Road to Redemption and Rehabilitation Starts Here.

Are you kidding me? Bernkastel and sexual objectification broke more rules than me.. They posted MULTIPLE links for gods sake

And KB explained it to you. GET OVER IT and try to make yourself a better person. This vendetta is not going to get you anywhere.
What do you want me to do? Suck up to Cena and the creative team just like you guys? And gang up on whoever disagrees?
What do you want me to do? Suck up to Cena and the creative team just like you guys? And gang up on whoever disagrees?

You were put here because of your conduct on the LD threads. You haven't made yourself look better since you've been in here. Why should you been allowed out. Crocker look back at how you've been posting since you got put in here.

You have taken every opportunity to call everyone here names. Tried to start a forum wars, won't take any responsibility for your own actions, and yet you continue to complain people are ganging up on you. Even though some have tried to help.

The rules here in prison are simple you can't even follow them. If you made an effort so would others. I'm sorry Crocker but even I'm done and I have a lot of patience, you have worn me out.
What do you want me to do? Suck up to Cena and the creative team just like you guys? And gang up on whoever disagrees?
Yes, that's exactly what we want. If you don't like it, you can of course close your browser and stop visiting here. Jesus, how many times do we have to tell you that the issue with you isn't the fact that you're an obnoxious shithead whom no one wants to deal with, but that you hate John Cena?
Apparently it's the only way to "reform"

No it's not. The way for you to reform is to drop all the stuff you keep babbling about. Stop bringing up Cena, Reddit, this perceived corruption, the moderators' actions (there are two people who Dagger answers to here. We can handle him if he gets out of line, which he hasn't. What he does isn't any of your business, as you have no idea what he's said to anyone else on here) and all of your other repeated ideas. Act like the other people around here and you might get out of here.

As I've said: we're not going to change. Stop banging your head against a wall that isn't going to move.
Wanna make bets on if/when he comes out with another alt, the inevitable "hahahah I trolled you all this whole time", and "I'm leaving forever only to come back after two weeks macios style" tropes?
Wanna make bets on if/when he comes out with another alt, the inevitable "hahahah I trolled you all this whole time", and "I'm leaving forever only to come back after two weeks macios style" tropes?
I'm thoroughly convinced (not insultingly) that Macios had a learning disability.

While Crocker does show signs of being on the spectrum (although that autism thread, just, ugh), his problem is that he's just an obnoxious shithead. The compulsive repetitive shit and his inability to grasp context is just a magnifier.
The funny thing about that autism thread is that the joke the guy who made it was going for is what could be used to mock his attempt at the joke in the first place.
Macios actually got better over time and did some decent cover art for some of my e-books. He wasn't all bad once he chilled out.
Proof you don't have to suck up to Cena or creative to stay in the forum's good graces:

Answer: You don't.

The truth is WWE picks who draws and who doesn't. They only want Cena to draw. They don't care about the rest of the roster.

It is quite evident that they refuse to push others and when they do start to get hot, Cena comes to bury them.

WWE wonders why t-shirt sales are so poor. It's because no one wants to buy wrestling shirts. The best selling shirts they have are because they DONT look like wrestling shirts. CM Punks best in the world shirt sold because it was cool. Randys one shirt sold because it looked like an MMA shirt. Kevin Owens KO shirt is selling awesome because it doesn't look like a wrestling shirt.

People want to wear cool clothes. Not shirts with wrestlers names on them.

That guy might be an extremist conspiracy theorist, but he in no way breaks any rules.
Proof you don't have to suck up to Cena or creative to stay in the forum's good graces:
Oh, he knows this has nothing to do with John Cena, but if he accepted that (publicly or personally), he'd also have to accept that he's the cause of most of his own problems, and that's not a phase he's hit yet.
Okay just stop now. I MEAN IT STOP NOW.

You are in the prison section of the forum, you do not make the rules here, you follow them. Something which you cannot do. I have tried to help, but you have a one track mind and only see a warning as the worst thing to have ever happen to you. GET OVER IT.

Sadly Crocker, and I mean that I feel sad for you. Do you really think they will let you out with the attitude you have. I'm afraid you are here for good.

You're a teacher right? I can see the teacher in the way you post. If you're a teacher that is. If not, then you should become a teacher.
Posts brand new thread in prison:


Considering the context my thread where else would I have posted it. Don't need this shitstorm outside the prison do we?

You're a teacher right? I can see the teacher in the way you post. If you're a teacher that is. If not, then you should become a teacher.

I used to work for the Board of Education for about 15 years but wasn't a teacher. LOL
You people who respond and associate with Crocker are sad just as sad as his thing with Cena. They say if you show that you are not bothered the problem will go away. don't pay no mind and soon enough it will be over. Crocker wouldn't be anything without all of your interest in him as Cena probably wouldn't be anything without people like Crocker bitching about him all the time. He's almost like the Cena of the forum. People claim they hate him yet always talking about him
I agree with the above poster. Some of you guys should really stop giving Crocker so much attention, and instead turn your focus to other areas of the forum. Your obsession with Crocker might give his obsession with Cena a run for its money. By replying to each of his garbage comments and creating threads dedicated to him, you guys are narrowing the gap between him and you... and not in a rehabilitation kind of way. Peace.
Except for the fact people have tried to get him to chill or discuss other things. He chooses to be dense and keep up his 'war'. Even if we stopped responding, here or on reddit, he would just attempt to make alts & it would all come back around to this again. He cant help himself. How do I know? Because he has shown he cant do the simple things asked.
And now the people who only frequent the non-spam sections have come to the prison. What does this say really? Maybe Crocker should be unleashed on the masses once again.
No. It just shows everyone loves a good car crash.

Plus it is pretty humorous when someone tells another to stop acting childish, yet says "I'm gonna go tell on you." It is classic moments like these that people venture down here when the prisoners start getting restless.
You people who respond and associate with Crocker are sad just as sad as his thing with Cena. They say if you show that you are not bothered the problem will go away. don't pay no mind and soon enough it will be over. Crocker wouldn't be anything without all of your interest in him as Cena probably wouldn't be anything without people like Crocker bitching about him all the time. He's almost like the Cena of the forum. People claim they hate him yet always talking about him

I dont find crocker to be a problem at all, he's entertaining. Like Nightmare said he is a car crash. But he's on a straight road with perfect conditions and little traffic yet he still crashes in glorious fashion. But Crocker is that bad of a driver that he gets out of the car, hijacks another one, drives like a normal person and then proceeds to lose his mind and crash again and then repeats.

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