Report: Sting & WWE....Again.

I do want to see Sting in WWE. However, not for the reasons one might think. Sting is an Icon in wrestling, and its obvious WWE is the be all end all when it comes to wrestling, so Sting deserves that prestige of saying that he wrestled for the number one company, that withstood the Monday Night Wars, and made itself the most powerful company. Most people would say that you aren't really anything unless you've wrestled for WWE, and for years I've heard people say that Sting is not in the league of Hogan, Rock, Austin, Hart, Flair, and others simply because he was never on the WWE roster. I don't believe that, but I would like to see Sting shut the naysayers up by coming to WWE and showing them that he indeed worthy. Personally, I don't believe that, but others do.

There would be big matches for him, and I think it would draw interest with match ups with Cena, Orton, Punk, Triple H, and obviously Taker. As far as fans of WWECtoday knowing who Sting is, just look at the response he still gets in TNA. You don't hear that eruption for many in TNA, except maybe Hardy and Hogan. The audience for Sting is still there, and its been proven that he can still go in the ring. Plus, the videos for his debut would be awesome, not to mention his first actual appearance.

I would imagine that Sting's friends in WWE, like Flair and Michaels are talking to him about coming in and getting his Hall of Fame induction as well. To me it's a win win for everyone involved, and while I always liked that Sting was the only guy never to go to WWE, it's time for him to get the true recognition he deserves. And honestly, he's not getting it from being in TNA. I have nothing against TNA, as I watch it almost regularly, but it's not in the same league as WWE and I don't think it ever will be.
If Sting can wrestle as well as Flair did in his mid 50s he will more than be able to keep up with what WWE has to offer him, plus all the money matches are against guys in the 40s or close to it (Cena, Rock, HHH, Taker). Sting wouldnt come in and WWE wouldnt bring him in to wrestle Albert Del Rio for crying out loud.

I do like the idea that Sting was the one great superstar post 1990 that didnt wrestle at one point for WWE. Even guys who had their greatest success elsewhere like Hall & Nash started in WWE, DDP & Goldberg stopped in, Flair obviosly, etc. However, it would be cool to see him in WWE just once before he is through, and I imagine he would get pretty good treatment. They certainly gave HBK & Flair many good moments in the 2000s even though both were past their prime and only part time wrestlers.

If nothing else when he is done with TNA Sting belongs in the HOF. That's a given. It would be nice to see it happen now while there is still enough connection with older fans and WWE to market Sting DVDs, etc.
So the one opponent for Taker at Mania, that can top Brock Lesnar could be joining.
If they don't pull the trigger on that, if opportunity presents itself... Oh And sting will have he's WM moment just by being part off the biggest fantasy match ever.

Taker should,/will never lose..
That depends even hos contract ends in December, Sting has just started a big storyline reforming the MEM to face A/8 I don't think TNA would have started that if they knew he would be gone.
A Sting package runs on Raw and the news site suddenly have "hard info" claiming Sting is in talks with WWE? Gee, what are the odds? But you know what the funniest part is? Several interviews where Sting mentions his contract ends in January, next year. We're supposed to believe there's a deal being worked out for 7 months from now? Yeah.
first saw sting in wcw when he was doing his crow gimmick thought it was awesome and been a fan since although admittedly i seldom watch tna nowadays. ive wanted to see him in a wwe ring since wcw closed its doors it would have been epic.although i still want to see it i think the best time to do it might have been and gone i seriously bought into those creepy videos they played a couple of years ago leading up to mania i was convinced it was sting but of course it turned out to be taker and is prob the only time ive been disapointed to see him return lol.i thought that would of been an awesome time for sting to show up if they could of convinced him to join.

of course this report could be exagerated or just total bullshit as these sting to wwe reports pop up every once in a while.there been shitloads of them over the years.but if this one turns out to be true and sting does end up joining i would imagine it would be semi part time if hes 54 now i think that would make him the oldest active wrestler on the roster and i think a big issue with him joining will be the travel schedule and whether he feels like putting up with it.

but anyway it would still be really cool to see him in wwe and i reckon he still has a lot to offer i just think it would of been better if it happened a few years ago.also if he does show up eventually i hope the crowd is a seriously hot one if its one of those quiet dead ones it will kind of kill the moment.
LOOK AT THE GARBAGE TALENT WWE HAS TODAY! when a guy,with NO TALENT, like cm JUNK, is considered GOOD! THen you have to LOOK FOR "REAL" TALENT THAT ACTUALLY SELLS! POOR McMAHON, no Talent today, compares, to THE WRESTLING GODS, of 80s/90s! Those guys could go! cm punk, wrestles very very sloppy, poor execution! Look close at his match with Jericho at PayBack! TERRIBLE!

