Report: Roman Reigns *POSSIBLY* Suffers Severe Injury


A couple of reports have come out over the course of today suggesting that Shield member Roman Reigns MAY have suffered a torn triceps muscle during the course of The Shield's match with Evolution. During the Payback post-show last night, Reigns himself mentioned that he may have suffered the injury, though there's speculation that it was just hype to go along with selling the effects of the match. There were some fan reports from last night after the show was over, they were hoping to shoot some photos, and they mention that Roman Reigns was clearly in some sort of pain.

There hasn't been any sort of official word from WWE concerning this. Since nearly 1:50 pm EST, I'd have thought WWE would've officially commented on it by now if the injury was legit. If it is legit, then it's shitty luck for Reigns. The Shield have a ton of momentum and WWE's made the most out of elevating them while Daniel Bryan's been on the shelf dealing with his neck issue.
Personally, I think it's a work to continue selling the match. However, I would not be shocked if he was hurt. He took a hell of a beating last night.

His stock will continue to rocket upward.

I look forward toward the direction the E takes The Shield now
I really hope this is just a work. He definitely took a beating last night. I cringed when they zoomed in on his back. IF this is legit, then perversely I'd be really interested to see what direction they go in with The Shield. But obviously I hope he's completely fine and that their momentum carries on!
Last nights match,was a one helluva of a battle.. Quite violent,and Roman took a tremendous beating at the hands of Evolution.. If he is indeed injured legit wise,then that does suck.. The shield have so much momentum if its torn,hopefully its just a partial torn triceps not a full blown one! I hope he is ok
Aging football player, I'm sure he's not as loose and stretched out like a lot of the guys are who have been wrestling and been going through holds their whole lifes. I predict he will be injury prone, not crazy, but he'll get banged up about as much as a guy like John Cena does. Meaning he'll be on the shelf for sure for a month or so every 2 years. Just my predictions and feelings.

I believe the injury is most likely legit, why would they work a torn tricep? That's not a cool injury to work.. how you gonna benefit from that? Feud him with Del Rio? I just don't see the point of it being a work, but anything could be possible with the WWE. If it is a work, I just feel it's un-needed.. The Shield don't need a B.S. injury angle while they are the rulers of the world.... they need some threats to emerge that try to take them off the top of the hill... without any cheesy injury help.
personally, i dont think he did. simply because after the ppv went off, on the post-show thing, the shield stayed in the ring for a good 5 minutes celebrating and tearing shit up. taking the other table apart, throwing chairs, so on and so forth. i cant say i remember what reighs did personally, but i know he was right there with ambrose and rollins and didnt seem injured. he was carrying on just fine.
Nothing has been reported so the most probable scenario here is that he is just selling the match, which was in fact brutal. Even if he is injured though, it doesn't seem like a serious injury. A torn tricep isn't like a neck/spine injury. He can still get in the ring, do a couple of things etc, while his tag partner(s) do most of the work.

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