Rey Mysterio Reportedly in Hot Water With WWE

The only purpose that Rey Mysterio serves is to put over the new Mexican stars (Sin Cara and Del Rio). Other than that and his ability to sell masks, there's nothing left for him to do.

Honestly, fuck Mysterio. He was injured mid-August, it's now late-February. That's over 6 months of healing time. He doesn't have the same passion for the business that he used to, or the same passion to come back ASAP from injury like others. If he wanted to come back, he would have by now - he wouldn't be holding out for more money.

I don't care for him, his gimmick or his persona. I don't believe he can beat anyone on the WWE roster. The sooner Mysterio gets signed to a Legends contract, the better.

WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE SOMEONE'S LEVEL OF PASSION ? You have never seen one CT Scan , MRI or had the knowledge of anything in his medical file. And you have the balls to suggest that he is somehow milking an injury when other wrestlers that have had less surgeries have stayed out for longer periods or even not come back at all.


Taking bumps for over 17 years is passion personified. He was born into the business and has done that his whole life. If he doesn't want to travel 300 days a year , HE HAS A RIGHT TO DEMAND IT. If he wants to be a father to his kids by spending more time, HE HAS EARNED IT. And If he wants to protect his future by signing a good deal and not rushing a comback, HE BETTER DO IT.

he is smart business man. He is not coming back to a company without a good deal. Fuck your ignorance. And those little masks that you seem to think are not much makes millions of dollars. Add in the Tshirt sales, chains , DVD's and a person with common sense would know that Rey is Big Money.

Whether you like him or not isn't the issue. Rey is a student of the Business. Trained by the Legends. He is looking out for his future. And that is more important than you simple character judgements.

You run your mouth and Rey will run his money.

Before criticizing, read a book on some of the legends that are broke as hell and injured beyond repair.
Well they shouldn't get too upset at Rey for having as many injuries as he has had. Over the last 5 years he has taken a shit load of time off, don't get me wrong but there are a lot of wrestlers that were constantly injured and it was never an issue (Batista comes to mind).

When Rey is there he is still one of the most popular guys on the roster, the WWE's main fanbase absolutely love the guy and they can still make plenty of money of Rey and his character. The guy is a 5'2" superhero when it comes down to it, a lot of people can relate to Rey and its very easy to get behind the underdog.

You can say that Rey doesn't wrestle as good as he used to and although that maybe true it by no means is saying that he is shit in the ring, as a matter of fact Rey is far from it.

Rey has done a lot for the WWE over the last 10 years, until Rey stops making the WWE money or he costs more than he is worth I don't see the big deal. At the end of the day WWE is there to make money and when marketed correctly Rey can make the WWE bucket loads of money on merchandise sales alone.
I don't get why WWE's panties are in a bunch about having him back so soon. They really don't NEED Mysterio for WrestleMania. Their top 4 matches are guaranteed to bring in more than enough money. I don't get why they're rushing him back when there's the chance that he could get hurt again, if not worse than before.

It's really sad cause Rey's been a loyal superstar. He hasn't bitched or moaned, not to my knowledge anyway, and has put on more than his fair share of five star matches.

I understand contract negotations and all that, but there's also being patient.

Just my two cents.
TNA can grab this guy surely even for couple years would do enough for ... bringing him on the X division with Austin aries etc ..then in tag division can groom younger guys and then against AJ styles to rob van Dam to Jeff hardy World title and then retirement ...can benefit both parties if they give him kurt angle treatment
Rey Mysterio should honestly give two shits about this. The WWE has a lack of star power, Rey Mysterio is a legit star. The WWE has almost zero leverage at this point. Mysterio has been with the company for 10 years, and is a big time established name in the business. As long as Mysterio has taken care of him self financially, the WWE should just back off.

They don't need him for Wrestlemania, that event is going to sell itself. Mysterio is a veteran that needs more time to heel. What's the WWE going to do, fire him? Oh no, what would poor Rey Rey do? Um, I'm pretty sure that every federation in Japan, Mexico, and TNA would break the bank to get that guy in if the WWE were stupid enough to take it a step further.
Rey Mysterio should honestly give two shits about this. The WWE has a lack of star power, Rey Mysterio is a legit star. The WWE has almost zero leverage at this point. Mysterio has been with the company for 10 years, and is a big time established name in the business. As long as Mysterio has taken care of him self financially, the WWE should just back off.

