Report: The *REAL* Reason Ziggler's Push Ended?

Dolph Ziggler is delusional. He is so full of himself & it makes me wonder why. His outfit(s) look like the opening to Save By The Bell. Hes the only one who takes these bumps the way he does which makes him seem weak. Not a good seller. If Santino doesn't fly upside down from a certain move than neither should Ziggler. (And besides Rikishi already sold the same way & it looked better) & I know people are getting tired of hearing this but in the Attitude Era I believe he would be a low card guy on wCw after he realized the WWF didn't need a guy like him when they already had Billy Gunn. He brings nothing new to the table & now that Billy Gunn is wrestling again I don't see any reason to even have him on Raw.
Ziggler's not that good. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.

As far as this article it is obviously a combination of Kayfabe and humor. His character is a show off who has a very high opinion of himself. Do we really think Ziggler is so stupid he thinks his height is what holds him back? He calls Orton the "face of the WWE". He is playing along with the story in place after SummerSlam. Anyone with a working brain cell knows Cena is the "face of the WWE". Orton was just given the title by the clueless Authority (clueless in a kayfabe sense) for storyline purposes.

Don't put any stock in this article. Ziggler was clearly trying to stir the pot and get himself a main event spot once Bryan was pushed back down. That spot went to Show and eventually Cena when he returned. Vince and HHH are not nearly as sensitive as they would like the smarks to believe.
Man people are really digging into Ziggler.Chill people cmon..

Look, I'm a fan of Ziggler, tho I'm not attached to the idea of him being this mega-pushed-face-of the company, so I don't really get upset if he isnt pushed to the moon.

I also don't like the fact that he has mouthed off in a lot of instances and that prolly got him in some trouble, that and injuries + concussions.

As far as ring ability goes, I have no clue why people in this thread call him, mediocre or just not "that good".

Yes the dude takes sick bumps and he should tone it down, I agree, but as far as an in-ring worker, he's among the best.I see no problem with his in-ring work besides his unnecessary bumps.

Now, I see people trashing him when it comes to his mic work.I mean...there might be some validity to that, but seriously, have they ever actually given him ANY segment in which he can actually have a serious "selling a PPV match like serious-mode Cena" promo?

If I recall correctly, when he fueded with Cena, a feud that was very badly booked, his promos when he was face2face in the ring with John, were pretty damn good.

For a guy that was given so much TV time, a lot of that TV time, were very very badly booked angles, squashes and other stupid shit.

How can he carry himself without Vickie and AJ, if he is either concussed, or put into stupid angles and not given enough mic time.

Again, I'm a Ziggler fan, the guy is not perfect, I can see his flaws, but as far as promo and in ring work is concerned , I seriously dont see a problem.

I really think people that are bad mouthing him, should really really examine their opinion, because everytime Ziggler's been given the chance to shine, he has ..shined.And those times were really scarce because, as I already said, he has been his whole damn career, in very very badly booked angles with very little promo time and when he did have promo time he wasnt given enough time, nor an angle that enabled him to actually have something interesting to say.

That's just my opinion tho and how I view things when I look at the history of Ziggler so far.I
Man people are really digging into Ziggler.Chill people cmon..

Look, I'm a fan of Ziggler, tho I'm not attached to the idea of him being this mega-pushed-face-of the company, so I don't really get upset if he isnt pushed to the moon.

I also don't like the fact that he has mouthed off in a lot of instances and that prolly got him in some trouble, that and injuries + concussions.

As far as ring ability goes, I have no clue why people in this thread call him, mediocre or just not "that good".

Yes the dude takes sick bumps and he should tone it down, I agree, but as far as an in-ring worker, he's among the best.I see no problem with his in-ring work besides his unnecessary bumps.

Now, I see people trashing him when it comes to his mic work.I mean...there might be some validity to that, but seriously, have they ever actually given him ANY segment in which he can actually have a serious "selling a PPV match like serious-mode Cena" promo?

If I recall correctly, when he fueded with Cena, a feud that was very badly booked, his promos when he was face2face in the ring with John, were pretty damn good.