Sigh. what the fuck is wrong with wwe? seriously? aer they fucking serious? instead of letting the full timers main event wrestlemania and building them up to become future draws, they get old part timers to main event wrestlemania.. its seriously not fair. i know wwe is a business, but how does this help them in the long term? it gives u short term sales, thats all it gives, but are u going to use the part timers to put over young stars? if not, then back the fuck away, cuz u aint doing no favors in the long term. we had the rock wasted, he didnt put anyone over. now brock lesnar is being wasted, he was put into a stale feud with hhh and fed to john cena. hopefully he will put over cm punk, otherwise wwe is just wasting their time and their fucking money on short term sales.

its so fucking simple, yet wwe doesn't get it.. u use people to put over younger stars, then the younger stars will become MAJOR stars. then u use these already put over stars to put over a new generation. then u repeat the cycle, yet wwe doesnt know this. they keep on using part timers to main event wrestlemania, while the full timers and young stars are taking a backseat to them, why is that???? WHAT THE FUCK?
Sting doesn't have a long run left in him, I think if he were to be signed, one single match would be it. And the match that most marks want to see is Taker v. Sting. Overall, I don't think he would move the dial much on a buyrate, but it would provide great service to legions of fans who have dreamed of this match for a long time.

Sometimes it isn't about money, sometimes you just have to reward your fans loyalty.

Just My Opinion
Yah until i see the Stinger at 54 years old or 55 step foot in a WWE arena i am not buying this. A lot of WCW fans did indeed boycott the product when it died in 2001. From that standpoint if your a die hard fan,i dont blame them. Plus Stinger back in the day was fucking awesome to see,the guy really was special and neck in neck with Flair being the greatest of all time. Legendary matches the stinger had.

WWE should have brought him in immediately made him an offer he couldnt refuse in 2001 when stinger could actually still go. The guy is 54 years old now the only reason i would see stinger in the WWE would be to be in the HOF (Which he should be anyway)to have his Lone WM match and to make a DVD! Thats about it IMO that stinger can offer WWE at this point. I dont wanna see him and Taker go at it,that shipped sailed 5 years ago when it could still have been money!
Sigh. what the fuck is wrong with wwe? seriously? aer they fucking serious? instead of letting the full timers main event wrestlemania and building them up to become future draws, they get old part timers to main event wrestlemania.. its seriously not fair. i know wwe is a business, but how does this help them in the long term? it gives u short term sales, thats all it gives, but are u going to use the part timers to put over young stars? if not, then back the fuck away, cuz u aint doing no favors in the long term. we had the rock wasted, he didnt put anyone over. now brock lesnar is being wasted, he was put into a stale feud with hhh and fed to john cena. hopefully he will put over cm punk, otherwise wwe is just wasting their time and their fucking money on short term sales.

its so fucking simple, yet wwe doesn't get it.. u use people to put over younger stars, then the younger stars will become MAJOR stars. then u use these already put over stars to put over a new generation. then u repeat the cycle, yet wwe doesnt know this. they keep on using part timers to main event wrestlemania, while the full timers and young stars are taking a backseat to them, why is that???? WHAT THE FUCK?

in every thread about a veteran returning or joining wwe theres always someone complaining that they should push the younger guys instead and yes they should definatly build up their full time younger guys but i thought the idea was to build them up until they are ready to main event wrestlemania or even be worthy of a match at mania not stick a relatively new guy in the main event in order to build him up.the main event at mania or challenging takers streak nowadays is supposed to be the very height of a wrestlers career other then repeating it theres not much better they can accomplish.

