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Rey mysterio is boring?

Rated Y2J

Dark Match Jobber
I dont if its just me but Rey Mysterio is gettin pretty boring. Im sick of his same old entrance. I know hes way over with the kids but hes just so god damn boring. He always seems to win also.. Do you agree? Please give ur thoughts about rey..
Yes, you're right to some extent.This guy is having an easy go in the WWE only because KIDS love and like him similiar to CENA in RAW.How he plays this underdog role and ALMOST wins all his matches even against guys like BATISTA, SWAGGER where he must be demolished every bit of it.

The answer is whether we find boring or not , WWE doesnt care its fans its only shitty merchandise sales for them, get USED TO IT
Boring? No. Needs repackaging? Most definitely. Rey has had that same kind of entrance since 2002, and only a few years ago changed his theme song. Children can still buy into his merchandise if he changed that up, and while we are still on that subject another thing I'd like to see changed:

His single finisher. It's awesome, it's swift and graceful. It gets a pop from the crowd every-single-time. But that's his last hoorah move. I'd like to see him debut a new finisher; like Chris Jericho did when he came back. It doesn't have to be as slick as the 619 in my opinion, but just something new. I want to see him end a match with something other than 619 followed by a legdrop/bodysplash/west coast pop.

Who knows though Rey has worn that same sort of mask since his early days of wrestling. That thing really didn't change after all of these years. Who's to say his entrance will too? Just a fan's thought for now.
I don't exactly find Rey Mysterio boring, I find some of the ways he's booked and some of his catchphrases to be boring, but not his in-ring style.

I don't really like the fact that he seems to always come out on top in the end, or win over people that could use the win much more (Jack Swagger) and the whole "6..1..9" catchphrase which has to be one of the worst one ever to be produced.

But it's not enough for me to find him boring, because I enjoy watching his matches, he has a lot of good ones, especially around CM Punk, so that's enough for me to find him an in-between thing of boring and entertaining.
I don't find Rey Mysterio boring one bit. He's one of those unique wrestlers that we should be thankiful we have on our screens because we possibly couldn't see another one like him again. His mic skills are pretty good, his matches are always entertaining and he's over with the crowd

The problem people seem to have with him is that he's babyface, people always think babyfaces are boring and that heels are the best THATS NOT TRUE MORONS. His fued with CM punk is one of the best fueds in a long while, would have it been good without mysterio???? hell no, he made half of it

people need to stop jacking off to heels and start appreciating babyfaces more
I can see where your coming from saying he is boring. He's had several storyline's involving his mask (where if he loses a certain match he loses his mask) Let's face it he is never going to lose it, the WWE make far to much merchandise money from them (he's the second highest money maker through merchandise behind John Cena) For this reason also he's not going to turn heel (which i'd like to see a heel Rey).
The 619 is boring as hell, it is a good well thought of move, but so predictable and the way top superstars fall against that middle rope is just emmbarassing.
He can't move like he used too, due to the injuries and operations he's had on his knees.

Now don't get me wrong, i am not having a pop a Rey. I'm a fan, and also met him in person (I have met dozen's of wrestlers and Rey is an absolute first class gentleman, unlike some other's) So by no means am i critisizing the guy, what he has acheived is amazing BUT he really does need repackaged or involved in a completley different storyline, i feel it's just the merchandise factor and being so over with kids that limits him to what he's allowed to do (we could probally say the same for Cena). Hell even if he wins the Heavyweight title at fatal 4 way might just be exactly what he needs.

So to finish up - Is he boring..Yes. - Is it his fault..No
My biggest problem with his character is that it's unrealistic. Watching him pin Batista's shoulders to the mat was one of the most visually ridiculous things I've ever seen in wrestling. In his first few years with WWE, he was losing to mid-carders as well as beating them. It was good even when he lost because it made sense; the small guy giving his best effort but often succumbing to an opponent's superior size. But now, watching him take down a giant like Luke Gallows isn't doing his character any favors because it doesn't look believable.

Boring? No, the moves themselves aren't boring, but they're the same ones he's been using for years...... and that gets tedious.

It's like Hulk Hogan's matches through the years. Obviously, his set of moves wasn't anything like Rey Mysterio's, but both guys had the same problem; it was the same damn thing match after match and became boring by sheer repetition.
I think what WWE needs to do is bring back the Crusierweight title and put it on Ray to start off. Rename the Cruiserweight title the World Cruiserweight Title and make it a Main Event title for Cruiserweights.

Like Mustang Sally said it is unrealistic for Rey to beat Batista or The Big Show. When he first started beating this big guys it was AWESOME because nobody expected him to win. But now everyone does expect him to win and he is always a legit contender. I Love Ray and I think he SHOULD be a contender for the top title but its just not realistic anymore. Recreate the Cruiser weight Division, give that Division at the same level of respect as the Heavyweight Division by making there title a Main Event title as well and have Rey lead this Division. It will keep Ray a Face and on Top, give him something new and realistic to do and give the fans what they want, high flying cruiserweight matches.
I do agree with those people saying Rey Mysterio winning over the bigger talents and it not being a believable thing for legitimacy, I don't like the whole "Ultimate Underdog" thing because he really isn't, he defeats just as many people as the next guy.

