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Rey To Raw

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Writer Brian Gewirtz is pushing to get Rey Mysterio on Raw. He noted that he is huge with children like John Cena and there were a ton of fresh opponents for him to face on the red brand. There has been talk in the past of moving Rey to Raw, but it has really picked up in the last few weeks. Right now, the decision is up in the air. McMahon didn't say yes, but he didn't say no either. If Rey left SmackDown, it would really hurt the show's ratings because they are held up by kids and Hispanics as he is a huge ratings draw in both demographics.

About time imo. Rey's been stale on Smackdown for ages. He's one of the only superstars to stay on the same brand for a large amount of time. I can't see them ever bumping him down into the Cruiser division again. And there's plenty of fresh opponents for him on Raw. Although before he goes I'd like to see him in feud's with Taker, Edge & MVP.
I like this Idea, I'm surprise they haven't sent him to Raw already, if this does happen then the should send a top Raw star to SD! to fill Reys spot, personnally I'd like to see Umaga go to SD!, and also Kennedy return to SD!, either one of them also Trips or Cena would be good too but everyoner knows that won't happen, but as far as Rey on Raw, that would be a good Idea since the CW division is all but dead, and he really doesn't have a whole lot left that he can do over on SD! other then a US title reign and the feuds Jake mentioned but that's about it, I say trade him to Raw:thumbsup:
I know Rey has been stale on Smackdown for ages, because he has been there since his debut in the WWE. I myself am not fond of this because he will get lost in the shuffle and probably be automatically fed to HHH. As if Rey stays on Smackdown he is a proven main eventer there so i believe he should stay. Like what Jake about the feuds,I wouldnt mind those but personally if he were traded it feels like the WWE does not care about there Friday show. So i personally would say no th this trade unless someone really good would go to SD and have the same effect Rey does with ratings.
I hope he does switch im sick of Rey verse the same people over and over. i would like to see a rey/carlito or a rey/kennedy feud
I actually mentioned over in another article that I no longer consider Rey to be one of the best wrestlers around. My reasons are there in that article, but I do think that with Rey going to RAW...he could actually have a pretty good run with Carlito or Kennedy or my pick...Jeff Hardy. Plus he wouldn't be competing against massive opponents like Khali, Batista, Kane or Undertaker. He might even have a good run against Orton or if Jericho comes back, him. So there's plenty of possibilites and it might be what he needs because he certainly isn't getting quality opponents on "Wrestling's B Show".
It would be good, but not at this time. There is still a few more fueds with Rey that would be good. Edge and MVP would both be worth a watch and would lead to some very good matches, but if this whole deal was to go down, RAW is going to have to send somebody else over. SD! lacks alot of depth in the main event scene, In fact. Carlito is being buried straight to hell on the RAW brand, Send him over. That's what Rey will be anyways after about 6 months, Buried. Too many top stars on RAW these days.

With ratings tanking and WWE thinking Rey magically brings in children, I wouldn't doubt this happens pretty soon, but I'd rather them give it a little more time and send someone else over along with him.
I think that if king booker comes back at the end of his suspension it wouldnt be a bad idea to move him back to smackdown as a proven world heavyweight champion and move rey over to raw.
The only way I could see Rey working on Raw is if he was in the Intercontinental scene, which would be a step down for him. Raw has always been the show for the top (or "future top") guys to showcase their talents and Rey is starting to level off. If they were to move him over to Raw, it wouldn't accomplish much, since the only real reason they want him over there is to bring in the Hispanic crowd. Rey would have to take a step backwards, since there's no way they'll be pushing him for the WWE title over HHH, HBK, etc. You push him backwards, the fans that love him aren't as interested, so the numbers don't shoot up like they're hoping. What they should really do if the numbers are in the 2's is go against what they've been doing lately. Its simple logic: if something doesn't work, change it. Lately, and I'm sure you guys will all agree with me, most of the shows have consisted of filler stories rather than good wrestling. I think the best thing for them to do on Raw is knock off doing the little Lilian Garcia American Idol skits, stop having every wrestler have his own side-segment (Carlito's Cabana, Marella at the Movies, MVP having a bunch of bad actors in the ring pretending to dance, so forth) and start pushing some actual wrestling. The only real wrestling push I've seen in the past few weeks that coincides with the way they used to do things is the Holly/Rhodes story. You start making your wrestling show about wrestling and maybe the ratings will improve - you aren't going to solve it by having a Jillian/Lillian sing-off.

