Return of DX?

Motor City Mayhem

The Canadian Rover.
I say this kind of scared in a way because I think that it would kinda suck now with the PG but I think HHH hinted it in the 3 Stages of hell match.
At the end of the match when HHH was standing of Orton he came back to do the DX Crotch Chop. Hinting that it was coming to the point that DX will be back.
I wouldn't get your hopes up if I was you. I doubt that DX will reform in the PG era. What kind of mischievous things could they do? When you think about it, DX was basically the opposite of what the PG era is. If anything he was doing that probably just to get the crowd excited.

But anything can happen in WWE. We all know Vince likes to keep things a surprise and he'll always change something that the last minute.
I wouldn't get your hopes up for a DX reunion, either. However, HHH needs help if he's going to fight off Legacy and HBK is the only healthy friend he has capable of carrying a main-event program. Eventually, I think HBK will return to TV sooner than expected just like HHH did especially with Batista out...again. However, they will simply package them as best friends instead of DX to keep their PG rating which I think they will ultimately do away with to give them an edgier product.
It is entirely possible that HBK will return to help HHH. In fact, i would expect it at this point. And I do think they will be called DX for no other reason other than people know them as such. They don't have to revert to their old antics though. They can be a new incarnation of DX, a more serious DX brought together for a purpose. The namesake will sell tickets because it's nostalgia and fun for the fans, and you will probably hear the music, the familiar, ARE YOU READY?, but I think you will see them take a slightly different approach to take on the Legacy.
Err, correct me if i'm wrong... Doesn't HHH do the chops every so often as a way to get the crowd cheering and whatnot? I know he's done it before...
Though it is possible that DX will come back i sincerely hope not. Bringing DX back countless times would be just like the countless nWo reunions. After a while it loses that special feeling and tarnishes how great the origional DX was. It is well documented that HhH and HBK are best friends so they can have shawn help HHH with legacy without having to go all DX.

but if DX does come back i would love to see all the little kiddies faces when they turn on the PG rated raw and hear "Lets GET READY TO SUCK IT!!!!!!!" not to mentioin their parents faces.
In the fall as you say in usa or autunm as its called,
the wwe european tour is named dx-invasion.
so thatd be a handy hint;) ,
'thou was hoping shawn had come back at the bash to help hhh win
it would have been great to see :)
hmmmm so dx couldnt be in the pg era? and y not? was not dx formed to rid the wwe of the evil of the boringness and straight and narrowness of mcmahon? hmmmmm sounds to me we all should get ready to break it down!

and if u aint down with that......

i got two words for ya!

I really hope they don't do a DX reunion, it's just not needed, as some have said, it's been done to much, it will and already has to an extent tarnished DX's legacy, so why keep it up? People know HHH and HBK are friends, and we know HBK will likely come back to help HHH, and that's all there needs to be to it, no DX reunion, or anything, just a friend helping a friend, though I'd honestly like to see something different, someone other than HBK, but I doubt it will happen.
Hmmmm...I'm mixed on this one. I like DX but it would have to be done right. Now if Priceless, legacy, Dibiase and Rhodes or whatever there calling themselves these days stay together it would make it a 3-2. Now I know HHH/HBK have no problems fighting lots of people, Spirit Squad I am looking at you. But this isn't the spirit suad. The may be an oppertunity to bring back 1 former member of DX. Which would you want? I myself would like to see X-pac. He's due to resurface and he's crazy lol Again, it would have to be done right.
Well to me I think they should have HBK comeback on a Raw Episode. And HBK fights off Legacy with Triple H. But out of no where Superkicks Triple H. And maybe start a Orton/HBK/HHH Feud.
fuck the little kids! i grew up on the edgy wwf attitude days, the monday night wars and the time when they pushed the envelope. now we have the "immortal" john cena when the only people that cheer are little kids and females... the PG rating is bullshit... i mean Vince said 'billionaire butt' that was the final straw...

