Return of the Punjabi Prison


Championship Contender
Punjabi Prison match
The Great Khali vs. Rey Mysterio

Highlights are shown on the titantron recaping their feud. Highlights are then showed of the two past punjabi prison match. Rey Mysterio eneters first. Khali is out next and the cage door is shut and locked. The cage door will open for sixty seconds when one of the two superstars ask for it to be opended. However when the sixty seconds is oer, if noone has escasped it will shut and be locked once again. Once you escape the first cage, you must escape the second one and that is the only way to win a punjabi prison match.
The match begins with Mysterio going after the legs of Khali. Rey is kicking him constanstly and Khali is holding his leg in pain. Rey is still kicking him untill Khali grabs Reys leg and swings him across the ring into the bamboo cage. Khali walks over and picks Rey up for a choke slam but Rey reverses with a kick to the mid section. Rey hits Khali with a dropkick but it doesn't even phase him. Mysterio hits another drop kick but Khali is still standing. Rey hit a third drop kick and Khali falls back against the ropes. Mysterio takes off running and jumps on Khali's shoulders and begins climbing the cage. Khali then turns around and grabs Mysterio by his pants and throws him down to the mat. Khali is going for a vice grip, then suddenly when he puts Rey in his signature vice grip, Mysterio flips him self backwards over top Khali and quickly trys to escape the cage. Instead of climbing on out Rey gets on the top and jumps off the structure hitting a cross body on Khali, landing directly across his chest knocking him over. "Vintage Rey Mysterio," Michael Cole States during comentary. Rey is crawling to the door and asks the ref to open it. The door opens and Rey has sixty seconds to get out or it is closed. Rey crawls on out but the door still has thirty seconds before it shuts. Khali makes his way through the door and grabs Rey Mysterio and rolls him back through the door into the cage. Khali then takes the chain off of the door and gets in the cage as well. Khali, takes the chain and strikes Rey Mysterio over and over again across the back. Rey is weeping ad screaming in agonizing pain but Khali will not stop. One of the referees has an extra chain to lock the cage door once again. Khali takes the chain and is choking Rey with the chain. Mysterio slides under the chain and gets out of the hold. Khali comes at him but Mysterio trips him up sending him to the second rope. Rey then hits a 619. He is now going to the top rope calling for a frog splash. When he gets to the top rope, he points to the sky, in rememberance of the late great Eddie Gurerroe. The crowd is chanting "Eddie" "Eddie" "Eddie' over and over having faith in the crowd favorite, Rey Mysterio. He goes for the frog splash but Khali, at the last minute rolls out of the way and Rey crashes hard on the mat. Khali gets to his feet and picks Rey up setting him up for a double armed choke slam. He has Rey by the throat and instead of sending him to the mat. He sends him up against the bamboo structure, and the side of the cage breaks apart. Mysterio and the cage go crashing down to the floor. Khali steps to the outside walking over Rey and going over to the outside cage to climb it. Khali is slowly climbing the cage but he reaches the top. Rey gets to his feet and climbs to the top. They are trading blows back and forth over and over trying to knock each other off the top of the bamboo. They both climb back to the inside and onto the ground. Khali grabs steel steps and throws them at Rey but he ducks and Khali missed. Rey begins to climb half way up and does a moonsault off the cage landing on Khali. After nearly a minute of crawling they both get to there feet and Khali hits Rey with a big boot. And throws him up against the outer layer of the cage. Khali is climbing to the top and Rey grabs the loose chain and heads to the top as well. They are both on the top once again, and Mysterio hits Khali in the head with the chain. Then Rey climbs to the outer part and makes his way down, landing on the floor and winning the match.
Winner Rey Mysterio
How did do a 619 when the bamboo cage is up. I don't think he can spin when the cage is up against the ring. So thats a no go, and paragraphs are your friend. Use them to your advantage, add some announcing from Cole and Tazz. Use some colour, all these things make writing ten times better. I did like it I guess, would have liked to know why they were fighting. Tell me why the match is happening, where is it happening, who had the idea of picking a Punjabi Prison match. Is this all you will be doing, or will this continue?

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