Report/Rumor: Top Five Matches For Wrestlemania


According to, WWE has all but finalized the five top matches for WrestleMania XXX this year. Yesterday, the same site announced that Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus was planned and the site claims that it's "pretty much set in stone" at this point. As of right now, according to the site, the top five matches for WrestleMania XXX are:

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton vs. Batista

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus

CM Punk vs. Triple H

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

As pertaining to the proposed WWE WHC match, I think a lot of people pretty much figure that Batista would in the match. Personally, as of right now, it's a title match that I have zero interest in.

Taker vs. Lesnar has been speculated upon since just after SummerSlam. Reportedly, the reason why the ending of Punk vs. Lesnar was changed is because Taker notified WWE officials a few days prior that he was officially onboard for WrestleMania XXX; and that WWE didn't want Lesnar going against Taker with what would have been, at that time, a 2-3 ppv record since returning. There have been rumors the past few weeks that Taker specifically requested to work with Daniel Bryan, but there's no word on if it it's true or not. If is right, then they're going to roll the dice and hope that Taker comes out of his match with the ultra-stiff Lesnar whole, more or less.

Bryan vs. Sheamus, as I mentioned, was announced by the site yesterday. It seems like a step down for Bryan, in my opinion, but it could be a feud all the same if Sheamus comes back as a heel.

Punk vs. Triple H is a match that's, allegedly, been "set in stone" for a while now. Given how Triple H screwed over Bryan during his feud with Orton, I think I'd rather see him in this feud with Trips. That's not to say that this can't be a great feud though and I do hope they use some of their past history in the build.

Cena vs. Wyatt was a match that was reported to be in the works several weeks ago but was ultimately nixed. The report states that the idea was nixed due to WWE's potential plans for Cena & Hogan competing in a tag match, which was also reported quite a while back. Recently, Hogan was evaluated by WWE's doctors and the choice was made not to book Hogan in any sort of physical role. He's still set to be part of WrestleMania in some way, but he won't be wrestling. As a result, Cena vs. Wyatt is back on.

There's also the possibility, according to, of The Ultimate Warrior facing Ryback at WrestleMania. While I can't say I'm excited about this, it should be short. I'd imagine it'll be little more than a squash match with Warrior obliterating Ryback in 3 minutes or so.
The funny thing is, that is a pretty decent looking card but it is extremely underwhelming. There is so much talent available meaning they cannot put on a bad show but if that is indeed the top five matches I'd be pretty annoyed.

Taker/Lesnar is fine. Punk/HHH is something I can accept but the other three are disappointing. I said in the Sheamus/Bryan thread that it is a waste of Bryan given his current popularity. Orton/Batista is just fucking dull and the idea of Batista winning the belt is rather haunting. Nothing against Batista just there are better/more interesting options. Wasting Cena on Bray Wyatt is the worst of all, it's Wrestlemania: Cena deserves a big match.

This is likely to be absolute bullshit. There is a very very small chance this is the actual WM card but if it I'm not overly impressed.
My wallet is safe if this is the actual card, not a single match on there interests me. Punk vs Triple H is probably the best of them and still feels two years too late. The Title match is the worst one of all the options that have been rumoured, how Batista and Orton headline over 3 guys more over than them is mind boggling, and I'm sure Triple H will be involved in this one as well as his two buddies fight over who Trips thinks is the prettiest.

CM Punk is my favourite wrestler and I can't stand Triple H, but if Cena and Bryan had good opponents I'd have been happy enough to see if things between Punk and Trips surprised me. Cena vs Taker or Cena vs Lesnar with Bryan going for the WWE title and they'd have my money, but Bray and Sheamus as their feuds? No thanks.

As for Talker vs Lesnar, I've said for a while now that other than vs Cena I don't really see any Taker streak match as interesting as there is no uncertainty over the result.

Hopefully WWE are floating this out there as a big red herring and the card will look vastly different to this come April.
This sounds awful tbh. I'd only be interested in one match which is the Streak match, and even there we know the outcome. Batista v Orton? Seen that loads of times. HHH v Punk? Seen that two years ago. Cena v Wyatt? Superman v someone that's not yet over, and the latter is surely to lose. Bryan v Sheamus? What a step down for Bryan.

