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Ricky Ortiz Failure or Not?


Getting Noticed By Management
I mean come on when this guy had his debut I was excited to see yet another fresh new face on ECW. But now that he's been there for awhile what has he exactly done anything of signifigance? He suposed to be a face but everything is just so damn anoying about him that I think it's better that this guy would be a heel. I also blame ECW creative for this mess. I mean what the hell is up with the BIG O as his finisher?? First of all it's looks so damn fake. Moves like these are hurting the business.

Second what the hell is his gimmick? everybody has one right even Dolph fucking Zigler has a gimmick. But what is Ortiz's?? so far he's only been waving with some rally towel. And yes to the younger fans that are reading this right now Ortiz's current hobby is waving a rally towel. I mean how the hell did THIS make it into national television?? how the fuck is a rally towel suposed to ENTERTAIN 1 milion people every week? maybe i'm seeing a bit too ahead of things but I think either Vince is gonna let wish his good luck in his future endeavours, when another young superstars debuts, or he steps up his game. So untill then Ortiz better proves himself. Or just get fired. Well maybe its just me that thinks this way and thats why i made this topic. Is according to you Ricky Ortiz a failure or does he still have some spark left to go?
He was overated in OVW as Atlas Dabone, whatever that means, and now he's annoying here. The guy has some charisma but that's about it. Aside from that he's just another big guy that knows a few moves. He doesn't have a gimmick which likely isn't his fault. There's too many people running around on the roster right now and they all need gimmicks. After awhile WWE just throws up their hands and says here, have a towel. That's your gimmick. Ortiz is another guy that WWE took a shot on and it failed. How much of that is his fault and how much is the company's fault is up for debate, but it's just not working. I say failure.
He really not a failure yet. The guy doesnt have a lot of wrestling ability but he's doing the best he can without that. The guy has a lot of charisma and he's pretty good on the mic, so I'm not giving up on him yet. I suggest they throw him in a tag team with DJ Gabriel. They both have a kind of 70's like gimmick and they're both young and green in the ring. I think they could end up being a pretty succsesfull tag team in the WWE.
I cant stand him ever since i heard he botched nearly a whole match one ECW. His gimmick is poor and a towel a mean come on. Also the Big O, hes not fat so its doesnt have the Mark Henry impact.
Honestly, the only time I've EVER enjoyed Ortiz was when he guest starred on an episode of "Chase" and cracked on an old lady who was competing. His "gimmick" is very annoying, I don't know why they don't make him a heel. Waving a wash cloth? Seriously, that's what's hood? His ring work is slow and boring and his attire doesn't exactly scream superstar. Why on earth doesn't he do the Big O from the top rope? That'd make more sense, he's a big enough guy so a top rope splash is a belivable finisher. However, he's not big enough for a standing splash to be a good finisher. I won't give up on him entirely yet, but I'm losing confidence more and more each week.
I don't find this guy annoying. I just find him silly. He looks like he should be doing fast food commercials, not wrestling. He waves around a rally towel. Yawn. There's nothing remotely interesting about this guy. He knows how to do some theatrics, but his moves look weak for a guy his size. On the contrary, I sort of like the scoop side slam that he uses and I mean, even that looks more effective than the BIG O. Who does he think he is? Ultimate Warrior? That has got to be the weakest and most unconvincing finisher in the WWE. He's nothing but another bogus generic piece of crap. Why Armando Estrada had to job to this guy is beyond me, and why Armando Estrada is no longer with the company but this guy is, is also beyond me. FAILURE.
Ricky Ortiz is a huge failure. I've never liked him one bit. Even when he debut I just thought this guy was going to follow to route of Chris Harris, but credit to Ricky, he's lasted longer than him but that's not saying he is any better than Braden Walker. He can't wrestle, he can't talk on the mic and he is just so annoying. No babyface should ever be that annoying, but Ricky Ortiz and even Hornswoggle are just so damn irratating when they are on screen.

You look at Jack Swagger compared to Ricky Ortiz. Both debuted around the same time, yet Ortiz is bragging about a 6-0 record (before he lost to Jack Swagger) and he waves around that fucking towel that annoys the heck out of me. Not to mention he is in a "relationship" with Tiffany. Which in essense, makes people jealous of Ortiz because I certainly wouldn't cheer for an ugly guy who seems to be dating a superhot chick. I'd want to boo the heck out of him. Ortiz also has a terrible look that isn't very marketable.

He needs to be released if he doesn't improve within the next few months or even weeks. His character works terribly as a face, and I think he'd be better suit as a heel. But even that can't cover up the fact that he is a terrible wrestler and a terrible overall superstar. Ricky Ortiz is a failure that shouldn't even be with the company at the present moment.
Even though he has been around for a couple months, I still think the jury is out. Yes, I understand that his finisher sucks, and yes, I understand his gimmick is kind of annoying, but he does have one thing going for him: HE'S OVER! I can see him helping to fill the #1 face spot which is now open due to Matt Hardy leaving for SD with a couple easy steps.

1. A New Finisher: The Big O is stupid, to put it bluntly. He needs some kind of power move, something like what Ezekiel and Kozlov are now using. He is a big, strong guy who at least tried out for the NFL (I can't remember if he made a team, but I'm pretty sure he did play some kind of professional American football) so give him a move that reflects this.

