Road to WM PPVs and How they affect superstars.


Vipère Mortelle
I began talking about this in another thread. There is a thread regarding the December PPV and how in recent memory, it has been a major booster for a Superstar in line for a push.

I want to talk about the TLC/Royal Rumble/Elimination Chamber/WrestleMania and the transition superstars go through during these months. Of course there is a great need to build storylines... so alot of the times, superstars who are seemingly in line of a push get postponed...

For example, the losers of the Royal Rumble title match seem to fall off the radar after the Royal Rumble, the focus becomes on the RR winner... and immediately after the Rumble, the focus becomes the Elimination Chamber... the personal grudge feuds seemingly evaporate.

Then Elimination Chamber has near 100% title change guarantees based on recent years of WWE scripting... and it tends to do something shocking to shake things up and decide on title feuds for WM... to me this was originally really cool when Edge lost his match and then entered the RAW chamber and eliminated Cena... it was like living Edge's MITB cash in again! But after that it has definitely become predictable. It becomes a little weak.

All the left over superstars than have to feud with each other or go onto Money in the Bank... which I don't even know if will occur this year, but is a struggle to compete with multiple other talents for a spotlight.

So do you think rising superstars are on a tough road leading to WrestleMania? How do you think this will play out for rising superstars like John Morrison and Sheamus and others?
Well Jomo is almost a lock to win the ladder match (as I cant see a Miz Sheamus or even an Orton Sheamus again) while Shemaus moves on to face HHH
If they have the second match at WM I see it being good for Sheamus if HHH is willing to put him over and then beat him a month later Sheamus will then get a big win at WM
Jomo will be in the MITB and NOT win
Ziggler will lose the title before Mania to Kofi and also end up in MITB and also not win
Morrison will probably win and face Miz which should be a good story. You have the former tag team and Morrison being the "jannetty" of the team, Miz bragging, and Morrison being determined to prove him wrong.

But if Miz does indeed win at Royal Rumble, he'll probably lose at the Chamber. I will be very surprised if he walks into Wrestlemania as champion.
First off, it's been confirmed and there will be a Money In The Bank PPV in 2011. It's taking place in Chicago and I'll most likely be attending. Moving on, yes, the months leading into WrestleMania can be make-or-break for a superstars career. Look at HBK. To this day, people still talk about his 95 win from the number 1 entry spot in the Rumble. I do think Morrison should EVENTUALLY win MITB, but not yet. I see some promise in his promo skills but he still needs A LOT of work. The Elimination Chamber does seem like it's getting predictable too. I think it may be time that they try to shake that match up somehow. Maybe Extreme Elimination Chamber 2? Or maybe make it an "escape the chamber" match? I think it would be interesting to see people try to escape the Chamber. They may need to alter the design of it to make it possible, such as opening up the hole at the top (I call it the Demon Hole lol!), so that someone could climb through it, like maybe...oh, I don't know...John Morrison? Of course this would come once JoMo's promo skills have matured. Maybe they should have him work with somebody like Jericho so he can get some coaching?
A lot of the time young superstars will hit a few bumps in the road on the way to WrestleMania, but it is hard from a storyline perspective to give them a lot to work with. Most storylines have been done already if not all of them and lately they have been mainly focused on the World Championships which they should be. Its really that simple, guy wins the rumble/chamber looks at the champion and says "im coming for that" and then build it off of that.

As for JoMo's mic skills which are on endless debate, he is nowhere near as bad as people put him out to be. Hes not the most exciting on the mic, but as I have posted in other threads, I doubt anyone watches him for the mic skills rather than in ring skills. The guy is amazing in the ring and never has a bad match. I don't think JoMo should win a Money In The Bank, that seems to be the build up for heels to make their mark. I would much rather have JoMo win the rumble but thats just me

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