With WM29 being awful I expected more for this one. Things can easily change, but at the moment WM30 looks to be just as bad.
With the available talent pool and after reading the different proposed match ups one can’t help but feel a bit underwhelmed by this lineup. On a bright spot the set lineup seems to change every other day so we can only hope come Tuesday or Wednesday the Dirt Sheets do a 180.

It is also rumored that Hogan can’t get cleared to compete in the ring so they are going to keep him away from physical contact. There is also a rumor floating around for plans involving a Warrior vs Ryback match.
This really feels like a red herring card... The weekend of the Royal Rumble, plans for Daniel Bryan are set in stone? I ain't buying it. At the same time, I am not ordering Wrestlemania on Pay-Per-View if this card becomes a reality.

The WWE Network will be running on all-cylinders by then. So that will take much of the "Sting" out of the ole' wallet. Come on, it's Wrestlemania THIRTY. Many of us will order it just because it is the "Grandaddy of them All."

Still, I am praying there are some twists and turns on the road to New Orleans, because this card is very forgettable considering the stage it will be on. CURVE BALL AT ROYAL RUMBLE, PLEASE!
Have WWE even considered Cena vs Bryan in a rematch for the WWE Title? Cause with that as the main event, I think they could come out with a better card. If Cena takes on Bryan for the title, Taker can face Lesnar, HHH face Punk, Batista face Orton, and that way everybody is put to good use.

While I'd personally prefer Lesnar vs Batista and Cena vs Taker, where does that leave Bryan? There's Orton but I'm sure everyone has tired of those two after their series last year, and clearly no one is interested in Sheamus and Bryan again. If Batista vs Lesnar and Bryan vs Taker, then Cena is left with Wyatt who should be nowhere near a main event right now. There's Cena vs Lesnar and Bryan vs Taker that could lead an interesting card, but nobody believes Bryan is a threat to the streak. Considering all the options for the card, Cena vs Bryan II for the title would probably be the best to book.

As for Wyatt and Sheamus those two could always face each other, or Wyatt, Harper and Rowan could take on The Shield while a heel Sheamus can face Big Show in another epic clash.

I love the idea of Warrior vs Ryback BTW. So long as it's Warrior squashing Ryback in 3 minutes, I'm all for seeing it.
The predicted card for WrestleMania XXX sums up the WWE from 2008 onwards in a nutshell. They clearly have the talent, but when it comes to using them, they just can't put the pieces together. With the talent like you've mentioned, plus guys yet to be placed on the card, you could have an epic show. Daniel Bryan winning the WWE Championship against either CM Punk, John Cena or Randy Orton would be huge. The Shield vs The Wyatt Family seems to be a wet dream for most. Batista, Brock Lesnar, Sheamus, Triple H and The Undertaker at disposal. So many guys with no direction because WWE can't crack it.

WrestleMania 29 was the same. Why Chris Jericho didn't face Dolph Ziggler is beyond me. Twice in a lifetime? No thanks. It's happening again. To be honest, CM Punk vs Triple H doesn't bother me. I can get invested. Maybe that's my bias towards Punk, but I'll take it. The WWE Championship match should see Daniel Bryan go over someone. Put Yoshi Tatsu in there as the defending champion, I don't care, but Batista and Randy Orton will not go down well as the main event. Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker isn't as appealing as it used to be either, plus I don't think the match would be beneficial for Taker.

I'll be buying WrestleMania XXX regardless, but please, for the love of God, get it right WWE. They have the opportunity to launch a career or two from this and put on one hell of a show. Don't fuck it up.
Guess I am going to sell my wrestlemania 30 tickets :( . I buy them every year since 2007 but I have only gone to WM 23 and WM 28.
For starters, I don't believe Daniel Bryan won't be in the main event until I see it with my own eyes. Vince cannot be that ignorant to not know the fans will chant Bryan's name or "boring" throughout the entire main event if he's not included in it. I also don't know how anything can be "set in stone" when they're supposedly negotiating with Sting.