For a guy that was given so much TV time, a lot of that TV time, were very very badly booked angles, squashes and other stupid shit.

How can he carry himself without Vickie and AJ, if he is either concussed, or put into stupid angles and not given enough mic time.

Again, I'm a Ziggler fan, the guy is not perfect, I can see his flaws, but as far as promo and in ring work is concerned , I seriously dont see a problem.

I really think people that are bad mouthing him, should really really examine their opinion, because everytime Ziggler's been given the chance to shine, he has ..shined.And those times were really scarce because, as I already said, he has been his whole damn career, in very very badly booked angles with very little promo time and when he did have promo time he wasnt given enough time, nor an angle that enabled him to actually have something interesting to say.

That's just my opinion tho and how I view things when I look at the history of Ziggler so far.I

I pretty much agree and while no performer is truly perfect I definitely am amongst the camp that feels Ziggler's ring work is excellent and contrary to what some say here Ziggler has managed to keep his audiences engaged in his matches despite the crappy booking he's been put through.

People like to bring up the post Mania 29 pop but the thing is that is NOT the only time audiences have cheered for the guy:

They've cheered for him at


- The Raws and Smackdowns after that even when he was constantly jobbing to Alberto Del Rio

- his WWE Main Event matches with ADR

- Matches with fucking Jinder Mahal, Damien Sandow, Fandango, Kofi Kingston, Curtis Axel, and handicap matches with The Shield.

- A huge ovation at the Royal Rumble in his opening promo as well as when he was in the Rumble

- Won the crowd over in a mixed tag with Big E on the night of Summerslam after audiences were blown away by Punk and Lesnar right before it.

- Has made the "Biggest pops" list for Live events on several occasions

Yet somehow we're supposed to believe that he's not worth investing in. If any guys that fit Vince's favorite mold was able to keep the crowd behind them despite the crappy situationsl ike Ziggler has(amongst others) then Vince would have done a better job at capitalizing on it.

Hell even Sargeant Slaughter who works for WWE, openly said and implied he doesnt feel Ziggler (or Bryan) are being treated fairly by WWE officials backstage in a recent interview.

So if anything, I think it's believable that Ziggler could have gotten punished for simply mentioning Orton's name as a reference point if Orton's feathers were ruffled because the guy has allegedly gotten people fired/buried for less...Kofi Kingston and Mr.Anderson anyone?
This is amazing! About a year ago, I remember coming on this board, and everyone was talking about Dolph Ziggler, and how he was the new superstar who would guide WWE to the promised land.

Most posts were extoling Ziggler's virtues and saying how he should be a long term WWE or World Champion. A couple of people even championed him to main event "Wrestlemania" one year.

Yet, one year later, you are saying how he was never any good. You are now calling him a dud, a year after calling him the next big superstar.

This is why Vince McMahon doesn't listen to smarks or the IWC. Because they are fickle, and they ask their guy to be pushed, to have the title put on him, and once he gets buried for a while, they drop off, and no longer rate the superstar.

Maybe this is what Vince is doing with Daniel Bryan. By de-pushing him, he is testing whether the fans will continue to cheer him at arenas, or lose interest, like they did with the IWC's other "golden boys"- Dolph Ziggler, Zack Ryder, and, to a lesser extent, C.M. Punk. Maybe Vince wants to see if Bryan is "flavour of the month", like Dolph Ziggler proved to be, or the real deal.

Just maybe, if the IWC stuck to someone, no matter what, some of these new guys will be pushed.
I can't say I fully agree but with some I do.

He is a spot monkey, and to be honest that's fine. Jeff Hardy was one too, and so was Edge. It's ok for someone to take the big falls.

Ziggler does have an attitude that needs to be worked on. I agree with that.

He is injury prone but so is every WWE wrestler. A ton get injured more often than any other wrestler does in TNA.

He does have a big mouth but so does AJ Styles and that big mouth can be ok. In WWE its not ok because you are expected to follow the chain of command. In TNA having a big mouth doesn't hurt you.

Ziggler is worth it. The problem is WWE keeps him from actually doing anything but a backwards neck grab and a few other moves.