Smackdown is the B-show and you have to take some things with a grain of salt there. Would you rather be a big fish in a small pond or would you rather get lost in the Raw roster? Rey Mysterio fits on Smackdown, I think, and the only real argument seems to be that he has nobody else to feud with - which I agree - however, that could be changed by just switching up a few guys in a draft. You send some ECW guys over to Smackdown (like if you traded Finlay and Masters for Burke and maybe Thorn) and you've got some fresh feuds to work with. I'd like to see Mysterio/Burke, wouldn't you?

One of the biggest problems with Smackdown is their lack of balance. Look at the title picture: Khali, Undertaker, Kane, Batista, Mark Henry...five huge guys. They couldn't work a match with MVP and make it really believable. Once Edge comes back, who is he feuding with? The only options for him will be the Undertaker, Kane, Batista, Rey Mysterio, and to an extent Matt Hardy. An Edge/Rey feud would be interesting, and without Mysterio there for Edge, we'll see more rigid and rough wrestling which doesn't suit Edge too well.

Blah blah blah, I could go on and on, but the point I'm trying to make is that Smackdown is going to be even more boring if you get rid of a well-adapted wrestler like Mysterio and add another "big gun" to the roster. They should consider moving someone like Batista over to Raw to be the "powerful face", which Raw is lacking, and if they do that, Rey will find himself in a new position. You switch up the Smackdown roster a little and you have a rejuvenated interest / You start wrestling more instead of adding more soap opera storylines and you'll get better Raw ratings.
I like the idea, but it's bit soon as he has still a few people he can put on a good feud with (i.e Edge). I would like to see the move after WrestleMania, and go into the I.C scene, I know he's a main eventer, but Vince won't put the "big one" on him again. I think that the move will happen right away since RAW is down in ratings, and they'll try anything to boast them. The one downside in this is most of SD!'s ratings is kids and latinos, so that will not help the SD! ratings.
If they're just going to put Rey on Raw, might as well make a trade. Smackdown is giving away their most popular and entertaining superstar. What do they get in return? I don't think it's a good idea. Although it is time for a change. They need it quick.
I like the move as it a way to freshen Rey with new oppenenets though like many other I still like to see him battle Edge, and MVP not so much Taker as that wouldn't be that great of a match IMO. As an Edge or MVP battle would be promising and could actually take Rey in to WM with an oppenent like mVP. I see this move happening more down the road, but if did happen now well they give raw another face.

He wouldn't sniff the WWE title picture at all more like IC area he have new people face and would make for interesting angles. So i like the move but i dont see it happening any time soon
I've never been a fan of Mysterio. There is just something about him that I don't like. I think its his promo ability. He has none, his matches are repetative...he has heart which earns him points but at this point I really don't see a reason to move him to Raw.

Keep him on Smackdown, turn him heel, fued with Batista.

A move to Raw means he'll get buried by HHH. He will do his little song and dance and that will be that, I don't forsee anything new and exciting from Mysterio. He's the same wrestler he was in WCW and I honestly find him to be filler. I'm in the minority here but the last thing I found interesting was his fued with Chavo and I feel Chavo carried it.
No, bad idea... it would leave smackdown high and dry, as you'd have only 2 big faces in UT and batista, (with taker possibly retiring after WM)

Here's a better solution, end the freakin brand split! that way you dont have to rip one show's top guy just to have him feud with new opponents.
I personally hate the idea of rey going to raw. I just have a feeling he will get buried just like kennedy did when he switched. I think rey is probaly the most watched and liked guy on smackdown behind the undertaker. Why take away a top guy on one show just to burry him on another?
I've never been a fan of Mysterio. There is just something about him that I don't like. I think its his promo ability. He has none, his matches are repetative...he has heart which earns him points but at this point I really don't see a reason to move him to Raw.