That said, if this were the actual card, there are 2 positives about it. First, Cena wouldn't be one of the higher profile and/or championship matches in TEN years. That's right, WMXX when he beat Big Show in the opening match for the US Title was the last time he wasn't one of the headliners. The second positive is that Lesnar is the best choice for Taker's opponent. I'm a big Lesnar fan and would love to see him win the WWE Championshp at Elimination Chamber, then defend it against Daniel Bryan at WMXXX. I think that's the best possible main event, the ultimate David vs Goliath match. However, of all the rumored opponents for Undertaker, Lesnar or Cena are the best options. So I'd make some changes, but I'm going to be subscribing to the WWE Network, so this card is well worth the $10. It could obviously be better, but it could be a hell of a lot worse.

Here's how I'd book it (I have no interest in a 54-year old Sting):

WWE WHC: Lesnar (c) vs. Bryan
Undertaker vs. Cena
Orton vs. Batista
CM Punk vs. Triple H
Ambrose vs. Reigns vs. Rollins (This would be for the US Title if they don't unify it with the IC Title at EC, but I'm hoping they do. The title is worthless)
IC Title: Langston vs. Sheamus
Jericho vs. Wyatt
Rhodes vs. Goldust
Tag Team Title Fatal 4-Way Ladder Match: New Age Outlaws (c) vs. The Usos vs. The Real Americans vs. Rowan & Harper
Mysterio vs. RVD
I'm one who is always against rematches at WrestleMania. I also am one who would like to see Taker/Bryan. It's easy, if people continue the "YES" chant do something where the louder it gets, the harder it is for Taker draw his powers from what ever place he gets them because "they" can't hear him. Idk, just a thought.

Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to point that this WM card looks exactly how I thought a $9.99 WM would look. Hopefully WWE thinks better of it.

Don't mind Warrior getting match. Someone just has to tell him not to try to go full Warrior. It was embarrassing to see him try to do when he had that match with Orlando Jordan.

Bottomline, Sunday night may tell us a lot.
Since the WWE sweetened the pot for potential buyers by giving them WM30, which was originally off the card, they had better start working up some good storylines and give better effort. So far, I've yet to see anything viable. And the matches I have seen mentioned have been lackluster at best. But it wouldn't matter to the WWE since they already have our money with the 6 month agreement. They can shell out shit and we'd have to take it, unfortunately. But $10 for a horrible Wrestlemania is still beyond a good deal.

Punk/HHH seems to be the ONLY one even close to being set in stone. Good match. But if HHH wins, even that would be a pretty shitty ending.

Thankfully for the first time in a long time we truly don't know who will win the Rumble nor do we know the full card for WM. I'm thankful for that at least. And who knows, Sheamus won the RR the year everyone thought someone else would. They could pull a swerve again and not have it be Batista.

I had been considering shutting off myself from sites like this Monday after the Rumble just to see how everything plays out beforehand leading up to April. Maybe that will help because so far I'm pretty pessimistic about the rumors I read about.
I'm one who is always against rematches at WrestleMania. I also am one who would like to see Taker/Bryan. It's easy, if people continue the "YES" chant do something where the louder it gets, the harder it is for Taker draw his powers from what ever place he gets them because "they" can't hear him. Idk, just a thought.

:lmao: hilarious. I'm surprised WWE creative haven't hired you for this. Possibly one of the cheesiest, worst angle ideas I have ever heard! Thanks for the laugh though.

Onto the card.... It really is the most uninspiring card I have ever seen and although everyone is calling for a curve-ball to be thrown somewhere to change this up, it all looks totally realistic. HHH will want his workout buddy Sheamus to go over Daniel Bryan, therefore taking his momentum (although this will fall flat on its face), HHH can also finally bury CM Punk once and for all on the big stage, HHH has his dream main event of his two buddies putting on a mediocre match with little to no crowd heat, Super-Cena can carry on trucking along with his squashing of any up-and-coming talent and Brock and Taker can put on the match of the night because there really is no competition.

The WWE title match is practically a certainty, we all know Punk will be facing HHH at WM and the only other entrant into the rumble with any momentum is Roman Reigns and its wayyyyy too soon to have him Main Event Mania.