That's another thing I find annoying about him, not as much boring because it's really not, but the fact that he's booked to go over, or be a threat to the bigger guys like Kane, Batista, Undertaker, it's just not believable and it destroys some of the fun in watching Rey Mysterio, because he gets wins he doesn't deserve, and shouldn't be considered credible for.
The problem people seem to have with him is that he's babyface, people always think babyfaces are boring and that heels are the best THATS NOT TRUE MORONS. His fued with CM punk is one of the best fueds in a long while, would have it been good without mysterio???? hell no, he made half of it

people need to stop jacking off to heels and start appreciating babyfaces more

*Feud. Maybe you should hold off on calling people "MORONS" until you master the art of spelling.

Rey isn't boring, but I am growing tired of him. His matches are all the same. For as innovative and entertaining as he is (used to be, actually), he's gotten a bit stale for my taste. IMO, if you've seen one Rey Mysterio match, you've seen them all.

But I think that's more of a Creative dept. problem as opposed to a Rey Mysterio problem. He wrestles bigger guys most of the time, and there is only so much he can do with a guy (who is usually) so much bigger than himself. When he was a cruiserweight in WCW, he was working with guys who had similar builds, and similar skill sets. Being as small as he is, it can't be easy to work with so many larger guys. Again, there's only so much he can do in there.

I don't think he's bad on the mic, but I don't find him entertaining (while talking) either. He's never really been a "promo" kind of guy. He's more of a get-it-done-in-the-ring kind of guy. But, once again, I think that has a lot more to do with how he is scripted than anything else. He isn't given the most complicated, deep storylines. He's usually the underdog, swimming up stream, that kind of thing. And there is only so many times we can hear about that before becoming extremely bored.

I really want to see him have some matches with smaller guys, like Evan Bourne. A few months back, he had a damn good match with Tyson Kid on Superstars, and I think that had a lot to do with the similarities the two share. But all in all, yes, I'm tiring of Rey Mysterio.
They shouldn't have tanked the cruiserweight division the way they did.

Imagine Mike Tyson(in his prime) vs floyd Mayweather Jr.

What would happen to Floyd? yea he would dance around pop Tyson a few times, but when Tyson lands just one good blow, Floyd gets his skull crushed.

What would happen if the Big Show got in the ring with Rey?

In reality there wouldn't be enough of Ray to scrape up off of the mat. I mean how could Big Slow sell for Ray? It just couldn't happen.

If McMahon would ever get over his hard on for big guys, a cruiserweight division could flourish, an when the time is right with the right opponent a cruiserweight champ could get a shot at the main title.
i don't think they will ever repackage him, he is way to over with kids and all of mexico and he doesn't have the persona to be a heel, unlike his close friend eg
I view him as the John Cena of smackdown myself just not over enough or believable enough to capture and hold the title multiple times, but he is super over with the kids and always get major pops.
I think Rey Mysterio needs a good storyline to shake the foundation of his career. He has never been a heel in his WWE tenure... maybe it's about time he threw us off by being an asshole and show some more violent tendencies or something!! I don't think he's as boring as others(Cena) but I think he can turn it around and put on some good matches as a heel... or not... I just want him to be more interesting!
Yes, and he's been boring for a while. In fact, his actual character has always been very bland at promos, but he's still very good in the ring. But he's getting older and tired and he injured Taker recently. But, this last Friday he won against Swagger with a reversal, which should become his normal finisher, different reversals of bigger guys' power moves. The 619 sucks except against fellow cruiserweights.
I never get bored watching Rey Mysterio perform. Even though he isn't what he used to be, he can still put on a good match with anybody in the roster. I don't think Mysterio can be replaced when he retires due to the Hispanic viewers he brings in. He does not need to turn heel because he is a pure babyface. We haven't had too many of those so it's different from the norm.
Rey Mysterio has made a significant contribution to wrestling. He was in my opinion, the most exciting cruiserweight to watch during his WCW days and has been able to draw in the hispanic demographic. However, I feel that he is stale and boring recently. He has had intriguing storylines with CM Punk and Jericho, but its all the same schtick in my opinion. He has played the underdog role for far too long and could be repackaged to shake things up.
Enough of these posts about what Rey has done for wrestling, what is he doing for wrestling now?

The answer-He's still, after all these years, one of the most entertaining and exciting individuals in professional wrestling. Over the past year or so, Rey has had two feuds that can be described with no other word besides phenomenal.

His feud with Jericho was volatile and hot, and there were times when I truly believe the mask was coming off. The one time Jericho DID rip his mask off was so surprising and shocking that my jaw dropped when I saw it happen.

Rey is currently in another remarkable feud with CM Punk, which is easily the most interesting feud between two wrestlers that the WWE has produced in years. While CM Punk's logic for choosing Rey as his target for the SES was flawed, the "shaving" of Punk's hair has added a great deal of heat to this feud, and I look forward to seeing how the WWE plans on wrapping it up.

