Return of DX?

Hmm, I don't think DX will re-unite 'coz if you remember HBK did the DX crotch chop a couple of times in 2008. And besides its the stupid fucked up garbage piece of shit PG era so I doubt DX will re-unite, what the hell is DX gonna do?! But hey, you never know 'coz Vince and even Cena did say 'hell', a word the kiddies think is a swear word so maybe the PG era is coming to an end?


For at least the 3rd time in this thread, DX will reunite.

There is a UK/European tour at the end of the year called the DX Invasion tour.

Got a ticket for it sitting in my drawer at the moment (for November 5th), so it's happening (bar any injuries)
I don't think him doing the crotch chop means much because if you watch often it does it pretty a lot and so it HBK even when they weren't formed. I believe he did it for the crowd.
There will probably be one more DX run based around the time of the DX invasion tour which will then give an opening for a Triple H heel turn and quite possibly lead up to the two of them having a match at Wrestlemania 26 as many people have been saying this will be when Shawn Michaels retires which i highly doubt.
I'm afraid we're going to see the return of DX. The reasoning being that HHH has been fighting a losing battle with Legacy and has came up short. The numbers game is catching up with HHH and eventually, he'll find a way to even the playing field. And we all know that HBK > Cody and Ted combined. I think it's ran it's course, but far be it for the fans to give us what we want.

Raw will be interesting tonight. Fo' sho'.
It occured to me that the DX reunion could consist of the HHH's DX. It would be cool to see them all back together and I think it would go over well.
God help us all. I didn't really like DX when i was watching the attuide era, although it would be somewhat interesting to see them come back, im sick and tired of the lame and stupid childish jokes that they use all the time. Plus, i think they might want to save legacy vs DX for summerslam anyways. All i know is orton needs fresh competition, this fued is now getting boring for me, and i enjoyed it untill last night.

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