Rhino Turns Heel

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Chalk up another casualty for EV2.0 — one way or another.

Kayfabe or not, it was announced on iMPACT! that Rhino's contract expired at 12:01am this past Sunday and that the new regime of Hogan & Bischoff opted not to renew it. However, despite not owning a renewed TNA contract, Rhino came to the ring and hit RVD with a Gore during his match against Kazarian which allowed Kazarian to pick up the three-count.

As a result, Dreamer came to the ring (seemingly regurgitating water into the face of Rhino) and took a chairshot to the back when he went to aid Rob in the process.

Safe to say Rhino is out of EV2.0, but without a contract, what use can he really be?

Thoughts on all this?
I ... don't ... care? I mean, what's Rhino going to do? Who is he feuding with? Dreamer? Who the FUCK wants to see that? I want to slap that person in the face.

I respect TNA for giving me a time slot at the next PPV to take a piss but come on ...
this looks like something that TNA always do. They were running out of ideas and the most logical thing for them to do was turn Rhino heel. The way it was done wasn't surprising because you can see it coming as he goes to the ring. like Zeven_Zion said nobody wants to watch him feuding with Dreamer again. if they don't have any ideas for him, fine release him
I'm with the meh crowd here. So what that Rhyno turned? It's not like he means anything at this point in his career anyway. It'll move on to Rhyno vs. RVD or Dreamer on PPV and no one will care but it'll fill in fifteen minutes of PPV time I guess so all is good I guess. It's not like anyone was watching for the EV guys anyway so I have no problem here at all but I really do not care either.
I too do not care. Like seriously I am beyond bored with EV 2.0. TNA really failed with Bound for Glory and has gone speedly downhill since. Now that Sabu is gone and Rhino is heel EV 2.0 has nothing. I have no idea what Rhino is going to do now but i've always liked him as a heel rather then a face
This is another feud I can't get into. Rhino seems to be the mole within EV2.0, and now it seems as if he's headed for a match against Dreamer or RVD. This feud won't do anything for Rhino. There's way too much stuff going on in TNA right now, so he's not going to receive a big push, and I don't think Rhino is going to go anywhere after this feud ends. He'll stay in the mid card, while making a few occasional appearances on Impact every now and then. I'm sure the matches won't be bad, but I don't think too many people will care about this feud.
I also Fell Meh about Rhyno turning Heel I think that the best part about this is that it means EV2 is Dead and all I can say about that is Finally and Thank God. I'm not saying that he will be a Bad Heel is just that I'm not interested. I still think Rhyno can deliver in the ring and have some good matches but I just don't see him getting a Major Push since there are More Important things right now in TNA.
I also Fell Meh about Rhyno turning Heel I think that the best part about this is that it means EV2 is Dead and all I can say about that is Finally and Thank God. I'm not saying that he will be a Bad Heel is just that I'm not interested. I still think Rhyno can deliver in the ring and have some good matches but I just don't see him getting a Major Push since there are More Important things right now in TNA.

I agree. I mean, Stevie, Rhyno and Dreamer are the only EV trash left. Personally, I would love it if Fourtune just took them both out in the next few weeks. I don't care if it makes sense or not. Just come down the ramp, fuck them up and walk off. I don't think anyone will bitch about it.

I was one of the first and only guys to like this EV2 thing when it began. I liked Hardcore Justice, it was emotional, I got the fact that these guys wanted to wrestle together one last time. TNA sold it well and I [ as always ] bought it.

Then it continues. I was still okay with it. A bit mad since it killed how special Hardcore Justice was. Then it continued more and more, and I was absolutely sick of it weeks before BFG. Then the fuckers win at BFG which was the biggest crock of shit I've seen in a year, and finally NOW they get canned. Well it's about damn fucking time. Thank God AWA's roster is mostly dead or super old, they could've had a reunion too after EV2's gone.
Thank God AWA's roster is mostly dead or super old, they could've had a reunion too after EV2's gone.

Well, Hogan, Bischoff and Hall were all in the AWA, so you could say a reunion already happened... :lmao:

But yeah, EV 2.0 should have been gone after Hardcore Justice or Bound For Glory at the maximum.
I think Rhino is going to retire from pro wrestling altogether after this feud and he wants to go out with a feud against his friend RVD. No one cares though because no one has ever cared for Rhino. It would be interesting, though, to see a face win a feud in this heel regime. I see this as the last face victory for a long time in TNA.
As a whole i dont care about EV2 at all, this fued will just furthur delay RVDs quest to the belt which i wouldnt mind if the diversion was something not totally boring.
I think Rhino looks and wrestles like a heel, even down to the way he walks. The nickname "Man Beast" is much more fitting for a heel than a face anyway. I have always liked Rhino, and its good that he is getting a storyline against one of the top guys in TNA, RVD. The two should have decent in-ring chemistry from back in their ECW days and I hope Rhino isnt buried in this feud. This is the sort of rivalry which would be great had it been based around a mid-card title like the TV title, but obviously this cant be the case, with Styles holding the belt.

Rhino should just keep showing up and hitting random people with The Gore, to build up his heel persona as an uncontrollable force, and then lock up with RVD in a steel cage, smashing Van Dam into the cagd wall with a spear time and time again, before hitting him with the top-rope piledriver like he used in ECW.

Yeah, thats what I would like to see!
I've grown detached from EV.2 since Hardcore Justice. I figured TNA kept them around to have someone for Fortune to feud with, and that's seriously the only reason why they're there.

With that being said, I have been a Rhino fan for years now but I don't care about his turn. Face or heel it has gotten to the point that TNA does not have real major plans for him, and eventually they will let him go for good (See Eric Young). Maybe they already have by not renewing his contract. Maybe they are paying him in beer tabs, I don't know. But the logical thought in all of this is Rhino isn't contracted, so putting him in a role of any kind is just confusion central.

Maybe that was TNA's idea all along. Whatever the case is it's anti-climactic.
I honestly think Rhino could be repackaged and still offer something to the company compared to the other members of EV2. Keep him heel, keep him off the mic, add in some new ring attire. I would also keep him off the mic, the silent stalking type that just lets his in ring work do the talking. Maybe it's a stretch but he can still get around the ring without a cane and walker like other EV2 members.
Rhino still hasn't signed a new contract. I guess he is working on a nightly basis. If the majority of the EV 2 members have been fired or will be fired, why turn Rhino heel? I know they are turning him so he can "protect" his job, but what is there left for Rhino to do in TNA? I'm sick of EV 2 and even sicker of seeing them fight each other. Why would the Immortal regime want a member of EV 2 to join them? Aren't they the problem along with Dixie Carter?

Its the same thing with Team 3D. TNA doesn't need Team 3D or Rhino anymore. Just let them go.
I like Rhino better as a heel. He gets boring sometimes as a face. This will be good for him because he is more of a threat now and can be taken more seriously. I think he'll go on to better things this time around and maybe even enter a title feud. Rhino as a face in EV2 is so boring compared to what a heel Rhino could do when feuding with a good number of people on the roster. They could do almost anything with him right now.
I think there's actually a little potential in Rhyno being this soulless mercenary for Immortal. He's a legitimately intimidating presence and would git well playing bodyguard for Hardy or maybe being paired with Abyss for the occasional Bischoff-ordered execution. Plus, his situation makes him a second-class citizen in the eyes of the team and that's always good for eventual twits down the road.

If nothing else, you have to say it's an improvement from what they've had him doing for several years now.

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