Things really aren't looking bright in WWE-Land :(
Other than Batista v Orton every match is somewhat intriguing. Taker/Lesnar is going to get me to watch. Punk/HHH is something I've been asking for for two years and has been building nicely so far. Bryan/Sheamus has some history and gives Bryan more time to build. Cena/Wyatt screams to me that Cena is probably dropping down the card. But overall I am kind of disappointed in this and find it hard to believe.

It's weird though, this rumored card has waned my interest in WM but it's completely destroyed my interest in this weekend's RR. It makes me think Wyatt will beat Bryan, Orton will beat Cena, and Batista wins the RR. None of those outcomes excite me. If this news was going to be leaked, I figure they would wait for the RR to be a huge disappointment before they lay this egg on us.

I'm calling complete bullshit. I don't think this is true or even a fake leak from WWE. I hope I'm right.
I don't think that is far off. Knowing what wwe is like and we've recently heard about Bryan and it's looking like batista will win the rumble.

Although I think they'll have all those matches but instead they have

Orton vs cena vs batista for the title

Probably what Vince would love. All his big guys
I see a lot of morons complaining about "rematches" and even more complaining about the fact that "Daniel Bryan isn't the main event, therefore it sucks". Be smart for one instance yeah? Read this if you have one of the two symptoms above.

First of all this card seems to be one of the best cards in recent years as far as star power and potential show-stealers. I'm having difficulty in believing that WWE is indeed throwing out an event with five main event bouts anywhere in the world, so if that is the case I'm more than thrilled and excited for this. Starting to knock down the crappy "rematch" argument - if this is a rematch great, it means that they have a lot more story between them to develop and culminate.

Take Orton vs. Batista - you have two guys that started the exact same way and being groomed together to be the future of the company. Batista always had Orton's number as far as championship match between them go, but it was Orton who always got out on top by not once, but twice putting him out of competition for more than 4 months at a time. They have never closed a pay-per-view, but they have never fought a No Holds Barred type of match too. All their matches were average, not bad nor good, but to be fair, neither one of their matches were a straight out single match to see who's in fact better, with Orton being the guy that ran away or tried to disqualify himself. There is TONS of potential here for a storyline, put The Authority turning on Orton and Orton starting to lose it and you'll have a good feud that could culminate in one of the most memorable matches for both of them. (this is not even certain and there are idiots already complaining).

The Daniel Bryan argument is just pathetic smarky and brainless opinions. I like Daniel Bryan as much as the next man, I think he is one of the best workers in the roster easily and I think... HE'S FANTASTIC IN THE POSITION HE'S BEEN PUT... Why? Why would I want to see him main event WrestleMania, in yet another snoozefest against Randy Orton? To see him win, become WWE World Champion in the most predictable ending off them all? Also, there is at least seven other stars that are bigger (money wise) than Bryan to be used at the event, so why would Vince put him ahead of: "The Undertaker, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Batista, Randy Orton, Triple H and CM Punk"? I love the fact that Bryan could be going after Sheamus next and avenge his 18 second loss. That is a story right there that never really had an ending - and now with Sheamus probably returning as an heel, the potential storyline could go places that nobody fully expects. David Meltzer gave Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus a 4 star rating in their Extreme Rules 2/3 Falls Match, which at least to me, was a class of how fantastic storytelling can be used and I genuinely thought that the match was one of the best if not the best 2 ou of 3 Falls I've ever seen in WWE.

Breathe people and start to see where is the appeal in professional wrestling, instead of being little kids complaining about futile things. This years WrestleMania sounds great and I just wish they can have at least one or two matches with the midcard guys specially The Shield, Big E. Langston and the amazing AJ Lee.
Ugh. Batista winning the Rumble would be such a letdown. I'd much rather see Punk win and face Cena for the title. That's not even the best option though, as Bryan winning and getting his retribution would be marvelous but I've given up on them correcting that miscue so the least they could do is give us a match with two guys who just work great together. I don't recall Batista and Orton ever having an exceptional match in the past, no reason to think it will be any better with a Batista with a four year layoff.

