Reports on Rollins

Stone Cold Tea

Getting Noticed By Management
Reports have come out over the last few weeks on the WZ main page that :
‘’WWE officials weren’t that worried when they lost Seth Rollins to injury as they were planning on putting the title on Roman Reigns at one of the upcoming PPVs and he wasn’t in one of the top 3 or 4 matches at WrestlemMania’’
Now I aren’t really too sure how to take those reports. Here you have a guy who was the top heel in the business and in some fans opinions on the way to a big face turn. There were reports that Seth was going to be placed in a rivalry against HHH that was going to put Seth over in a big way.
You would imagine that the best place for this rivalry to finish up would be at ‘Mania.

This is a guy that HHH has mentored for well over a year now and has put him over at every god given opportunity. I mean this year Seth Rollins has been the only one who has been able to come out on top against Lesnar. He Curb Stomped him at NOC 2014 and got away with it. Then he did it again on Raw in January. Took the title off him at ‘Mania and dodged him at BattleGround.

To me it sounds a bit ridiculous that he wouldn’t be near the top of the card after the year and half this guys had.
Now I know we shouldn’t believe everything we read on the dirtsheets but my questions for you guys is do you believe the reports that Seth wasn’t going to be in a ‘’Main Event’’ slot at ‘Mania?
And if he wasn’t going to be, then what do you think the reason was?
WWE almost seems like they treat their wrestlers like race horses. As soon as one of them gets injured they start loading the rifle. I can only guess the next article will be about reducing Randy Orton's pay, turning Cesaro into a ref and wishing Daniel Bryan well in future endeavors.
It wouldn't surprise me that much. They're trying to sell out a huge arena. I imagine they'll try and bring in as many big names as they can. But this is still a report, so it holds about as much weight with me as the 15th "Sting to WWE?" report. I'll believe it when I see it. I do find it hilarious when people freak out about them though.

I don't really care either way. Rollins' heel schtick has bored me for a long while now.
Agreed, WWE would have most likely run Rollins/HHH at the big one after Rock wasn't cleared to wrestle. The only way i see HHH having a big match at WM32 now is to put over someone, Rusev? Barrett? Wyatt?

If Rollins was still around for the event, the only matches above his would probably be only Taker/Sting or Cena, Reigns/Brock and MAYBE Owens/Bryan.
Now I know we shouldn’t believe everything we read on the dirtsheets but my questions for you guys is do you believe the reports that Seth wasn’t going to be in a ‘’Main Event’’ slot at ‘Mania?
Doesnt suprise me at all. WWE is trying to go for record and most biggest Mania ever. With big matches involved like Cena/Taker, Brock/Reigns, Brock/Rock, Rock/HHH, involvments of Sting, maybe Michaels or Stonecold(longshot both of them but possibility), maybe Danyel Bryan return, cant be so suprised that Rollins match wouldnt be so high on the card even if it was with HHH.

Besides, WWE just said it doesnt mess up their main plan. Doesnt mean that Rollins wouldnt get some high profile feud, just means he is probably not gona maineventing. Which was pretty obvious with maybe Takers last match or other high profile names mentioned.
First off plans change...A LOT

Rember how it was Rock/Rousey vs Steph/HHH
Then when Dana said Bwahaha It was Rock vs HHH
Then when his movie studio said no HHH had no match

Also it was Sting vs Taker for Sure (even if they made Sting a laughable joke)

and Now its Cena vs Taker

But was Seth ever going to be the main event...Nope

I dont think they were going to give him Taker or Brock again so that only left him to be the number 3 man on the card
I can see how that's possible to be honest. Realistically we'll see Taker, Brock, Cena, Reigns, HHH and maybe Sting compete at Mania this year. That core group right there, will probably make up 3 of the "big 4" main events. Rollins may have squeaked into that fourth match but it's obvious Roman was the guy they were looking to send into Mania as a star.

While, if true, it does suck for Rollins. But WWE's got to do what they got to do right now.
With how the card is now, besides a KO/Daniel Bryan feud i hope creative look at maybe a demon VS demon angle... Finn Balor getting the win over Kane at WM32.
This is little more than WWE PR guy doing a lot of spin and damage control. Look, the rating are in the garbage. Some of their top guns are on the shelf. A lot of their part-timers either the world knows are coming, or they cannot perform if they do. WWE are throwing things to the wall hoping something sticks. I would not be surprised if the Rumble winner comes out of left field. There is little question that WM32 will do well. People go for the experience, if not the card. They will break the record that was set in the Silverdome so long ago. Will it matter much in the general gist of things? Probably not. Creative has been a disaster, and the product has suffered. Does anyone know who will headline? Probably not. Lesnar vs. Reigns will be a "ho-hum" for most people. Anything else is a crap shoot. Right now, I would not trust any reports about WM32.
It's pretty clear that they were planning on having Reigns win the Title from Rollins and probably face Lesnar at Mania, while Rollins would feud with Triple H. The seeds were already being planted for this, and with The Rock out of the picture for Mania it was basically a lock that we'd see Triple H in this match instead. Seth Rollins vs. Triple H would definitely be promoted as one of the top matches. Rollins had been pushed for a year as the top heel, and Triple H thinks that both he and Rollins are just fucking awesome. It would probably be a pretty good match, and I'm sure we'll see it down the line at some point when Rollins comes back.
Meltzer said that plans have been severely shaken up since Seth's injury, completely contradicting his earlier report that Seth's injury didn't change anything. I'm guessing he just exaggerated his source's info the first time around. He probably meant that Seth's injury wasn't that bad because they have a ready Plan B. It doesn't mean that Seth wasn't involved in the main card. Seth/Triple H was pretty much a lock.