Keep him on Smackdown, turn him heel, fued with Batista.

A move to Raw means he'll get buried by HHH. He will do his little song and dance and that will be that, I don't forsee anything new and exciting from Mysterio. He's the same wrestler he was in WCW and I honestly find him to be filler. I'm in the minority here but the last thing I found interesting was his fued with Chavo and I feel Chavo carried it.

lol this raises a very important question? Do you even watch wrestling? Repetitive matches? Same as he was in WCW? CHAVO CARRIED THE FEUD?!?!?! Yeah, you my friend, are either ignorant or dumb. Choose wisely.
Moving Rey to Raw would be both a good and bad idea for the WWE.

The fans want to see new faces in new places, with new feuds and matches, so obviously moving Rey to Raw would create new top tier matches. Also, the decline in ratings could be due to Cena being out and less children watching, like previously stated, Rey would cover this as well.

The only roadblock in the way is the part in the article about the hispanic viewers watching for Rey. I am from Minneapolis and we have a large hispanic population here. Whenever they come into the gym they never talk about wrestling, they talk about SmackDown. What I mean is there is a significant portion or hispanics that don't have cable (they don't want it because they don't need it), there is nothing wrong with this,its just that they cannot watch Raw so they are only familiar with SmackDown. The only reason they watch wrestling is for Rey, so moving him to Raw would more than likely make them stop watching SmackDown.

However, since Raw and Smackdown nearly tied in the ratings this week, Vince may sacrifice the hispanic portion for his "A" show.
I'm not too sure how I feel about this actually. I am a huge Rey Rey fan, But ever since he won the WHC back at WM 22 I kinda lost interest. As I think they did it for all the wrong reasons which was disrespectful to Rey and his talents. I think if he left SD now that there wouldn't really be much left for SD. Sure there's Batista and Taker for huge draws but really, Taker is pretty much retired and Batista is well, not worth his hype IMO. For now I like Rey where he is only because I think if he leaves SD will go downhill.
lol this raises a very important question? Do you even watch wrestling? Repetitive matches? Same as he was in WCW? CHAVO CARRIED THE FEUD?!?!?! Yeah, you my friend, are either ignorant or dumb. Choose wisely.

Just because you're a 619 fanboy doesn't mean everyone is.

I get it, he's a little guy, he runs around and will get thrown around by the bigger guy, he does his little huricanrana and finishes the guy off with his little finisher, I'm not impressed.

Is Mysterio more athletic than Snitsky? Sure...does he put on better matches than Cena? Sure...does that change the fact that I find him to be boring? No

The question is your emphasis on Chavo carrying the fued, are you incenuating that Chavo is talentless or just not the godlike figure that Mysterio is?

Is this Rey Mysterio? Did you join up on Wrestlezone to defend yourself?