They don't need him for Wrestlemania, that event is going to sell itself. Mysterio is a veteran that needs more time to heel. What's the WWE going to do, fire him? Oh no, what would poor Rey Rey do? Um, I'm pretty sure that every federation in Japan, Mexico, and TNA would break the bank to get that guy in if the WWE were stupid enough to take it a step further.

Rey has been injured alot of times during his contracts with WWE, by a quick google, i've worked it out to be anywhere been 14-22 months worth of down time. The WWE's problem is they have paid him during that time. Paid, to sit at home. They are asking him to come to table on a contract, with a mind to the fact that he has had alot of down time, on good money. From all reports, Rey sees this as his last big contract, and wants a big money deal....given the down time he's had... I can understand why the WWE would be sour on his stance.
How can anyone be on WWE's side on this? You want people to compete injured? Didnt we just get a report that they dont want to use Brodus because Vince deems him unsafe?

They wouldnt have this problem of begging a older guy to come back (while having old guys like Hunter and Taker fight at Mania and having to sign Rock for a one off) if they had developed their own big stars.

If someone told you in 2000 when WWF was at its peak, that the company would be begging a WCW star in 2012 to help them you would laugh and suggest "surely they have made 3 Rocks and 4 Austins by then!"

Well they havent made a thing. Instead of pushing someone young hard, they decided to...not push anyone and give people "losing streak" gimmicks.
There's reportedly been tension between the WWE brass & Rey Mysterio for years. Mysterio has always been popular with fans and Mysterio himself has been aware of this. Mysterio also knows that a good portion of WWE's international audience are Hispanic, hence he's among the most popular if not the most popular wrestler with that demographic on the roster.

Based on what I've read over the past few years, Mysterio has allegedly used this knowledge to his advantage in order to get some real sweetheart deals from WWE. He's intelligent enough to know that he's had a good deal to offer, which has led to the two sides butting heads in contract negotiations in the past.

I can't blame Mysterio for trying to get as much as he can while he can. After all, it's not as if he hasn't done a lot and delivered for the WWE. At the same time, however, I can also see the, alleged, viewpoint of WWE when you take into consideration that Mysterio's time away from WWE has been growing longer in duration as his injuries are starting to catch up with him. While I don't know what Mysterio's deals have been in terms of finances the past several years, everything I've read indicates that he's definitely been among the highest paid wrestlers on the roster. If all these reports are accurate, it comes off somewhat like a guy working a blue collar job, doesn't show up half the time but expects time and a half for it.

I don't necessarily see either side being completely right or completely wrong. As I said earlier, it's hard to blame Mysterio for getting as much as he can. At the same time, it's understandable if WWE is frustrated that they feel Mysterio hasn't been pulling his weight for a long while, even if it's due to injuries.
How can anyone be on WWE's side on this? You want people to compete injured? Didnt we just get a report that they dont want to use Brodus because Vince deems him unsafe?

They wouldnt have this problem of begging a older guy to come back (while having old guys like Hunter and Taker fight at Mania and having to sign Rock for a one off) if they had developed their own big stars.

If someone told you in 2000 when WWF was at its peak, that the company would be begging a WCW star in 2012 to help them you would laugh and suggest "surely they have made 3 Rocks and 4 Austins by then!"

Well they havent made a thing. Instead of pushing someone young hard, they decided to...not push anyone and give people "losing streak" gimmicks.

You're missing the point. No one is saying he should work hurt. The point is, Rey wants a sweet money deal, and by all reports, he is holding firm on what he wants in his contract, and not budging. And, normally this is fine. But, as I keep saying, the WWE feel he kinda 'owes' them from all the time he was out injured. I know, injuries happen, and, most of the time, it is no ones fault. But it doesn't change the fact there is close to 2 years in his time with WWE where he has been on the shelf. All they are asking is he be willing to budge...and he is not, thus, the heat.
WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE SOMEONE'S LEVEL OF PASSION ? You have never seen one CT Scan , MRI or had the knowledge of anything in his medical file. And you have the balls to suggest that he is somehow milking an injury when other wrestlers that have had less surgeries have stayed out for longer periods or even not come back at all.