building up there young uns for the future is obviously important but it isnt the be all and end all of every show what comes first is making the fans want to watch in the first place guys like undertaker,the rock,hhh and sting if they manage to get him are established stars who fans go out of there way to watch. definatly more so then a fairly new guy thats just come from nxt or some almost unheard of indie promotion giving them a mania match or main event doesnt mean a whole lot if not many people give a bugger about them just yet.
The fact the wwe still wants Sting after all these years shows they think he can still draw. It also shows that after Cena no one can draw big numbers. D Bryan can but he needs superman to put him over and no him going yes yes yes you owe me daniel bryan is not putting him over. Sting if given a 2 month build for a match at WM would be great. You have Taker come back with no vignettes like they normally do. When he is in the ring have the lights go off and you hear crow noises but lights go back on sending a message to undertaker that someone is playing mind games with him.
the fans want it, and there's no doubt Sting will eventually make it to the WWE.

We can't forget how for years Bret Hart vowed never to do business with WWE.

No one ever expected Eric Bishoff to work under Vince.

No one thought Lesnar would return or expected the Rock to come back.

How about the decades where Bruno wanted nothing to do with the WWE?

Sting falls into that category and I'm sure he'll get there before his in-ring career is over. I'll even go as far as saying he's not going to come to the WWE to have 1 match in which he loses to the Undertaker and hangs up his boots.

If and when he shows up he'll have a few year run with a possible title run and sandwich in the WM against Taker somewhere in there. He won't come to the WWE for 1 match in which he loses. His WWE stint will probably be his last.

*Everyone wants the Undertaker vs Sting and I'm one of them, but there's another one i want and it's an

HBK vs. Sting

They both were their company's respected franchise player during their prime and had similar styles and charisma. If HBK ever came out of retirement for a match I'd love to see these two feud.
I Like Brothervis his Idea , It would start a good build up to the Match and although that they're both a little older and people complaining about it , a lot want it to still happen , i'm 1 off them
No thanks.

IMO, he'd only becoming back for a Mania match against Taker which I don't want to see anyway. The streak has got to a stage where only the top guys in the company get a shot to end it and I don't think the casual audience will believe a guy that hasn't been on WWE television has a chance. Yes, we know who Sting is, but does the PG audience? Cena v Taker is the bigger draw, like it or lump it.

What I do find admirable though is Sting isn't really a part-timer in TNA; he's frequently on television and occasionally wrestles. If he maintained a similar schedule in WWE and wrestled on every other PPV or the big 4, I wouldn't mind seeing him come in. My only concern is who does he face? There isn't a feud on that roster that makes me go 'holy sh*t, I gotta see that!'.

Cena? Sheamus? Orton? Punk perhaps, but that's about it.
Sometimes it isn't about money, sometimes you just have to reward your fans loyalty.

That's a nice sentiment. Remember, a large portion of people who attend pro wrestling shows aren't truly fans of the sport. They come for the spectacle.....and the opportunity to be in the same place and do the same things as tons of other people.

Other people (including members of this forum) are fans of pro wrestling. Among other things, we like to see legends and there are a dwindling number of them in and out of WWE.....and a miniscule few who've never worked for WWE.

I don't know about you, but that's why I want to see Sting in WWE. He's a true legend.....and he's never appeared here before. I don't know that casual fans who attend WWE shows just for a night out with the family will particularly care about him, but wrestling fans sure will.

Yeah, he's old and can't do work a full-time schedule, how fortunate that WWE has changed up their restrictive policies in the past few years and made it so Sting doesn't have to tax his aged body too much. His work rate will be abbreviated, making it that much more special when he does climb in the ring.....and the matches he engages in will be true spectacles since management isn't going to bother putting him in with Antonio Cesaro or Santino Marella. He can function as an AARP version of Brock Lesnar.