The idea of Cena vs. Bray Wyatt does intrigue me though. Not necessarily for the match but for the build.
Take Orton vs. Batista - you have two guys that started the exact same way and being groomed together to be the future of the company. Batista always had Orton's number as far as championship match between them go, but it was Orton who always got out on top by not once, but twice putting him out of competition for more than 4 months at a time. They have never closed a pay-per-view, but they have never fought a No Holds Barred type of match too. All their matches were average, not bad nor good, but to be fair, neither one of their matches were a straight out single match to see who's in fact better

So, you admit all of their matches were average but you don't understand why some are objecting? The Daniel Bryan argument is just plain smarky? Other than throwing around "smart" terms, could you please explain why the Daniel Bryan argument is "smarky" using facts?

Here is a fact: Daniel Bryan is over. He has been hugely popular since July of 2013, and arguably before that when "Team Hell No" got hot. How long does Daniel Bryan have to be over before WWE gives him a chance to run with the ball at the main event level?

And, Why should Batista just be handed a main event spot when he just got back in the door? I can hear the apathy ringing from the rafters as he points at the Wrestlemania sign now. You even admitted that all of the Batista - Orton matchups have been average, so the complaining is understandable.
What a pathetic card. Looks like I am selling my WM tickets. My thoughts below:

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton vs. Batista
-Great. A guy with a ego who has no care for the business but himself (and how to promote himself) walks back into the company and wins the RR. What is worse is that they bring back these PTs to relive old rivalries that no one cares about (see Brock vs Show).

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar
-I dont mind this but really pointless. We know Lesnar will lose and haven't we seen this already? Again, why waste a PTer? Give fans something new, even if it Brock vs Batista. Storyline would be easy, both want title shots. Bump into each other at RR, eliminate one another and then boom they fight. Batista is put over and is a instant contender after WM.

Only guy who should face Taker is Cena. Itis 30th WM, make it big.

Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus
-Speechless. What a pointless match. Being the most over star today, was a champion that had to battle the authority. Never gets his reward. Gets thrown to mid-card to elevate anotehr guy (which is not bad) but now is in the same mid-card with a guy who he has fought before multiple times? Again...why rehash! Wouldn't be surprised to see WWE logic that a Sheamus win will help him get over so we will let Sheamus win.

CM Punk vs. Triple H
-This is a good match. But as people said, it should be Bryan considering he was the one who had a year long beef with HHH and Punk just got thrown by him once.

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt
-Dont feel this is the best use of Cena. Biggest star vs a mid-card guy. Yes, Bray the future but this is not a WM match. Use it for extreme rules but not WM. Cena should be fighting Taker. Or even a D-Bry rematch (even if it wasn't for title) cause Cena could act like he has something to prove after his loss at SS. D-Bry wins, create wrestlemania YES moment and at least builds his stock for another REAL challenge.
I see a lot of morons complaining about "rematches" and even more complaining about the fact that "Daniel Bryan isn't the main event, therefore it sucks". Be smart for one instance yeah? Read this if you have one of the two symptoms above.

First of all this card seems to be one of the best cards in recent years as far as star power and potential show-stealers. I'm having difficulty in believing that WWE is indeed throwing out an event with five main event bouts anywhere in the world, so if that is the case I'm more than thrilled and excited for this. Starting to knock down the crappy "rematch" argument - if this is a rematch great, it means that they have a lot more story between them to develop and culminate.

Take Orton vs. Batista - you have two guys that started the exact same way and being groomed together to be the future of the company. Batista always had Orton's number as far as championship match between them go, but it was Orton who always got out on top by not once, but twice putting him out of competition for more than 4 months at a time. They have never closed a pay-per-view, but they have never fought a No Holds Barred type of match too. All their matches were average, not bad nor good, but to be fair, neither one of their matches were a straight out single match to see who's in fact better, with Orton being the guy that ran away or tried to disqualify himself. There is TONS of potential here for a storyline, put The Authority turning on Orton and Orton starting to lose it and you'll have a good feud that could culminate in one of the most memorable matches for both of them. (this is not even certain and there are idiots already complaining).