I'm glad you put your mask back on...
Actually I would love to see Rey back on ECW. I think it would do amazing things for ECW right now and it'd be refreshing to see Rey back to his old ways. Just not sure if his body could handle it nowadays.
If Rey goes to RAW I'm looking to see it be a trade. Someone is going to need to fill his shoes on SD!. Lets all face it he is one of the biggest draws to SD! since he's got the whole latino population and Americans enjoying his matches. The majority of those fans who watch SD! for Rey will switch over to Raw if they don't watch it already. Rey going to Raw should help it's ratings, but unless they make a fairly even trade, which at this point I don't even think is possible SD!'s ratings will most likley suffer as the only real big draw left would be Undertaker,and sometimes I wonder if Rey's got more of a loyal fanbase then Taker. If Rey goes to Raw I'm looking to see ratings going up and down all over the WWE (not ECW). If Rey goes to Raw he'll have agreat amount of new heels to feud with. I wouldn't mind seein Rey feud with Jeff Hardy, in a face vs face match for the IC championship. I'd also look to see him feuding with Orton
I swap Kane to ECW Umaga to Smackdown Rey Mysterio to Raw Big Daddy V to Smackdown Chavo Guerrero to ECW Highlanders to Smackdown
I wouldn't really want Rey to go over to Raw. right now he is one of the top faces and gets huge fan reaction. He is small and puts on enterating matches but I'm afraid if he would go to Raw he maybe burried since Raw's main event/midcard scene is bigger than Smackdown and HHH is on raw. I also think a move to raw may hurt Rey in the long run, b/c if u remember before londrick was trade to raw they got huge response from the smackdown crowd, they were very high energy, and over and now in raw they hardly get a response good or bad. I just think smackdown is more suited for a high flying style and he should stay on smackdown.
Just because you're a 619 fanboy doesn't mean everyone is.

I get it, he's a little guy, he runs around and will get thrown around by the bigger guy, he does his little huricanrana and finishes the guy off with his little finisher, I'm not impressed.

Is Mysterio more athletic than Snitsky? Sure...does he put on better matches than Cena? Sure...does that change the fact that I find him to be boring? No

The question is your emphasis on Chavo carrying the fued, are you incenuating that Chavo is talentless or just not the godlike figure that Mysterio is?

Is this Rey Mysterio? Did you join up on Wrestlezone to defend yourself?

I'm glad you put your mask back on...

lol That was not a smart move replying. Prepare for total pwnage:

Ok, first off, the question still stands. Do you even watch wrestling?
I ask this question simply because you just stated that he does his little hurracanrana and finisher. Ok, yes he does......I'm not quite sure what point you were trying to make thier.....yeah, he does the hurracanrana....oh wait, but he also does a FINISHER MOVE!!! DAH DAH DAH!!! lol ok anyways, back to it, rarely will you see a Rey match finish the same way. If you dont believe me, go to youtube and watch his matches. So to state that thats all he does, and that those two moves dont impress you, well its just an ignorant statemant overall. Also, you called me a 619 fanboy without even having any reason. Just because I called you a nub doesnt mean you have to use the "fanboy" card. And to compare Rey to someone like Snitsky or Cena is just screaming "IM A FUCKING IDIOT" all over it. I really dont care if you find him entertaining, but to say he isnt one of the most talented and hardworking guys on the roster is just ignorant. Oh and to answer your Chavo question. Do I find him talentless? Umm.....no. Not quite sure how you came up with that. I just thought it was funny how you thought he carried the feud, so I laughed. And I made fun of you. So what? On a final note:
Have you seen a Mysterio botch lately? Please answer the question and note the last time you've seen one (yes, I know WM 23=1) and once you answer that question, how can you not be impressed?

And just so I won't get a spamming/flaming infraction, not that I really care because they hand them out like cotton candy in here, no, I don't think Rey should go to raw. I mean, yes, It would give him fresh opponents and more title possibilities, but lets face it, Raw would bury him under familiar "champions" like John Cena and HHH which is ridiculous. Also, Rey holds up half the ratings for Smackdown! right now, so it would not be wise to move him until Smackdown! gets back on it's feet.

P.S. You wanna debate some more, send me a msg I'm not wasting my time going back here to hear your meaningless hate speach.
I think it would be great to move him to Raw. As said before he is one of the people to stay on their perspective brand for a long time. He has feuded with about everyone there and has become very boring and stale on Smackdown.

This move would start some new and exciting feuds for Rey.
I cant agree with Rey to Raw. He is a major pull with kids and Raw is a bit more of an adult show so i can see him losing his appeal. It would be good to see him there eventually but not now. He is only just back from a long term injury so lets give him some time to settle back in. There are plenty of other ways for Raw to be bettered without weakening Smackdow and without Mysterio it just wouldnt be the same.

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