Taking bumps for over 17 years is passion personified. He was born into the business and has done that his whole life. If he doesn't want to travel 300 days a year , HE HAS A RIGHT TO DEMAND IT. If he wants to be a father to his kids by spending more time, HE HAS EARNED IT. And If he wants to protect his future by signing a good deal and not rushing a comback, HE BETTER DO IT.

he is smart business man. He is not coming back to a company without a good deal. Fuck your ignorance. And those little masks that you seem to think are not much makes millions of dollars. Add in the Tshirt sales, chains , DVD's and a person with common sense would know that Rey is Big Money.

Whether you like him or not isn't the issue. Rey is a student of the Business. Trained by the Legends. He is looking out for his future. And that is more important than you simple character judgements.

You run your mouth and Rey will run his money.

Before criticizing, read a book on some of the legends that are broke as hell and injured beyond repair.

LOL did someone get their panties in a bunch? Jeeze, you make it sound like Rey-Rey took your anal virginity. Also, does capitalizing entire sentences make your point more valid?

I never said he was milking the injury. He could have come back as an on-screen character. He could have renewed his contract. But no, he's holding out for more money. I couldn't give a shit what happens to him, I'm watching the show to be entertained and I demand entertainment.

I never denied that it's his right to demand more money. Just like it's my right to say fuck Mysterio for not being on TV. Just like it's my right to call you out for being butthurt over comments on a wrestling forum.
Mysterio has been great for many years, but it feels like WWE holds all the cards on this one. Mysterio is getting older and has been injured a good amount lately. Nobody else is going to pay him anything close to what he would make in WWE. I think WWE is going to make him a final offer and let him walk if he does not take it.
Well I get your points and don't entirely disagree with them but the fact is at this point in his career and considering he's spent the majority of the past year on the shelf, he is extremely lucky that contract "negotiations" are even taking place. If he doesn't sign with WWE what are his alternatives? Go to mexico or TNA and work for peanuts? Would anyone even offer him a long term contract knowing how injury prone he is? No offense but if I were Vince I'd offer him a very lowball contract which would include the stipulation that if he is injured, he doesn't get paid.

So they can offer Kevin Nash a legends contract, with bad quads, dry and aged in ring ability, but they can't offer Mysterio a contract, who is injury prone but still consistently puts on 5 star wrestling matches? The guy can wrestle anyone and put on a good match. Sure, Nash was apart of wrestling history with Michaels and NWO, but Mysterio helped put the cruiserweight division on the map, he proved that anyone of any size can be a star as long as they're entertaining. He's one of the most famous Latino wrestlers to ever compete.

I think that there is a degree of bias here, and saying that there isn't is just being plain ignorant. Geez, you've had guys that have left, run off to TNA and come back who have had easier contract negotiations than Mysterio has had recently. It's not like he left, he's taking time off to make sure his body is in great condition because it's injury prone. Anyone's body would be injury prone after sacrificing their body doing high risk moves like Mysterio has been doing for almost two decades (Even longer if you acknowledge that he started training for wrestling since he was a teen).
well if this is true I think vinny mac should kill this hot water because rey mysterio along with john cena are the main cash cows the kids love reys high flying and his hight mask etc.....if rey gets released wwe loses a lot of money but idk I don't follow backstage stuff much.
What the hell, WWE? The man's one of your biggest money-makers/wrestlers & you're pissed off that his body can't heal up as fast as you'd like it to? The hell is this?
So let me get this straight...WWE wants a man who's legitimately injured to compete in time for Wrestlemania and they're mad at him for not doing so?


If a knee injury isn't taken seriously by the WWE, I don't know what is. :shrug:
Source or not, I will take this with a grain of salt. The amount of times he has been injured I cannot complain about some officials been a little weary of contract negotiations. I also think it is soon the time to call an end to Mysterios career, the guy has done everything in terms of achievement. Give it up before you do yourself some real harm & ask HBK what its like to spend time with family and not being on the road anymore.
Without getting into sentiments, or what someone should do, let's look at the facts of the case here and see who holds what cards.


