I think a nice feud with a hated heel could bring RT to a higher level. I'm not talking about Robbie E because he seems to get very little reaction from any crowd. I'm talking about a guy higher up the ladder, someone that can and does generate real heat. Maybe a feud with Devon for the TV title? It would certainly boost Terry if he could do what Magnus and Samoa Joe couldn't do last week and actually win despite the inevitable interference from A&E's. I do think that those two deserve it more, but it would probably be the biggest boost for Rob Terry.
I think nothing of it. TNA seems to be high on Terry but not high enough to shove him in a status that is clearly not suited for him. So what they do is find a way to keep him on TV.

This isn't Terry's first squash push. He had one prior to teaming with Robbie E. and one more back in the day. All short lived. He squashes people for a month or two and then either disappears, gets in a tag team or becomes someone's bodyguard.

It just seems like a case of a loyal TNA guy, liked by management so they give him some TV time but don't overdo it or overpush him.

Personally, I think he looks like a damn beast and seems to have improved a little, but I wouldn't miss a second of sleep if he wasn't on the roster or on TV.

Doubt he'll amount to much, but he's a good mid-card guy. TNA knows it, we know it and even he knows it.

It's just not a good thing to be a big bad monster these days. If you can't talk, this is what you're stuck doing. I think his best bet at this point is the WWE. TNA will never push him to their upper level, but WWE would. They're not that big on wrestling or even talking these days so I can see him becoming someone similar to Ryback. Hell, he could've BEEN Ryback. And Ryback ain't doing too bad so that's a thought.

TNA seems to recognize talent and reward it. None of their Main Eventers over the last few years can be considered shitty or even average. WWE on the other hand has its Jack Swaggers, Sheamus', Rybacks, Big Shows, Mark Henry's and so on. Terry will fit in well there.
TNA is giving us Terry in small doses right now which is fine by me. He HAS improved. Not a whole lot but somewhat. He most likely will never be great or even very good but with a bit more work and progressively longer exposure, he might become something decent.

I admit that I am neither thrilled about or hating on Terry but he does have a look that nobody else in TNA has, not even Hernandez. That's definitely a feather in his cap.

So long as TNA doesn't try to shove him down our throats, I can put up with Terry, provided he does develop a bit of a character and shows a minimum of mic skills.
I'm inclined to agree with Zeven here.

Terry is known for these stop and go "pushes". I mean what has he really done besides squash the bottom of the card? He started with Robbie E, moved onto Jesse, who's next? Joey Ryan?

Until Terry does more than squash guys who can't get wins against anybody, not say a word on the mic, and do a stupid dance to bad music, all as a way to fill a few minutes on a double taping by presenting a freak show, then I don't know that we can really evaluate this as a proper "push".
Meh, I dunno if he's really in the midst of a genuine push or not. Robbie E. & Jesse Godderz aren't exactly two guys who are very high on the totem pole at this point. If I had to compare them to anyone right now, they're probably on the level of Santino Marella & Zack Ryder in WWE in which they can be jobbed out to anyone else on the roster.

If he is getting pushed, I don't expect very much to come of it. Terry is limited both inside the ring and it terms of personality. He's a big guy with a great build & overall look. I wouldn't be surprised if he winds up as part of Aces & Eights before too long. If you're going to have someone play the role of muscled henchman in a group, which is what most of the guys in Aces & Eights are, it can only help to have a guy that's actually muscular rather than a bunch of out of shape nobodies.
Rob Terry has the look, but I honestly cannot remember him cutting a legit promo ever as part of the British Invasion, Immortal, etc.

You've got to be able to talk before you can truly ascend the ladder.

And you're 100% correct. Aces and Eights needs a tag team...most likely Mike Knox and DOC as Bitchoff and Briscoe's kid are a couple of stiffs.
Meh, I dunno if he's really in the midst of a genuine push or not. Robbie E. & Jesse Godderz aren't exactly two guys who are very high on the totem pole at this point. If I had to compare them to anyone right now, they're probably on the level of Santino Marella & Zack Ryder in WWE in which they can be jobbed out to anyone else on the roster.

If he is getting pushed, I don't expect very much to come of it. Terry is limited both inside the ring and it terms of personality. He's a big guy with a great build & overall look. I wouldn't be surprised if he winds up as part of Aces & Eights before too long. If you're going to have someone play the role of muscled henchman in a group, which is what most of the guys in Aces & Eights are, it can only help to have a guy that's actually muscular rather than a bunch of out of shape nobodies.

You mentioning Aces and Eights got me thinking. How come Terry isn't in it? I mean, he is no biker or nothing, but his size alone and the fact that he's basically a mute would do for a great enforcer. When all the guys are taken out, maybe Terry's the one that stands tall or something. You know, their last resort aside from Bully.

I'll take him over any of the others to be honest.
Rob Terry is another guy who, like all big dudes who have a great look and limited mic and/or ring skills, is great as an enforcer for a stable. If they make a babyface counter-attack stable to go against A&8, he could possibly be the enforcer for that. I hope they don't have a counterstable of babyfaces to combat A&8, because I think that it would really help get a babyface over in a big sort of way if he comes through, dissects the group one at a time, and finishes the job by taking the TNA WHC off of Bully Ray.

But back to Terry.....

I think if they don't have him enforce a stable, he could be a mid-carder who helps up-and-comers get over. That would be the best thing they could do with him since his tag team with Not-Zack-Ryder came to an end.

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