Reports On Batista & Booking Plans


According to, WWE is planning to turn Batista heel sometime after WrestleMania XXX. The report doesn't go into detail as whether this is something brought about as a result of negative fan reaction at the Royal Rumble or if it's an idea they've had in mind all along. released a report saying that WWE officials did react to the negative fan reaction of Daniel Bryan not being in the Royal Rumble match. The report states, however, that "the impression" is that it won't change their WrestleMania XXX booking plans. Early word is that the alleged matches of Orton vs. Batista for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship & Bryan vs. Sheamus will take place.

Batista as a heel was the only time he was every interesting at all to me. When you consider the various stories that he's thought of by a lot of people as a giant douche in real life, which is an impression he reinforces, it makes sense. Batista was much better as a heel than a face since he comes off like a whining asshole with an ego bigger than his biceps in real life, it's just a natural fit.

As for the report on the booking plans, I have trouble believing WWE sill stay the course with these alleged matches. I'm sure Bryan vs. Sheamus would be a match that the fans would get into at the event, but it's painfully obvious that Orton vs. Batista for the title is all but guaranteed to be a flop. The match would generate a much more negative response from fans and wrestlers alike than what we saw at the Royal Rumble. If Vince is foolishly stubborn to still book Orton vs. Batista for the strap, then he has only himself to blame when fans hijack the match & shit all over it.
I want Brotista to be heel, because soon he's going to start getting XPac heat. He looks like some arrogant sleazy Jersey Shore douche, fist pumping into the year 2006.
I doubt either of those matches takes place. I think Lesnar is coming out of EC with the strap and he will go on to face Orton and Batista at Dudesinspandexamania. They started to set that up last night.

I think Daniel Bryan will face Taker (because Taker supposedly requested to work with him), and may even end the streak.

I think Cena is facing Wyatt. It seems risky, but it would help the build of Wyatt.

I think Punk is facing Trips. This one should be a great match.

And I think I'll enjoy the rest of the show too.
Turning Batista heel is a no brainer, most people tend to view his last run in 2010 when he was a heel as his best work, it's just a natural fit for him.

As far as not changing the plans for Mania, I just can't believe they would be so stubborn, the WWE Network is launching, this is the 30th Anniversary of WrestleMania and yet they intend to headline it with a match they actually know will get absolutely destroyed by 75,000 fans, instead of taking the logical option and ending it with a World title win that would light up the arena.
Posting from my mobile phone so bear with me.

If WWE does indeed go ahead with this booking, it will also alienate those who are in the Main Event and not as heels getting heat for their characters but guys getting resentment from the fans,for e.g. Mysterio getting booed by an arena. Orton is already subjected to boring chants whether that is true or not, Batista is at this point an unwelcome part timer and I have to say is a full fledged heel for the crowd itself after winning the rumble. Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan, as JH said will get some hype from the crowd due to being a DB match. However, even Sheamus might get some hate for being the one placed in a programme that many don't have an interest in seeing.
WWE needs to get off their high horses and give Daniel Bryan his WM moment. The entire Universe bar maybe a very small minority wants to see Daniel Bryan at the top. Whatever happens after is not relevant at this time. Anything other than Daniel Bryan winning the title at Wrestlemania will mean that the Main Event will be shitted on, even moreso if it is the rumoured Batista vs Orton.
I bet Orton will be seething if Batista is turned heel.

I like Batista despite his character flaws as a face, but turning him heel is the best option. He's just got a natural arrogance and it's very difficult to like somebody, especially a middle-aged man, who has star tattoos.
Interesting and it would play in to the discension between Orton and the Authority in recent weeks, it could also set up an Orton vs Triple H feud for Summerslam.

That said, if they do go with Batista vs Orton to close the show they've actually lost their minds. Even a Batista heel turn at the end of the match wouldn't come off well with the crowd because Randy Orton isn't exactly in the fans' good graces at the moment
They're promoting WM 30 as the biggest one of all time. It's the first PPV they're going to show on the Network and it's the one time of the year where they're guaranteed that everyone's going to be watching.

There is no way they can go into that show with Bryan versus Sheamus, or a Batista/Orton main event. That entire crowd of 65,000+ will shit on the entire show if that's what they go with. If they really took note of what happened at the Royal Rumble, then they should realize that. For WM 30, they can do nothing less than end the show with Bryan standing in the center of the ring as the new WWE World Champion and the entire crowd chanting "Yes".