- Rey is unquestionably the WWE's biggest draw for the Hispanic audience. Those numbers drop when he isn't around, and that's the Hot New Demographic to target. Attempts to recreate Rey Mysterio Jr. (Hi, Sin Cara!) have bombed pretty miserably. Right now, he's the Hispanic John Cena.


- Rey is 37 years old, is frequently out with injury already, and has a career predicated upon moving around quickly. He would want a contract from the WWE for at least a couple of years, in concert with his popularity. This is the Peyton Manning situation; is it time to say goodbye to a still talented star who costs too much, in favor of your new generation?

- Rey doesn't need the WWE. You don't hear much about Rey Mysterio Jr. blowing money left and right, and he's certainly made his share. He could call it a career if he doesn't get a deal he likes. This isn't a "where else would he go, TNA/IW or AAA" type deal; he doesn't have to continue wrestling professionally on a regular basis.

Ignore all of the "well I heard on this site that this guy said a bad thing about this other guy" bullshit. That's the drama that you get sold on the internet to keep you buying in. Here's the reality of the situation: the WWE doesn't have anyone to bid against for Rey's services, but he feels that he deserves to be near, if not in, the Cena/Orton financial class. The WWE can still use Rey- when I call him the Hispanic John Cena, I am not joking around with the way he makes those numbers dance. Are they willing to pay out for a guy who may not be able to provide in the future?

Stay tuned.
WWE is a company, a business. That being said the business is dependent on its workforce, the wrestlers in that ring. The work the wrestlers do is physical and can often lead to injuries. How many times has Mysterio come back to work before being completely healed from an injury at the WWE's (Vince's) insistence ? I find it hard to really side with WWE on this one. Rey delivers the goods in the ring, sells merchandise, yes he's injured a lot but what he does is a physically demanding job. I've always felt that Rey should have ditched the WWE a long time ago. While TNA can't pay what WWE will, the lighter schedule would be better for him.

In spite of this news, I can't see WWE and Mysterio not working out some kind of deal, the money they can still make together is too hard to walk away from. With WWE's roster being what it is, and the company's difficulty developing stars it would be pretty fucking stupid for WWE to let Mysterio go.
I agree, I dont really like Rey but he is popular esp among kids, I dont get how they can let the undertaker wrestle once a freekin year and be fine with it but give rey sh**, it makes no sense BUT if wwe wants to act stupid rey should go to TNA and I dont think it will be a changing of the guard but rey would bring a BIG boost through ratng and merch with his pint sized followers
I've never liked Rey Mysterio, from the first time I saw him in WCW to today.

To be a wrestling fan, you need a healthy sense of disbelief. Yes, we all know it's fake, but we don't like to be slapped in the face by that fact as we're watching it. Everything about Rey Mysterio slaps you in the face.

There is no fucking way on Earth that this little 5 foot 2 140 pound man that looks like a jacked up 13-year old can beat people that are two feet taller than him and outweigh him by 300 pounds. It's preposterous and I always felt insulted as a wrestling fan when this little shithead would beat people like Kevin Nash or the Big Show. There's just no possible way that I can buy that. In a real fight, Rey would get murdered. But this isn't real...this is FAKE. See? Rey wins!

Not to mention that upon arriving in WWE, he debuted possibly the least credible finisher in the history of wrestling, a manuever that requires an opponent to lie in the ropes in a manner that they ONLY do during Rey Mysterio matches. It's just shit. Watching Rey Mysterio insults my intelligence as a wrestling fan.

While I won't deny that he's had some good matches in his career, I will never consider myself a fan of his. His entire persona is just too fucking unbelievable. When it's time for him to retire or the WWE finally gets fed up with him, I won't be the slightest bit sad. I might actually enjoy him in TNA, where everything already insults my intelligence anyway.
If WWE wants him to take less money, give him less dates. I mean that's what they can do. I doubt they will, but that's what I think could help this situation.

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