Report: WWE Diva Arrested Before Raw

Perhaps there was a newly zero tolerance policy put in place and she just so happen to be the first example of clarity.

Of course, if it exists at all, it seems to be a zero tolerance policy.....with options. As with so much in society today, it comes down to political correctness. The immediate firing was an indication of someone at the top pulling a public relations move: ("Are we riding herd on our employees? You friggin' bet we are!"); her quick re-hiring a classic indication of a response to the overreaction.

Let's be clear: if there is a true zero tolerance policy, the offending party should be fired, even if it's only for shoplifting $21 worth of stuff.....but if this is the case, how could they have justified allowing Alex Riley (no superstar himself, at the time or now) getting nailed for DUI and keeping his job simply because he was in the middle of a high-profile program with The Miz?

And, if there isn't zero tolerance, why pick on Emma now?

Upon further evaluation, WWE has reinstated Tenille Dashwood (WWE Diva Emma) but will take appropriate punitive action for her violation of the law.

The punishment should be extending her program with Santino.

That'll fix her.
From what I've read they told her to do "some community service" which will likely amount to a school visit next time she is in the area.
It doesn't matter where she does it, if there's a fixed number of hours, she can do school and hospital visits, being a part of the B.A. Star program, or visiting sick children who won't make it. It will help get the bad taste out of people's mouths from this, which is something but nothing not a nothing not a that can show the "other side of" Emma, who seems to be a good kid anyway.

She'll be off TV till it dies down and probably be back in NXT for a bit but I'd be stunned and disappointed in them if it was worse than that.
Not quite sure where you've been, but she's been off TV for over a month. I'm not sure if she's been working house shows, but she's done little-to nothing-in the way of TV or PPV appearances. Right now, NXT would probably be a welcome "demotion" for Emma, providing her an opportunity to both be involved in storylines and in honing her skills. Instead of being used as an infrequent comedy character who wrestles maybe 5 minutes a month, she could be used as a top babyface.

Of course, she could be used similarly on Raw or Smackdown, if Vince and co. saw her as more then just a comedy character.

As for the "release than reinstatement" story, my guess is this was done to do nothing other then to put the fear of God into her. Perhaps her contrition was so great that WWE reversed their position, but I doubt it. My guess is the idea was to essentially 'threaten' to take everything she loves and has worked so hard for away from here. Whether she was aware of it or not, at the very least, she'll pay more attention to her surroundings in future events.

She's seemingly a good kid with a bright future, and I'm glad it wasn't taken away over something as inconsequential as this.
As a punishment they will probably make her character absolutely ridiculous and loathsome. They might even tag her with one of those comic acts that hold you back 4 years.
As a punishment they will probably make her character absolutely ridiculous and loathsome. They might even tag her with one of those comic acts that hold you back 4 years.

Like your username, lol! Maybe they'll put her in the bunny suit as a rosebud and have her start twerking on Adam Rose (man I'm drunk). I could see JBZl saying to Michael Cole, "Look at that stupid bunny twerk. This is ridiculous Michael".

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