In my mind, what they need to do is this:

- at the EC, screw Bryan again so you either take him out of the match last minute, or have the Authority somehow cost him the match. You waste the moment if you have Bryan finally go over on a show like the EC
- next night on RAW, have the Authority explain that he's had his shot and they're moving on
- queue up Vince McMahon, who has been absent during the Authority storyline. He comes in, cuts a promo about how Stephanie and Triple H don't seem to get what's really 'best for business', over rule them, and put Bryan in the WM main event for the title. I get that people are sick of McMahon power struggles at this point (they've been done to death), but with how they've booked themselves up till now, I don't see any way out without them using Vince.
- WM comes around, and Bryan overcomes the odds to finally win

If everything that's happened with Bryan is really a part of his storyline to maximize that moment when he finally goes over, then it has to be at WM. They've drug it out long enough, blurred the lines enough so it's not clear that this isn't a work, and as the Rumble showed, the fans are getting impatient with it all. They need the payoff, or else they risk sabatoging their biggest show of the year and alienating far too many fans if they don't go to the payoff. Do the payoff after WM, and it'll be anti-climactic. Do it before, and you're just prematurely shooting your load.

It's time to bring it home.
....but it's painfully obvious that Orton vs. Batista for the title is all but guaranteed to be a flop. The match would generate a much more negative response from fans and wrestlers alike than what we saw at the Royal Rumble. If Vince is foolishly stubborn to still book Orton vs. Batista for the strap, then he has only himself to blame when fans hijack the match & shit all over it.

Y'know, all this Batista talk makes me wonder whether WWE was busy trying to convince a reluctant Batista to return, or whether the guy's half-assed movie career wasn't putting enough food on his table, forcing him to come back. (Better to have him kiss the ring than join Vince McMahon's Kiss-My-Ass club)

Yes, WWE needs some big names from the past to augment their efforts, especially when those guys are truly still capable of performing in the ring. (Why else would they get the New Age Outlaws together again?). In the case of Dave Bautista, though, there must be a lot of teeth-gnashing at management meetings after the surprising negative reaction at the Rumble.....and I honestly wonder if it will cause the company to change the pristine plans they seemingly had for how they're going to handle his time with the company.

In the meantime, some people are mentioning Daniel Bryan as an opponent for Batista, but I question how a match like that would play out, especially with their disparity in size and body types. Of course, Daniel seems to be able to work well with everyone, but he'll always be better with guys who can work matches well, like Rollins and Ambrose of the Shield.

Batista? They might be better off booking him against big guys like Paul Wight and Brock Lesnar and letting them pound one another in preliminary matches instead of having big Dave vie for championships.
This is going to KILL Randy Orton's career in the WWE, not that I mind but just pointing out the obvious here. If they go through with Batista/Orton, Batista will eventually leave WWE again but Orton will still be around. His career though will never recover from this. He could be heel/tweener/face and it will not matter. He will never be able to get back any audience interest because people will always associate him with a failure of a WM main event and the continued stubborn attitude of the WWE to not give DBryan the Mania moment he deserves.
Me thinks given the way stuff has played out,turning batista heel is gonna happen sooner than later. The fans completed shitted on Daniel Bryan not being in the Royal Rumble match,and Boo'in that arrogant asshole Batista out of the building. Im not excited to see a Batista vs Orton match at WM for the title at all. Bryan Vs Sheamus while a fine match,at this point is a step down for DB and i dont think at the most important WM in history do you put on those two matches.

Cena vs Bray Wyatt,while i prefer it to happen at EC,is just not a match WM worthy. Its too soon for Bray,but would help him out a great ordeal. Its a win win for Bray,if he puts on a great match then his career cant help but go up.

Now if Taker requested that he work with Daniel Bryan,and Bryan ends the streak can you imagine how loud the crowd will get?? Is that WM moment bigger than any title he could ever receive being the one to end the streak?? YES YES YES
This years Mania is making last years Mania look like the great Mania 17, and I hated last years Mania (with 2 out of the 3 main events being rematches and the 3rd being 100% predictable).

This fiasco has kind of ruined a lot of plans. The crowd is seemingly going to boo every single wrestler not named Daniel Bryan until they get what they want.

The best thing for business now would be to have DB win the Chamber and head in to the Main Event at Mania as the champ.

Unfortunately it would've been ideal to have Bryan win the Rumble and have Batista be champ so that the excitement is through the roof when Bryan finally captures the title. Being that this is improvisation it'll have to do.

The build up could be turning Batista heel and solidifying his alliance with the Authority which is already in place. Then highlighting all the smack that Batista talked about Bryan when he first won the title a couple years back would be nice to include. Another David vs Goliath match to headline would be decent.