First off plans change...A LOT

Rember how it was Rock/Rousey vs Steph/HHH
Then when Dana said Bwahaha It was Rock vs HHH
Then when his movie studio said no HHH had no match

Also it was Sting vs Taker for Sure (even if they made Sting a laughable joke)

and Now its Cena vs Taker

But was Seth ever going to be the main event...Nope

I dont think they were going to give him Taker or Brock again so that only left him to be the number 3 man on the card

For the past few years, WWE has had a "wishful thinking" card and a "realistic" card, with the realistic card clearly taking preference. They wanted Rock/Brock at WM30, and they wanted Rock/Triple H at WM31, and they wanted the tag with Ronda at WM32. But they have realistic alternatives. The seeds for Seth/Triple H were planted long and were growing little by little. It's clear this was their main plan even though they would jump at the chance of Rock/Triple H if Rock gave the green light.

Anyway, the card was probably originally going to be:
* Roman Reigns vs. John Cena
* The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar III
* Seth Rollins vs. Triple H
* Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt

Then they changed it up to:
* Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar II
* The Undertaker vs. John Cena
* Seth Rollins vs. Triple H
* Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt

But now I'm guessing they're going to go with:
* Roman Reigns vs. Triple H
* The Undertaker vs. John Cena
* Brock Lesnar vs. Bray Wyatt

I think the seeds for Roman vs. Triple H were planted at Survivor Series with that spear. Since they're going with the Daniel Bryan-story of getting screwed forever by the Authority until overcoming the odds, I think Roman will beat Triple H at Mania, who will be holding the title himself, possibly beating Roman for the title at TLC right after he regains it from Sheamus. Then Roman wins the Rumble, and it's Roman vs. Trips for Mania with Brock taking on a heel to cement his status as a face. Bray is as good as any, but it could be Rusev, Sheamus or even Ambrose, if he turns heel.
Reports have come out over the last few weeks on the WZ main page that :
‘’WWE officials weren’t that worried when they lost Seth Rollins to injury as they were planning on putting the title on Roman Reigns at one of the upcoming PPVs and he wasn’t in one of the top 3 or 4 matches at WrestlemMania’’

Oh I don't believe that for one second. This is the guy who cashed in the MITB at Mania last year. The first wrestler ever to do anything like that. This is also the guy who sided with the Authority, after someone made the brilliant suggestion to break up one of the, if not the best factions they ever had in the Shield. This is also the guy who became the top heel in the company, and who HHH has taken care of for almost a year.

There is just no way that Rollins injury hasn't thrown a spanner into the works. I can believe that Reigns was going to get the belt, but it would have been a double turn. Reigns go heel and Rollins face. That way it would have set Rollins up against HHH at Mania. Which would have ben one hell of a match quite honestly. And definitely in the top 3 or 4.

Totally unbelievable to think that they spent this much time and effort to put him in the position he was and to have them say, "Oh he's injured, doesn't matter we didn't have any plans for him anyway." I think they had big plans for Rollins. Too bad they didn't get to see them through.
I think Seth Rollins wouldnot be in main event of Wrestlemania but it would have been surely
Seth Rollins (Face) VS Triple H ( Heel)
and HHH would put over Rollins by losing to him at Wrestlemania making him one of the top babyfaces :rolleyes:
I don't believe these reports. Rollins was WWE Champion 8 months and the top heel in the company. Almost everything about the WWE product revolved around him and the Authority. All signs were pointing towards a match with HHH at WM32. That's definitely a top 3 match.
As a Seth Rollins fan I wanted Rollins/Taker. I think Rollins would have been better than Bray, Punk, and Lesnar. It would have stole the show. I thought the Punk match was really good and I thought the Bray match was very good. The Lesnar match leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth because it ended the streak and it wasn't one of Taker's best due to his concussion and injuries. I don't buy these "reports" Seth Rollins was "THE MAN" The WWE WHC since WM 31 I don't think Vince/HHH and company were looking not to feature him in a top 4 match. Besides any match Seth Rollins is in is a SHOWstopper. The guy finished his match w/Kane after tearing his knee up.
Totally unbelievable to think that they spent this much time and effort to put him in the position he was and to have them say, "Oh he's injured, doesn't matter we didn't have any plans for him anyway." I think they had big plans for Rollins.

For sure. While a monkey wrench has been thrown into present plans for Rollins, especially since the company doesn't really have an idea when he'll be back, there's no question Seth is destined to remain one of the people who will take WWE into the next decade.

I believe the best bet is to have him return as a good guy. There's plenty of reason to think he will.....for one thing, he will have been gone for a long time and fans will be happy to see him. For another, he's been moving toward face-dom for months, starting with his resolve to handle problems by himself instead of relying on a 'committee' to do it for him. Sure, he still showed cowardice, but he's a heel, after all......the fact he was in there battling by his lonesome was gaining him appreciation from the crowd, which could lead to a smooth transition to good guy.

Seth Rollins is here to stay. After he gets back to action, this time-out will seem like a blip on the radar.......but since injuries like this are unpredictable as to how long they'll keep a performer out, the company can't make firm plans for him.....especially as concern WM32.

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