In addition to all this, Sting has been an all-world legend toiling in a lesser wrestling company these past years. If he's only got a short time left, he should spend it at the top.
Wow. Like flies, throw a little crap on the ground, and they all come swarming. Just like the idiots here are swarming, and blowing their loads over a garbage article. What is this now, rumor # 50 about Sting, and The E? What's really funny is half the knobs here shit on Sting while in TNA, but suddenly think he's top dog on the slightest news of going to The E. Not sure who's worse, Wrestlezone Writer, or WrestleZone message board posters.
Another year another Sting/WWE rumour...this is becoming an annual event within the IWC and this site.

I don't watch as often as I used to. I partially dabble with current WWE + TNA programming, and have floated between WWF + WCW in it's 90's pinnacle enough to say until Sting comes from behind that curtain on WWE programming I'm, like every year, will be taking this with the smallest pinch of salt and put in the "Que sera, whatever will be" logbook.

Sting, IMO, has done it and achieved a hell of a lot more off his own back without joining WWF/E. He's wrestled some of the greats in the industry: the Hogans; Flairs; Savages of this world. He is in a promotion with a gifted and great wrestler in Kurt Angle in TNA.

What can he realistically achieve in WWE if he jumped ship? A title run at the most, along with a few big money matches, especially the one EVERYBODY seems to want: The Undertaker.

Sting would be there primarily to help line Vince's pocket via merch sales, PPV buy rates and a few DVD sales. Sting in WWE would make me happy...10 years ago. Not now. I associate Sting with TNA, and for TNA to lose an icon of Stings stature to WWE would be a massive kick to their teeth.

Sting says he's happy and content. Realistically - in my personal opinion - he'll be in TNA still by the time WMXXX rolls round but then again, never say never in this industry...
Too many times we've heard Sting and WWE are interested in doing something with each other, and too many times nothing has happened. What makes this any different? Like the rest of the times, I hope it happens but I'm taking it with a pinch of salt.

If Sting does come back, I'm thinking it has to be for this years WM as he's not getting any younger. I'd like to see him as a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble match but I'm guessing that's not happening because 1) it would be such a big deal WWE would want to get the PPV buys so they'd advertise it and 2) it would take away from the fact the match he has at WM would be his first in WWE as he would've performed at Royal Rumble.

There's obviously a few matches that I'd like to Sting in as there's so many people he hasn't faced, so Taker, Cena, Punk, Kane, Triple H etc. But the main one has to be Taker at WM. My only problem with this is that however much I'd like to see that match I also want to see Cena, Ambrose and Lesnar have matches against Taker at WM and I don't know how many WMs Taker has left in him.

The fact that Sting hasn't been in WWE adds to his legacy in my opinion, some people say it's a downfall but I think that it shows how great he is that he didn't need WWE to become one of the greats. I think WWE will want Sting in the HOF whether he actually comes into WWE or not which also proves that he's one of the greats.

So if Sting does eventually step foot in WWE I'd be happy but as I'm not expecting it I won't be too disappointed if he doesn't.
A lot of people are saying why would Sting want to go to WWE. I think part of the answer lies in the fact that it would be the best way for him to end his career. Sting was part of Mid South/UWF, NWA, WCW, and now TNA. What better way for him to close the book on his career than to have the final chapter written in WWE? A DVD will surely be made eventually whether he signs with them or not, Hall of Fame is practically guaranteed once he is done, but there will still be that stigma of never being in Vince McMahon' s ring.

A lot of people are saying what will be different this time, as far as contract talks go with Sting and WWE. The difference is, he won't be negotiating with Vince. Triple H will do this part, and think that may be the difference maker. Sting has said numerous times that he was apprehensive about making the jump because he wasn't sure about how Vince would treat his character. Well, now Triple H has loads more power and that apprehension may ease off. I mean if Triple H can get Bruno Sanmmartino to come back, he should be able to work something out with Sting.

Sting should go to WWE, not because he needs it, but because he deserves it. He deserves to be on the 'big' stage once again, with the biggest company. He's loyal to TNA, much like he was to WCW, but his career deserves that big final chapter that only WWE can provide. I'm not sure he will go, but as a long time fan, I want my personal all time favorite wrestler to have his moment with the biggest company in wrestling.
Downplaying the enormity of Sting showing up in WWE is the new "I dont HAVE a faecebook" "im really into foreign cinema" or "I mostly watch ROH and Japanese WRESTLING"

Sting showing up on WWE would be motherfucking HUGE. Even past the Sting - Undertaker showdown, it comes down to the simple fact that Sting is the only big time guy to have never shown up in WWE. He is sort of that last vestige to them, and to the WWE audience. Will it bring huge dollars on a long term scale? Obviously not, but it could definitiley be a big time windfall for WWE as a novelty and short time deal.