but DX is always cool. they sell tickets and merchandise and ppv buys. they get people excited to watch every monday.
they have practically confirmed that DX will be reunited at least temporarily by the end of the year. The Raw brands international tour in the fall is being advertised as the "DX Invasion Tour". Its possible that it could just be they are reuniting solely for the tour, but I'm guessing they will be back together on TV just as soon as HBK feels like coming back. It is listed on the offical WWE website this way for the record. Kingdom
looking at the crotch chop i wouldn't really think that means anything just because triple h does that regularly as one of his taunts, not often but when he's down or really getting beaten in a match he does the crotch chop and gets momentum and really starts pounding his opponent, however now that edge and chris jericho are the tag team champions maybe dx might reform to feud with them because i couldn't see the current tag teams facing off against jericho and edge, primo and carlito are jobbers compared to jericho and edge, i think that they need to make it like rated rko vs dx, that would be nice to see. But this would be way better because we wouldn't have to see that boring randy ortan.
With a the "DX Return Tour" happening soon, I think that it is going to happen, HBK will help HHH against the Legacy. I think they will be more childish though as opposed to crude, because of the PG rating. Then again, since when has the rules that everyone has to adhere to, been adhered to by the McMahons or people within there own "clique" (HHH, HBK, Taker, Cena, etc).
All good opinions but I heard a little rumour that after The Bash WWE was going TV-14 maybe its nothing but could DX reuniting bring the TV-14,15,16 Era back?
Triple H has been doing the DX Crotch Chop for the longest time now, it gets him a quick and cheap pop from the live audience. I really hope we dont have to see anymore DX related work this week, It was great the first time, good the second time, but the wells ran dry. If Triple H was a stand up guy, he would of allowed the Miz and Morrison to go over him and HBK the last time they had a match. Im sorry but the potty humor isnt funny anymore.

The only reason I would look forward to DX again, is if it keeps Triple H away from the WWE Title, and out of the Main Event. But the downside to that HBK cant start any programs to help build and put over younger guys
The whole TV-PG thing is ******ed to begin with. It's not like anyone really needs children watching their shows - they're not advertising anything that kids want anyway. Oh well, it's fake.
The whole TV-PG thing is ******ed to begin with. It's not like anyone really needs children watching their shows - they're not advertising anything that kids want anyway. Oh well, it's fake.

Ugh are you serious? They sell a ton of crap geared at kids. Gay Rey’s masks, those Hardy arm bands, the Cena hats, shirts, wrist and head bands. If you check out WWE Shopzone, they have Undertake, HBK and Cena teddy bears for god’s sake. Kids love the shit, so kid’s parents will spend the money on it, to keep their kids happy, and out of their hair. I went to a House Show, and shelled out $18 for the Cena Head and Wrist band package for my 4 year old cousin. The PG rating brings in younger viewers, which means more interest, merchandise sells, which puts more money in Vince, and the WWE pockets. Sure the commercials that air during Raw are meant for males 18-35; because that’s the other major audience the WWE draws in. The WWE is a business, and last I check business like to make money, that way they can stay in business. If a TV-PG rating keeps WWE programming on TV, so be it, at least that way I can continue to enjoy one of my favorite things.
*Sigh* Not again. I let the return of DX go in 2006, still knowing that they'll never put on an amazing show like back in the 90's. But now they keep having these random unessacary comebacks, and it looks like, to me, that they're slowly killing DX. Understandable on a financial point of view, but seriously I don't want to see DX return every single year until they both retire. Their stuff is just not that funny anymore.
Its just a pose, its possible however that DX will return, during September the WWE is running a "DX Invasion Tour" so that can lead a hint. Also I dont know if any of you noticed it, but during the Summerslam commercial it showed HBK, so yea its possible.
DX was terrible after it's been reinvented a thousand times. The last run a few years ago, WWE was still TV PG and DX was doing cheesy stuff like splashing vince and the spirit squad with green slime. What is this the kid's choice awards? What happen to the girls flashing in the audience and the sexual innuendo. I loved the original DX but now its just sad seing 40 year old men act like teenagers. Plus Triple H does the crotch chop all the time. Hell even BG James(Road Dogg) does the crotch chop in TNA, I don't think that means DX is forming in TNA.
Shawn Michaels did the crotch chop several times during his Undertaker feud. It will be inevitable, but I think this time HBK will turn on HHH.
I marked out when I saw him do the DX chop. Basically because I miss Shawn being on TV, and this was just a big tease of his return. Of course, it could mean nothing as they have done it before outside of DX, but we're all still going to make something out of it because it's more fun that way.

I'm also going to deviate from the general consensus here to say I wouldn't mind a return. DX are never going to be as interesting as they first were, because at the time they were so good. It's like JK Rowling - she's never going to write a set of books anywhere near as good as Harry Potter. Does that mean she shouldn't write subsequent novels? Of course not. DX can still have good matches and maybe help the floundering tag team division a bit. I'll welcome the return.
Hmm, I don't think DX will re-unite 'coz if you remember HBK did the DX crotch chop a couple of times in 2008. And besides its the stupid fucked up garbage piece of shit PG era so I doubt DX will re-unite, what the hell is DX gonna do?! But hey, you never know 'coz Vince and even Cena did say 'hell', a word the kiddies think is a swear word so maybe the PG era is coming to an end?


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