With all the posturing going on in that article, it's tough to say what's true or not. But even if I take it at face value, I come up with this:

  • He's a spot monkey
  • He doesn't get's not about beating up the other guy.
  • He's injury prone.
  • He's got a big mouth.
  • He's probably not worth the effort.

Ultimately, there are a lot of other guys who are getting pushed right now, who probably don't have the issues listed above. Pretty much end of story.
I remember reading those comments about Orton at the time and thinking the guy had just messed up again. I say again because the guy also said this to Slam Sports magazine in the run up to Summerslam

Cena, personally I'm sick of him. Ten years, doing the same thing, same five moves, the crowd loves him, the crowd hates him, either way, he does the same thing … I'm sick of it. I understand the awesome charity work he does, I understand what he represents, he makes a great face for our company … I'd rather see his face on a WWE dollar bill than Daniel Bryan's.

Anyone is so blinded by his arrogance as to come out with that pile of nonsense deserves to be buried in my honest opinion.
I doubt that's why his push was stopped. The fans never really got behind him on his own as a heel or face. He's one of those dudes that needs a manager to be over, and they took his manager off of me, and he simply wasn't getting over. I could absolutely see the E cutting their losses and stopping the push because it wasn't really working anyways.

Basically, he can claim to work super hard until he's blue in the face, but if it isn't working, it isn't working. It happens that way sometimes.

What are you talking about? The dude probably got the biggest reaction in years when he won the World Championship and people were chanting his name when he was an heel. He was over with the crowd and people enjoyed his stuff, even though he wasn't the best and isn't the best on the roster.

Onto the subject in hand the guy didn't really do anything that serious in that interview to a point where is career would be nullified but sure, he was made as an example of what happens when you go out there to media interviews and criticize the company instead of being an outlet to promote it. I don't think it has necessarily anything to do with Randy Orton, as Orton has stated that Ziggler is one of his favorite opponents to work with, which makes the case a little more serious, because in a way he kinda shows disrespect towards a main event guy by stating that he could pretty much kick his ass. I enjoy Ziggler's work and I find him highly underrated in this boards, but he's getting what he kinda deserves for being too outspoken.

Maybe he can get a renewed push down the line if he's interested in it. He could fill Chris Jericho's spot as the underdog. Ziggler has a decent style (delivery) for promos that it's hitting pretty much the teenage basis of WWE's viewers so I can see money in that. He also has a good look, even though he isn't jacked up, tall or in any way funny. He should be a heel again and be put in a tag team with a gimmick of some sorts. Ziggler and Tyler Breeze could work something out, similar gimmicks, very cocky... There is just way too many people on the roster right now ahead of Ziggler in my view for now.
This is amazing! About a year ago, I remember coming on this board, and everyone was talking about Dolph Ziggler, and how he was the new superstar who would guide WWE to the promised land.

Most posts were extoling Ziggler's virtues and saying how he should be a long term WWE or World Champion. A couple of people even championed him to main event "Wrestlemania" one year.

Yet, one year later, you are saying how he was never any good. You are now calling him a dud, a year after calling him the next big superstar.

This is why Vince McMahon doesn't listen to smarks or the IWC. Because they are fickle, and they ask their guy to be pushed, to have the title put on him, and once he gets buried for a while, they drop off, and no longer rate the superstar.

Maybe this is what Vince is doing with Daniel Bryan. By de-pushing him, he is testing whether the fans will continue to cheer him at arenas, or lose interest, like they did with the IWC's other "golden boys"- Dolph Ziggler, Zack Ryder, and, to a lesser extent, C.M. Punk. Maybe Vince wants to see if Bryan is "flavour of the month", like Dolph Ziggler proved to be, or the real deal.

Just maybe, if the IWC stuck to someone, no matter what, some of these new guys will be pushed.

Well said.

These same IWC fanboys are all denying that October 2012 they were jacking off to Ryback and saying he was going to win the WWE Championship and hold it for the next decade, break The Streak, etc. etc.