Onw of the biggest things to me was always getting him down and heavily involved in the developmental process. A guy who has hit all the highs and lows, and who is known these days as an honest and charitible man, and whom would be a great role model and guide for the younger guys coming up in WWE. It would be much better for them if they are going to find a tv deal for the promotion to have a major star like Sting on there semi-reguarly. People say the years have worn on him, but my eyes must deceive me, since I feel like I see him weekly on TNA for the last two years.

A short run when he debuts, perhaps short WHC nostalgia title run, perhaps the showdown with the Undertaker that everyone has sought....and then have him become the backbone of developmental. It would be a GREAT get for WWE if it can finally happen.
Depsite the whole You guys are idiots! It won't happen! They've never been close to a deal! crowd, this is a lot more likely than most believe.

If WWE could've landed Sting prior to WM27, I guarantee those videos would've belonged to him and not Undertaker. It never happened, but let's not act like that wasn't at least a slight possibility.

WWE wants Sting. Do you have any idea how much money there is to be made with The Stinger? Wrestling fans know who Sting is, especially the older crowd, and would eat this up. WWE doesn't care as much about age as the IWC would hope they do, so that's not even an issue.

Sting vs. Undertaker at a WrestleMania would draw money. It's not Sting vs. Hogan in 1991 or anything like that, but it would be a great #2 match on the card.

Sting's money... with WWE.
Those pretending they don't care about Sting in the WWE are 1.) Insane and 2.) Liars.

The longer TNA has all these "cost-cutting" measures, the more I believe Sting will walk away from them. One of the reasons Sting went to TNA was because of the company trying to be the next big competition for WWE. When talented guys like Joey Ryan are being cut or quitting, TNA is in some serious trouble. I don't think they'll go under, but why would anybody stay aboard a sinking ship? In the 5+ years Sting was with TNA, TNA didn't grow a single ounce. In 5 years, all they managed to do was take Impact on the road.

Is a guy like Sting going to stay aboard TNA and face Kurt Angle for the 32nd time? AJ Styles for the 14th time? I seriously doubt it. Sting is going to jump to WWE. He's going to have a Lesnar-esque contract. He's going to have a few high profile matches with some guys that can help carry him in the match (Punk, Jericho, and I think Cena is inevitable), and go out big and have a WM match or two and into the HoF he goes. He'll be the first guy in the TNA and WWE HoF.

Moreover, if you don't think the first episode of Raw that Sting appears advertised on isn't the highest rated Raw in who knows how many years, you're nuts. If you think there's no money to be made with Sting/Jericho, Sting/Punk, Sting/Taker, Sting/Cena... get real.
Sting vs Undertaker would be awful, taker needs someone like Punk did last year and that's carry the match and let him do his big spots to win it. Sting couldn't carry the match neither could Taker I respect the hell out of the both of them but its a fact of nature and age plays a big part. Taker doesn't need the Sting match he could fight a great up and comer like Ambrose put him on the map but still keep the streak. I would love to see Sting in WWE but not against Taker there's no history there so it can be left alone. Have Sting come in to shut up another up and comer who thinks there the new kid on the block, they can put on a great match Sting wins were all happy, WWE talent wins! I just don't think we need Sting vs Taker I'd even rather see Cena vs Sting (as long as he didn't win) what you guys think? Please don't think I'm here trashing Taker or Sting I've been watching since the late 80s I loved both these guys!
Should Sting show up in the WWE, or at best if he signs with WWE then Sting should show up at Survivor Series or at the latest at Royal Rumble 2014 but knowing WWE because they are so predictable as of late they would probably have Sting show up in the build-up towards WrestleMania 30 probably having Sting as a part-timer because of his age but I would love to see Sting come in and put such superstars over like Cena, Orton, or even Punk for that matter

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