I just don't wanna have to deal with a triple threat or fatal four way...we should have a traditional main event, and the rumored matches all suck (DB vs Sheamus, Orton vs Batista, Punk vs HHH again in the same exact storyline as 2 years ago) even though Bray vs Cena is growing on me provided they do it right. Brock would cripple Taker so hopefully he faces Sting.

Done with my rant, hopefully we see some major changes here.
no one gives a fuck about Dave B. We want DB in the main event, if hes not its ppv. they better rate wm tv ma cause the crowd will be chanting fuck batista or fuck Orton or fuck hhh if DB s not in the main event. hahaha fuck
You know if they do go threw with this i would pay the PPV cost just to have a backstage cam to see vince throw a bitch fit when the fans hijack his title match and shit over it on a level that makes the hijack at RR look like child's play.
After WWE heard the "yes" chants in the WWE World Championship match Daniel Bryan wasn't even part in, and the biggest upset being Daniel Bryan not being in the Royal Rumble, I believe WWE is changing their booking, I believe it should be Daniel Bryan winning Elimination Chamber, Randy Orton getting his rematch at wrestlemania, plus Batista as the number one contender for a title match at Wrestlemania 30, setting up Daniel Bryan (c) VS Batista VS Randy Orton, with Daniel Bryan retaining his championship, that is best for business.
Ill be at Wrestlemania again this year and I was hoping that they would make this the biggest event ever. I did not enjoy last years too much.

I guess the WWE can do whatever they want as they have already sold tickets and they know people will buy the PPV and they really dont give people what they want. I am from NY and look at Ryder. The fans chanted for him like crazy and you would think at Survivor Series 2011 you would have Ryder vs Ziggler but no we got Morrison and Ziggler.

I was at the last ECW show at Hammerstein Ballroom when Batista faced off against the Big Show. I think and would want that crowd at the Superdome if we do get Batista vs Orton.

I am not a fan of Wyatt and Cena. Not for a mania spot this early. Going from the Rock 2 years in a row to a guy who just pretty much started is a step down for Cena. Cena vs Taker is what Cena himself stated many times he wanted...but looks like we will be getting Taker vs Lesnar. I seriously cant take Brock legit (even after this build up) as he has lost to Cena and HHH. Maybe if he didnt lose matches already since his return, then I can take him as a he took out the Big Show..who hasnt? Heck El Torito gave CM Punk a hurracurana..dont get me started on that.

The biggest PPV ever, I think will turn out to be the worst.
Batista turning Heel can only be a good thing. Just like Randy Orton, Triple H, and Ric Flair, they are all natural pricks. Just like Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock, the best characters are the ones where the SuperStars are themselves with the volume turned all the way up. The way I’d like to see this play out is Orton just hands Batista the WWE or the World Title, the choice is Randy's, under Triple H’s orders and have Evolution fulfill their destiny together as the Future of this business. Would the Internet Wrestling Community / IWC / “I Wanna Complain” boycott WWE then?? HAHA!!
It would probably be a good move in the long run. Batista is a good heel and with the fact he comes across arrogant and is loved up with HHH: he should turn.

However, he has won the Rumble. That means he is challenging for the title at Mania and, right now, the best options are Orton and Lesnar with Batista winning.

If he were to turn heel then what are the options? Bryan winning at EC would be stupid but I'd accept it. Bryan vs Batista could be a good combination. Cena/Batista has been done before and he is set to face Wyatt. Sheamus is probably the best shout. I'm a big fan of Sheamus and he can work a good match with a range of superstars - he could get the best out of Batista.

I think Batista will stay heel for now and face Orton at Mania. Thereafter, he should turn heel over the summer months leading into Summerslam (where I presume he leaves) where he could put someone over.
Batista is a heel already. The reaction he received at the Royal Rumble, and his reaction to it, indicate as much. I know it's been only slightly over a week since he's returned, but what has Batista done, exactly, that makes him a face? Declare his desire for the WWE WHC? Well geez, Brock Lesnar did that, so does that make him a face as well?

In the best for business ideal, Batista as a heel is exactly that. He's bland and boring as a face, and his promos as a face feel extremed forced. His spotlight demanding antics and walking out on matches that didn't hold his interest or have relevance to him felt much more natural, as did his promos. The 8 months he spent as a heel before leaving the company, in my opinion, were the best work of his career.