Unlike most of the WZ posters who will jump on every bandwagon that comes along, I've been a huge fan of Dolph Ziggler since day one, and I still believe he is THE guy to carry WWE after Cena is done.
I remember reading those comments about Orton at the time and thinking the guy had just messed up again. I say again because the guy also said this to Slam Sports magazine in the run up to Summerslam

Originally Posted by
Cena, personally I'm sick of him. Ten years, doing the same thing, same five moves, the crowd loves him, the crowd hates him, either way, he does the same thing … I'm sick of it. I understand the awesome charity work he does, I understand what he represents, he makes a great face for our company … I'd rather see his face on a WWE dollar bill than Daniel Bryan's.
Anyone is so blinded by his arrogance as to come out with that pile of nonsense deserves to be buried in my honest opinion.

Honestly I don't think ANYONE should be buried to ruffling WWE's feathers. The guy basically said he's tired of Cena on top and that's why he hopes Bryan wins at Summerslam just like his recent comments toward Orton where he basically was making the point that he wouldn't be afraid of a taller guy.

The guy didn't say those two were pieces of shit nor did he make up rumors about them politicking Backstage or something. Orton has once before implied that one of WWE's too divas was a complete slit backstage while she was still in the company and got off Scotch free. And nothing Ziggler said was in that ballpark so I don't see the "arrogance" people here claim to see.

Not to mention that my main point is that WWE would be better off taking them off TV or just docking their pay for misconduct anyway.
The Ziggler hate is strong in this thread, a lot of stuff he's getting crapped on for is not much different to stuff other cocky guys have came out with, like Punk and more recently Batista acting like a class A cocksocket on twitter.

No one makes it in pro wrestling by being timid and aww gee shucks about it, and Ziggler sounds bitter because he believes he's good and hasn't been given a fair shot, I don't blame him.

Daniel Bryan gave an interview the other day to a radio station where he talked about how a guy doesn't become a star overnight, being on TV ain't worth shit if all you do is lose and never get to talk. If you are gonna build a guy you have to SHOW fans he matters, he has to win regularly and he has to get a chance to cut promos on a consistent basis, Bryan was right.

Dolph was over last year and even the year before, certainly more over than Sheamus and Del Rio ever have been, yet he's NEVER gotten the push behind him those guys have, until he does you can't judge if he can be a big star for the company, simply being seen weekly is not a push, just ask 3MB.

As far as the comments regarding Orton, if they really are what has gotten him in trouble then that's stupid, if Randy has an issue with them then go stand in said alley and sort it out like men. Now I know it doesn't say Orton complained but he has previous with Kennedy and Kofi which suggests he's a bit of a primma donna.

People always rag on the smaller guys who complain about the WWE mentality, but even as a big guy myself I can see their gripe, a guy like Roman Reigns has been groomed from minute 1 to be a star, protected from the start and put over by pinning top guys. Is it amazing charisma, ring talent and mic skills that have gotten him this favourable treatment? No, it's the fact he's a big, good looking guy who fits the mold WWE loves the best. Now I have nothing against Reigns, I think he has a lot of potential, but you can just see the rapid over-push coming with him due to factors not relating to key aspects of pro wrestling in this era.

Now maybe you like your wrestlers big, that's cool, but surely it's not hard to see the frustration of guys breaking their back for the job and yet knowing they will be discriminated against solely based on look and size, while watching guys with less ability and in cases like Sheamus and Del Rio less overness, get pushed ahead of them.

As for being injury prone, you mean like Orton and Batista? That never seemed to be held against either of them. Bottom line is until Ziggler gets a year of strong booking with wins, plenty of promo time and a concentrated focus, you don't know what he could really achieve.
Seems like WWE's willing to atleast play on this speculation about Ziggler "running his mouth" backstage etc with this Exclusive interview segment:

I know people here most likely wont enjoy the segment but to me it definitely sounds reality based especially because of how it seemed to come from the heart.

If they actually become willing to give the guy a fair shot, Having him cut promos with this kind of emotion would definitely help considering he's already over enough even throughout this "punishment" WWE has been putting him through.

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