Representing the world

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
Some might think this whole situation is Canada vs America. This is blatantly wrong. This is America preparing to take on the entire world.

The team from Canada is one of the greatest teams of all time. Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Edge, and Bret Hart. But they have also wrestled around the world, and are loved around the world by those who have seen them. This is for you world. The United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, Mexico, Vermont, Germany, Ireland, France, Argentina, or whatever nation you live under. Finally, as the world, we will take on Team America, and we will watch them BLEED OUT!
Some might think this whole situation is Canada vs America. This is blatantly wrong. This is America preparing to take on the entire world.

The team from Canada is one of the greatest teams of all time. Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Edge, and Bret Hart. But they have also wrestled around the world, and are loved around the world by those who have seen them. This is for you world. The United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, Mexico, Vermont, Germany, Ireland, France, Argentina, or whatever nation you live under. Finally, as the world, we will take on Team America, and we will watch them BLEED OUT!

No one wants Canada on their side, bro. All of the countries you listed here are better than Canada (hell, even Vermont by itself might be better than Canada if it weren't for Toronto). They can all speak for themselves. Furthermore, let's look at the talent you have in your sig:

1) Chris Benoit - Really can't say anything bad about him relating to the world of professional wrestling. There's +1 for you here.

2) Chris Jericho - Attitude Era B-Team member who just found his calling as a great his late 30s. Break even on him.

3) Edge - Has somewhere near 10 title reigns that probably, altogether, amount to less than a year. I'll pass on him. But, I like Will, so you break even on him.

4) Bret Hart - Megalomaniac whose only claim to fame is getting screwed over by Vince McMahon. Supposedly, he drew well in Europe, but there's no evidence of that apart from his autobiography (I stress the "auto-" here). You get -1000 for him.

So, that's -999 Canada, +4 America. I think the numbers speak for themselves.
Let me correct myself here...Edge has had 9 championships and his reigns, together, have laster for 434 days. So, I'll be generous, and say that that's about 15 months total...yeah, I'll still pass on him.
No one wants Canada on their side, bro. All of the countries you listed here are better than Canada (hell, even Vermont by itself might be better than Canada if it weren't for Toronto). They can all speak for themselves. Furthermore, let's look at the talent you have in your sig:

1) Chris Benoit - Really can't say anything bad about him relating to the world of professional wrestling. There's +1 for you here.

2) Chris Jericho - Attitude Era B-Team member who just found his calling as a great his late 30s. Break even on him.

3) Edge - Has somewhere near 10 title reigns that probably, altogether, amount to less than a year. I'll pass on him. But, I like Will, so you break even on him.

4) Bret Hart - Megalomaniac whose only claim to fame is getting screwed over by Vince McMahon. Supposedly, he drew well in Europe, but there's no evidence of that apart from his autobiography (I stress the "auto-" here). You get -1000 for him.

So, that's -999 Canada, +4 America. I think the numbers speak for themselves.

Oh tblindle, I thought you would be smarter than this.

Canada is doing what the rest of the world failed to do, get a talent into the top 8. So it falls to us. A nation of 32,000,000 who has always tried to save the nation, from World War 1, where we answered the call, and sent some of the greatest fighting men in the history of war, farmed from the prairies of Canada. The same men who took Vimy Ridge, one of the most heavily fortified fronts in World War 1.

The same Canada who was able to take Juno Beach on D-Day, and battle further inland than any other invading army. The nation that was there from the beginning fighting to end tyranny.

The nation who has more peace keeping missions to its name, saving the world than any other nation.

The nation whose oil keeps America running, whose power from British Columbia and Quebec power the Air Conditioners of California, and the lights of New York City.

Yes we are small, and often overlooked by America, but out heart is always there and we will fight for the world.

hey boys, this is Trish Stratus, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and I know you want to vote for Team Canada for me, right ;) :)
Oh tblindle, I thought you would be smarter than this.

Canada is doing what the rest of the world failed to do, get a talent into the top 8. So it falls to us. A nation of 32,000,000 who has always tried to save the nation, from World War 1, where we answered the call, and sent some of the greatest fighting men in the history of war, farmed from the prairies of Canada. The same men who took Vimy Ridge, one of the most heavily fortified fronts in World War 1.

The same Canada who was able to take Juno Beach on D-Day, and battle further inland than any other invading army. The nation that was there from the beginning fighting to end tyranny.

The nation who has more peace keeping missions to its name, saving the world than any other nation.

The nation whose oil keeps America running, whose power from British Columbia and Quebec power the Air Conditioners of California, and the lights of New York City.

Yes we are small, and often overlooked by America, but out heart is always there and we will fight for the world.

You mean the same US that has greatly helped out Canada with NAFTA, the same US that gives many old, rich Canadians medical treatment each year because they would die if they stuck by their socialized medical care, with its vast waiting lists?

Furthermore, where have all these Canadian wrestlers found fame and fortune? That's right, in an American company. Hell, do Hart, Edge, and Jericho even live in Canada anymore?
You mean the same US that has greatly helped out Canada with NAFTA, the same US that gives many old, rich Canadians medical treatment each year because they would die if they stuck by their socialized medical care, with its vast waiting lists?

Furthermore, where have all these Canadian wrestlers found fame and fortune? That's right, in an American company. Hell, do Hart, Edge, and Jericho even live in Canada anymore?

Helped Canada with NAFTA? NAFTA only helped America, and has crippled Canada.

America, the nation that makes you decide whether to give your kid cancer treatment, or feed the rest of the family?

And that has been addressed.
Helped Canada with NAFTA? NAFTA only helped America, and has crippled Canada.

America, the nation that makes you decide whether to give your kid cancer treatment, or feed the rest of the family?

And that has been addressed.

Puh-lease!!! Show me some references, and maybe I'll agree with you. Economically, NAFTA has done much more to help Canada than the US. It's not really our fault if we want your natural resources, but then you become all stingy once you decide that you don't want to sell them anymore.
Such as binding ourselves to your economy? The only reason Canada hasn't been hit so hard is due to the fact that our banks are still owned by Canada.

Damn Socialism
Yeah the Brits hatred towards America may not include Canada, but it doesn't make us Canada's friends. We are British. We hate everyone. Hell, we hate ourselves. Hell this England game is so boring I'm cheering on Andorra.

What's the point of this crap I'm writing? We don't care about other countries so trying to get a nationalistic vote isn't going to work. Or that might just be me and my racism.

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