I don't care about his entrance or his music or his mask or his costume. The one valid point I saw here was about adding a finisher, which I think would be an alright thing to do. While the 619 us highly unbelievable, I don't really care; I don't really watch wrestling for realism. That said, I do think it would be cool to add another finisher to his arsenal, maybe miss with the 619 one match only to hit the guy with his new finisher. I think it would be really cool if he used Booker T's Houston Hangover (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o_IfcTRwT0) and made it his own.

Rey is not boring, and I couldn't disagree with the OP any more.
I dont if its just me but Rey Mysterio is gettin pretty boring. Im sick of his same old entrance. I know hes way over with the kids but hes just so god damn boring. He always seems to win also.. Do you agree? Please give ur thoughts about rey..

Actually, it's not the "same old entrance". He used to pop out from under the ring, but stopped doing that like a year ago (probably due to his bad knee). Plus he's had two other theme songs before the one he currently uses. Just thought I'd point that out.

Anyway, I don't think I'd call Rey boring. You could say he's boring because it's the "same routine" with him every match, but pretty much every wrestler ever could fall under that category so this is almost a moot point. I do feel that he needs a new finisher. The 619 is cool to watch, but it's one of the most unrealistic finishers out there. I've always thought some sort of lucha libre-stlye submission would work for him; but that's another thread.

Personally, I don't find Rey boring. He's one of the most exciting guys to watch; but only in the ring. Everything else about him I just is just, for lack of a better term, lame. His promos are lame because they're so bland and feel very forced. They sound like a Jeff Hardy promo with a Mexican accent (I cringe every time he does that 6...1...9 "catchphrase" of his).

His constant booking of being the "ultimate underdog", giant-killer is lame, tedious has also worn out it's welcome. I agree with Sally, seeing Rey pin Batista was just one of many examples of how ridiculous it can get sometimes; I can only suspend disbelief for so long

His matches are still very entertaining though. You can't fault him for going through the same old routine most matches because, as I said, pretty much ever wrestler does. He still capable of putting on a ton of great matches so he'll never bore me in that department.

So as far as Rey Mysterio goes with me: exciting in the ring, lame booking/promo work; but definitely not boring.
if we're talking Rey like.. WCW/early WWE days? no, he was awesome to watch! but Rey now, a little boring yeah.. the 619 was never to be a finisher, watch the old WCW tapes, it was a fake out move when it looked like he was gunna jump out of the ring. it's really no diff than getting a dropkick. and rey pinning someone like big show? or Kane? come on.. even my little brother who is 6 didnt believe that one.. and he's a fan of his. i was HAPPY when taker beat rey, but than got injured and replaced with him, and right away EVERYONE knew he would win that match. give him maybe 2 months off, heal up, come back and do some ACTUAL high flying stuff, like bourne or kaval, then he might be pretty fun to watch again
Wow I don't know how you could call Rey Mysterio boring. Sure he needs a new entrance. Sure he could talk better. Okay but the guy could flat out wrestle he's amazing in the ring. He could flat out put on 5 star matches with the best of the best. Look at his matches with Punk and Jericho they were excellent. He needs to wrestle guys like that not guys like Kane and Undertaker.
Wow I don't know how you could call Rey Mysterio boring. Okay but the guy could flat out wrestle he's amazing in the ring.

Did ya even read the posts in the thread? Christ, man. Red rep for you.

Anyways, his character is stale. No reason to rehash most posts in here seeing how I feel like everyone else in here.

And I wanna drop my two cents in here about how he supposedly draws Hispanics: it's pretty much only children he draws (you can't deny his moveset comes off as exciting for them), but he has fans of other races as well. The IWC constst of Hispanic smarks who can all agree with us here. Hell, even older fans hate seeing the ultimate underdog go over someone bigger.

I just never noticed that Mysterio drew a particular mislabled race. It's probably just me.
i think rey has gonnen somewhat boring but his character is over with the kids so he wont have a heel turn. him as a heel vs. chavo would be great but dont think it will happen. i think they will put him in a feud with alberto del rio as a face and his character will continue to get stail:banghead: and again what is better then a heel champ right? i think they should put him a a feud with swagger as a heel and swagger as a face. or maybe put him in a tag team with the big show and have them challenge for the titles agaist HD.
I agree that Rey's character is boring. He really doesn't do much for me on the mic, but he makes up for it by pulling off the amazing matches that he pulls off, against opponents of all shapes, sizes and technical backgrounds and the high flying "wow" moments that are simply priceless. Rey in his current persona is here to stay though. His character appeals to the kiddies. His "underdog" style of wrestling wouldn't really work if he were a heel.
In the ring, NO WAY. Rey Is way exciting in the ring, as most high flyers are. Although I'm getting sick of the 619, but all his other moves are pretty exciting. I'm sick of the character though and his promos are all the same. The ultimate underdog... blah blah blah. I was so happy when Big Show annihilated him a few years ago, but when Rey is working a match he is absolutely great. So in conclusion, no, Rey Mysterio is not boring.

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