2. A Gimmick: Right now his gimmick is that he is Ricky Ortiz. That's it. He doesn't need an over-the-top kind of gimmick, just something to give his character some depth. The first thing off the top of my head I can think of is Christian and his peeps. That would work well with the whole rally towel thing he has now.

3. A Chance: So far, he's squashed jobbers, competed in a 6-man tag match, and lost to Jack Swagger. No one is going to go anywhere with that. Give him some kind of push and/or feud, and see what happens. If it works, great, if not, start over with him in ECW, or if worse comes to worse, send him back down to FCW and remake him. They could turn the Boogeyman and put those two together, or even bring up someone else and see what happens, since they are short on heels in ECW right now.

I understand that he hasn't come close to the success of Jack Swagger or even Evan Bourne yet, but it is way, way too early to call Ricky Ortiz a failure.
failure. i dont watch much of ECW. but everytime i do when i see this ricky ortiz guy he is just so damn boring. i mean he dosent really have that type of "champion look" he looks a bit chunky.any promo i've seen him cut was just boring.and isent his finisher like a freaking splash? horrible maybe im just being biased cause i've never liked him from the beginning but i think ricky ortiz is a failure and probably wont get the ecw title or any other title.
To be honest I can't answer fairly because I've only watched ECW once in the last 2months because of work commitments, but the guy was dull. That's not to say he doesn't have a future in WWE, but at the moment he needs to work on some things.

And I'm going to mention it since no-one else has... THE GUY'S A ROOKIE!!!

Come on, give the kid a chance. Last year everyone on here was criticising Cody Rhodes as if it were an Olympic sport. Now he's in a major storyline. Same with Miz two years ago. Bourne has only got by because he can do a shooting star because he's awful on the mic and no gimmick.
This may sound corny, but he should have been Chavo's bodyguard not Bam Neely. He is obviously latin, so they could have made him to be a distant cousin of the infamous Guerrero family. No, he shouldn't even be wrestling right now, or even have a rounded gimmick. He should be the no "nosense" guy who hurts you when you disrespect Chavo, or Vickie.

He has the look, and could have played this role better than Bam. Ricky has much more draw ability than Bam. That is about it. Ortiz has the charisma to do something down the line. The fact that he is wrestling right now, and his finisher makes no sense is shocking.

I honestly think the WWE could have gotten away with him not having to wrestle for amount time he has been on television. I don't think fans were, or are dying to see him in the ring? If he was just some bodyguard who hadn't wrestled yet, and just basically kept it on the lockdown I think I would be liking Ortiz's chances.

The man can't wrestle that well. His gimmick is directionless, and those two combined don't ever add up to anything good. As I said he has the look to be intimidating. I haven't seen something like him in my time watching wrestling. He is the complete opposite of what he should be. Most guys can wrestle, but they have a tough time with charisma, acting, mic work, etc. Ortiz can entertain as he has the "it" factor. Ortiz wrestles like he has two left feet. He needs to loosen up, and get comfortable with the squared circle.

The WWE knows he is something of a work. You don't cut a guy who can act. He was given a show on television outside of wrestling for a reason. Some no name jobber doesn't land a tv spoof for the fuck of it all. He has a face for the entertainment industry, and the WWE is entertainment. Show him the ropes, and he'll climb the ladder of success. He could be the next Rock for all we know.
I'm surprised he hasn't join Brayden Walker yet to be honest. Okay on the bright side, he's good on the stick, you can't take that away from him. But in the ring he's less than impressive. I mean come on, a splash for a finisher? It wasn't cool when Ultimate Warrior used it and its not cool for him. He's had about ten or twelve matches and not one of them has shown us anything except he's boring. Aside from that pounce move he did two weeks ago, his move set is boring. I'm willing to give him a chance though, maybe if he stops fighting jobbers and give him a competitive match he might be able to shine a little more.
FAIL. This guy is boring as hell, looks like an idiot and has no gimmick. This new talent thing is a difficult thing for me. Some people like this guy get brought in and fail miserably, but guys like Bourne and Swagger are doing well. I guess thats how the talent initiative will go. Some guys will be brought in and be great, others will wave towels. I can see this guy going really soon, unless he suddenly starts fueding with Swagger and making it awesome. ECW needs a face, and I just don't think Ricky Ortiz is who they should use.
His gimmick is thatn he is a happy guy. He is there to have eye sex with Tiffany. He'll be in some love story angle and some big heel will take Tiffany away or something. But I find Ricky Ortiz to be possibly the most useless person in wrestling. He makes me sleepy. He sucks he bores me. I'm sorry if I'm ranting but give me a break with so much young talent on the new ECW why even have him there.He's useless.
he is a decent wrestler but Hes a rookie and I see no improvement for a while he just lacks in skill and by the time he starts to improve he would of been 6 months since he was wished well in his future endevours
A failure to who, the 62 people who watch ECW? They have plenty of time to tap into his strong points to give him something. I don't really think he has anything that would send him to the top, but iron him out a little, he can join a tag team and at least elevate his partner.

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