WWE already has Cena, Punk, and Bryan at the top of the pecking order when it comes to faces. What they lack is credibility in their heels. Is Randy Orton a credible heel? Nope. Del Rio? C 'mon. Lesnar is a part-time wrestler, and the rest of the heels on the roster are authority figures, or members of tag teams.

Pull the trigger now, not after WM 30. As someone who attended the Royal Rumble, his reception was of that as a heel, and his behavior matched. Nothing he did Monday night made him look like a face, so for him to slip into a heel character is an easy sell, here and now.
It would probably be a good move in the long run. Batista is a good heel and with the fact he comes across arrogant and is loved up with HHH: he should turn.

However, he has won the Rumble. That means he is challenging for the title at Mania and, right now, the best options are Orton and Lesnar with Batista winning.

If he were to turn heel then what are the options? Bryan winning at EC would be stupid but I'd accept it. Bryan vs Batista could be a good combination. Cena/Batista has been done before and he is set to face Wyatt. Sheamus is probably the best shout. I'm a big fan of Sheamus and he can work a good match with a range of superstars - he could get the best out of Batista.

I think Batista will stay heel for now and face Orton at Mania. Thereafter, he should turn heel over the summer months leading into Summerslam (where I presume he leaves) where he could put someone over.

After reading the above comment; I have to say that the storyline that is being planned with Batista going over at Wrestlemania and then becoming heel might be a part of the Masterplan called Operation Roman Reigns.
Roman Reigns is being pushed as evidenced by his Survivor Series and Royal Rumble showings and last night, not many talked about it but he broke out of Cena's STF and landed the Superman Punch and Spear on him in the same match.
Now, if the original plan is to turn Roman Reigns into a babyface, then it would all come together eventually with Heel Batista putting over Roman Reigns at SummerSlam 2014 and then leaving for his Movie Release.

If the above is the plan then as a fan of Roman Reigns I am happy. However even though I wouldn't mind the payoff, I think that screwing DB to push RR instead would hurt the latter if as I expect DBs popularity holds up. In such a case, I hope the right thing happens and DB is given his moment first whilst Roman Reigns can be built patiently as a Singles competitor and let the crowd warm to him gradually, anyone who watches the weekly shows can see that RR is getting cheered despite being a Heel, but with DB already at a much higher level, WWE need to use him first instead of jumping the gun with Roman Reigns.

Thanks for Reading. :)
WWE already has Cena, Punk, and Bryan at the top of the pecking order when it comes to faces. What they lack is credibility in their heels. Is Randy Orton a credible heel? Nope. Del Rio? C 'mon. Lesnar is a part-time wrestler, and the rest of the heels on the roster are authority figures, or members of tag teams.

Lesnar was the unintentional face in the segment with Orton/Batista Monday and gets a healthy amount of face pops when he shows anyways. I wouldn't classify him as a heel, but tweener, leaning ever so slightly towards heel.

They're trying to build Bray Wyatt into a viable main event heel. A match with Cena, where Bray goes over, would do wonders for that. Cena doesn't need to be around the title all that often anymore, and could absorb a loss for the cause.

I think it's time to turn corporate Kane into a monster heel again. Maybe not the Big Red Machine, but an intelligent, cunning heel. He's maybe the most dependable guy on the roster and can be incredibly evil when he desires.
The best way they can do it for me is a triple threat... Bryan gets screwed at chamber and gets redemption at mania and wins
No Daniel Bryan VS Bray Wyatt VS John Cena... get Daniel Bryan that championship at Elimination Chamber and retain at Wrestlemania, just let Bray Wyatt kick Johnyboy's ass. I want to see Daniel Bryan VS Batista at Wrestlemania 30 for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
hes already heel, they dont need to book him as one or even have cole and king turn on him for him to be heel. No one likes him. He doesn't get the 50/50 reaction that cena gets. He only gets boos.
I doubt either of those matches takes place. I think Lesnar is coming out of EC with the strap and he will go on to face Orton and Batista at Dudesinspandexamania. They started to set that up last night.

I think Daniel Bryan will face Taker (because Taker supposedly requested to work with him), and may even end the streak.

I think Cena is facing Wyatt. It seems risky, but it would help the build of Wyatt.

I think Punk is facing Trips. This one should be a great match.

And I think I'll enjoy the rest of the show too.

Dont wrote like stupid. Is DB is capable of beating undertaker. No way. I hate these type of comments.

If they turned batista heel is only for storyline purpose not for fan reaction.

You guys are only happy with these things
Daniel bryan wrestled 3 hours of raw and 2 hours of smackdown and wins all the matches he wrestled. He won all titles including divas title.

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