The Daniel Bryan argument is just pathetic smarky and brainless opinions. I like Daniel Bryan as much as the next man, I think he is one of the best workers in the roster easily and I think... HE'S FANTASTIC IN THE POSITION HE'S BEEN PUT... Why? Why would I want to see him main event WrestleMania, in yet another snoozefest against Randy Orton? To see him win, become WWE World Champion in the most predictable ending off them all? Also, there is at least seven other stars that are bigger (money wise) than Bryan to be used at the event, so why would Vince put him ahead of: "The Undertaker, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Batista, Randy Orton, Triple H and CM Punk"? I love the fact that Bryan could be going after Sheamus next and avenge his 18 second loss. That is a story right there that never really had an ending - and now with Sheamus probably returning as an heel, the potential storyline could go places that nobody fully expects. David Meltzer gave Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus a 4 star rating in their Extreme Rules 2/3 Falls Match, which at least to me, was a class of how fantastic storytelling can be used and I genuinely thought that the match was one of the best if not the best 2 ou of 3 Falls I've ever seen in WWE.

Breathe people and start to see where is the appeal in professional wrestling, instead of being little kids complaining about futile things. This years WrestleMania sounds great and I just wish they can have at least one or two matches with the midcard guys specially The Shield, Big E. Langston and the amazing AJ Lee.

You said that
"neither one of their matches were a straight out single match to see who's in fact better"
but thats why people would want to see daniel bryan vs orton... so they can face off in a 1v1 match with a clean finish. And you talk about the built in story for orton vs batista, but thats and old rehash while daniel bryan and orton really have unfinished buisness. There was never a true cap to there fued.

You also talk about the daniel bryan winning the title being too predictable. But there are plenty of other mania matches that were predictable that were the best possible choice. Stone cold winning at wm 14 and 15, shawn winning at 12, bret winning at 10, hell even batista winning at 21. Just because you can predict the outcome, doesn't mean it shouldn't be done.

Last i have to comment on you saying you like daniel bryan as much as the next guy. Obviously you don't as he is the most over guy in wwe and the majority would like to see him at the top (and you can tell that by the crowd reaction each week). And he needs to finally get that spot, or the people will lose faith in him. Very few people have gotten as over as daniel bryan is right now. Bryan being in a mid card match would make no sense at this point. Its like putting austin in a mid card match at wm 14.
I guarantee u that this will not be the card for Wmxxx. Because, it's absolutely weird. I can say that this card is just the usage of great potential in an ineffecient manner. The card for WM should be exciting, which can attract people to watch the show. And there is nothing exciting about these matches:
1) Bryan vs Sheamus.
2) John cena vs Bray.
3) Undertaker vs Brock.
4) Batista vs Randy.
Huh, I nearly wrote all matches.
Nothing is exciting about them.
Hate the rumoured card. Hope its just a swerve.

Besides Taker vs Lesnar, rest of them looks medicore. Like its missing that second top mega match to complete the mania card.

HHH vs Punk
Taker vs Lesnar
Cena vs Bray Wyatt
Bryan vs Sheamus
Batista vs Orton

This would be the best card wwe can book IMO. But i doubt wwe will book it.

Cena vs Taker - 1st headliner
Lesnar vs Batista - 2nd headliner
HHH vs Punk (seed has been planted. Pretty sure wwe is going for it)
Orton vs Bryan in stipulation match for wwe title (this match up has been done to death. It needs a stipulation to make up for it)
I still think that Bryan v. Wyatt is money at WM. I think you have them fight in a singles match at Rumble, have it be a cheap win for Wyatt, have the 3 Wyatts, Bryan and 2 others in an EC match with Bryan coming out on top, but because of others, and culminate with Bryan v. Wyatt at WMXXX, with Bryan going over clean for control of the family.

Bryan v. Orton doesn't sound good to me because in my opinion, Bryan isn't good enough to be the champ. The whole "You're a B" work from the Authority was actually more of a shoot. He doesn't have the mic skills, the look, or the size. I just can't see him being the champion.

Daniel Bryan is a really solid midcarder, but nothing more. There is a lot of forced pop behind his Yes! chant and his whole underdog thing, and they can either let it dwindle while he gets overwhelmed as a main eventer, or they can use it and put it towards other talent as well.
The only matches i want to see there is Brock vs. Taker, other than that, what a crappy bunch on matches. There's no way i'm ordering WrestleMania if those are the top matches.

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